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Biker Chicks Unite

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I am so totally not a biker chick, but I said I'd break up the monotony a bit. So here goes.


If you are, either in real life or in a personal fantasy, a biker chick would you go for a ride on your motorcycle without your helmet if your state allowed such action legally?


Me, I have before ridden without a helmet, but I would never do it again.

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The only time I've ridden on a motorcycle I did not wear a helmet. I've never worn a helmet but I think the closed in feeling would make me insane. DH is the only one I would ever trust to ride with, if he ever gets a bike again I'm not sure what I'd do about the helmet thing.

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With a helmet. Although I allow my kids to bike on the sidewalk without a helmet. Biking on streets requires a helmet as does roller blading or skateboarding. My 15yo is dying to ride her skateboard all over the city but I refuse to let her. I told her, "Until you are 18 and I no longer have any control over your risk-taking, skateboarding is for recreation, not transportation." Oh boy did that tick her off.


My lines seem arbitrary, I know. But I think it comes down to amount of risk vs. independence and convenience. As does much in parenting, I suppose.



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Well, when I was young and stupid, I rode without a helment but I most certainly would not do that now nor would I allow anyone I know and love to do it. I don't care if they are adult, I will beat them to within an inch of their lives and they won't be able to ride at all. I may be a tiny, little woman but you don't wanta' mess with me when I am all in a dander. :glare:

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Feeling the need to answer here because I live in Daytona Beach and it's the last day of Bike Week.:D


I have never driven a bike but have been on the back of bikes with a helmet only. I cannot fathom not wearing one. I see the Bikers here without helmets and CRINGE however I see more and more helmets every year! Yay!


Slightly OT (because I'm punchy tired) FWIW, the biker chicks here are for the most part OLDER. I think the whole biker generation here is older in general. There are younger guys and girls are usually on those little crotch rockets or driving/hanging around really cool choppers. Many of the popular vendors here are custom bike vendors. When I moved here almost 7 years ago I was shocked by the ages (older) during Bike Week. I was even more shocked by the prices...Harleys and custom choppers are NOT cheap. My husband laughs that a lot of these Bikers are 9-5 business people who are having a "Wild Hogs" (Travolta movie) moment.

Edited by cjbeach
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FWIW, the biker chicks here are for the most part OLDER. I think the whole biker generation here is older in general. There are younger guys and girls are usually on those little crotch rockets or driving/hanging around really cool choppers. Many of the popular vendors here are custom bike vendors. When I moved here almost 7 years ago I was shocked by the ages (older) during Bike Week. I was even more shocked by the prices...Harleys and custom choppers are NOT cheap. My husband laughs that a lot of these Bikers are 9-5 business people who are having a "Wild Hogs" (Travolta movie) moment.


My French teacher in highschool was the most prim, proper, perfect example of womanhood you could imagine. Perfect Madame Hood - who wore her black leather pants and bustier every weekend out on her Harley with her husband. She was absolutely fabulous.


My parents want to grow up to be hippies. I want to grow up to be a biker chick - with a helmet.

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Dh is a biker- he has a Harley. I dont have my own bike, but I ride on his with him, all in black. Its kind of fun because it's so NOT me.

I wouldn't ride without a helmet, beause I like to take all precautions for my safety, for my children. However, dh would ride without a helmet if he could get away with it.

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I used to be - kinda. I sold my motorcycle when I was pregnant with my first child. I was so excited to finally be pregnant and in "risk reduction" mode. BTW, it was not a Harley (I never made enough money for that, but have drooled over/on a few).


I never rode without a helmet and never would because, frankly, I'm not that good looking, not rich, don't have a great body - my brain is the only thing I have going for me and I wouldn't want to damage it.


I am, however, opposed to mandatory helmet laws.


My children are not allowed to ride bicycles without helmets.

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I always wear a helmet.


(btw, I'm not a biker chick. My parents ride. Sometimes we go with them. I kinda thought we may get a pair after kids leave. But maybe not. I guessed I'm intrigued that my mom who freaked as my father took us 3-wheeling for years when we were young, married someone so into motorcycles and even goes regularly herself.)

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I wouldn't ride without a helmet, beause I like to take all precautions for my safety, for my children. However, dh would ride without a helmet if he could get away with it.

:iagree:Although I would love to have my hair flowing out behind me as we ride into the sunset, I will have to save the hair-flowing for the fantasty, and the helmet for reality.

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I'm the really bad momma here, no helmet. Go figure, two degrees, and still don't wear one. We have a Harley, BMW, and of course "the crotch-rocket." Dd, rides, and wears her helmet religiously. She'll be getting her first dirt-bike when she turns thirteen. But mind you, she's been riding dh's dirt-bikes since she's been about seven-years-old (riding w/him or riding the three-wheeler). We live in the desert, I know, lame excuse!!! Love riding, and been riding for over 12-years. Yep, Sturgis Mama!!! My poor Mom can't figure what happen to her one and only dd. Guess it just has to do (at least for me) being raised amongst many boys.



No helmet w/horses!! Unless of course your riding English.

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Helmets are ugly and uncomfortable, but I would rather endure that than brain damage. I've never been on a motorcycle without a helmet (even in high school all the boys I knew insisted passengers wear a helmet) and I don't plan to ever ride one without a helmet.


But I do agree with another poster: I am opposed to mandatory helmet and seat belt laws.

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Was that bandannas or Banderas as in Antonio Banderas.


Both!!!! He is definitely yummy. Although, dh resembles my all time favorite, Sam Elliot!!! Swaggers just like him, but dh has long pretty hair, one of his many attributes that caught my eye some ten years ago. Then it was all history for Antonio. LOL.


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Was that bandannas or Banderas as in Antonio Banderas.


Both!!!! He is definitely yummy. Although, dh resembles my all time favorite, Sam Elliot!!! Swaggers just like him, but dh has long pretty hair, one of his many attributes that caught my eye some ten years ago. Then it was all history for Antonio. LOL.



LOL about Antonio. That's so sweet about your dh. :)

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I've done it :p It was off the beaten track and I did fall off, but we were going very sloow. It was the first time I'd ever ridden on a bike.


Dh and I LOVE LOVE LOVE taking Suzi (his Suzuki) out. We've started taking all night trips whenever Mom keeps the kids. So, we drop em' off, hop on Suzi and drive as far as we can get before midnight/one. Then we have breakfast, stretch and head home. We usually get here a little after sunrise, so we head to the coffee shop and get more breakfast :lol: then drive home and take a nap before we have to gather the kids again.


It's great.

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The last time I took a good long ride on DH motorcyle was the day we having baby boy #1. WE are so looking forward to the day we can tour the NW on a goldwing. There were so many motorcylist going through the Tetons across the Dakotas....sigh Some day we can enjoy that also.

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Dh rides dirt bikes and a custom street bike. Always with a helmet. I haven't ridden with him since kids complicated matters, but it would definitely be with a helmet.


As a Libertarian-type-person, I am not in favor of helmet laws (or seatbelt laws, either), but I think a helmet is a must and I always wear a seatbelt. When I worked in a law firm, I saw scene-of-the-accident photos from a motorcycle accident without helmets. That pretty much cleared up any uncertainty I might have harbored. Heads look nicer attached and in one piece.

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The last time I took a good long ride on DH motorcyle was the day we having baby boy #1. WE are so looking forward to the day we can tour the NW on a goldwing. There were so many motorcylist going through the Tetons across the Dakotas....sigh Some day we can enjoy that also.

We were planning on heading out west for our ten-year anniversary, but our funds disappeared :(


Now the aim is for our 15 year anniversary, the kids should be old enough that we could go longer than a week (the original plan)... I can't wait!

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That pretty much cleared up any uncertainty I might have harbored. Heads look nicer attached and in one piece.

Oh, I know. I've worked enough wrecks to see what happens when seat belts and helmets are not worn. But I'd defend someone's right to make the decision on his own not to utilize either.


I wonder what that says about us that simple safety precautions have to be mandated by law. Is this just a phenomenon that occurs in the US or do most humans have to be told they must wear a helmet or seat belt by law?

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Never without helmet.


But, that's because I'm an off-road Biker Chick. :D


My dad got me started at a young age. Dh first gift to me was a KDX so I could participate on the bike trips with him and his brother & dad.


My fav. bike was a Honda 175 with an electic start. My dad preferred Kawasaki, and DH is into Yamaha.



. . . . . and then we had kids. No bikes now for either of us. But we do have 3 snowmobiles in the garage.

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