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Tea frequency and UTI type pain?

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I don't know of anywhere else to ask this, so here goes:


dh returned Sunday after a 2 month long deployment (which seemed like forever to us!) and.....I'm in pain. I've noticed that when we have daily Teatime that I tend to have some pain. Is there anything that other daily tea-makers do to lessen the pain? I'm talking about UTI-type pain.


Yes, I empty my bladder before and after. Anything else?

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Yeah, lubrication is SOOO not a problem, so it's not that. It's more like the saucer hadn't been used in a coupla months and was not used to being sipped from....so to speak. :001_huh:


But, seriously, even when he was home and it was much more frequent...there were pain issues. Are we just not made for daily and more than once daily frequency? At some point can Tea be bad for a body if consumed 2 or 3 times in one day? That just doesn't seem right. :glare:

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Hrm...speaking strictly as one who's in the same type of long-distance...

Even though it *felt* like lubrication wasn't a problem, using it anyway really helped with the pain issues. It also got a lot better after a couple of weeks.


YMMV. :)

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Yeah, lubrication is SOOO not a problem, so it's not that. It's more like the saucer hadn't been used in a coupla months and was not used to being sipped from....so to speak. :001_huh:


But, seriously, even when he was home and it was much more frequent...there were pain issues. Are we just not made for daily and more than once daily frequency? At some point can Tea be bad for a body if consumed 2 or 3 times in one day? That just doesn't seem right. :glare:


When was your last visit to the dr.? I ask b/c sometimes this is a sign of infection. I had a GI infection one time that this was my only symptom...pain at tea time.

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I had a thorough check up right when he was home and that issue presented itself and she said that 'sometimes this happens', but wasn't really all that helpful about prevention other than "don't do it so much". :001_huh: <---which is like saying, "even though you are really, really hungry.......don't eat!"

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I had this problem when we went on a vacation alone. My doctor said that a lot of "tea" can cause a UTI or beginnings of one. Once our vacation was over, it seemed to clear up since tea wasn't on the menu as much.


yep. I believe it is called "honeymoon cystitis" :D. Treat it as you would treat a UTI. And if there are no more long breaks between tea times you should be fine.

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It's actually better to drink a big glass of water before, rather than emptying the bladder. Then after, don't empty the bladder until you have to go pretty badly. What you want is a strong stream *after* the act of tea. This will wash out any critters.


One of the big mistakes many women make is to go before teatime and then right after dribble a little urine. It's much better to wait until you really have to go. And it's better to help it along with lots of water so that you go as soon as possible after.


I used to get UTIs a *lot*. Once I changed to doing things this way they stopped. I read about it in a book about 20 years ago.


I hope you feel better soon. What I described above won't help much if you already have a UTI, but it can help to prevent them in the future.

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You've already gotten all the advice I'd have given (but isn't the post-deployment time FUN???)


I just wanted to say that I've never heard it called "Tea Time" before.


I could use a cuppa....


Oh Kari, my dear....welcome to WTM. We really should have a "WTM Lingo" sticky for newcomers....it could be a sort of WTM Dictionary :D


Tea = well, you've obviously figured that one out ;)


Do you know about booKs? and booKshelves? and the ever present husbanKs


:D :lol: :D


welcome to our world!


and to the OP, I'm amazed at the idea of daily tea time :001_huh: Boy do I feel old!! At this point, we're lucky to manage once a MONTH! ;)

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Many women get a UTI from intercourse. Some take a small dose of an antibiotic on the days they have had relations to prevent the UTI from getting a real foot hold and becoming a raging UTI(yes, it can also be taken daily). Depending on how you are made, some bacteria are traveling where you don't want them and your body is being a very hospitable host. It has nothing to do with cleanliness, it is just the normal bacteria that live on every one's skin.


Call your gyn and ask if they would treat you accordingly. They may want to do an exam, to rule out other things but just know that this complaint isn't uncommon and is easily treated.

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I used to get lots of UTIs from tea. All the time. It was really putting a crimp in our style!


To solve the problem, we do not have tea facing each other. Facing each other caused UTI areas to be ... gee, I can't think of a word ... maybe contaminated? I make sure that dh is no where near the UTI area, and everything is fine.


It still puts a bit of a crimp in our style, but I haven't had a UTI in years. I read in a magazine that they're working on a vaccine for UTIs. I almost cried when I read that. What a relief it would be to have a permanent solution to the problem.

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I read in a magazine that they're working on a vaccine for UTIs. I almost cried when I read that. What a relief it would be to have a permanent solution to the problem.
I'm going to hope and pray that you're right, because that would seriously change my life.


You don't want to hear this, but we just have to keep it to every other day at most. I get UTIs ridiculously easily :( and even with all precautions, tea every day will give me one.

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Wow, I would hate to have to take abx every.single.day for the rest of my life. ugh.


I KNOW it's not cleanliness. My teapot is so clean you could eat off of it....so to speak.


I will try the super-hydration and strong pee after and see how that goes.



Thanks for all the responses and not telling me to JUST DON'T DO IT. (which would be the Anti-Nike Slogan, I guess?)

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I find a gently brewing dose of thrush is very hard to distinguish from a UTI. It's not until it becomes a raging inferno down there that its clearly one and not the other, perhaps check in a mirror for redness?



Again, a yeast infection is one of those things you can pass back and forth. You both need to be tested and/or treated.

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Again, a yeast infection is one of those things you can pass back and forth. You both need to be tested and/or treated.


If this is the cause, the best way is to treat it is to medicate simultaneously; allowing dh to distribute the med in a more thorough manner. Apply the med to yourself and then let nature take is course. You may want to put a towel down, as it can get a bit messy.


(I hope that is clear, as I am trying to be as nondescript as possible for the more sensitive among us)

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Dh was seriously irritated by doing this. I guess he must be sensitive. No medicine with our tea here!



If this is the cause, the best way is to treat it is to medicate simultaneously; allowing dh to distribute the med in a more thorough manner. Apply the med to yourself and then let nature take is course. You may want to put a towel down, as it can get a bit messy.


(I hope that is clear, as I am trying to be as nondescript as possible for the more sensitive among us)

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Um forgive this moment of too much information....I had such a dilemma for months . Hundreds of dollars of tests invasive and darn right uncomfortable. Too clean is NOT a good thing. No soap . Yep after truly thousands of dollars it was caused by soap. The darn thing has served me well and I am ready for it to dry up and go away like an origami bird. Meanopause is just not any fun . I am also on an antibiotic for the rare occasions when tea is interesting. I think I would rather take up fencing or archery . :lol:

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Um forgive this moment of too much information....I had such a dilemma for months . Hundreds of dollars of tests invasive and darn right uncomfortable. Too clean is NOT a good thing. No soap .

Yep, definitely no soap. I have the same issue with soap. Plain ol water is just dandy for cleaning up tea cups and saucers.

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When we would go through periods of lots of tea, this would happen. I could actually get UTIs. Take some superstrong cranberry supplements (I always keep some at home). When things are more "regular" the problem tends to disappear.

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This is actually for common, so common in fact that there is a name for it - honeymoon cystis. It is happens when you go from a period of little to no tea to having tea frequently which used to mostly happen during the honeymoon period. Now days it happens for all sorts of reasons. The cause is that if you rubbed the same area vigorously and repeatedly it will become abraded. Well, when you add urine on top of that, not pleasant. The raw skin also gives a opening space for any bacteria lurking nearby to enter the bloodstream and cause an infection.


You received a lot of good suggestions here: drink a full glass of water before hand, lubricate the outside aread thoroughly, pee afterwards and then wash the area or even better take a bath and soak the sore tissue. Maybe change the position so as to not put so much friction on that area and slow down a bit. I frequently find that the strength of the tea is directionly preportional to the amount of time it is allowed to stew (so more the time between cups the better). Also wouldn't hurt to add a probiotic to your supplements and be sure to drink plenty of water on a regular basis. They also make an over the counter cream that will numb the area which may help some. I have found that if I do all of these things I can keep not only bladder but other kinds of infection down to a rare occassion whereas it used to be a monthly problem.


If you continue to have problems after implementing all these changes, ask your doctor about IC.


Oh and you women who are talking about once a day or even more than once a day on a regular basis, I can't even imagine. :001_huh:

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Oh Kari, my dear....welcome to WTM. We really should have a "WTM Lingo" sticky for newcomers....it could be a sort of WTM Dictionary :D


Tea = well, you've obviously figured that one out ;)


Do you know about booKs? and booKshelves?


Ok, those I know, but this one has me stumped.:confused: Someone please enlighten me!

and the ever present husbanKs


:D :lol: :D

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I don't know of anywhere else to ask this, so here goes:


dh returned Sunday after a 2 month long deployment (which seemed like forever to us!) and.....I'm in pain. I've noticed that when we have daily Teatime that I tend to have some pain. Is there anything that other daily tea-makers do to lessen the pain? I'm talking about UTI-type pain.


Yes, I empty my bladder before and after. Anything else?


My doctor once called that "honeymoon-itis." It probably is a UTI. CRANBERRY juice tablets...loads of water....and more water and more cranberry. If it keeps up, you may need an anti-biotic.


Glad your dh is home and you have time for TEA :lol:


Just don't over do...slow and steady wins the race.



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It's actually better to drink a big glass of water before, rather than emptying the bladder. Then after, don't empty the bladder until you have to go pretty badly. What you want is a strong stream *after* the act of tea. This will wash out any critters.


One of the big mistakes many women make is to go before teatime and then right after dribble a little urine. It's much better to wait until you really have to go. And it's better to help it along with lots of water so that you go as soon as possible after.


I used to get UTIs a *lot*. Once I changed to doing things this way they stopped. I read about it in a book about 20 years ago.


I hope you feel better soon. What I described above won't help much if you already have a UTI, but it can help to prevent them in the future.


:iagree: as a chronic sufferer of UTI's...And having once had the same issues you have. Ouch!

Also drinking a dilution of apple cider vinegar rather than cranberry juice is much more effective for me. You would have to drink straight cranberry anyway; the normal stuff sold at the grocery store is full of sugar and only makes it worse.



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:iagree: as a chronic sufferer of UTI's...And having once had the same issues you have. Ouch!

Also drinking a dilution of apple cider vinegar rather than cranberry juice is much more effective for me. You would have to drink straight cranberry anyway; the normal stuff sold at the grocery store is full of sugar and only makes it worse.





How much do you dilute the apple cider vinegar? Do you drink it everyday? I would be willing to drink it everyday if it would keep this away. (Hey! that rhymes!)


Today is better, but I would like to be more proactive so I don't have pain again.

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Others have made good suggestions, but one thing you might try is making tea from different positions. I have had regular UTI's and cystitis and urethritis (sp?) in which the little urethra itself was irritated/aggravated and certain positions particularly irritated it. Sorry you have to go through this, I went through it for years and then all of sudden never had a problem again.

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How much do you dilute the apple cider vinegar? Do you drink it everyday? I would be willing to drink it everyday if it would keep this away. (Hey! that rhymes!)


Today is better, but I would like to be more proactive so I don't have pain again.


Well, this isn't very scientific but I dilute it to the point where it is bearable to drink, lol. Maybe a 1:3 dilution?? I'm sure you could find better info online. ;)


I did drink it every day for that first week but now only if needed. My poor husband thinks I am a loony, lol, BUT I have not had a UTI since. I also forgot to mention that I now take D-Mannose, too. I ordered it the same time I tried the ACV and when it came I was ok. I tried it later though and it works very well, too. (It's probably better for your teeth too. I rinse with water asap after drinking the vinegar.)


The last straw came 'cause I had been on antibiotics 3 times in 3 months and it was getting no better. This wasn't burning et. - it was pain. The thought of tea was unbearable, lol. So after trying every other remedy I could find, I took some water bottles filled with diluted ACV to a 3 day, all day meeting I was going to and the relief was immediate.


Sometimes you just have to experiment. :D



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Ok, those I know, but this one has me stumped.:confused: Someone please enlighten me!


This is due to a hilarious typo many moons ago, in which a poster was trying to refer to her husband but called him her husbank instead. There is no logic to it so don't try to figure it out. Just go with it. :tongue_smilie:

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