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Pretty much the hospital gown with each one. The one exception was ds6, I prefered to spend time in the shower when I labored with him, so I spent 2/3 of my labor nude. Considering the whole thing start to finish was only 3 hours, it really wasn't that long to care how I was dressed. I never labored with 1, just a section when my water broke, so I know I did not have much of anything on for that one too.

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With my first, I wore this t-shirt from United Blood Services that my dh got for free for giving blood. I got to triage and the nurse told me to get undressed. I yelled at her that I couldn't and she said, "You're going to get your shirt dirty." I laughed at her. Then, my midwife ran in and yelled at her for wasting time. That shirt finally became a rag just last month.


With my 2nd, I was in the tub for most of my labor so, they put me in a hospital gown when I got out. Trust me, in labor, I never cared how I looked or who saw me.

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With my 2nd, I was in the tub for most of my labor so, they put me in a hospital gown when I got out. Trust me, in labor, I never cared how I looked or who saw me.




With my first, it was hospital gowns all the way because I was stuck in bed for two days straight.


With my second, I spent weeks looking for the perfect sports bra/bathing suit top because I was determined to labor in the water until the last possible minute. My mother kept laughing and saying that I wouldn't care what I was wearing when the time came and that the janitor could come in and mop around me and I wouldn't notice. I finally found the sports bra that worked and had it in my bag for the hospital. Of course, when we got there I was in the full swing of labor. When they finally said I could get in the water, I just about ripped off every stitch I was wearing and threw myself in :lol: The phlebotomist came in, pretty late to the game, and asked if she could take blood and I was all, "Sure! What does it matter at this point?!" She was kind of freaked out by my nudity and very vocal laboring, but just like my mom promised, I didn't care at all :lol: I came out of the water shuddering with cold and transition though, so I ended up bundled with towels and numerous gowns when all was said and done. It wasn't until I unpacked that hospital bag weeks later that I found that stupid bra!

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My mother kept laughing and saying that I wouldn't care what I was wearing when the time came and that the janitor could come in and mop around me and I wouldn't notice.


By the time my first was born women who were planning on giving birth without epidurals were becoming less common, and I swear they hauled in every student nurse in the building to watch the show. I'm quite modest, but I didn't give two hoots when the time came.


I wore hospital gowns with all three.

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With my first two, I wore hospital gowns. I was all for bleeding on their stuff, not mine. I wasn't there long enough to care, to tell you the truth - 6 hours (after 12 hours laboring at home) and 3 hours with my 2nd. With my last, at home, I started out in my nightgown (labor started around 4:30 am), but that came off within the hour. My daughter was born in my blissful, but small bathtub 2 hours after that first "what I thought was braxton-hicks" contraction that woke me up.

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With my first, it was hospital gowns all the way because I was stuck in bed for two days straight.


With my second, I spent weeks looking for the perfect sports bra/bathing suit top because I was determined to labor in the water until the last possible minute. My mother kept laughing and saying that I wouldn't care what I was wearing when the time came and that the janitor could come in and mop around me and I wouldn't notice. I finally found the sports bra that worked and had it in my bag for the hospital. Of course, when we got there I was in the full swing of labor. When they finally said I could get in the water, I just about ripped off every stitch I was wearing and threw myself in :lol: The phlebotomist came in, pretty late to the game, and asked if she could take blood and I was all, "Sure! What does it matter at this point?!" She was kind of freaked out by my nudity and very vocal laboring, but just like my mom promised, I didn't care at all :lol: I came out of the water shuddering with cold and transition though, so I ended up bundled with towels and numerous gowns when all was said and done. It wasn't until I unpacked that hospital bag weeks later that I found that stupid bra!


That's so great! When the phlebotomist tried to take my blood I SCREAMED at him, "NOW IS NOT THE TIME!!!" He said, "OK." and left. He came back 5 min later in between contractions and I apologized. He said, "Happens all the time.":lol:

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W/ my 1st, I was shocked to end up w/ nothing. :blink:


W/ #2, I bought a nightgown. Full-length, past my calves, nightgown. And I had plenty of time to put it on because, while my labor was only 19 min w/ that one, most of that 19 min was spent w/ dh convincing mw not to send me home because he was scared to have to end up delivering the baby himself. Wise man.


W/ #3, everybody knew I had fast labors, & the mw happily met dh & me in the middle of the night & told us to simply get comfortable & call her fr the other rm when it was time. So I got to wear the same nightgown, as if it were special. (It is!)


W/ #4 (my 2nd boy), I ended up in nothing again! :glare: My water broke, & 24 hrs later, I hadn't started labor, so mw was really trying to get things going so we wouldn't have to transfer to the hospital. It was my only birth slow enough to have an assistant, & I tell you, I never lost a drop of inhibition. I remember trying hard not to look dh, mw, or assist in the eye while I was in labor & thinking, gosh. They're all just standing in a circle around the bed, STARING. Couldn't they go DO something? Watch tv or play a game? :lol:


But I decided to pretend like I didn't notice because I was too involved in having a baby because, ultimately, that was the best stab I had at modesty, given the circumstances. You know, if your skirt rips off in the parking lot, you hold your head high, walk to your car, & drive away. When no one's looking, you hide under your bed & die of embarrassment, but NOT until no one's looking! :lol:

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That's so great! When the phlebotomist tried to take my blood I SCREAMED at him, "NOW IS NOT THE TIME!!!" He said, "OK." and left. He came back 5 min later in between contractions and I apologized. He said, "Happens all the time.":lol:




I remember trying hard not to look dh, mw, or assist in the eye while I was in labor & thinking, gosh. They're all just standing in a circle around the bed, STARING. Couldn't they go DO something? Watch tv or play a game?


:lol: When I was laboring in the tub, I was nearly senseless, and my ctx were coming hard, right on top of one another. I had just about reached the "I made mistake, I can't do this!!!" place, and my MW's phone fell in the water. She and my DH spent what felt like an hour calmly discussing how she could get it to work again, friends whose phones had gotten soaked and how they got them to work again, how long she'd have to let it dry out, what she could to get it replaced, etc. I was so lost in labor I could hardly form words, but I remember thinking, "I can't believe this is happening! Hello!!! In labor here! How about a little support?!"


You know, if your skirt rips off in the parking lot, you hold your head high, walk to your car, & drive away. When no one's looking, you hide under your bed & die of embarrassment, but NOT until no one's looking! :lol:



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I wear a tight clingy longish t-shirt. I feel covered on top, but don't have loose *material* to deal with (of all things!) at a time when I don't want to deal with anything but the task at hand.


A three piece suit but it got a little uncomfortable after a while and I changed into the hospital gown.

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I can't remember what I wore - probably a big t-shirt.


But I will never forget what the NURSES wore! They were all dressed as CLOWNS! And my dr. was wearing a fake nose and glasses!


DS18 was born very very early in the morning on November 1st. LOL!


OH MY GOSH! :lol: This thread is cracking me up!


I think I've mostly done hospital gowns, though I ended up with nothing but a bra with my 2nd from the pics. It was as modest as a sports bra. I'll be able to labor in the tub this time around, so I'll probably bring a bathing suit top. With my first 2, I was already in active labor by the time I got to the hospital, so I wasn't walking the halls or anything.


Why in the world were you ladies getting blood drawn during labor? Am I totally blanking? I don't remember that at all!

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Why in the world were you ladies getting blood drawn during labor? Am I totally blanking? I don't remember that at all!


You know, dh and I were talking about that last night. I remember the phlebotomist from my first (obviously :lol:), but I don't remember them doing it for my 2nd. I think it was for typing because you're technically being "admitted" at that point. When you have surgery, they take blood and run tests to check for pregnancy etc, but they also type it in case you need a transfusion. We think that with our 2nd they did this before labor, on one of the last visits, but we can't remember.


It sure makes more sense to do it before labor, doesn't it?

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I wore a hospital gown and my robe when I was walking around. With my third, I decided to try the showe at some point so I ended up naked. I stayed in there three hours and refused to come out. My Midwife and DH just stood at the bathroom door and chatted, every once in a while asking me if I needed anything. NO!! LEAVE ME ALONE! Was my answer. After a couple of hours, my midwife rolled the fetal monitor machine in and checked the baby's heart beat. Eventually, my water broke - I could actually tell!- and the midwife checked me. I was at 10 and felt like pushing so I walked right out of the shower stark naked, crawled up onto the bed dripping wet and pushed for three minutes. Voila! Baby! I have no recolection of how I eventually ended up dressed or when. It was my FAVORITE birth!

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My last baby was born at home. It was July, so I wore a sports bra with a tank top over it, and stretchy maternity pants. I had a waterbirth, so when it came time to get into the pool, I just kept on my sports bra (just couldn't quite go all the way nude). :001_smile:


I'm so jealous of those of you who were actually able to birth in the water. I could labor in the water but had to get out to deliver. IMO, there's nothing crueler than making a woman who has just hit transition get OUT of a nice hot bath and SIT DOWN IN A WHEELCHAIR to go deliver in another room *sigh*


ETA: Oh, I missed that you had a homebirth. DH was just not going for that, and we couldn't afford it at the time anyway (not covered by insurance). That's one of my bigger regrets from my two birthing experiences!

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