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If you have a 2+ story house, do you have children sleeping on a different level...

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I'm not comfy with it for me and mine...my 7yo has asthma though and I worry about him needing a breathing treatment and not being able to make the stairs in an emergency. He gets me out of bed atleast 2x per mo for a treatment.


Otherwise, my main worry would be an intruder have greater access to the kids if I were on a different level...so I would probably do it.

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We've been on separate floors since the youngest was 2. It has never been a problem at all -- in fact, I really like it! -- but our house is small and I could easily hear them anywhere in the house, if they were to call out. Otherwise, I suppose I might have been nervous (but the baby monitor would help with that). I also don't think I'd have felt okay leaving her up there all alone, but she was sharing a room with ds who was almost 5 when we started that system.


My kids slept in my room when they were babies, but now that they're older, I love the additional privacy and the fact that I can be up and around in the evenings doing things around the house without worrying too much about keeping them up.

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You all have been very reassuring. :) We just might be able to work this out. Still going to be a little tricky. I hate having a small house sometimes...


I think my main concern was with a house fire and not being able to get to the kids and having them not be old enough to get out the window on their own, but I'm paranoid like that, LOL. I remember sharing a room with my little sister (on the same level and right next door to my parents) and being worried about the responsibility of getting her out of the room in case of fire. Maybe just left-over psychological issues from my childhood. :)

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We have a large house. The master is downstairs, towards the back of the house, and our two sons share a room upstairs towards the front of the house. Our bedrooms are as far apart as they could possibly be but that room was the only room that we could really put them in.


We have had this arrangement since they came home from Russia at 14 and 15.5 months old. We have a monitor in their room and I keep one of the speakers next to my bed and the other in the kitchen. The boys are now almost 4.5 years old and I still use the one next to my bed at night.


We have never had an issue. When they were younger, I always heard them if they woke up with a problem and I went to them. Now, if they wake up wet, they come to me.


I was starting to think I didn't need the monitor anymore but then one of my sons had a bad dream, not too long after going to sleep, and woke up all confused and crying. This happened twice within a month or two. So I have decided to keep using the monitor for a bit longer.


Good luck.

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The children have been on different floors in the last three houses. In one house we were upstairs and the kids were downstairs, in the another the kids were up stairs and we were downstairs. In this one most of us are upstairs but one room is downstairs. My youngest two are patiently waiting for the next oldest one to leave so that they can have the bedrooms they want. I am looking forward to the day I can have a little house again.

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We have a four bedroom house, but two of the bedrooms are upstairs, and the others are in the (finished) basement.


My kids are 6 and 4.5. I would really like it if both kids could have their own room. We've discovered that the "sleep needs" of my kids are very different. One can't sleep with light. The other is TERRIFIED of the dark, and, being alone, and, well, pretty much anything you can come up with. She's an anxious kid.


The way things currently work is she sleeps with me, and my husband sometimes sleeps with me and sometimes with the six yr old. I'm all about co-sleeping, but she's coming up on five. I think if she had her own room, I could gradually transition towards that. But, while I'm not particularly concerned personally about my kids being on a different level, they wouldn't be. Anna would be lonely, and getting Catherine to go down there is hard, even with coaxing and company.


Just.....arggg. When we bought the house, I figured it was no big deal, the girls would share a room until they were older and desired their own space. But, it's not working out that way. Sigh.


Anyone have any suggestions?

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DD10 sleeps by herself on the 1st floor. I don't like it but it's the only place for her other than to share a room with two brothers. My only consolation is that we have a dog that barks if anyone comes near the house. I'm counting on him doing that if there were ever a problem.

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Yes, all 3 of our boys sleep on the 2nd story and dh and I have a room on the first story. Our room is at the very bottom of the stairs so that is reassuring for me...and our dog will wake me up the second he hears one of the boys. That helps a lot, too! The 2 younger ones know to wake up big brother if they are sick so he can come get us as well. I don't like the thought of the littles coming downstairs all sleepy and sick. And we have also practiced fire escapes several times a year...just in case.

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We have had child on different floors since our 3rd child was 2. He was upstairs with his older brothers at the time (they were 8 and 10), and it worked out fine.


Our kids are older now and my three youngest are upstairs, I am down. My 16yo's room is in the finished basement. We have a fire ladder upstairs and they have been taught how to use it to get out of the house.

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We had two bedrooms downstairs, and a master bedroom upstairs. We did an upstairs/downstairs split for quite a while (adults/children), then about a year ago we did a *great* thing. Upstairs was the master bedroom and a family room. We turned the family room into the dorm room for all four kids. They LOVED it. One downstairs bedroom was the office and the other was the play room. The kids were 5, 3, 2, and 1 when we did that. They were all sound sleepers, so sounds coming up the stairwell didn't bother them a bit, and we didn't mind walking through the room to get to our room. It was nice to have them close by when they were sick, or just needed help in the middle of the night.

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If fire is a particular concern of yours, you can practice with the kids what to do and what not to do. This may make you feel more confident in their ability to do the right thing.


There are certain types of ladders (some look rather ornamental but are functional) that I 've seen people install on upstairs windows. I, however, always thought that looked like an invitation to a burglar and furthermore may encourage an adventurous child to venture out at night - I was one of those children myself. :)

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My kids are 6 and 4.5. I would really like it if both kids could have their own room. We've discovered that the "sleep needs" of my kids are very different. One can't sleep with light. The other is TERRIFIED of the dark, and, being alone, and, well, pretty much anything you can come up with. She's an anxious kid.


The way things currently work is she sleeps with me, and my husband sometimes sleeps with me and sometimes with the six yr old. I'm all about co-sleeping, but she's coming up on five. I think if she had her own room, I could gradually transition towards that. But, while I'm not particularly concerned personally about my kids being on a different level, they wouldn't be. Anna would be lonely, and getting Catherine to go down there is hard, even with coaxing and company.


Just.....arggg. When we bought the house, I figured it was no big deal, the girls would share a room until they were older and desired their own space. But, it's not working out that way. Sigh.


Anyone have any suggestions?


We have light issues here, too. Our last house they had separate rooms. Here in California, since we're just here for a year and things are crazy expensive, they share a room. They have a bunk beds. The light liking child gets the bottom bunk and the light, a small battery operated lantern, is hung up on a hook, it only lets out a tiny bit of light for the non-light liking child. If there were curtains, it could be totally light free on the top, but this works for us, non-light liking child can tolerate a bit of light seeping out.


You could get some kind of bed tent if you don't want bunk beds. My husband actually made a little short bunk bed--I worry about the height of normal bunk beds.

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