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What's your fav $50 or less math curriculum?


What is your fav. math curriculum for $50 or less(primary grade)  

  1. 1. What is your fav. math curriculum for $50 or less(primary grade)

    • Singapore Math
    • Math Mammoth
    • MEP
    • Horizons
    • BJU
    • Modern Curriculum Press
    • CLE Math
    • Miquon Math
    • Saxon Math
    • Livingmath.net

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I am looking at all low cost options for math and decided a poll would help. I have pretty much decided on Math Mammoth thanks to all of the replies to my other posts but...

I have noticed alot of other people have been asking about math curriculum so this may help others who have to follow a budget. My focus is for Primary grade math.


I know alot of people use more than one math but please choose the favorite. I was limited to 10 so please feel free to add your choice in the event your using something not listed that is less than $50.00


Bottom line question:

If you had to choose 1 math curriculum for your primary aged student with a budget of $50 or less, what would it be?





Edited by mystika1
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Saxon isn't less than $50 unless you purchase it used. It may be a good product for many students, but I wouldn't consider it a "low cost" option.



Man, I tried so hard to get this poll right. I wish I would have caught that in time to edit it. I should have put Rod and Staff instead.





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I couldn't vote because it's not on the list and it's slightly more than $50 but we love McRuffy! When the color math is on sale (which I've never actually seen the sales go away on their site) it's around $60 without the manipulative kit, but most of those items you can put together yourself if you don't want to buy them.


This is by far our favorite math program and I've tried Saxon (my 2nd favorite but doesn't have the color McRuffy does) Horizons, CLE, and Singapore.

The TM is scripted but not overly so, the worksheets don't have too many problems on them, it moves at just the right pace for us, and it includes games.

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We switched at the beginning of January to CLE Math. It is the best thing I have ever done for my son. He is doing well in it. He LOVES the speed drills. We are keeping a record of how much time he can have left over. He hit 50 seconds the other day and was having a celebration.


So far every lesson has had counting out loud activities (skip counting, counting backwards, etc.). He gets up and circles the kitchen island or does something crazy while he is doing it. He never did anything like that with our BJU stuff.


I only wish there were CLE Sunrise Editions for high school. I would probably be considering it for my dd if they did. Hopefully they will by the time he gets there.

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