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Just thought this may be a fun thread!:lol:

Who has met or said "hi" to a celebrity?? Share your story here...


I met Boyz II Men backstage after a concert once. I asked to touch Nate's diamond/gold II necklace and he said sure. And I gave Wanya a hug!


We were waiting for our car at the valet on Rodeo Drive and so was Keanu Reeves! We said hi to him and he said hi to us. LOL!

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Mine are a little lame--


My roommate married the drummer in Night Ranger (an 80's band).

The retired Archbishop of Uganda stayed with us (he's big in his own country, anyway).


I sat next to my husband who sat next to and conversed with Os Guinness at an al fresco dinner party last year. It was fabulous.


We have a letter from Jonathan Demme, whose brother went to our church in FL. He sent us a copy of a documentary he made about his Cousin Bobby, an Episcopal priest. I'm hoping somehow my son can benefit from this connection, although the exchange occurred when he was an infant...JK!


My son (same one) met his idol, Robert Ballard, discoverer of the Titanic ruins. I didn't get to go to the lecture--dh set it up at SMU just so Film Buff (who wanted to be an underwater archeologist at the time) could meet him.


Boy, these ARE lame! lol

Edited by Chris in VA
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I met many of the Starwars actors. In fact, some of them would call out to me in airports, when going to conventions. That was weird ;)

I met the new Darth Vader before he even started work on the film. I was his 'escort' (don't get your mind dirty, I was a Starwars costumer, and I was walking on stage with him!)

I had Anthony Daniels who plays C3P0 call me at home, enjoy a private dinner together, send me a Christmas card, and a few other things that I'm keeping to myself.

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A few weeks ago, it was Stephen Baldwin and Maria Ho (who is only a celebrity among poker players and Amazing Race fans). I guess in a limited circle, Barbara Enright is a celebrity. She's the only woman to have ever made a World Series of Poker final table. My husband and myself have both met and played poker with her. We've also played with Matt Dean, a man who made a World Series of Poker Main Event final table. (I was supposed to be on his radio poker show, but chickened out).



Before this phase of life, my uncle went to a party with Donald Trump. :lol: My sister was a production assistant and had a part in this movie.

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I was waiting tables 8 years ago and running late (like usual). When I got to work I was rushing in the door as customers were walking in. As I approached the door, a guy in a yellow sweater opened the door for me so I could duck in. I quickly said thank you and didn't take the time to look at his face. My co-workers all came running up to me asking if I had even realized that Harry Connick Jr. was the one holding the door open for me. I felt like such an idiot! LOL


I also was at LAX last summer and had just landed from a VERY long day of flying with 3 children. My husband started saying "BABE LOOK IT'S Christian Bale!!". I immediately said "shut up! I'm not falling for that one". Turns out he wasn't joking with me, like he had a year earlier when we had been in LA. It really was Christian Bale! I about died. I was so starstruck I couldn't get my phone out in time to take a picture. Although you might have seen me on TMZ staring like a crazy person. By the way, he is so much smaller in real life.

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Dd passed by Madeleine Albright at a Wellesley event and get this: She said to her Good Morning and woe and behold, Albright replied Good Morning back to ehr (with a smile!!). Hillary was also there but dd was working somewhere else and couldn't go check her out. Instead she sent a friend who rushed into the building just as they were closing up for security, lol!!!


It's the small things in life....


Oh yeah, at the Obama event 20 minutes from here Drew Barrymoore was in the audience (well, in the press section) with her bf who is that nice guy from an Apple ad (forgot his name, but he seems to be so nice). We were standing quite close to them actually and dds were surprised at how short they both were (and normal-looking!).

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Oh yeah, at the Obama event 20 minutes from here Drew Barrymoore was in the audience (well, in the press section) with her bf who is that nice guy from an Apple ad (forgot his name, but he seems to be so nice). We were standing quite close to them actually and dds were surprised at how short they both were (and normal-looking!).


His name is Justin Long =)

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I was the tennis coach at a girl's camp one summer. We had Harvey Korman's daughter with us, and also Robbie Roberson's (of The Band). In Catalina where I lived I saw Barbara Streisand with her husband.....what's his name? can't remember. She was tiny. I also waited on Beau Bridges when I was in High School.

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Johnny Depp - on several occasions. Before he was famous, he was in a band called The Kids. He used to hang around at the radio station (it was called K-102) I worked at trying to get his single aired. He would beg my mother (who was the general manager) but she had no control and the program director would have no part of it because he wasn't represented by a label. But, my mom loved him - thought he was a great kid and let him hang around the station as much as he wanted which was often.


One thing I will never forget that he said to my mother was, "Just watch, Laura, one day I am going to make it really big!" We think about that everytime we see him on the big screen. :)

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We lived in a town north of Los Angeles (Thousand Oaks/Westlake Village/Calabasas) where lots of celebrities and those who worked in the industry call home. Hubby grew up in that town and we returned to live there from 2000-2005. Hubby had a chance to date Heather Locklear in High School but turned down the offer. (We laugh over that one.) Belinda Carlisle from the (80's band) GoGo's went to his High School. His dad was a music songwriter with a moldy oldy hit in 1961 called Runaway. The private school son went to had Kirk and Chelsea Cameron's kids attend. Oaks Christian School down the road has Will Smith, Joe Montana, and Wayne Gretzky's kids attending. I worked as a tutor at Huntington Learning Center and CSI:NY Gary Sinise's kids were very polite and a delight to teach.


It was normal to go grocery shopping at Whole Foods and pass right by an actor (but you do not ask them for an autograph) who is trying to blend in with a hat and sunglasses. I would go out to lunch at Westlake Village and sit down to see right next to my chair was Scott Hamilton eating his lunch with his baby son. Or go to Barnes and Noble and puruse the books and see Kelsey Grammar. You go on your way and don't make a big deal out of it -- that was the "unspoken" code of citizens of our town. Out of all of the opportunities I never asked for a photo or autograph. Celebrities deserve to have some peace and privacy. When we homeschooled there, our group got some real "perks" like a tour behind the scenes of a studio or trip to see a Malibu home of some studio exec whose kid was hs'ed. Now looking back on it, it was fun to live there!

Edited by tex-mex
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When we were in NYC my DH went to pay and started chatting up a blonde woman next to him while they were standing in line. He didn't know who she was until I got back to the table and told him it was Gwyneth Paltrow. Even after I said he name he still didn't know.

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Celebrities I've actually met and talked to:


Bruce Springsteen

Clarence Clemons

Patti Scialfa

All of Season 7 American Idol top 10 singers

Richard Simmons -- who yelled at me and sang his own little song to me because I wasn't wearing a br@. He was LOVING my outfit and going on and on and on about how cute it was. He twirled me around, opened my jacket, and GASP!!!! NO BR@!!!! He yelled at me then started singing, "Do your B@@BS hang low, do they wobble to and fro....can ya tie 'em in a knot, can ya tie 'em in a bow....." etc., etc., etc. This was in front of the Four Seasons Hotel in Philly, where there were also a TON of businessmen waiting for cabs.


I coud've died.



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I met and talked to Frank from Trading Spaces once when he was in town for a home and patio show. I'm so lame, I asked if I could rub his arm so I could have some of his talent. He laughed and said sure, but looking back, HOW EMBARASSING!!


I am good friends with a guitarist from the Rick Derringer band.


My dad's cousin was in Lynard Skynard. The original band. Of course I only remember him as the guy at the family reunion who held my doll for me.

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when i was a cashier way back when I got to meet George Strait and David Robinson. :)


Mr. Boo flew Hillary from Syracuse NY when Bill had his heart issue. He's also flown a few other people -- Howard Dean, Noah Wylie, Pierce Brosnan, and....a few others.......can't remember......



I'm usually very calm in the face of celebrity, but I just don't know what I'd do if I met George Strait. No, really.

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-given a shot I'm a nurse) to Roy Orbison (Pretty woman song)

-Been on a movie shoot with Gary Coleman (Diff Strokes) and got to talk wiht him at various times

-Met and spent time with the angry small guy on Elf--can't remember his name right now

-Got to meet the Barney du jour when my dd did a shoot there

-Met Norbert Butz at one of my dd's productions from Wicked (Fiora) and Rent--he was so nice and patient--the kids almost mobbed him

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The preschool my older son went to and my younger is still attending had some children of celebrities attend so we still see them. Of course, in both cases it took until more than halfway through the year for me to realize they were famous so not sure what that says. I don't want to do anything to compromise their privacy so I won't say who they are :001_smile:


Oh, when I was in high school Clint Eastwood and Bernadette Peters made a movie in our town. A bad movie. Some of my classmates were extras.


I shook hands with a former president of Brazil. Sorry I can't remember his name. :001_smile:

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I met Josh Waitzkin (you know - that kid from the movie Searching For Bobby Fischer) at a chess tournament in Minnesota a few years ago. Ds and some others played him (they lost, lol!). We have a picture of him with dd and ds. I must say, he grew up to be a very good looking guy!

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Celebrities I've actually met and talked to:



Richard Simmons -- who yelled at me and sang his own little song to me because I wasn't wearing a br@. He was LOVING my outfit and going on and on and on about how cute it was. He twirled me around, opened my jacket, and GASP!!!! NO BR@!!!! He yelled at me then started singing, "Do your B@@BS hang low, do they wobble to and fro....can ya tie 'em in a knot, can ya tie 'em in a bow....." etc., etc., etc. This was in front of the Four Seasons Hotel in Philly, where there were also a TON of businessmen waiting for cabs.


I coud've died.




:lol::lol::lol: that is too funny!

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A little known fact about me....I'm a big Brad Paisley fan, used to be in the fan club, and my whole family has met him several times. Dh and I even went on the Grand Ole' Opry cruise and met him, The Whites, Little Jimmy Dickens, Ricky Skaggs...soooo much fun.


My kids are in a co-op with the children of a certain famous former Denver Bronco player, I see him regularly.


My most favorite isn't an actual face-to-face meeting, but I have a letter from a real Inkling!! In college I wrote a paper about C. S. Lewis and his relationship with Owen Barfield, my professor suggested I send it to Mr. Barfield (she had his home address), so I did. Several months later he wrote me a handwritten personal reply!!! It was a one pager, and corrected some of my points. I'm still a little afraid to look at it too much. He was 90 years old then...I ended up naming my daugher's middle name after that professor. :)

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Richard Simmons -- who yelled at me and sang his own little song to me because I wasn't wearing a br@. He was LOVING my outfit and going on and on and on about how cute it was. He twirled me around, opened my jacket, and GASP!!!! NO BR@!!!! He yelled at me then started singing, "Do your B@@BS hang low, do they wobble to and fro....can ya tie 'em in a knot, can ya tie 'em in a bow....." etc., etc., etc. This was in front of the Four Seasons Hotel in Philly, where there were also a TON of businessmen waiting for cabs.


I coud've died.




(See my earlier post) I normally am poker-faced with celebs and act non-chalant.


However, I would be busting a gut with Richard Simmons! LOLOLOL:lol: He is sooo ADHD off the charts!!

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when i was a cashier way back when I got to meet George Strait and David Robinson. :)


Mr. Boo flew Hillary from Syracuse NY when Bill had his heart issue. He's also flown a few other people -- Howard Dean, Noah Wylie, Pierce Brosnan, and....a few others.......can't remember......


Hm. Interesting. My BIL is a pilot for NetJet and has flown Tiger and family, J-Lo, many others.


Frank from Trading Spaces


He lives near here and loves Starbucks. Fittingly enough, I literally bumped into him at a Starbucks here in town a few years ago, he was behind me in line. We also saw him at the mall.

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I thought of another one from my college days. I used to wait on Bill Elliot at a restaurant in Laurinburg, NC, where they passed through going to races.


I didn't know who he was, ignored him except for waiting on him and he was grateful. Everyone around me (rural-ish NC) knew and wanted to interact with him.

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I once worked on a project and had fairly regular contact w/ Kim Basinger and Alec Baldwin when they were a couple.


Her: very nice, shy, quiet. Me: very nervous around her.

Him: very friendly and outgoing.


Saw Jerry Seinfeld in an intimate stage show just before he hit it big. The guy is FUNNY. I asked for, and got, his autograph afterwards. He was sitting in the bar . . . alone. :001_huh:


Once saw George Hamilton get out of a car right in front of Harrods in London. Totally tan.


Was walking on the streets of San Fran over 20 years ago and walked by Robin Williams. He smiled at me! And he had the bluest eyes. My dorky boyfriend at the time started yelling, "Mork! Mork! Mork!" as he walked away. The goofball.


I also worked briefly on a project w/ Tony La Russa, manager of the Cardinals when he was manager of the A's.


And. . . drum roll please. . . when I was about 17 I was dating a boy briefly who also happened to be dating Tabitha from Bewitched. She and I met and talked and she couldn't have been nicer. I think she was the same age as me.


I think that's all I've got!



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When I was 12 we watched the practice session of several famous figure skaters in Sun Valley, ID. Afterwards we got Oksana Baiul's autograph. My mom was sitting in the bleachers near a woman who she thought looked like a not-quite-as-pretty version of Maria Shriver. It turns out it was her!:D


When I was in college I taught a group tutoring session for economics. One of the students in the group was Patrick Levis.


Anthony Tyler Quinn of "Boy Meets World" went to the same church as me for a while. It was easy to place him as he often wore a "Boy Meets World" letterman-style jacket to church.


When dh was a kid, he met Bill Nye the Science Guy in an airport.


My mom won a drawing for a pony at a rodeo when she was 10 or 11. The prize was awarded by Michael Landon and she had her picture taken with him for the paper. He must have been having a bad day because he made a rude comment about her glasses looking ugly on her.

Edited by AndyJoy
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Let's see:


Met and conversed with: Mark Slaughter from the band Slaughter & Kip Winger when I was a sophomore in hs. I could have died. At the time, I thought THAT was IT. :lol:


When I lived in Dallas, I worked for a record store, where I met several famous people. Emmitt Smith, Deion Sanders, and several lesser known Dallas Cowboys. PGA Golfer, Fred Couples, & US Gold Medalist Michael Johnson. I also had the opportunity to attend several small functions where I met music artists, Steven Curtis Chapman, Jewel, Matthew Sweet, Belly, Juliana Hatfield, Evan Dando, various others I cannot recall.


We had an exclusive event with Tim McGraw. I was assigned to him to take care of anything he might need while at the event. I remember sitting in the backroom with him and two others from his band getting a private performance of his set. So fun! Years after I quit, I won a trip to one of company's exclusive parties in another state where I met & dined with Clay Walker & about 20 other guests.


Most recently, I went out to dinner with my mom & sister and Nicole Kidman & Keith Urban were sitting a few tables over.


Hmm... Oh, a family friend is a songwriter who has penned some top country tunes. I don't like playing karaoke at his house - feel self conscious if I don't know all the words!

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I met Christopher Lowell at a book signing. He was very nice and was very complementary of the pics I brought of my just-redone-by-me kitchen. :001_smile:


I met Curtis Joseph backe when he played for the Blues. I was a major fan! ;)


I met 38 Special and got a tour of their bus. Neat!


I met several former Miss Americas.


DH opened up for the Backstreet Boys right as they were taking off, he's met lots of musicians since, especially when he went to Rock and Roll Fantasy Camp a few years back. He hung with Nelly last year while I was at a church function. Completely.Not.Fair. Mo Rocca interviewed DH about said Rock and Roll Fantasy camp, as did Conan O'Brien. He said Conan was super nice and hysterical.


Saw Wilmer Valderrama at a club opening I attended. :D

Edited by Melissa in St Louis
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My hubby's uncle is (well, was - he passed away) Chris LeDoux (country singer who played the rodeo tour pretty heavily, did duets with Garth Brooks and Jon Bon Jovi). My father-in-law didn't know he was his half-brother until he was almost 50.


Anyway, we spent some time with him when he toured in this area before he died.


They made the, "Dukes of Hazzard" movie right near our house. We saw Willie Nelson, Johnny Knoxville, Jessica Simpson (saw her out filming and passed right by her in the mall). My daughter had her pic with Johnny Knoxville.


I guess though, the most famous person I've ever met would be Matthew McConaghey. One of his managers that he adopted as an "uncle" is a member of the country club I do bookkeeping for. Matthew comes in and spends weeks at a time in town with his manager. He and gf came in last year with the baby and came into the club for a crab boil. Another day he just came in and hung out chatting with the guys. I actually served him a beer because I was the only one there.


I have to say that I wasn't impressed. He's pretty small, not as attractive as I expected, and really a jerk.

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My hubby's uncle is (well, was - he passed away) Chris LeDoux (country singer who played the rodeo tour pretty heavily, did duets with Garth Brooks and Jon Bon Jovi). My father-in-law didn't know he was his half-brother until he was almost 50.


Anyway, we spent some time with him when he toured in this area before he died.




Aww... I loved Chris LeDoux. He put on a very exciting show.

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Okay, back in the day, I went to a ton of concerts (also, this will really date me), so...


Bun E Carlos (Cheap Trick drummer) in a towel-we were in Madison WI, they were not super popular anymore, and we were invited back to the hotel by someone they knew. I was 18. He waved at us, and we left!


Cinderella (80's band)-we got invited on to their tour bus, again, a weird moment, hi, bye, and we left.


Howie Mandel-when he had his talk show, we were in the front row, and when he came into the audience to chat, he talked to my friend and I.


Marcia Brady (Maureen Mccormick) when she was in her 20's, in Hawaii, a sighting at a hotel.


Geena Davis-I had a flight that was from Las Vegas to LA that was delayed for 2 hours, and she was on the phone next to me. This was when Thelma & Louise was big, and it was my favorite movie. I called my friend (aka, "Louise") and told her that my plan was to subtly follow her, strike up a conversation, and become friends. Ha!


Reggie White (Green Bay Packer player)-I live in Wisconsin, and met him at a fundraiser, shook his hand, and had my picture taken with him.


That's my infamous list.:blushing:

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I'm married to one! DH was an extra in War Party, filmed in 1987 in Montana. :lol:


I went to elementary school with Heather O'Rourke. I had just transferred to the school when I heard she was a student there. She started school three weeks late due to filming.


Once in high school, some famous NFL football player walked into my history class. He was an alumni and had come to visit his old teacher. To this day, I have no idea who it was...just that every boy in the class suddenly went gaga, asking for autographs.


I also got to meet Yanni after a concert once. He came over the talk with a group of us. He was nice and rather short. Linda Evans, his girlfriend at the time, did her best to avoid everyone and went straight to the car.


I had my picture taken with John Curley of Evening Magazine.

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I got to go backstage before a concert and meet my man, Toby Keith! I am normally not a person that likes to hug or touch-unless it is my immediate family.......but, I had no problems hugging Toby and slipping my arm around him to get a picture taken with him! :w00t: The picture turned out awful---Toby was magnificent, but I looked like such a dork--I had this, "I have my arm around Toby Keith look" and it was not good!:001_tt1:

We are training a dog right now that belongs to a professional baseball player--who is very quiet and does not like a lot of attention.

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His dad was a music songwriter with a moldy oldy hit in 1961 called Runaway.


You mean ...


As I walk along, I wonder

what went wrong with our love

A love that was so strong


I LOVE that song!!!


Run, run, run, run, runaway ... duh, duh, duh, duh ...

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Tom Selleck made fun of me when I was 10 years old and trying DESPERATELY to get my Polaroid sun camera to charge to take his picture. He was outside the HI state capitol building in the middle of summer in tweed re-shooting scenes from the season opener of Magnum, P.I. ... it was set in London. I guess some of the scenes got messed up and they had to reshoot and make do with a HI location. Poor guy was sweating!


I was an extra on this movie http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0167360/ when it was shot at Cape Canaveral while I was stationed there. I met James Woods, John O'Hurley, Anabeth Gish ... nice people.


I spent a day at the NATPE convention in Las Vegas when I was in college. It's where syndicated shows are marketed. I saw:

Mickey Rooney

The cast of Friends

Tammy Faye Bakker and Jim Jay Bullock (they had a VERY short lived talk show)

Downtown Julie Brown

Henry Winkler


BUT ... I spent ALL DAY searching for and FINALLY met ... John Henson. He's "skunk boy" from Talk Soup. Now he hosts "Wipe Out." I had SUCH a crush on him ...

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