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I would fail a performance review right now if motherhood was a "job"

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My goodness. I have yelled more today than I ever wanted to. I am having a terrible time dealing with my 4 yr old. Yes, 4 yr old.


Anyone else ever feel like they are failing miserably at being a mother!?!?!?


Oh yes!!!! LOL, some days I think I totally bomb it. You should see me on the days that my 8yr old takes forever to get dressed for school (yesterday took him over an hour).

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I don't know that I can point all my fingers at Luke as the trouble maker, but I do know that him and Andrew are driving me ab.so.lut.ly. NUTS today.


I have managed to keep myself from duct taping anyone to the ceiling. Some days, I think restraint (masking itself as patience) is all anyone could ask from me.

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Sweetie, if we're really going to get picky, let's throw in the whole "how would I rate if being a mother/manager of the household was an assessed job". I'd be fired for sure! Thankfully, God is full of GRACE and thus, in like manner, expects us to extend that grace to ourselves, as well. We ALL have those really bad days. But we also have great days and all the rest in between! 4yo can be a tough, high-training age. You are NOT alone in this! :grouphug:

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Some days I wish I did not have a conscience so I could just pop open a bottle of wine to make it through the day. I love my kids, but they often what I drank/smoked/inhaled during pregnancy to make them, oh let's be nice and say "trying."


:grouphug: None of us are perfect. No one is grading you, and if they are, they have issues.

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Oh my is there something in the air?! My 4 year old was a beastie yesterday. First, the dentist - actually he was great there. Then home for some schooltime. Next, bowling with co-op. It was like someone had given him a shot of expresso. On the way home we had to stop at the grocery. He wanted a 'silly buggy' (like the sports car) and then proceeded to see how far he could make it roll by throwing his body against the front of the 'car'. By this point, I was WORN OUT.


But the piece de resistance - we get home and he decides to bounce the super ball he got for being good at the dentist. (An absolute no-no in this house). One good bounce and it hit the light on the ceiling fan. Down it came (did I mention we have ceramic tile floors!) Shards of glass everywhere.


DH comes home and knows something is wrong because he hears the vacuum from the driveway. One look at my face and he sends the boy to his room. I just sit down and cry. Thank goodness he took DS out to get something to eat or I don't know how bad the evening would have turned out.


Oh yeah - I really do LOVE my DS.:001_smile:

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These are my boys:


Aargh. Around here it's most likely the foot-dragging 8 y.o.. What's worse, I'm pretty sure I was like him at his age.


I sooooo know what you are going through. My ds will be 4 on Sun. and has been driving all of us up the wall lately. If any of the other kids are trying to do school work or reading, he climbs on them or steals their pencils.
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My goodness. I have yelled more today than I ever wanted to. I am having a terrible time dealing with my 4 yr old. Yes, 4 yr old.


Anyone else ever feel like they are failing miserably at being a mother!?!?!?



:grouphug: I think we've ALL had days like this! I know I have. 4 was one of the worst ages I went through with DS. He challenged EVERYTHING!!!!! Hang in there -- it will get better.

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Guest janainaz

:banghead: We've been working on a simple narration for the past two hours. My ds10 can narrate the most complicated of material like a pro. When it comes to the easy ones, I want to rip my hair out. Argh!

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My goodness. I have yelled more today than I ever wanted to. I am having a terrible time dealing with my 4 yr old. Yes, 4 yr old.


Anyone else ever feel like they are failing miserably at being a mother!?!?!?


Oh my goodness, not only do you have a budding 2yo AND a 4yo (IMO the most INFURIATING and OBNOXIOUS developmental stage there is), but you are in your last trimester?? Honey, these are the dogs days of motherhood. This is the toughest your job will ever be again. Even if you have other children, your oldest will be old enough to be of some use :D


It can only get better from now on. Trust me.



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My goodness. I have yelled more today than I ever wanted to. I am having a terrible time dealing with my 4 yr old. Yes, 4 yr old.


Anyone else ever feel like they are failing miserably at being a mother!?!?!?


Oh, yes but mine will be 15 this Sunday. :grouphug:

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Oh my goodness, not only do you have a budding 2yo AND a 4yo (IMO the most INFURIATING and OBNOXIOUS developmental stage there is), but you are in your last trimester?? Honey, these are the dogs days of motherhood. This is the toughest your job will ever be again. Even if you have other children, your oldest will be old enough to be of some use :D


It can only get better from now on. Trust me.





I so completely and totally agree with this! :grouphug:

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I yelled a lot today too. But it was a case of "I'm not taking anymore crap". The older 2 have gotten sloppy, lazy and smart mouthed lately. I have a baby coming in 12 weeks, and my 7 & 8 year olds are more work than the toddler!


School work took from 10:35 AM to 5:45 PM when it should have taken, oh, 2 1/2 hours tops. People forgot how to do simple things, pencils kept jumping out of hands, I got sarcastic faces, eye rolling, you name it. So I kept them at the table until every last bit of work was done. After dinner I made them clean their room "completely and properly" and threatened to confiscate anything I found out of place.


No matter how awful the kids thought I was today, Dad would be giving me an A+. But somehow whenever I have to resort to yelling and being like that, I always feel like I'm failing as a Mom. I have this idea that I should be able to ask nicely and smile a lot and everyone will happily do what I've asked and we will eat cookies and drink milk after school.

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:grouphug: 4 was one of the worst ages I went through with DS. He challenged EVERYTHING!!!!!


Isn't that the truth???? Why don't any of the books warn you about 4 year olds? Sometimes DS4's determination to argue about EVERY. SINGLE. THING. ended up being hilarious. Two favorites:


Me: You certainly are being crabby and argumentative today!

DS4: I am NOT being crabby! I'm just being .... froggy.


Me: I think you need to go to bed, you seem really tired and I think you might be coming down with cold.

DS4: I am NOT coming down with a cold! I'm coming down with a warm! :lol:



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