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Guilt about paper plate usage...

Would you feel guilt about using paper plates for 2-3 days during a very busy week?  

  1. 1. Would you feel guilt about using paper plates for 2-3 days during a very busy week?

    • I wouldn't use them no matter what.
    • I'd use them, but I'd feel a little guilt.
    • I'd use them, and be totally fine with it.
    • (Other)

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If you were having a really really busy week, would you feel guilty about using paper plates for 2-3 days? I'm not looking for a debate, just wondering if I'm the only one...


ETA: I guess I'm also this way about paper towels. I use about 4 rolls per year, I think.

Edited by Julie in CA
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When we've had a need (barbecue or whatnot), I've gotten the ones without coating or inks. We can add them to the fire pit as kindling for the marshamllow roasting.


Fire pits make me feel a little guilty, too. So does wrapping paper, although there is recyclable wrapping paper, and we a few fabric Christmas bags we reuse.



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We are living through a kitchen remodel right now, and are using a lot of paper plates.

I feel a little guilty, but then I think about trying to clean up after my large family three times a day in the middle of chaos...and the guilt is replaced by relief.

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I don't have a thing against paper plates. I take them on picnics. I have a stack on hand, but almost never use them.


When it comes to washing dishes the PLATES are the EASIEST thing to wash!!


If I had an extremely busy week, I'd run soapy water in the sink and slip the plates into the dishwater all day. Then they would be a snap to wash up or load in the dishwasher.


Now, if they had paper pots and pans...I would use those. :D

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I don't have a thing against paper plates. I take them on picnics. I have a stack on hand, but almost never use them.


When it comes to washing dishes the PLATES are the EASIEST thing to wash!!


If I had an extremely busy week, I'd run soapy water in the sink and slip the plates into the dishwater all day. Then they would be a snap to wash up or load in the dishwasher.


Now, if they had paper pots and pans...I would use those. :D

Do you mind if I ask how large your family is? The dishes here can get overwhelming very quickly.


(and AMEN to those paper pots and pans! :D )

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:D I'm jumping up and down reading this! I have always had paper plate guilt, and my dh thinks I'm completely nuts. :lol: He's gotten me to realize that it is SOOOOOOOOO much more convenient, but every time I reach for one I still cringe a bit. At least I will purchase them and use them sometimes now.


I think we are in the same boat a bit....I also have a cake/cupcake business that requires me to dirty up tons and tons of dishes when completing an order....on those weeks I am eternally grateful and guilt free about the paper plates. :001_smile: HTH!

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:D I'm jumping up and down reading this! I have always had paper plate guilt, and my dh thinks I'm completely nuts. :lol: He's gotten me to realize that it is SOOOOOOOOO much more convenient, but every time I reach for one I still cringe a bit. At least I will purchase them and use them sometimes now.


I think we are in the same boat a bit....I also have a cake/cupcake business that requires me to dirty up tons and tons of dishes when completing an order....on those weeks I am eternally grateful and guilt free about the paper plates. :001_smile: HTH!

Yes! It's the wedding cake order for 200 on Saturday, along with my restaurant baking, along with appx. 20 guests staying at my house for the weekend, along with trying to keep up with the regular needs of my family of 7.

We used paper plates last night for dinner, and it was such a relief. I'm thinking of banning the use of regular plates until our guests arrive, but I definitely feel a sense of "paper plate guilt."


ETA: My dh would think I was nuts for hesitating or feeling any guilt, and he'd probably harass me a bit if he knew. He doesn't know I feel this way, he just hasn't noticed that I don't really use them very often.

Edited by Julie in CA
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I think any time there is a cake order, you can officially declare it "Guilt Free Paper Plate Time!" :001_smile: Add in all that other stuff, and wow! :tongue_smilie: You don't need to feel guilty about any "short cuts" right now! You've got a ton going on! You're no good to anyone if you're going crazy trying to keep up. :grouphug:

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We don't do paper plates unless there are more guests than plates. So occasional use for something like a birthday party is typically the only time we have them on hand. And with a dishwasher, I don't really see how paper plates would be all that convenient.


However, I also don't do guilt. I'm of the belief that it's not what you do but how you feel when you do it. If I feel bad about the idea of doing something I either find a way to feel better about it (ideally) before doing it, or don't do it in favour of whatever it is that makes me feel better. Then I remind myself that I did my best, and don't indulge in guilt.


So, use your paper plates or don't use your paper plates. Just remember that whatever you do, you're doing your best and cut yourself some slack. :D

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Yes! It's the wedding cake order for 200 on Saturday, along with my restaurant baking, along with appx. 20 guests staying at my house for the weekend, along with trying to keep up with the regular needs of my family of 7.

We used paper plates last night for dinner, and it was such a relief. I'm thinking of banning the use of regular plates until our guests arrive, but I definitely feel a sense of "paper plate guilt."


Use the paper plates, and don't feel a moment's guilt. Good luck in keeping your sanity with all that going on. ;)

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Oh goodness! We cross-posted. If I were in your shoes, I would be raining appreciation all over those paper plate manufacturers right about now. lol! Go ahead and make life easier on yourself, and do it with a smile. If you really want to do something green to "make up for it", take the family out to pick up garbage one day, or eat a few vegetarian meals one week!

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I think any time there is a cake order, you can officially declare it "Guilt Free Paper Plate Time!" :001_smile: Add in all that other stuff, and wow! :tongue_smilie: You don't need to feel guilty about any "short cuts" right now! You've got a ton going on! You're no good to anyone if you're going crazy trying to keep up. :grouphug:

Oh, the bad thing is that I'll go crazy *no matter what*. :D

Even though I've made plenty of cakes, I had one cake catastrophe that shook my confidence. I'm also a perfectionist, and I'm *never* happy with cake results, no matter how much other people ooh and ahh! :glare:

So yeah, crazy is pretty much a given for the next couple of days. ;)

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Oh goodness! We cross-posted. If I were in your shoes, I would be raining appreciation all over those paper plate manufacturers right about now. lol! Go ahead and make life easier on yourself, and do it with a smile. If you really want to do something green to "make up for it", take the family out to pick up garbage one day, or eat a few vegetarian meals one week!

Lol! :D

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LOL, I use them for every night meals and cringe when I run out. I feel guilt over running the dishwasher twice, once for lunche dishes and then again at dinner. I have never felt guilty about using a paperplate, I never really thought about it till now. I suppose now I will feel a tinge of guilt but not as much as when I use too much water. Which is worse, which is better? I guess lilke all things they should be used in moderation I just really dispise doing dishes, lol.

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Now, if they had paper pots and pans...I would use those. :D


They do. It's called take-out.


It would never occur to me to use paper plates because we're busy - unless you don't have a dishwasher??

Because with a dishwasher it seems to me to be the same time to pick up a plate & dump it in the garbage and to pick it up and put it in the dishwasher.....


I did buy a pack of them to use during our kitchen reno but we barely cracked it open. I just used our dishes & washed them in the bathtub.

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They do. It's called take-out.


We live in a rural area. It would take more than half an hour to get take-out. I can usually pull dinner within that time frame, so we never eat out or get take-out. Not having to think about loading/unloading the dishwasher or having a dirty kitchen sink though....just the thought kinda gives me a little thrill. :D

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It would never occur to me to use paper plates because we're busy - unless you don't have a dishwasher??

Because with a dishwasher it seems to me to be the same time to pick up a plate & dump it in the garbage and to pick it up and put it in the dishwasher...

I have a dishwasher, but it's not that simple. After a meal, we don't always have enough of the right combination of dishes to make a full load for the dishwasher. So do I run a partial load and use more electricity and water? Or do I let them sit until the next day (even if I rinse the dishes, particular foods don't come off well in the dishwasher--mac & cheese for example). Plus, we discovered a few weeks ago that our water pressure was too high; the control valve wasn't working right, and we had it fixed. Since then my dishwasher doesn't clean as well. I think it liked the higher water pressure.

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Oh, the bad thing is that I'll go crazy *no matter what*. :D

Even though I've made plenty of cakes, I had one cake catastrophe that shook my confidence. I'm also a perfectionist, and I'm *never* happy with cake results, no matter how much other people ooh and ahh! :glare:

So yeah, crazy is pretty much a given for the next couple of days. ;)


Amen! :iagree:I agree on all counts! I go crazy no matter what, also! I think we have to be a bit of a perfectionist when doing cakes and such, otherwise we'd be satisfied just slopping something together and calling it a day. That's what I tell myself, anyway. :lol: It's us driving ourselves completely batty for a few days that results in those ooohs and ahhhhhs! :D Keep it up! You're doing a great job! :D

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Amen! :iagree:I agree on all counts! I go crazy no matter what, also! I think we have to be a bit of a perfectionist when doing cakes and such, otherwise we'd be satisfied just slopping something together and calling it a day. That's what I tell myself, anyway. :lol: It's us driving ourselves completely batty for a few days that results in those ooohs and ahhhhhs! :D Keep it up! You're doing a great job! :D

Don'tcha have nightmares about ending up on Cakewrecks.com? :D

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How about, "I do use them and feel no guilt whatsoever".


We use real plates when dh is home. Otherwise, I have more important things to do in life than dishes. The paper plates are biodegradable and running the dishwasher uses up so much electricity and soap into the river exc. There is no way to win so I go with what works for me.



Using paper plates for lunch and snacks keeps my dishwasher usage to 1x per day. I use them and feel no guilt. For 2-3 days I would not hesitate at all if you have a need. When I was on bedrest for my twin pregnancy this fall we used paper plates, napkins and paper *bowls* of all things (cereal, oatmal, fruit...) for longer than most people would admit.....it's what we had to do.

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A former coworker of mine used paper plates almost exclusively, and kept her "real" dishes in the cabinet. Her dd came to her one day, upset that she couldn't fix herself anything to eat because they were out of paper plates! The poor girl (elementary age) didn't even think about using the real plates. :lol: :lol:

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We rarely use paper plates, but I would in your circumstance.


Trees are a renewable resource. We used to live in the northwest where many, many people made their living harvesting and distributing and planting trees.


Another perspective: we saw the IMAX movie of the Grand Canyon (thinking it would be a documentary about the canyon and its beauty, etc. - it wasn't.) It was all about saving water. They were promoting not washing dishes, running the dishwasher, etc.


I say enjoy saving water, supporting the lumber industry, and making life more manageable right now for your family!

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I used paper plates when my brother's family was here for two weeks. We had 9 people eating 3-4 times a day, and I just can't keep up with that since I only own a dozen plates because I downsized everything. I do recycle, compost and buy post-consumer recycled paper products including paper towels and tp. I don't do the guilt, but I do try to be a good steward and not be wasteful.

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I find this thread fascinating! I had no idea that people used paper products as part of a regular daily routine. Not sure why that would surprise me, as I know the majority of people use paper towels, and that's not so different. (We use cloth, and I haven't had a roll of paper towels in the house in forever.)


I'm not sure about the idea that using paper saves water. Certainly there's a lot of water that goes into the manufacturing and disposal processes. It would be interesting to see the comparisons.

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I wouldn't use them no matter what. Part of the reason we have the waste (and by that I mean both wasting of resources and trash) problem we have in this country is because we can always justify wastefulness with convenience.



Eeek! This is why I posted that I wasn't looking for a debate--because I knew I'd feel obligated to try to convince someone that I'm really not a wasteful person even though it may appear that way at the moment! :001_smile:

I used cloth diapers & washcloths with all of my babies. I use almost no paper towels, use cloth napkins a fair amount of the time, washable cloth feminine hygiene products, make a point of buying products with reasonable (or no) packaging. I use dried beans and rice in many of our meals, not only because it's cheap and nutritious, but also because I can haul a lot of food home that way with a minimum of packaging. I use my re-usable grocery bags, and one of the first things we did when we had enough room was buy enough plates that even when we have a big crowd, we wouldn't be using excess paper products.

I'm not saying this to justify using paper goods for the next 2 days, because I haven't decided about that yet. I'm just trying to "save face", you know? I'm not really a wasteful person as a whole, even though I'm considering a reckless use of paper plates for the next 48 hours :001_smile:

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Eeek! This is why I posted that I wasn't looking for a debate




I wasn't debating. Your poll included the choice "I wouldn't use them no matter what." I answered the poll and explained why I chose the choice you gave me.


How is that debating?



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I wasn't debating. Your poll included the choice "I wouldn't use them no matter what." I answered the poll and explained why I chose the choice you gave me.


How is that debating?



Sorry, debate was a bad word choice. I meant that I could cope with it if the poll showed that most people wouldn't do what I was considering, but that I would feel like I needed to justify/explain if there were strongly stated opinions.

The phrasing of "justifying wastefulness"...well, rightly or wrongly, I felt a little defensive.



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Julie, I'm with you. I always feel a little guilt about it, but I still do it every once in a blue moon.


And, might I add, I'm not nearly as 'green' as you are. ;) There are *always paper towel in our kitchen, for example. :001_smile:


However, over the Christmas holiday season, my dh decided to bless me by buying a pack of paper plates, as well as plastic silverware and plastic cups. He could see that I was busier than usual with gifts, kids, baking, company, etc, and he wanted to 'do something to help me'. He knows how I feel guilty about buying or using disposables; it's a combination of 'I should be able to keep house/do dishes well even if I'm busy' guilt, combined with 'it's a waste of money and other resources to buy disposables' guilt. (Don't you just love how sometimes, we can be experts at making ourselves feel like failures over something as simple as a paper plate?! I know I baffle myself sometimes...) It was VERY hard for me to accept that as a gift, since I really don't like using disposable dishes. But he was trying to be sweet and helpful, so I thanked him with a smile, and we used them. I even refrained from suggesting that he just do some dishes instead of buying some disposable ones. :D


So, use your paper plates, for goodness sakes, and use the time you saved to keep your sanity.


ETA: I'm taking dinner to a friend that had her first baby tonight, and now I think I'm going to stop by the store and get her plates, cups, and silverware to add to the dinner. A pp's suggestion of doing that is such a great idea!

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I am a recovering paper plate addict. In the past, I used paper plates for at least two meals a day and every snack. I've been (mostly) paper plate free for more than 3 years now and anytime I buy paper plates, even for the most logical of reasons, I still experience a bit of guilt.

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It was VERY hard for me to accept that as a gift, since I really don't like using disposable dishes. But he was trying to be sweet and helpful, so I thanked him with a smile, and we used them. I even refrained from suggesting that he just do some dishes instead of buying some disposable ones. :D



As I was reading your post, I was thinking..."It would have been so much better for her if he'd just taken over washing the dishes!"


It's a good thing when we are able to accept love as it is given and not as we would choose to have it given.:hurray: for you!

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I meant that I could cope with it if the poll showed that most people wouldn't do what I was considering,

Why would you care what most people think/do? If XXX is something that in some way makes your busy life easier (without being illegal) the heck with what others think.

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We use paper plates very frequently. Not just on extra-busy weeks. My husband works for Chinet. He makes the plates. Chinet plates are made from recycled materials and are biodegradable. Besides that, it is job security for hard-working Americans.(in particular, my husband) So, no, I feel no guilt over my plates. So, I voted other.

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