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When your own extended family thinks you're an idiot...

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...how do you come to terms with the lack of their love and respect? We've been homeschooling a long time, but still my mother and sister look at us with pity, for lack of a better word. I was full of holiday joy until yesterday, when separate phone conversations with my mom and then my younger sister sent me downward into a sobbing mess. They were both very vocal about their opinion of me, my staying at home, homeschooling, etc., saying things like:

~I'm clueless if I think that kids who are taught at home will ever amount to anything in society. (Uh, excuse me, my oldest dd has her artwork displayed at 2 state parks.)

~My kids are certainly nothing special, but my sister's daughter is amazing at her private school!! :glare: She makes all A's and is the class leader in everything. Always. I have always praised her, btw.

~It is a great way to make your children completely dependent on you, the parent, for a lifetime.

~Homeschooled kids never learn to think for themselves, and cannot be successful.

~It's a sad way to waste a young mind.

~stay-at-home moms are boring.

~When am I going to get a haircut, come to visit them, put my kids in school so they can have a normal life...

Just a few of the many hurtful comments to me. We live far away from family now, and holidays are so lonely for us. Why do they play these mean games with me? I am already an introvert, and this makes me never want to talk with them, or depend on them for any support, ever. It's been really bad since my dad died 2 years ago. My mom lives with my sister, and they are both very mean and grumpy. I just really miss having an extended family, kwim? I could go on avoiding their infrequent phone calls, but eventually I would love to be strong enough to tell them off. So what could I say to change their minds?? Probably nothing. But I am not a failure, despite what they think, and my precious children are really wonderful/talented/smart/loving...and they get all A's, too!

Edited by Blueridge
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That is so strange, I had a dream about my sis and me fighting again last night.


I am trying to come to terms too, that my fam. and me are from two different planets. I just have to stay comfie in my skin and on my planet. In my case, I dont think any amt. of talking is going to heal the wounds. So I just have to learn to let go and dont answer the phone.


Christmas always stirs up family emotions. I guess our new extended family is the HIve, people that understand and love us just as we are.


Lots of hugs and support thru the season.:grouphug::grouphug:

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...how do you come to terms with the lack of their love and respect? We've been homeschooling a long time, but still my mother and sister look at us with pity, for lack of a better word. I was full of holiday joy until yesterday, when separate phone conversations with my mom and then my younger sister sent me downward into an sobbing mess. They were both very vocal about their opinion of me, my staying at home, homeschooling, etc., saying things like:

~I'm clueless if I think that kids who are taught at home will ever amount to anything in society. (Uh, excuse me, my oldest dd has her artwork displayed at 2 state parks.)

~My kids are certainly nothing special, but my sister's daughter is amazing at her private school!! :glare: She makes all A's and is the class leader in everything. Always. I have always praised her, btw.

~It is a great way to make your children completely dependent on you, the parent, for a lifetime.

~Homeschooled kids never learn to think for themselves, and cannot be successful.

~It's a sad way to waste a young mind.

~stay-at-home moms are boring.

~When am I going to get a haircut, come to visit them, put my kids in school so they can have a normal life...

Just a few of the many hurtful comments to me. We live far away from family now, and holidays are so lonely for us. Why do they play these mean games with me? I am already an introvert, and this makes me never want to talk with them, or depend on them for any support, ever. It's been really bad since my dad died 2 years ago. My mom lives with my sister, and they are both very mean and grumpy. I just really miss having an extended family, kwim? I could go on avoiding their infrequent phone calls, but eventually I would love to be strong enough to tell them off. So what could I say to change their minds?? Probably nothing. But I am not a failure, despite what they think, and my precious children are really wonderful/talented/smart/loving...and they get all A's, too!

You want to know why? Because you continue to defy them. You won't live in accordance to their orders or demands. You dared to move away from where they could keep a close eye on you.


This has NOTHING to do with you, and everything to do with them, their miseries, their need to control.

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First of all...:grouphug::grouphug:


I get some of this too, but it is usually more indirect. It is hard anyway. I have finally realized that no matter what I or my dc do, various people will never be on board with hsing and not be impressed. Also,when they hear something positive about what the dc are doing my mom's attitude can be yes that's nice but what about..... There will always be some area I am falling short in. At least till now. Reading has been a big standard for my family and my dc are behind the regular time in learning it. Therefore, I do not know how to teach them or how to teach reading in particular, there is something "wrong" with dc in this area and since I am not trained to detect it I never will and cannot help them, homeschooling is clearly just a bad idea as proved by the fact that dc could not read yet. Sigh. It can be exhausting.


Although I know I can't convince them it is hard not to care. Especially when they are criticizing a core part of who you are.


I think perhaps the best defense is to build other strong loving relationships around you (friends, etc.)


Btw, I am impressed with the fact that your daughter's work is shown at two parks. And that you have been hsing 19 years! Keep up the awesome work!

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You can just realize that they are idiots. Sounds like they are unhappy that they can't run your life. Shrug it off, don't let them mess with you for one more second of your life. Practice laughing hysterically and do it every time they start up on you. Or just send me their emails and I'll handle it for you. I haven't had a good fight in a while.

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You say your daughter is an artist with works displayed in 2 states? Your kids are all A students? You are happily married and don't have to work?


Wake up. Your life is what they wish they had. They are jealous. The only thing they can do to you is insult you. It feeds their envy. You are great and they are jealous. Carry on you successful parent you!

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Well I would make a list in advance of next Christmas in anticipation of their calls. I'd divide up the anticipated comments -- some to me, some to my dh. Make a game of it to see who will "win" based upon their thoughtless and weird* comments. ;) Really, why treat the comments as legit, when clearly they are uninformed and just mean?


I wouldn't waste any energy on telling them off or fighting with them. It won't buy you any real satisfaction, I'm guessing, because you sound like a really nice woman.



*I'm sorry, but I think it is weird for people who don't see you to worry about when you are getting your hair cut. That one is totally :confused:.

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How will he (DS) ever make anything of his life? How can he get a job? go to college? He'll be a misfit in society. The only thing I'm teaching him is how to depend on others for everything... On and on and on. My oldest DD (now 23) once told her counselor at school that we homeschool DS because he's "deformed and retarded."


There isn't much you can do about it. As another poster said, it's all about them and their need to control you and your DC. There isn't really anything you can do other than to keep contact to a minimum.


I'm so sorry they treat you this way,


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I don't necessarily know what I'm talking about - the issues that separate me from much of the rest of my family don't have much to do with homeschooling - but I want to offer sympathy and a suggestion or two.


It really stinks when you get to a "family"-oriented season and realize that you're not going to enjoy family during it. Whether it's because you have to spend time with them or because you can't. It stinks. I'm really sorry that you have to deal with this.


About hs in particular, what newbie said about her family is perfectly true. When there is an issue that two people feel strongly about in opposite ways, they are (or might as well be) on two separate planets. They're not likely to come around to your point of view any more than you're likely to decide that having a chic haircut, being kid-free during the day, and granting your dc all the "wonderful" advantages of a private school (assuming you can afford it) are more important to you than homeschooling.


Can you begin to raise boundaries? There's the ol' "bean dip" trick of changing the subject when they start down the path of criticizing your choices. There's the more direct method of stating, "I know you don't agree with this, but since you won't change my mind and I'd like to keep enjoying our relationship, I'll have to ask you to keep your opinions on this subject to yourself in the future."


In any case, I know that there are times when I'm downright glad to have hundreds or thousands of miles between me and extended family. Maybe the distance can be a positive thing for you at times, too! Imagine how it would be if you saw your mom and/or sister several times a week? :001_huh:




Your worth is not defined by their opinion of anything. Remember that!


Mama Anna

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My mother and I had it out almost 2 years ago and she spewed similar things at me. I have to agree with Impish and Sunshine. I do believe the core of the issue is jealousy and control. I think you need to come up with a quick response that you repeat every.single.time. that they choose to attack you. "DH and I have carefully considered our options and this is not up for discussion." Any time they bring it up- go into robot mode and repeat. My mother and I were estranged for over a year because of her attack on me (it extended beyond homeschooling) and we are slowly working on rebuilding a relationship. I will NEVER discuss homeschooling with her again, and I have had to create very clear boundaries.


:grouphug: to you. I know how much it hurts. Putting an end to it really is empowering.



Best wishes,

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...how do you come to terms with the lack of their love and respect? We've been homeschooling a long time, but still my mother and sister look at us with pity, for lack of a better word. I was full of holiday joy until yesterday, when separate phone conversations with my mom and then my younger sister sent me downward into an sobbing mess. They were both very vocal about their opinion of me, my staying at home, homeschooling, etc., saying things like:

~I'm clueless if I think that kids who are taught at home will ever amount to anything in society. (Uh, excuse me, my oldest dd has her artwork displayed at 2 state parks.)

~My kids are certainly nothing special, but my sister's daughter is amazing at her private school!! :glare: She makes all A's and is the class leader in everything. Always. I have always praised her, btw.

~It is a great way to make your children completely dependent on you, the parent, for a lifetime.

~Homeschooled kids never learn to think for themselves, and cannot be successful.

~It's a sad way to waste a young mind.

~stay-at-home moms are boring.

~When am I going to get a haircut, come to visit them, put my kids in school so they can have a normal life...

Just a few of the many hurtful comments to me. We live far away from family now, and holidays are so lonely for us. Why do they play these mean games with me? I am already an introvert, and this makes me never want to talk with them, or depend on them for any support, ever. It's been really bad since my dad died 2 years ago. My mom lives with my sister, and they are both very mean and grumpy. I just really miss having an extended family, kwim? I could go on avoiding their infrequent phone calls, but eventually I would love to be strong enough to tell them off. So what could I say to change their minds?? Probably nothing. But I am not a failure, despite what they think, and my precious children are really wonderful/talented/smart/loving...and they get all A's, too!



I'm sorry that your family treats you so poorly.


Sometimes there is nothing you can do to change someone's opinion of you.....but sometimes just the acting of trying to do so will remind YOU of all the reasons they are wrong. Send them photos of your eldest's work in the state park (for that matter, how about posting them here so WE can all admire them). When your other children do something great, be sure to let the family know about it....I think homeschoolers have a tendency to not brag to those who berate their choice, perhaps believing that it just opens up the way for the berating to continue....but I think it would be very hard for Mom to continue to say homeschoolers don't amount to anything when your daughter has her art in a state park....those are probably not easy to achieve! Perhaps you can send these accomplishments by email or snail mail so that you don't have to hear the berating. But the act of showing off their work will reinforce for YOU that they're doing just fine.


I'm definitely NOT an introvert, so my way of dealing with it probably wouldn't work for you, but I'd probably be throwing up all the bad things in the news that those "wise and wonderful public schoolers" are doing.......I often use those as "jokes" with my husband, I'll read him a news article and conclude with "Well, that's reason #178293 that we homeschool.".


Here is a list of famous homeschoolers....some very current ones who have certainly done well for themselves.


The Hive has often recommended the book Toxic People, you may want to see if your library has it.


I know it's difficult to not let their comments hurt....sometimes you simply have to grow thicker skin and not allow their comments to hurt you. Be thankful that they are infrequent part of your life, I feel such sorrow for the Hive folks who have these types of people in their life everyday. Allowing them to hurt you is giving them additional power over you that they do not deserve. I've cut myself off from "family" that is domineering and mean....not over homeschooling, thankfully no one seems to think it's that horrible.....but I just don't need people who have to put others' choices down to make themselves feel better in our life. No it isn't fun to do, but you will find when they are out of your life that you're just happier...and that makes it worth it. As for not having extended family, I know that's no fun, especially when it seems like everyone is having 50 people over for CHristmas and your table has just the folks in your house.....so get out there and work to make friends that can become close enough to be better than extended family! That's hard to do if you're an introvert I'm sure, but it's probably also hard because you have some unconcious fear that they'll hurt you too....so pick homeschool families because you know they have the same heart for it as you do!


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I feel for you, how sad and how mean. I'd advise you to keep the phone calls either really short...as soon as they start in, suddenly say you have to go!...or you can just ask them all about themselves, that is usually the route I go with family, I just keep asking them all about themselves and they never realize they don't know anything about me, really.


My next advice is to let Remudamom answer all your emails posing as yourself, boy that could be fun!!:D

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Personally, the next time it happens I would let them know that I find their comments hurtful, that you and dh have decided that this is the best lifestyle for your family, and it is time to change the subject or the call will need to end. If they persist, tell them you need to go and end the call.


I am not one to make waves, but I have decided in the last couple of years that I am not going to allow someone to hurt me without telling them that they are doing so. It doesn't have to be said in anger, but it does need to be said. If they choose to continue hurtful behavior, they are doing it with the full knowledge that it is hurtful and that it is damaging your relationship with them.

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Oh that's just too bad. But without going into all of their myths I can only say that maybe, just maybe you need to stop talking to them. I know it is horrible, but this is YOUR family you are raising not theirs. Or, you could simply let them know you are finished with their rude comments because they are obviously uninformed about homeschooling and everything else they are harping you for. I've had to do the same thing. I'm sorry, but I cannot let those people bring me down, I have a family to raise and if they don't like it they can just get over it.

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It sounds as if your mom and sister feed off each other. You likely can't say anything to change their minds, they are not interested in changing.


I didn't know about Lindsay's artwork, but I know how she stands out. There are a LOT of people who KNOW what wonderful/talented/smart/loving girls you have--if our library children's dept. were to make a Top 5 Library Kids list, Lindsay would be in one of the top two spots.


(For anyone else reading, Ginger knows that I work in our library. And no, we don't make lists like that, but if we did...!)


Anything she takes part in makes us even happier, because we know she'll make it better for all the participants. She's such a joy, so encouraging, a wonderful role model for the other kids involved. She is a natural leader, Ginger, innovative, fun and funny. Her name will occasionally come up in discussion, and we literally will stop and smile, because she's THAT special.


I don't know your other girls as well, but I'll tell you that they would have the same effect on us, based mostly on how we feel about Lindsay.


You are raising your kids for the Lord, and yes, it can be horribly painful when your "family" is anything but. Think of James and his brother John, in the boat with their father Zebedee. Jesus called them, and they left their father, following Him. (Matt. 4:21-22) Your extended family are your sisters and brothers in Christ.



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You can just realize that they are idiots. Sounds like they are unhappy that they can't run your life. Shrug it off, don't let them mess with you for one more second of your life. Practice laughing hysterically and do it every time they start up on you. Or just send me their emails and I'll handle it for you. I haven't had a good fight in a while.



Does that offer stand for everyone, and are you working Christmas Day? If they dont do emails can I give them your phone, for that matter I will just leave a msg. forwarding all phone calls to you.


I feel so much better now I know you are in our camp!!!

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Guest janainaz

What a lack of love. All I can say is that a happy person does not set out to make someone else feel bad, discouraged, judged, and the list goes on. There has to be something that stirs their inner workings to hone in on what you are doing and put your decisions under the microscope. There is just no love in their actions and it says a lot about the reality of their own lives.


The only medicine for your heart is to see the truth behind their actions.


It makes the hair on my neck stand up and it stirs the place in my heart where I've been treated similarly. All you can do is stand firm and confident and keep your chin up.

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I would add to all the other good advice you have received, that if you do continue to have holiday chats with them at the first negative comment you end the conversation. Either by saying, "This is not open for discussion." Or

"the doorbell's ringing." "Something's burning on the stove." Whatever. Just get out there fast. The less you hear of that the better.

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Hi Ginger,


I don't have an extended family except for one brother. Would I like to have one? Yes, but I don't and neither do my children. (They have a grandfather and uncles who don't talk to them ((they don't like the phone)) and who send them a birthday card (sometimes) with a scrawled signature). My kids are getting near grown and I hope that in ten years, I will have an extended family but it will simply be extended from us. DOn't have these conversations. Say sorry, I can't talk. If they can't be polite, don't talk to them or have them over.

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I'd cut them off when they start that nonsense with a "We obviously will never agree on homeschooling so I am not discussing it you anymore." Repeat if they persist - then HANG UP.


I have had to do this with my mom (not regarding homeschooling) and she finally got the point.

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Ah yes. My grandfather had a line for these situations:


"Shut up you mad bugger, I'm sick of listening to you."


Or, since you sound like a polite sort of woman (and I don't think my grandfather ever did say that to anyone ;) ) you could just say "Tut, tut. If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all." Repeat, and repeat and repeat until they hang up on you :) Then practise thinking that's funny.


Or give them to Remudamom :)



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Oh, everybody! Now you have me bawling again. :) Just hearing your tender comments has blessed me so very much. Kristine, how precious you are to validate my feelings of honor to have such great kids! You would think that an *old woman* like me would have all the answers, but this is an area that I have never been able to have any peace with. I usually keep my calls with them short, but still they seem to have to take a jab every time. I don't know why they would be jealous of me! Goodness. Maybe they are jealous of my humility? :D I am usually able to just shrug it off, but at Christmas I just want so much to have a picture-perfect relationship with my mom and sister. I want them to respect that my calling to teach my children is all-important to me, and that it is a valuable and important job. I really want them to love me, I guess. I am blessed that my dh and daughters love me, so I am coming to terms with the fact that their love and respect are more than enough!! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your tender mercies to me today. Merry Christmas!

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You say your daughter is an artist with works displayed in 2 states? Your kids are all A students? You are happily married and don't have to work?


Wake up. Your life is what they wish they had. They are jealous. The only thing they can do to you is insult you. It feeds their envy. You are great and they are jealous. Carry on you successful parent you!

:iagree: After many years of listening to FIL bellyaching about everything, I finally had it out with him about two years ago. He was eating yet another wonderful meal prepared by MomsintheGarden at our house and was going on about this and that about homeschooling in front of all of our children. I cut him off. I then listed, in excruciating detail, all of the impressive accomplishments of DS19 and DD17. At the end of my litany, there is no way that he could mistakenly believe that I am not incredibly proud of our children or that I was somehow unaware that these two children have already exceeded the accomplishments (at the same age) of anyone in our extended family, past or present, on either side. Finally, I asked him this question: "Please be very specific: What changes do you recommend that we should have made in their education and upbringing in order to create a better outcome for these two children?" He had NO response. In response to his lack of a response, I told him that we had every intention of following a similar course with the younger five children, as well. He has never made a disparaging remark to me about my family since that time.


MomsintheGarden still deals with his grumblings sometimes on the telephone. She has also developed a way to diffuse that to the point where it is almost nonexistent: She immediately begins a discussion about something in his life that she feels he should change. Apparently that shuts him down instantly.


While our approaches may not apply directly to your case, it hope you can take it as a form of encouragement! There is hope that you can find an effective way to diffuse your family! Blessings!

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They've gone much too far. If they feel the need to be rude and cruel regarding yourself and your family, then it could be time to make a definitive line between what you will speak about and what will abruptly end a conversation...


"I know you wish us the best. Thank you for your loving advice and kindness. I know you mean well. That being said, I cannot abide continual disparaging remarks to be directed at or about my children. Perhaps we can speak later, once you've collected yourself and can be kind and respectful. I love you. Goodbye."


:( I'm sorry they're being so obtuse and vicious. You need to protect your dcs though... what if they heard what Grandma and Auntie really think about them?



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These two ladies have much less wordy approaches (than mine) and I'm sure they'll work as well. I've also started cutting off "friends" or relatives as if they were my children.


"You should..."

"Excuse me?!? We do not treat other people in such a manner!?!"


Can you tell I've been working through Miss Manners' Basic Training :lol:

Ah yes. My grandfather had a line for these situations:


"Shut up you mad bugger, I'm sick of listening to you."


Or, since you sound like a polite sort of woman (and I don't think my grandfather ever did say that to anyone ;) ) you could just say "Tut, tut. If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all." Repeat, and repeat and repeat until they hang up on you :) Then practise thinking that's funny.


Or give them to Remudamom :)




I would add to all the other good advice you have received, that if you do continue to have holiday chats with them at the first negative comment you end the conversation. Either by saying, "This is not open for discussion." Or

"the doorbell's ringing." "Something's burning on the stove." Whatever. Just get out there fast. The less you hear of that the better.


You can just realize that they are idiots. Sounds like they are unhappy that they can't run your life. Shrug it off, don't let them mess with you for one more second of your life. Practice laughing hysterically and do it every time they start up on you. Or just send me their emails and I'll handle it for you. I haven't had a good fight in a while.

Are you looking to adopt a younger sister? My family is alright and all, but life would be so much easier if I could just sic you on people :p



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Amen to Remudamom and Woolybear! And Ginger...invite friends over for holidays, perhaps just for the evening meal of the day after Christmas. That gives you something to look forward to while you have a quiet Christmas. There may be nothing you can say to change their minds so just ignore their comments. It may be painful because they are family but in the scheme of things their opinions are only 2 or 3 opinions out of many and you know what is best for your children!

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