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The Gates of Heaven


The old man was so tired; he closed his eyes and dozed off. He began to dream, a vivid dream... "NO" he thought, this is no dream, and yet, what else could it be? He looked down at his arms, they were the arms of a young man, he was no longer old? He was standing beside a dirt road out in the country it was a beautiful day, the hills were covered with emerald green grass and knurled oak trees, it was so beautiful here? Then, seemingly, from out of nowhere, his dog Shep was by his side. But hadn't Shep been a pet of his youth? Then it dawned on him, he must have "crossed over." He must have died in his sleep. If so, all his fears of death had been silly; he felt better than he has ever felt in his life - this was the most beautiful place, the most beautiful day...


Shep dropped a stick at his feet and backed up excitedly, looking down at the stick then up at him, obviously anxious for him to throw it, anxious to play. He knelt down and took Shep's head between his hands and kissed him on the top of his head, his heart filled with joy, thrilled at what seemed to have occurred, thrilled with this new "reality." He felt better than he had ever felt in life...


He threw the stick for Shep and watched him bound excitedly after it, bringing it back over and over. He realized Shep was getting thirsty. Looking around he could not see any creek or stream or other place for Shep to get a drink so he decided they should start walking down the road. They hadn't gone very far when they came to a great marble arch with a gold gate and a gold road leading over a small hill. He could see and feel a warm glow coming from over the hill, next to the gate was a large pulpit upon which stood a saintly looking man wearing a white robe and having a long grey beard; very distinguished looking.


"What is this place?" he asked.


"Why don't you know? You've reached the Gates of Heaven," replied the man.


"May I enter?" he asked, in wonder.



"Hmmm... Let me look in my book." He turned a few pages and appeared to skim the contents. "Why, Yes! Your name is written here. You are welcome to enter." He gestured with one arm.


"And my dog, he can come in too? He's very thirsty."


"Sorry, but no. Absolutely not! I'm sorry, but dogs aren't allowed in heaven."


The man thought about this for a few seconds. "Well, if my dog isn't welcome then I guess I really don't belong here either."


"Suit yourself, but know this: If you turn your back on this gate you will never get a second chance to enter."


He turned his back on heaven and continued down the road with Shep by his side. It was odd, all his life he had hoped to enter heaven, now he had turned his back on his only chance to enter. Yet, he felt strangely good about it. In fact, somehow, he could not manage to muster even a slight twinge of regret? In his heart he felt he had done "the right thing." As he walked down the road, the countryside seemed to continue to get more and more beautiful and his sense of well being grew stronger and stronger. He crested another hill and walked down into the most beautiful valley, the most beautiful place, he had ever been. Wildflowers bloomed everywhere, insects buzzed, and gorgeous butterflies he had never seen before flitted from flower to flower.


By and by, his walk down the road brought him to another gate, just an old rail fence. There was a man standing off to one side. For the most part, he looked like a farmer. He was sitting on the fence. He was wearing denim coveralls and had on an old straw hat. He was idly holding a stem of grass between his lips. Just off the road on the other side of the gate was a well.


"Hello" he said to the farmer. "May I enter here and get a bucket of water from your well? My dog is awfully thirsty."


"Of course you may. You and your dog are both welcome here." The farmer smiled.


So, he walked through the gate and proceeded to lower the bucket into the well. "Where am I?" he asked the farmer.


"Son, you've reached the gates of heaven." The farmer's smile broadened.


The man began to notice that the farmer possessed a holy, angelic visage. "Really? Are you sure? A man back there said the other place was the gate of heaven?"


"Oh, yes. I know who you mean. He tells everyone that. But then you know 'the devil is a liar.'" The holy man smirked and shook his head. "Did you truly think God would ever let anyone pass through the real gates of heaven who was willing to leave his best friend in life alone and thirsty by the side of the road?" * * * * * * *

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Guest Alte Veste Academy
Dogs don't have souls? ... why not?


:confused: Baloney. Anyone who thinks that doesn't know dogs.



"Did you truly think God would ever let anyone pass through the real gates of heaven who was willing to leave his best friend in life alone and thirsty by the side of the road?" * * * * * * *


That is wonderful. :001_smile:

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I know dogs have souls. Our dog had puppies six years ago, and we kept one of the puppies. When her mother died, she stole my daughter's stuffed animal that looked similar to her breed, had a hysterical pregnancy, lactaided, would not leave the puppy. The dog suffered real depression. We had to hand feed her. She did not leave the mudroom for weeks. I have never seen such sadness in someone's eyes. I am certain she was grieving the loss of a loved one.

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I don't think they have souls at all...personalities yes, but we humans are uniquely created in the image of God and given souls which will be held accountable for and must answer to God for our actions (sins)...our immortal souls are destined for heaven or hell. Dogs aren't judged for their actions, they aren't held accountable for them nor do they answer to anyone but their owners for their actions! They aren't destined for eternal life or eternal death.


We have had several animals from dogs to cats to horses and more...and love them...they are part of our family, but God made man to rule OVER the beast (animals), not as equals. Our poor dog now woudl have some major sins to answer for if he did have a soul! No one goes out witnessing to animals...they witness to teh lost souls...people!

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If by soul you mean a personality that transcends death, then no, dogs don't have souls and neither do people. When the brain stops working, the individual identity of that being disappears. Once a person is dead, all that is left is the legacy they built during their life.


To echo a previous poster, I don't believe in heaven, but if there is, I'm not going without my hounds! :001_smile:

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I don't think they have souls at all...personalities yes, but we humans are uniquely created in the image of God and given souls which will be held accountable for and must answer to God for our actions (sins)...our immortal souls are destined for heaven or hell.


Can you point to the place in the human body where this soul is located? Science has tried to find it for thousands of years and it seems illusive. Does the Bible say where this soul is located? Where is your soul when you faint? When you're under anesthesia?


And does it go to purgatory when one dies, or do only Catholic souls go to purgatory? Do protestant souls go straight to heaven?

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I have no idea if they have souls or not. The bible doesn't address it, but then, the Bible addresses MANKIND, not the animal kingdom, as far as how to live. I would hope that something God created, that brings so much joy to its owners, would be in heaven. I hope when I get there that the loved ones who greet me include my beloved pets, as well.

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I don't think they have souls at all...personalities yes, but we humans are uniquely created in the image of God and given souls which will be held accountable for and must answer to God for our actions (sins)...our immortal souls are destined for heaven or hell. Dogs aren't judged for their actions, they aren't held accountable for them nor do they answer to anyone but their owners for their actions! They aren't destined for eternal life or eternal death.


We have had several animals from dogs to cats to horses and more...and love them...they are part of our family, but God made man to rule OVER the beast (animals), not as equals. Our poor dog now woudl have some major sins to answer for if he did have a soul! No one goes out witnessing to animals...they witness to teh lost souls...people!


I'm with you. I don't believe they have souls in the biblical sense, but that they have feelings and personalities. My dd came up with this when our dog passed suddenly:

Good dogs go to heaven to take care of little children and babies who have passed and don't yet have parents in heaven to take care of them.

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I don't think they have souls at all...personalities yes, but we humans are uniquely created in the image of God and given souls which will be held accountable for and must answer to God for our actions (sins)...our immortal souls are destined for heaven or hell. Dogs aren't judged for their actions, they aren't held accountable for them nor do they answer to anyone but their owners for their actions! They aren't destined for eternal life or eternal death.


We have had several animals from dogs to cats to horses and more...and love them...they are part of our family, but God made man to rule OVER the beast (animals), not as equals. Our poor dog now woudl have some major sins to answer for if he did have a soul! No one goes out witnessing to animals...they witness to teh lost souls...people!

Well, what about angels then? According to the Bible they are created beings. The Bible says nothing about Jesus' sacrifice pertaining to angels. And yyet they get to spend eternity with God.

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Well, what about angels then? According to the Bible they are created beings. The Bible says nothing about Jesus' sacrifice pertaining to angels. And yyet they get to spend eternity with God.


I was thinking about that. Angels do have wills (Lucifer and his minion that rebelled against God), but do they have souls? I would think they don't need them, because they KNOW God and don't need salvation the way man does, yet they can choose where they want to be: with satan in hell or with God in Heaven.


Hmm. Something to ponder.

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I was thinking about that. Angels do have wills (Lucifer and his minion that rebelled against God), but do they have souls? I would think they don't need them, because they KNOW God and don't need salvation the way man does, yet they can choose where they want to be: with satan in hell or with God in Heaven.


Hmm. Something to ponder.

Yes, and dogs also have wills and the ability to choose what they know is wrong.


Also, I believe that the Bible states that the choice to follow either Lucifer or God was a one-time deal, so angels don't actually have a free will anymore.


So created beings (with or without souls) who do not have free will to choose salvation and still get to spend eternity with God. Sounds like a good case for dogs.

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Can you point to the place in the human body where this soul is located? Science has tried to find it for thousands of years and it seems illusive. Does the Bible say where this soul is located? Where is your soul when you faint? When you're under anesthesia?


And does it go to purgatory when one dies, or do only Catholic souls go to purgatory? Do protestant souls go straight to heaven?


Can you point to where love resides inside of you? Or is it just a brain response related to...what? Why do you only love certain people?

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Can you point to the place in the human body where this soul is located? Science has tried to find it for thousands of years and it seems illusive. Does the Bible say where this soul is located? Where is your soul when you faint? When you're under anesthesia?


And does it go to purgatory when one dies, or do only Catholic souls go to purgatory? Do protestant souls go straight to heaven?


Can you "see" the wind? The wind cannot be physically seen but it can be felt. Just because you cannot see something does not always mean it isn't real.


we cannot "find" the wind because we cannot see it. The wind however can find us because we "feel" it. The soul is much the same. We cannot see a soul but it can most certainly be felt.

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I don't believe that dogs or any animal for that matter, has a soul.


However, I fully believe, that the Creator God who made that animal on earth in the first place, can remake that same animal to keep us company in Eternity. He will be making a New Heaven and a New Earth and with all His boundless creativity, I don't think He'd go without animals, especially the ones who were so special to us on Earth.


Just my .o2

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Can you "see" the wind?


Old allegory -- doesn't work anymore with modern science. So, yes, you can the wind if you have the right equipment.


The same is true for the brain/soul/mind. When you use a functional MRI, you can see the portions of the brain that light up when the subject experiences love. You can see anger, you can see what part of the brain generates each emotion. It is possible to "see" a person thinking about art and it looks very different than when the same person is thinking about math.


What you cannot see is anything like the Judeo-Christian concept of a soul. There is no science to back it up at all. All you see are trillions of little brain cells talking to each other -- from this cacophony arises the perception of self and for some, the sense of a soul.


By the way, you can see God in the brain too. See here:



and here:


Edited by tdeveson
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Dogs have souls.


Once, I had a massive headache. It wasn't a migraine, but it felt deep and painful and well, like I might burst something up there and die. (Not that I called my Dr. Duh)


My dog knew something was different. She licked my face as I lay on the sofa , she nudged me, she whined, she barked, she made me walk her, she would not leave me alone. At one point, I drifted off to sleep on the sofa and she licked my cheek over and over. She never did all that before. When I went to the bathroom, she came with me and whined and nudged and crawled under my knees. I think now she was afraid that I might fall down.


I don't know what was going on with me that day. I felt so sick. A couple of days later a blood vessel in my eye burst. I was fine and it went away. (Although I did look possessed for a few days).


Yet my dog...did she know something?

Edited by LibraryLover
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I thought this was an interesting take on the issue...




The question was asked, "Do animals have souls?" The article was written by Rabbi Marc Gellman.


His answer probably most closely aligns with my own thoughts on the matter.

Edited by Daisy
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I hope I am not on an ignore list for posting this topic - I posted this question because I sincerely want to hear thoughtful responses as my childrens co-op teacher told my son emphatically that dogs do NOT have souls.

We have a german shepard that has been part of our family for 11 years and she is very soulful :) It never crossed my mind that she didn't have of soul - you only have to look into her eyes to see that she does :)

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Only humans have true souls, but animals have what's called a nephesh, or "life spirit". I believe a loving and merciful God would have a place in Heaven for beloved pets. After all, Heaven is a place of eternal happiness and the companionship of pets is something that makes many people happy.


As for the lack of scientific evidence when it comes to the existence of the human soul, science can neither prove nor disprove it. The soul belongs to the realm of the supernatural and that can only be known through faith. Faith and reason are complementary domains of knowledge. One is not "false" and the other "true"; they are both true in different ways. It's up to the individual to make the choice to believe or disbelieve in things that can only be known through faith. But as Pascal pointed out years ago, if you choose to disbelieve, you had better hope you're right! ;)

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If by soul you mean a personality that transcends death, then no, dogs don't have souls and neither do people. When the brain stops working, the individual identity of that being disappears. Once a person is dead, all that is left is the legacy they built during their life.


To echo a previous poster, I don't believe in heaven, but if there is, I'm not going without my hounds! :001_smile:


If you don't believe in heaven, it makes sense you don't believe in souls. :(

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I hope I am not on an ignore list for posting this topic - I posted this question because I sincerely want to hear thoughtful responses as my childrens co-op teacher told my son emphatically that dogs do NOT have souls.

We have a german shepard that has been part of our family for 11 years and she is very soulful :) It never crossed my mind that she didn't have of soul - you only have to look into her eyes to see that she does :)



Our priest told us that he can't imagine that God wouldn't allow our beloved pets into heaven. I like to agree. :001_smile:

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This is a fun thread! :)


Here's the Jewish answer...


Every living creature has a nefesh, a life force. An animal only has a nefesh.


The souls of humans have three parts. God breathed a neshama (soul) into Adam and it settled into his body and part of it became the nefesh, part of it is called the ruach (the wind), and the ruach connects the nefesh to the neshama, the part of the soul that is closest to God.


Animals were not created with this breath, they were created by speech alone.

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This is a fun thread! :)


Here's the Jewish answer...


Every living creature has a nefesh, a life force. An animal only has a nefesh.


The souls of humans have three parts. God breathed a neshama (soul) into Adam and it settled into his body and part of it became the nefesh, part of it is called the ruach (the wind), and the ruach connects the nefesh to the neshama, the part of the soul that is closest to God.


Animals were not created with this breath, they were created by speech alone.

I apppreciated this post. Thanks.
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I do not believe that God's Word makes a distinction between human and animal souls. Ezekial 18:4, 20; Leviticus 21:11


What is the soul and what is the spirit according to God's word?


When writing about the soul, the Bible writers used the Hebrew word ne′phesh or the Greek word psy·khe′. These two words occur well over 800 times in the Scriptures, and the New World Translation consistently renders them Ă¢â‚¬Å“soul.Ă¢â‚¬ When you examine the way Ă¢â‚¬Å“soulĂ¢â‚¬ or Ă¢â‚¬Å“soulsĂ¢â‚¬ is used in the Bible, it becomes evident that this word basically refers to (1) people, 1 Peter 3:20; Genesis 46:18; Exodus 16:16; Joshua 11:11; Acts 27:37; and Romans 13:1. (2) animals, Genesis 1:20, 24; Genesis 9:10; Leviticus 11:46; and Numbers 31:28 or (3) the life that a person or an animal has. Exodus 4:19 .... Bible writers used the Hebrew word ru′ach or the Greek word pneu′ma when writing about the Ă¢â‚¬Å“spirit.Ă¢â‚¬ ... For instance, Psalm 104:29 ... James 2:26 ... In these verses, then, Ă¢â‚¬Å“spiritĂ¢â‚¬ refers to that which gives life to a body. Without spirit, the body is dead.
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Dogs have souls.


Once, I had a massive headache. It wasn't a migraine, but it felt deep and painful and well, like I might burst something up there and die. (Not that I called my Dr. Duh)


My dog knew something was different. She licked my face as I lay on the sofa , she nudged me, she whined, she barked, she made me walk her, she would not leave me alone. At one point, I drifted off to sleep on the sofa and she licked my cheek over and over. She never did all that before. When I went to the bathroom, she came with me and whined and nudged and crawled under my knees. I think now she was afraid that I might fall down.


I don't know what was going on with me that day. I felt so sick. A couple of days later a blood vessel in my eye burst. I was fine and it went away. (Although I did look possessed for a few days).


Yet my dog...did she know something?


:grouphug: for you and your doggie.


And I know it was just the way you typed it but it looks like your doc is called Dr. Duh. :lol:

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This is a fun thread! :)


Here's the Jewish answer...


Every living creature has a nefesh, a life force. An animal only has a nefesh.


The souls of humans have three parts. God breathed a neshama (soul) into Adam and it settled into his body and part of it became the nefesh, part of it is called the ruach (the wind), and the ruach connects the nefesh to the neshama, the part of the soul that is closest to God.


Animals were not created with this breath, they were created by speech alone.


Thank you! What a beautiful post.


For the record, I think animals have souls and will be in heaven. I have loved so many animals in my life who have died. I just know they will be in heaven with me.


Oh, and thank you, Hornblower, for sharing that story. How sweet!

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at our former church, the pastor was teaching my dd's confirmation class (full of 13 year olds). He stated that animals do NOT have souls and do NOT go to heaven. He told the kids that there would be no discussion of the matter. My dd quit the class with my approval. Based on that, the women in my Bible study discussed the issue. The women that strongly believed that animals do not go to heaven were those that have never had pets and some of them strongly dislike animals. The ones that believe that animals go to heaven were pet owners . I'm not saying that everyone that believes that animals do not go to heaven also stronly dislike animals, that was just the way it turned out to be in my Bible study class.

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If there is a god, I hope the love of that god for me is more like a dog's love than a human's love.


Oh yes!



Kind of a funny comment but I don't mean this in an irreverent way. Truly. I am an atheist but I've spoken at lenght to religious folks (usually Catholic because that's my family background) and one of the conversations was about knowing the wonder and power of god's love and how it's unceasing and full of joy and forgiveness and how you really have to work hard to make god angry and even then god still loves you & isn't it a wonderful, powerful love? And I said, hey, I KNOW that kind of love: it's how dogs love!


I'm glad so many people enjoyed that story. I see it often as it pops up on animal rescue lists regularly, along with the Rainbow Bridge poem, which I'm not so enthusiastic about. There is an alternative ending to the Heaven story which goes like this:


"Doesn't it make you mad for them to use your name like that?"


"No. I can see how you might think so, but we're just happy that they screen out the folks who'll leave their dogs behind."






And there is also Rescue Rainbow Bridge story which is SO wonderfully maudlin that at the right time of the month it's good for a couple kleenexes for me. :lol: I can't find the kleenex alert smilie....



Rainbow rescue bridge



Unlike most days at RainBow Bridge, this day dawned cold and gray, damp as a swamp and as dismal as could be imagined. All the recent arrivals were confused and concerned. They had no idea what to think for they had never experienced a day like this before. But the animals who had spent some time waiting for their beloved people knew exactly what was happening and began to gather at the pathway leading to the Bridge to watch. They knew this was something special.






It wasn't too long before an elderly animal came into view, head hung heavy and low with tail dragging along the ground. The other animals on the pathway...the ones who had been at RainBow Bridge for a while...knew the story of this sad creature immediately. They had seen it happen far too many times.




Although it was obvious the animal's heart was leaden and he was totally overcome with emotional pain and hurt, there was no sign of injury or any illness. Unlike the pets waiting at the Bridge, this dog had not been restored to his prime. He was full of neither health nor vigor. He approached slowly and painfully, watching all the pets who were by now watching him. He knew he was out of place here. This was no resting place for him. He felt instinctively that the sooner he could cross over, the happier he would be. But alas, as he came closer to the Bridge, his way was barred by the appearance of an Angel who spoke softly to the old dog and apologized sorrowfully, telling him that he would not be able to pass.




Only those animals who were with their special people could pass over the RainBow Bridge. And he had no special beloved people...not here at the Bridge nor on Earth below.


With no place else to turn, the poor elderly dog looked toward the fields before the Bridge. There, in a separate area nearby, he spotted a group of other sad-eyed animals like himself...elderly and infirm. Unlike the pets waiting for their special people, these animals weren't playing, but simply lying on the green grass, forlornly and miserably staring out at the pathway leading to the Bridge. The recent arrival knew he had no choice but to join them. And so, he took his place among them, just watching the pathway and waiting.




One of the newest arrivals at the Bridge, who was waiting for his special people, could not understand what he had just witnessed and asked one of the pets who had been there for some time to explain it to him.




"That poor dog was a rescue, sent to the pound when his owner grew tired of him. They way you see him now, with graying fur and sad, cloudy eyes, was exactly the way he was when he was put into the kennels. He never, ever made it out and passed on only with the love and comfort that the kennel workers could give him as he left his miserable and unloved existence on Earth for good. Because he had no family or special person to give his love, he has nobody to escort him across the Bridge."




The first animal thought about this for a minute and then asked, "So what will happen now?"




As he was about to receive his answer, the clouds suddenly parted and the all-invasive gloom lifted. Coming toward the Bridge could be seen a single figure...a person who, on Earth, had seemed quite ordinary...a person who, just like the elderly dog, had just left Earth forever.




This figure turned toward a group of the sad animals and extended outstretched palms. The sweetest sounds they had ever heard echoed gently above them and all were bathed in a pure and golden light. Instantly, each was young and healthy again, just as they had been in the prime of life.




From within the gathering of pets waiting for their special people, a group of animals emerged and moved toward the pathway. As they came close to the passing figure, each bowed low and each received a tender pat on the head or a scratch behind the ears. Their eyes grew even brighter as the figure softly murmured each name. Then, the newly-restored pets fell into line behind the figure and quietly followed this person to the Bridge, where they all crossed together.




The recent arrival who had been watching, was amazed. "What happened?"


"That was a rescuer," came the answer. "That person spent a lifetime trying to help pets of all kinds. The ones you saw bowing in respect were those who found new homes because of such unselfish work. They will cross when their families arrive. Those you saw restored were ones who never found homes. When a rescuer arrives, they are permitted to perform one, final act of rescue. They are allowed to escort those poor pets that couldn't place on Earth across the Rainbow Bridge. You see, all animals are special to them...just as they are special to all animals."


"I think I like rescuers," said the recent arrival. "So does God," was the reply.


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I think we've got 2 separate questions here. #1 is "does an animal have a soul?" #2 is "can an animal go to Heaven?" They do not necessarily have to have the same answer. As I mentioned earlier, I do not believe animals have souls, but I do believe that God will have a place in Heaven for beloved pets. There were animals in the Garden of Eden, and Heaven is described as a new Eden.

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