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Have you heard about Tiger Woods?

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Fame, talent, looks, health, money, comfort.........


Not enough? He (apparently) needs a woman outside of marriage?


Actually, all of those things seem to be a recipe for feeling entitled to women outside of marriage. From what I hear (not just tabloid sources, but people who have business dealings with that crowd), professional athletes are not known for being faithful spouse. Most of the women who marry into that know that the price of the perks is a wandering eye.


I had hoped that Tiger was the exception that he appeared to be.

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I have 2 comments on this. First, it is not just famous men who cheat on their wives. They are just the ones we hear about. Repeatedly. Face it, if it was YOUR would you advertise it all over the neighborhood?


Secondly, I sorta figured that he was leaving, she was out there with a club, banging on the car, and in an effort to avoid her, he wrecked into the fire hydrant and tree. I mean, seriously, a Cadillac Escalade is a BIG car. If my DH was in it hurt/unconscious, I would NOT be busting in the BACK window. I'd probably try either his window or the front passenger window.



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I'll wait for the facts to come in before drawing conclusions. However, what disturbs me most about the account (rumor) as it stands is the aspect of domestic violence. Female to male DV is *so* under-reported.


I wonder how most of us would feel about the situation if the genders were reversed (she cheated, he got mad and injured her, chased her with a golf club). Why is no one standing up and renouncing the wife's (alleged) assault on her husband?

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I'll wait for the facts to come in before drawing conclusions. However, what disturbs me most about the account (rumor) as it stands is the aspect of domestic violence. Female to male DV is *so* under-reported.


I wonder how most of us would feel about the situation if the genders were reversed (she cheated, he got mad and injured her, chased her with a golf club). Why is no one standing up and renouncing the wife's (alleged) assault on her husband?




And it would be fun to see John Edwards hair all messed up with the golf clubs. :D :D :D

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I'll wait for the facts to come in before drawing conclusions. However, what disturbs me most about the account (rumor) as it stands is the aspect of domestic violence. Female to male DV is *so* under-reported.


I wonder how most of us would feel about the situation if the genders were reversed (she cheated, he got mad and injured her, chased her with a golf club). Why is no one standing up and renouncing the wife's (alleged) assault on her husband?


I don't know. Life's not fair? Men are generally bigger, make more money and rule the world. I'm not weeping over poor little cheatin Tiger getting the crap beat out of him by his outraged wife.


Disclaimer: My 26 year marriage is being dissolved Monday in a court of law thanks to my husband's outrageous cheating.

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I'll wait for the facts to come in before drawing conclusions. However, what disturbs me most about the account (rumor) as it stands is the aspect of domestic violence. Female to male DV is *so* under-reported.


I wonder how most of us would feel about the situation if the genders were reversed (she cheated, he got mad and injured her, chased her with a golf club). Why is no one standing up and renouncing the wife's (alleged) assault on her husband?


To answer your last question, that is not the scenario being speculated about.

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Did I miss something? It says they were arguing because she had "reports he was seeing another woman." Uh, I've had pigs say that about dh... because they could. Hasn't there been allegations before, because people wanted money? Duke? Hasty?


If it was a domestic dispute, because she heard he was cheating on her, that doesn't necessarily mean he was cheating on her. It could mean some jerk took it upon themself to make us some crud so they could blackmail her to keep them quiet. It happens.

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I wonder how most of us would feel about the situation if the genders were reversed (she cheated, he got mad and injured her, chased her with a golf club). Why is no one standing up and renouncing the wife's (alleged) assault on her husband?


If I heard that this is what actually happened from any reliable source. The police have made no statement to that effect and the Woods camp has made no statement, and this just seems like ugly gossip to me, not anything based on reports from people who would know. If she attacked him with a golf club, she ought to be arrested whether he had an affair or not. But nothing makes me think that is what happened. I thought the report was that he was disoriented and the car doors were locked so she used a club to break in?

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I assumed an entirely different thing. I only read the smaller report this morning that basically said he crashed into a neighbor's tree and fire hydrant at 2:30 AM and his wife broke the back window with a golf club and pulled him out.


Based on that, my assumption was:


He was going to a 24 hour pharmacy because someone in the family was sick. His wife broke the back window because she didn't want to risk hitting him with flailing glass.


Obviously, I am totally naive and completely out of touch.:glare:

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If I heard that this is what actually happened from any reliable source. The police have made no statement to that effect and the Woods camp has made no statement, and this just seems like ugly gossip to me, not anything based on reports from people who would know. If she attacked him with a golf club, she ought to be arrested whether he had an affair or not. But nothing makes me think that is what happened. I thought the report was that he was disoriented and the car doors were locked so she used a club to break in?


At this point the ENTIRE report is gossip. Including that he cheated on her.

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One person's bad behavior doesn't justify another's. IF he was cheating, it doesn't justify her physically attacking him. And, this is coming from someone who was cheated on.


But, whatever the true situation is, I think letting them handle it privately (meaning: media, go away!) is the best way to go.

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I'll wait for the facts to come in before drawing conclusions. However, what disturbs me most about the account (rumor) as it stands is the aspect of domestic violence. Female to male DV is *so* under-reported.


I wonder how most of us would feel about the situation if the genders were reversed (she cheated, he got mad and injured her, chased her with a golf club). Why is no one standing up and renouncing the wife's (alleged) assault on her husband?


Apparently, in FL... she could go to jail for scratching his face and coming after him with a golf club. Me thinks Tiger is taking the fall to protect his wife.

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Obviously, I am totally naive and completely out of touch.:glare:


I thought he had terrible jet lag and was sleep-driving. I know I ended up in a completely different room's closet in my PJ's when I flew to Germany. It was shocking. (I shocked the people too....crazy Americans. I upset the airline people worse. Jogbras aren't big there, and every time I was searched with a gentle karate chop between the b@@ks, the pour woman's hand bounced back and nearly hit her.)


Oh, well. It isn't just the money and power that drives them to cheatin'-- it is the personality to have had the drive to get all that fame and money and power. Plenty of go-getters who don't get very far do the same darned thing.

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Woods said it was a private matter, and he wanted to keep it that way. What he failed to address was where he was going at that hour.


“Although I understand there is curiosity, the many false, unfounded and malicious rumors that are currently circulating about my family and me are irresponsible,†he said.


Windermere police chief Daniel Saylor has said Woods’ wife, Elin, used a golf club to smash out a rear window to help him get out of the SUV when she heard the crash from inside their home at 2:25 a.m. Friday.


“The only person responsible for the accident is me,†Woods said. “My wife, Elin, acted courageously when she saw I was hurt and in trouble. She was the first person to help me. Any other assertion is absolutely false.â€


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If it was a domestic dispute, because she heard he was cheating on her, that doesn't necessarily mean he was cheating on her. It could mean some jerk took it upon themself to make us some crud so they could blackmail her to keep them quiet. It happens.



When I first read the report in our local paper, I wondered just how he was meant to be having an affair with this other woman. It was allegedly when he was staying in Melbourne with his mother!!

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And I think they deserve their privacy. I'm glad it was clarified that the police interview was optional. I kept thinking: even if they were arguing--so what? Who has a right to know why he left the house in the wee hours of the morning? Why would the police be investigating that?


If he hadn't ingested drugs or alcohol and wasn't texting when he hit the hydrant, it's just a minor accident. He got distracted--whether it was because he reached for the radio or had just had a fight with his wife doesn't really matter.

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I'm glad it was clarified that the police interview was optional. I kept thinking: even if they were arguing--so what? Who has a right to know why he left the house in the wee hours of the morning? Why would the police be investigating that?


Police are there to determine if a crime has been committed. You never have to talk to the police. You never have to meet with the police unless you are arrested. Even (especially) if you are arrested, there is not much you are obligated to (should) say.

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Wouldn't you?


Personally, if I were the victim of such an assault that left me scratched up on my face, chased down the driveway with a golf club, and left on the street in and out of consciousness... I'm not sure I want to be in the same house with a person who unleashed such fury on me.


Granted, this is their own business. And Woods has the $$$ and power to cover this all up. But if allegations are true about the argument and affair -- I'm disappointed in Tiger. But even more concerned about his wife's behavior. She could have killed him. JMO

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What struck me about his statement was that it didn't show unity with his wife. It would have been a nice touch if he had said, "My wife Elin and I are standing together during this crisis" or "We thank you for your concern and we will cooperate fully, etc." He mentioned Elin, but he didn't go out of his way to show that they were a united couple. Bad sign.

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I believe she had the club in her hand because she needed to break a car window to get him out. The car was locked. I really hope things go well for them. I agree that he has always seemed like a classy guy.





I believe she clocked him with the golf club and he is protecting her because he doesn't want the bad publicity. Apparently, he may have been unfaithful and she became enraged.

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Police are there to determine if a crime has been committed. You never have to talk to the police. You never have to meet with the police unless you are arrested. Even (especially) if you are arrested, there is not much you are obligated to (should) say.


Yeah--what I meant was-- questions as to what had happened before the accident (unless it involved drugs/alcohol or a crime) or where he was going would not have been part of a normal police investigation of an accident, but all the media was panting waiting for the police investigation, like they are all the Enquirer after some juicy tidbit.

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Guest Virginia Dawn

You know what, I think all the speculation without definite facts is pointless. We don't know what really happened, period. To assume that we do is wrong, IMO. Not all celebrities are heels or cheaters. Until anything further comes out, wouldn't it be kinder to give them both the benefit of the doubt?

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Yeah--what I meant was-- questions as to what had happened before the accident (unless it involved drugs/alcohol or a crime) or where he was going would not have been part of a normal police investigation of an accident, but all the media was panting waiting for the police investigation, like they are all the Enquirer after some juicy tidbit.


I guess I can't say what a normal police investigation is. Police are looking for crime -- any crime. Therefore it is not really in anyone's interest to say much invoking the "if you're innocent, then what do you have to hide?" position. 5th amendment and all that.


All media likes to report when the might fall. It is interesting when Britney lose her mind and custody of her kids , but not so interesting when it's one's sister. Tiger Woods is basically one of the most boring by tabloid standards major celebs there is. It is major news when "TW" and "moving violation" are mentioned in the same sentence.

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At this point the ENTIRE report is gossip. Including that he cheated on her.



Parts are definitely gossip. However, he did have an accident and was admitted to the hospital-- for backing his car out of the driveway. I'm no Sherlock Holmes but you typically don't have to go to the hospital for backing out of your driveway in an enormous SUV when you are sober. I mean, how fast was he going coming out of his driveway?


But, yes, I agree that all the facts should be in before we consider him guilty of everything under the sun. I just think that it's sad that something happened that warrants his secrecy.



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You know what, I think all the speculation without definite facts is pointless. We don't know what really happened, period. To assume that we do is wrong, IMO. Not all celebrities are heels or cheaters. Until anything further comes out, wouldn't it be kinder to give them both the benefit of the doubt?


:iagree: I've seen a LOT of speculation and rumors posted in this thread. Sounds just like the media. :glare:

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When I first read the report in our local paper, I wondered just how he was meant to be having an affair with this other woman. It was allegedly when he was staying in Melbourne with his mother!!


I personally experienced a mother who was present when her son was with another woman while supposedly in a committed relationship.

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When I first read the report in our local paper, I wondered just how he was meant to be having an affair with this other woman. It was allegedly when he was staying in Melbourne with his mother!!

Right about now it just sounds like they want to smear someone that has shown you can have it all and not become a total jerk.

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I don't get my news from TMZ or the Enquirer. But I was listening to the radio with my 13yo ds when the accident was first reported, and we agreed, "That doesn't sound right; there is more to this story." Tiger drove away in a huge SUV and hit a fire hydrant and tree (before gathering any speed) hard enough to cut and bruise his face and knock him unconscious so that his wife had to break out a back window with a golf club? Really? It didn't seem possible when I heard it on the radio, so in my mind I guessed alcohol was involved. When I heard "the other woman" angle, that seemed plausible, too. We might never know what happened (yes, they do have their right to privacy), but this was not just a simple back-out-of-the-driveway accident.

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dh and I talked about this:


Media is speculating a lot. So we talked and this is what we came up with.


He cheated on his wife. She found out and got mad. She started beating him up before he left.


Now here is what we are unsure about: Only Tiger Woods know this....


Did he crash his vehicle in order to protect his wife so she doesn't go to jail for domestic violence. In Florida, you committed a crime if you did domestic violence.


Now reading this thread...I haven't heard about her going to the car with a golf club and busting the window. This is news to me.


She has serious problems if she actually did the scratching and beating. I am against all domestic violence whether it is the woman doing it or the man.


I am shocked at how his wife is not being discussed here in this thread as the one who is doing wrong, crime wise. Tiger had an affair. He is wrong for doing that but it is NOT a crime. What his wife did IS a crime. That is what dh and I are discussing. We think it is possible that he crashed to cover up the violence she did against him. She could have killed him going after him with a golf club.


Who knows....I guess we will find out everything eventually.



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Who knows....I guess we will find out everything eventually.




I'd rather we didn't, unless they choose to share the details.


I don't know why it's often assumed that people who live their lives with a fair amount of media exposure (actors, musicians, sports pros, etc) are supposed to share *everything* with the world. :001_huh:


[general comment]

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Parts are definitely gossip. However, he did have an accident and was admitted to the hospital-- for backing his car out of the driveway. I'm no Sherlock Holmes but you typically don't have to go to the hospital for backing out of your driveway in an enormous SUV when you are sober. I mean, how fast was he going coming out of his driveway?


But, yes, I agree that all the facts should be in before we consider him guilty of everything under the sun. I just think that it's sad that something happened that warrants his secrecy.






Honestly, if the police think a crime was committed, they will investigate and either find some proof or not. Meanwhile, I don't think he owes anyone any explanation at all, except that he needs to compensate for any damage that he did and apologize to his neighbors for what has probably been a media circus.


But TW has always been private (he even named his yacht "Privacy"), and I admire that. I think secrecy is the best policy for him for life in general. He's always been reluctant to let the world into his personal life. He's a celebrity because of his success in golf, but he hasn't really sought celebrity - he's just sought golf championships. I don't think he owes the world an explanation, and I think gossiping about this and slandering him and his wife is just as bad as doing that to any one else, including your pastor, your neighbor or your friend.

Edited by Danestress
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