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Anyone else's money flying out the door every month?

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We use the cash envelope system and get paid once a month. Geez, lately it seems like I'm scrounging for cash by about two weeks into the month. I know I need to sit down & really assess where the money is going.


This month a lot went for cough medicine, cough drops, tissues, prescription medicine, blah, blah, blah, but I'm feeling this way every month. I need to tighten the belt because a pay cut is very possible in the near future.


Anyone else noticing this trend or is my hubby just sneaking pocket change for sodas? :glare: Just kidding, I know he isn't.


And if so, how have you tackled it? Where have you cut back?

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Money is gone almost as soon as I get it. :(

I have been noticing a big increase in the prices at the grocery store. That may be part of it. Plus, I'm having to stock up on OTC meds and get winter clothes for the kids a little at a time. Add to that, bowling every week, field trips, classes, basketball, etc...

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All of my money is going to feed. Because we had a drought this summer, I'm paying way too much for hay.


I bet that hay plus grain is getting to cost close to $800 per month. I need to get outside and plant the winter rye seeds my daughter bought. That should help us get through the winter.

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All of my money is going to feed. Because we had a drought this summer, I'm paying way too much for hay.


I bet that hay plus grain is getting to cost close to $800 per month. I need to get outside and plant the winter rye seeds my daughter bought. That should help us get through the winter.




I figured our "self funded" rescue farm cost us about $600 per month when we started it six years ago. That included NO vet bills. I cringe to think what it costs now!


We are lucky to have found a local farmer that charges $4.25 per bale for hay. We would be paying over $7 had we not found him!


Money flies out the window, or burns at the stake, or gets eaten, or WHATEVER, more now than I've ever seen. And I've tried to get the groceries under $1000 per month - it just isn't going to happen!

Edited by Denisemomof4
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Unfortunately, I have the one of first vet bill in years coming up tomorrow.


Our Jersey has been sick off and on for 2 months. Miss Good has spent about $200 on medication. I spent $350 on a vet that couldn't tell us anything.


Finally, Dh took off on Friday and took her to the large animal clinic at Texas A&M. It turns out she has an infection in her aortic valve. She is fine until a little piece breaks off and gets in her bloodstream, and the infection becomes systemic, and she is down in minutes.


They could not believe that we have kept her alive long enough to get a correct diagnosis. I have to call tomorrow and find out what 4 days of care, 2 ultrasounds, tests to check for heart damage and more tests for liver damage plus an extended course of antibiotics is going to cost YIKES!


On the bright side, I do have savings just for farm emergencies, and if she survives, I can use her milk for the pig and baby goats, and our family can drink the goats' milk, so nothing will go to waste.

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Grocery money seems to be a figment of my imagination this month. I was out of cash in the envelope last week. We are dipping into an emergency grocery fund to keep us in fresh milk, bread, and fruits and veggies for the rest of the month. We'll be eating out of our freezer and pantry until then.


I'm concerned over the holidays and their food demands. I'd better get creative with my menu planning.


Gas prices are jumping up again, too.

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Man....I'd love to get a huge deep freezer, buy a quarter to a half an organic cow, a pig, and bunch of chickens...fill the freezer and then only have to buy fruits and veggies, milk products and eggs. I think that would be a huge cost savings.


So would having my own chicken coop, buying milk off a neighbour, and growing and canning my own veggies and fruit, but I'm not on my farm yet.


Please let it be a 'yet'. Please. *praying* I don't know how much longer I can take living in the city :crying:

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We don't use envelopes but we pay for everything with cash. Groceries have been expensive lately. Part of it is ds is growing and eating way more, we've been trying to buy more organic, and I've had allergies for months. I spent 100.00 today when dh spent at least 50.00 on other grocery items yesterday. We used to get by on 100.00 a week (family of 3, 2 pets). It used to be less but now dh takes his lunch everyday.


One thing we did was accidentally overpaid on our gas bill during the spring. it is very low in the summer and we've had a credit for the last 4 months. We've also started carefully checking all bills. We've found several small errors over the last few months adding up to about 50.00.


We get take out about once a week. We've been trying to order from places where we can get at least two meals from one dinner.

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I did get about a third of the fall garden put in yesterday. We should be good:001_smile: for spinach, carrots and lettuce over the winter. If I can get some kids to move the compost into the other garden, I can plant the snow peas, cabbage and broccoli.


We are set on milk and eggs and cheese and turkey. I'm not sure when our pig is scheduled to be butchered, but that ought to really help cut the grocery bill.

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Our utility bills really skyrocketed. We haven't been using more energy. The rates just increased.


Gas is about $2.90 a gallon but we live in CA so that has been pretty normal.


I bought winter clothes for the kids. Even Goodwill has upped its prices & stuff is still flying off the shelves.


Eating out has been a problem the last couple of weeks. When we don't feel good I don't want to cook. Then hubby runs out for junk b/c he's starving.


Food is definitely more expensive.


Services seem to really be increasing in price also. Things like hair cuts, sports, etc.

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We have this problem too.... I'm about to really buckle down, though, because I'm trying to get our debt paid off so we can move to a place with more opportunities for us and the kiddos. Since I had my baby 3 weeks ago, I've only gone to Target once and Sam's twice for a few things and it's been SO nice not going to the grocery store like I normally do (usually do a full trip each week). We're eating out of our freezer and pantry and aren't eating out as much at ALL. That is where a lot of our money ends up going - restaurants.


I'm thinking of organizing a feed the freezer food swap with some friends so we can each make a bunch of batches of a single meal and swap so we can all have different meals for our families. ;) I get a little bored with things I've cooked myself.


I also need to pull my crockpot out!

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Absolutely, Yes! Our food hardly lasts for two weeks. I have noticed prices going up. I honestly could use at least $500 for 2 weeks. We are now down to 8 people at home instead of 10. But, I have to buy gf/cf flours etc... and I don't buy the packaged foods. Except, We do end up buying 2 pkgs. of store brand cookies for Sunday nights (after church) with the cheapest ice cream. I make homemade cookies, snacks etc. and they are gone so fast. I made the dry hot chocolate mix and it was gone in a snap!


Honestly, I don't really buy the kids clothes, except underwear, socks, stockings. I go to the church with the free "store". The older 2 (that are home) buy their own because they work.


I have been frustrated about money.


The church we have been attending has the Dave Ramsey financial class but unfortunately, this session is on a night my dh cannot attend. I did tell him to call and maybe someone could give us info.


Well, this post got long. ;)

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We use the cash envelope system and get paid once a month. Geez, lately it seems like I'm scrounging for cash by about two weeks into the month. I know I need to sit down & really assess where the money is going.



And if so, how have you tackled it? Where have you cut back?


Yeah. I think we might be 'poor'. Eventhough we make more than we should need to, comparatively speaking. We pay more than $200 for water each month, for crying out loud! And then there is over $400 for heat/elect, and don't even mention the phone/satellite/computer...


If you are new to the envelope thing, you may need to start a new one for meds/otc/tissues/ect if you are finding that you spend a large amt on those things. If you budget for those things and then everyone feels better eventually, keep that envelope anyway and stash that $ for future 'medical expenses'.


Its a lot easier said than done, but once it IS done, it works out nicely.

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Yep, Wednesday should be my day to grocery shop, but I am not, nor will I be able to by the end of the month. Both dh's family and my family expect us to host Thanksgiving--we are but for our own familiy--we can't afford to feed everyone this year.


Most of our issue are medical bills from our baby's nicu stay. We have worked like crazy to pay them off due to the harassing phone calls, only to run short now and not be able to make ends meet. :glare:


I pray the check my dh gets when he finishes this job will help up catch up a bit. However, I know it will be short, and so nothing left for groceries, and I already am using up the "scraps". God will provide, I just wish we didn't have to cut it so short and cause me to feel so stressed over it. ;)

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I have been strategic shopping the past year and my food bill has gone down and the last few months I've been able to do awesome. Just this morning, I got three triaminic and several Theraflu at Walgreens for free and even made money on it. If you want to know how to do all of this you need to check out http://www.hotcouponworld.com or http://www.couponmom.com I try and feed my family the best I can and we do eat some "junk" but I buy things like frozen vegetables for free (my Meijer doubles) I got Sara Lee lunch meat for $1.27 for Dh's lunch today at WM because I had a $3.00 Internet Printable coupon.

We are a family of 5 and our bill is less than $350 a month and my pantry is over flowing. I have a 24.5 Cuft. freezer that is full too (granted I did buy a half a beef from my parents, but that is included in my budget also.

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We pay more than $200 for water each month, for crying out loud!


Can you put in a well? Our water bill was eating us up - $600-$800 per quarter. We put in a well which cost us $500 including the pump. Now we use well water for everything outside and the water bill went down to $25-50 per quarter! We were spending huge amounts watering our property which is half an acre. Needless to say, our well and pump paid for themselves the first quarter.



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Man....I'd love to get a huge deep freezer, buy a quarter to a half an organic cow, a pig, and bunch of chickens...fill the freezer and then only have to buy fruits and veggies, milk products and eggs. I think that would be a huge cost savings.


So would having my own chicken coop, buying milk off a neighbour, and growing and canning my own veggies and fruit, but I'm not on my farm yet.


Please let it be a 'yet'. Please. *praying* I don't know how much longer I can take living in the city :crying:




If you can get even an apartment sized freezer I recommend it. I buy 1/4 organic(though not certified) beef each fall from a fellow homeschooler here and it takes us all year to get through it all. I do still have to buy chicken and prok but if I buy them at Walmart they are pretty cheap.


I am part of a group trying to get the city to change it's bylaws regarding backyard poultry so that we can have a chicken coop. Next summer I am going to try my hand at gardening and canning. My neighbor did raised boxes this summer, and canned it all, plus canned home made applesauce and raspeberry jam from her backyard. She taught me how and I found a canner for $2 at the thrift shop a couple weeks ago. I am all set.


Anyway, back to the OP, I have found I have been hardest hit in the grocery dept. I typically only have about $400 per month for groceries for 5 including diapers etc. With the jump in food prices it has gotten very hard to make that doable, so I have to redirect money for other things to the grocery budget but then we can't pay for everything else. On Tuesday I am getting a sizable cheque and one of my first stops will be hitting costco and doing a major major non-perishable and paper product stock up. I am hoping to stock enough to get us through at least 6 months. Then I can use my grocery money for fresh produce, milk eggs etc and just buy small quantities of non-perishables to keep my stocks up. THat should help stablize my budget long enough for me to pay my other bills off until my income increases.

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Absolutely! Even though we get COLA here in Germany the rate is horrible.

Right now it's $152.88 per 100euro. Ouch...I've been trying to squeeze in field trips and little outings with the kids before winter hits and it's hard.

Groceries even at the commissary are expensive. I've been using coupons and stocking up on items we will need this winter and have a full freezer full of veggies and meat, chicken, fish. But, it's definitely sticker shock most trips. Gas is now $3.10 a gallon..ouch again, less driving and making my trips count.:auto:

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Yes, I am broke. So if you see my money flying out the door, let me know before you pocket it!:glare:

Me, too!


I'm all:willy_nilly: trying to winterize the house because we just can't burn through a whole tank of oil in 3 months this year. :svengo:


I can't figure it out, though, because we've cut out some bills (dropped cable / cable internet / VOIP and saved $180/month), food bills have gone down, and, I swear, the money is flying out faster than before. I'm going to have to caulk up that - growing - hole where the money's leaking out, too.

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Aside from food dramatically increasing in price this year, insurance, taxes, fees and utilities have gone up well beyond inflationary rates. Check your town budget and you may find the same as I did....rates went up while certain people gave themselves and their friends/relatives hefty pay increases or enormous increases in hours while crying that the town budget was suffering b/c less taxes are being collected (b/c of real estate going back to 2004 levels of valuation).:glare:

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Everything has increased!!!

We use a cash envelope system but I divide everything by week, which means while I might end up short for the week, I'm not for the month. (To do this I take our monthly budget times 12, then divide by 52 to get the weekly amount).


But yes...we actually got a raise this year (still making less than last year as there is no overload)...and it's going for the increase in costs of everything. Sigh.

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And if so, how have you tackled it? Where have you cut back?


Hi Daisy,


I haven't had a chance to read all of the threads, but here is a suggestion. Buy a small money book at Wal-mart. (I can't think of the name of it right now. Just a book with a couple of columns for money entry.. but a small spiral would probably work as well.) Keep it with your envelopes. When you take cash out write down exactly what you are using the cash for. We never did the envelope system and to be honest, that would be awful for me. I cannot carry cash because I don't know where it goes. We just had a small notebook for several years and I wrote down each and every check that I wrote. So for example the book would look like this:


Grocery 250 - HEB 20.22, Albertsons 51. 32

Dining 50 - Jalepeno Tree 35.27

Misc- Walmart (cold medicine) 20.32


Now I do everything on Money in the computer. If you find one category is going overboard, then keep your receipts the envelopes where you keep your cash and then look at what you are actually buying to see where you can cut back.


For me, cash is terrible. I will find ways to spend it. Writing a check forces me to account for every penny. Keeping the book helped me see where I was in each category. You could even keep a running total at the end of the line.



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