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Yes mam that was my daughter and I do apologize...

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said I as I looked for a rock to crawl under:tongue_smilie:. DD who has been potty trained for a year now with occasional accidents, had an accident in the....Chic-Filet play place of all places. She just could not make it out fast enough, poor baby. Another mother quickly got management and tried to get her dd out of there. I felt so bad. These things do happen to all moms at some point in life...right?! Then why all the glares and under breath words. I apologized, things happen, life goes on. I am sorry I ruined your dd playtime I really did not mean to. I am understanding of all things kids and do not say anything except btdt, when other peoples children who have a childs moment that makes mom want to hide under a rock for while. why do I let people get to me like these mothers did.

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I'm so sorry. I'd have offered to help too. She probably doesn't realize that it could just as easily happen to her. People with one kid, or very young kids haven't experienced all of the "joys" of parenting and so sometimes they just think they are above all of the mishaps...until there kid throws up on someone or poops in a shopping cart at walmart or something, lol. In time, we all can say btdt....

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I'd have sympathies for the mom if she acted sorry. Some people just tend to give that 'yeah well too bad' attitude. Then I'd probably be giving you dirty looks too! LOL!


But this may make you feel better.


This was told to me by my freshman college roommate's mother.


Back in '72ish, way before the days of Home Depot and Lowe's, back when it was the neighborhood hardware shop, the roommate and her mom went to the hardware store. The roommate was around 2ish. She had just gotten potty trained. The mom was looking for something, turned around and my (at that time) 2yo roommate was standing a few feet away, pulling her pants up from her ankles.


The mom momentarily panics as to why her daughter was butt naked, then realized the 2yo was standing next to the toilet display. And the carpet below the toilet display had a growing dark stain forming!


She said she grabbed the two year old and just hustled out of there not to return for a long time. Meanwhile the 2yo was apparently quite proud of herself for going potty all by herself while they were out shopping!


So you are certainly NOT alone in things like this.


And yes, my roommate was mortified that her mother had told us all that story!:lol:

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Oh, man! I'm sorry! Your poor daughter! And poor you, too!


Yep, it happens to us all. We had some kids over to our house today, and one of the 5-year-olds had an accident! When they get busy and distracted, it happens! :001_smile:


My story to make you feel better--we were at a birthday party when my youngest was still in diapers. Her diaper leaked, badly, all over one of the host's chairs. It was just wet, mind you, but the chair was soaked. While I was getting her cleaned up, one of the other moms sat in the chair! It figured that of COURSE the mom who sat down would be the one in designer clothes with a major attitude. I know any of the other moms would have understood; this one, not so much. But you know what? I didn't really much care for her anyway. :lol:


It happens. Hugs to you and your DD!

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Yeah, well, too bad ;) (lol Rentheadmom, that actually is the way I am :rofl:)


Really, I would just ignore all that mess. Don't let it get to you... A similar situation will pop up for her one of these days and she'll squirm thinking of how many times she was rude.


I haven't btdt, but I'm surprised that accidents like that don't happen more often. It's tough being little and having fun, then needing to stop it all to go to some smelly cold white room to tinkle.


:grouphug: it's all good :)

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Well...at least you cared! I was at the park with my kids the other day and the same thing happened. This little girl just stood on the slide and peed. However, we were not near running water (outdoor park here), so what did mom do? Why she picked up the child and whipped her (so hard to watch in that instance since the child was about 18 mos old and wearing a diaper that was TOO FULL which is why it leaked out on the play area), then the mother took her (own) hand and wiped off the pee, slapped her hand on her jeans a few times, and took her kids out to the car and left. Talk about glares and under the breath comments!

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You know, you guys really make my days. My dcs are always doing these things at home or at relatives' homes during holidays and special occassions. It's just heart warming to know I am not alone.





Older ds once tried to poop on Daddy's head, having misunderstood Daddy's long running joke about farting on people (I'm gonna poop on your head! Yeah, I know, he is the funniest man on Earth). A jet of diarrhea missed Daddy's head by a few inches and that little gem (I'm gonna poop on your head!) was retired.


Thanks for the giggles all :)

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Older ds once tried to poop on Daddy's head, having misunderstood Daddy's long running joke about farting on people (I'm gonna poop on your head! Yeah, I know, he is the funniest man on Earth). A jet of diarrhea missed Daddy's head by a few inches and that little gem (I'm gonna poop on your head!) was retired.




But at least it cured your husband!

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I am a firm believer in everything for a reason.


God's reasoning was quite clear to me, where that was concerned.


Granted it was a huge loss to the comedy community. Somewhere, someone is going without 'I'm gonna poop on your head' followed without by a burst of noxious gas, and their life is not as rich because of that. :(

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One of my kids had an accident in the play place at Chic Fil A as well. It was really embarrassing and I got a few dirty looks but the employees were very kind in assisting me with the clean-up. Stuff happens! If I had been there I would have alerted management for you so that you could tend to your little one, and I would have kept an eye on any other little ones you had so that you could go help your child get cleaned up. Sorry that happened to you!

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I'm just impressed your dd is potty trained at 2. I only had one train that early.


By any chance did your dd pee in the actual play area? Like the ball pit or crawling area? I've never been at a Chick Filet so don't know how it's set up.



She's almost 4 now. I just have not updated my kids ages yet...

I think the potty accidents is one of the reasons most places have done away with ball pits. She was way up in the play/maze area.

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She's almost 4 now. I just have not updated my kids ages yet...

I think the potty accidents is one of the reasons most places have done away with ball pits. She was way up in the play/maze area.


That sounds easy to clean. I really disliked the ball pits. My kids loved them of course.

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We've not had so many of the potty accidents, but dd has thrown up in many places. Wal-mart, a restaurant (at the table!), church (in the middle of services and didn't make it to the bathroom), on dh at church, and I'm sure if you give me a minute I could think of a few more lovely instances. :D


Don't feel bad, with kids, stuff like that happens.

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We've not had so many of the potty accidents, but dd has thrown up in many places. Wal-mart, a restaurant (at the table!), church (in the middle of services and didn't make it to the bathroom), on dh at church, and I'm sure if you give me a minute I could think of a few more lovely instances. :D


Don't feel bad, with kids, stuff like that happens.


My son did the puke at the table in the restaurant thing. Boy, did we ever get some dirty looks from the folks at the table next to us.

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Last year while walking across a parking lot to go inside a building there was a @ 18months old child ahead of us with his pants were down. That's when I noticed the "gift" he had left on the ground. His poor mom came out of the building and she was so mortified LOL! And NO if wasn't one of mine.

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I'd have sympathies for the mom if she acted sorry. Some people just tend to give that 'yeah well too bad' attitude. Then I'd probably be giving you dirty looks too! LOL!


But this may make you feel better.


This was told to me by my freshman college roommate's mother.


Back in '72ish, way before the days of Home Depot and Lowe's, back when it was the neighborhood hardware shop, the roommate and her mom went to the hardware store. The roommate was around 2ish. She had just gotten potty trained. The mom was looking for something, turned around and my (at that time) 2yo roommate was standing a few feet away, pulling her pants up from her ankles.


The mom momentarily panics as to why her daughter was butt naked, then realized the 2yo was standing next to the toilet display. And the carpet below the toilet display had a growing dark stain forming!


She said she grabbed the two year old and just hustled out of there not to return for a long time. Meanwhile the 2yo was apparently quite proud of herself for going potty all by herself while they were out shopping!


So you are certainly NOT alone in things like this.


And yes, my roommate was mortified that her mother had told us all that story!:lol:




It reminds me of the time my younger daughter proudly showed me that she had just gone potty in a hat, which was, after all, not in her panties. Yay!!!

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Do not worry. It happens.


My son was sick and we were at the CVS drugstore picking up medicine.


He threw up all over his down winter jacket (disgusting) and then threw up all over the carpet in the store.


The "assistant manager" started yelling at me (as my son stood there dripping in throw up) that I did this on purpose.




Yes, thats right. I drove to your store so my son could throw up all over himself and your carpet.


I went home and called the corporate office to complain. I got a $20 giftcard in return.

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Oh my Rebecca....that would be Just TOO Much. It's not what your children do, it's how you respond. Right?? You're calm and a bit apologetic. I don't care if the child was 2 or 10, what does "spanking/whipping" a child do for a little bitty that has an accident. Wonder how that Mom is gonna feel when they're old and having accidents?


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I have a story to tell as well, on my dd when she was 3. She was potty trained as well, but we were flying so she was in pull-ups. (you never know when that darn fasten seatbelts light will come on. I wanted to be safe.) We got off the plane (Phoenix to Cincinnati) and immediately took her to the bathroom. She didn't go on the plane. She didn't go in the bathroom. We found our next flight and lo and behold there was a Little Tykes style playset. She played for about an hour. Then she was at the top of the slide and all the sudden we heard running water. She peed so much she filled her pull-up and peed all the way down the slide. This was no small bladder it was huge. Thankfully all I had to do was grab the diaper bag and rush her off to the bathroom to change her. DH, my mom, my dad, and my brother were left to clean it up. I think that may have been the last accident she ever had.


We've all been there. I'm sorry the others were not more sympathetic!

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:grouphug: to your daughter. Don't all young children have an accident or two? The hostility you faced really illustrates just how selfish and unsympathetic many in our society have become. Oftentimes they just get busy playing and don't realize they have to go until the last minute. I have been lucky that the only public accident we have had was DS then 4 at my grandmother's funeral. It had been an emotionally exhausting day for everyone and he had fallen asleep during the service. He woke up having to go very badly and was just unable to get our attention in time. Thankfully those who knew what happened were very sympathetic and understanding.


My most embarrasing childhood moment was in 5th grade when I vomited all over my desk. I'd felt fine when I left for school that morning, but as the morning progressed I started feeling worse and worse. Then it just happened without any warning.:eek::ack2: Oh boy was I ever happy it happened 2 days before Christmas Break so by the time I went back to school everyone had forgotten the incident.

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Last time we were at McDs, a little girl peed on the slide. Her father merely scooped her up and left. Didn't get staff, nada.


Now THAT ticks me off, huge. Accidents happen, but be responsible and ensure that no other kid slides through your child's biohazard. :glare:

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I'm sorry that happened. I remember when dd was little there was a small child in the McDonald's play place that had a bad accident on the slide. She was with her dad. I felt so sorry for him. Everyone seemed to have more grace for him about it, and I think it's because he was a man. ;) I did try to help him by getting paper towels and stuff. I can't imagine getting that annoyed at someone for something any child could do.

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These kinds of things are going to happen with small children. It's life.


I peed my pants in the grocery line at a young age, I told my mom I had to go but we were being checked out, it was just my Mom, me and my baby brother. She asked me to just hold it for one more minute and I couldn't.


I wouldn't have given you dirty looks or rushed my children away if I had been there, I would have asked if there was anything I could do to help. That could have easily been me or any other parent that that happen to.


As long as you take responsibility for getting management or cleaning it up rather than sneaking away and leaving the mess it's fine. People really need to be more tolerant and understanding when young children are involved. I never realized how intolerant of children the world was until I had one.

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Yep, been through it here, too. One of my girls used to have accidents a lot, even up to 2 or 3 years after she was potty-trained. She can also make herself throw up pretty much whenever she wants to (not by gagging, but by crying... major drama queen), so we've had to deal with that a few times.


I learned quickly to always carry extra clothes, anti-bacterial wipes, beach towels, extra shoes, etc.


It happens. :001_smile:

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Now this story is not for the queezy. I kid you not, years ago my DD had 2 little friends that went to the McDonalds play area and one of them had a BM accident. One of the mothers told me that all was too quiet and it was soon realized when the girls came down the slide they had played in it and were covered. Now that would be too much to handle:tongue_smilie:

Big hugs to you and your daughter, accidents happen. I now laugh when parents shake their heads at me because I know it won't be long until someone will shake their head at something their kids have done. I always tell my husband if kids were perfect they wouldn't need parents.;)

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perhaps this helps??? fast forward to 3:45. it's not terribly, ummm, "dainty" but it made me laugh. and their stories are supposed to be based on real stories told my moms.


and i would have handed you paper towels and a kind word, too. all the while saying things like, "huh, this is usually *my* kid, so i know where you're coming from..."

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