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Do you nap?

D you nap?  

  1. 1. D you nap?

    • Yes, I regularly have a time of rest during the day.
    • On occasion.
    • No. Naps aren't for me.

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My bio clock starts winding down every afternoon. When my little ones were little, we'd shut the house down and nap together. The little ones don't nap much anymore (unless they've been to a church retreat!) but I still love some rest after lunch. Often I'll tell them to find something quiet to do while I head to the bedroom.

I know this isn't the way our society works. Of course, I couldn't rest during the day when I was teaching last year, so I don't have to nap. I can adjust to earlier hours when needed.

I just wondered how unusual I am . . .


(P.S. Dh regularly takes naps on the weekends, too.)


I remember napping even when I was in college, so it's not just my age. I would stay up late studying, have early classes, and head back to the dorm room for a nap!

Edited by BamaTanya
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I napped every day when I was pregnant. That was one of the reasons I knew something was up, I'm not normally a napper! They usually make me feel worse, more groggy than before. When I was pregnant, they recharged me. But I've been back to not napping for many years now.

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We have nap time in my house on a regular basis. It's my siesta. Ds doesn't nap but he will entertain himself.


We started last year when I was dealing with insomnia. Now that isn't so much an issue as I need time to regroup and chill. About an hour a day is ideal for us.

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other times, it is sitting and quietly reading or scanning through a catalog - a guilty pleasure. Mostly, it is a time for me to get off my feet, and listen to the quiet (as everyone else needs to get quiet at this time as well). With DH on travel so much, our new dog to be walked, me running and doing the elliptical, a little down time at some point is essential or I would be down for the count by 6pm!

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My kids are waaaay beyond nap times, but I'm a lifelong napper. A doze in the porch swing, a snooze on the couch, a little shut eye under a ceiling fan on a hot summer day....ahhhhh...I love me a power nap. ;)


Lest you think I nap my days away, I'm an early riser...often up before 5AM. A quiet snooze in the afternoon can help me make sure I don't collapse into bed before the family has dinner.


I nap lightly and only for 15 or 20 minutes. Very refreshing.

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I am a napper and proud of it- I come from a long line of nappers. Okay, well my mom and dad were both nappers. But my mom only napped when she worked.


My husband never really understood it and it took me many, many years to convince him that napping is okay.


My ds was trained (because he has never napped. Ever.) to lay right next to me from the time he was a baby and even now till this day he still tries to sit on me when I'm taking a nap. At 5'4" and 100lbs I've finally told him he's too big and now he just sits quietly next to me playing with his legos.

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I adore taking naps!

I think the confusion comes in the fact that I don't consider 20-30 mins a real nap:D



Generally speaking, if I don't at least have an hour to lay down, I don't even bother. I take a nap pretty much every day. My daughter covers for me in the office (we live at work ... or work at home ... however you want to look at it) while I rest.

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We have a "quiet time" after lunch almost every day. This is where all kids are required to be on their beds, sleeping, reading, or doing something quiet for 1 hour. I use this time for either nap, hobby, or just peace and quiet, whatever I need on the given day. It doesn't matter how old they get, this one is here to stay!

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I also vote for an "I wish" option. When my dc were smaller, we all napped. Now that they are VERY involved in activities in the afternoon, my life is a whirlwind from early in the morning til 7 or 8 in the evening. I am 45, and some days I'm sure that I'm too old for this!

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Only when I'm really sick or *extremely* tired - and I mean extremely. The sort of exhausted where you'd fall asleep if you leaned back against a wall and blinked. :tongue_smilie:


It's not that I think naps are a bad thing, not at all. I just can't sleep in the daytime unless it's one of the above - I've never been able to do it well. Worked nights years and years ago - six months of that and I looked like death warmed over because I had such a hard time trying to sleep during the day. Just not wired that way.

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I don't nap anymore, but I only really stopped napping in the past year or so. I stopped napping because I started to feel it was messing with my sleep schedule and making it harder to fall asleep at night.


In high school, I used to come home from school every day and nap. After a couple hard semesters of college, I learned not to schedule any afternoon classes, because I just wouldn't make it to them. I napped every day after lunch. And I continued that.


But, since I am so much more productive in the morning (I am basically useless after lunch), I want to get up every day at 5. To be able to function that early, I need to be in bed by 9:30 or so. And if I nap, I stay up later and don't get to sleep until 11.


We do still have quiet time every day after lunch. Even if I'm not sleeping, I do need the time to rest and recharge.

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I can't say that I always sleep, but even if I'm just resting with my eyes closed or reading a book, that break from 2 to 3 pm when both girls are down is the only down-time I get between about 5:30 am and 8:30 to 10:00 pm. I've got to have it in on a regular basis in order to function. A couple days without it and I'm heading toward bigtime "monster mama." If I'm not pregnant or nursing, I can often do personal projects during that time, but I try to stay away from "responsibilities" in order to rein in my goal-oriented, to-do-list ruled obsessiveness.


I reeeaaally hope this new baby will be a good sleeper, especially right around that time of the day . . . :)


Mama Anna

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We have "quiet time" after lunch every day, unless we're out. As Katiebug mentioned, the kids are required to be in their beds, reading, napping, pondering the meaning of life, whatever... it has to be quiet. They need that down time. I need that down time. At that point, I've been up and working for 8 hours, with another 8 ahead of me. :001_huh:


ETA: And then, I have tea time. No, actual tea; pour a cup, have a small nosh, get on with the day recharged.

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