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Praying for BMW's dd's prego friend

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I will be driving (by myself!) all morning tomorrow and figure I can spend the time in prayer for this girl and her baby, that the Lord will change her heart and she will not go through with her appointment.

Anyone care to join with me?




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Jesus, please let this girl see that no matter how hard it seems now, she can carry this baby and either raise him or her with the support of a loving community or find an adoptive home that she's happy with. God, put the people around her who can help her get through this tough time.

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Thank you, SO much, friends. My heart is heavy, too, as I continue to pray. She will be coming by my home in the morning. I will invite her in and ask her if she'll take some time with me... if I can get her to, I will share the stories you have all shared, the hope that you give to her...



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UPDATE: dd's friend's abortion is postponed until Sun. 10am-mid day. Please continue to pray. Thank you!


Oh, I am so glad to hear that! A couple of extra days could make all the difference in the world. I will continue to pray for her heart and spirit to be uplifted so that she can see her way to a bright future for herself and her child.

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Oh, dear God, please change this girl's heart.


Today during our prayer time I shared with my dc what was going on and immediately the outcry of "We want to raise the baby!!!" was heard. My 9yods saw me getting on here and asked if I was asking the girl if we "could love on her baby". I don't know whether to smile or cry.

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I'm just back home, and have been praying earnestly all day. I'm so thrilled to hear that it has been postponed!!!! May it continue to be postponed until the due date :)

May the Lord be glorified in all of this, and may the precious baby and mother feel His love, mercy, and peace.

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Oh, I am so glad to hear that! A couple of extra days could make all the difference in the world. I will continue to pray for her heart and spirit to be uplifted so that she can see her way to a bright future for herself and her child.

:iagree:Has she not considered adoption at all?

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I have chills hearing the news that the abortion is postponed. The Lord is at work. This is so amazing how the family of God works. Most of us really don't even know each other yet our hearts are full of His love to save this child and be an encouragement to his young mother. We are uniting together in prayer from sea to shining sea (and maybe across seas...who knows?!)


She has been on my heart for days now. Am asking others to join, especially a mom I know who has had two abortions. Keep up the prayers!


BMW, if you are reading this, as I posted on the other thread, though we are far away, we welcome this young girl in our home and would lovingly raise her child. So glad she has you and your daughter in her life!

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My best friend had an abortion several years ago because she had gotten pregnant and her boyfriend at the time said he would leave her. She was 27 years old at the time, but she went through with the abortion. She actually didn't tell me (even though we had been friends for 15 years!) because she knew I would try and talk her out of it. Something tells my that, by this girl telling your family (BMW's dd), maybe that has been her call for help.


My best friend who had the abortion is still terribly torn up about what she did. At the time, it seemed "right" to her, but she lives in an absolutely state of torture and HELL. It has all but ruined her relationship with her now husband. They have a baby together now too...and not a day goes by that she doesn't look at her child and think of the one whose life she ended.


I think that women expect to have an abortion and that be it...but for most women, that isn't "it" at all. :( I am praying for your dd's friend. I was 19 when I got pregnant too and I had known ds10's dad for 3 months. I can't imagine having made the choice to terminate the pg with ds...not even back then when I was young, unmarried, and pregnant. :(

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UPDATE: dd's friend's abortion is postponed until Sun. 10am-mid day. Please continue to pray. Thank you!

Uhhhgggg, do they do so much business they must be open 7 days/week?

I pray for all the little ones who are killed.

I pray for the mothers who through ignorance, kill these little ones.

I pray for the mothers who through desperation, kill these little ones.

I pray for the mothers who through hardness of their hearts, kill these little ones.

And I pray for the mothers who long to hold these children in their arms, and give them life.

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Uhhhgggg, do they do so much business they must be open 7 days/week?

I pray for all the little ones who are killed.

I pray for the mothers who through ignorance, kill these little ones.

I pray for the mothers who through desperation, kill these little ones.

I pray for the mothers who through hardness of their hearts, kill these little ones.

And I pray for the mothers who long to hold these children in their arms, and give them life.


Our PP was open 7 days a week and evenings to accommodate working people who couldn't take off during the week.


We didn't do abortions, btw.

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