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Need prayer: leaving for Malaysia in 3 days and I am SICK

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The devil must REALLY be mad at me right now. In the last 2 weeks I have had:


- dental work on 4 teeth that left me in severe pain for days

- the WORST "Aunt Flo" visit in recorded history

- a sunburn that almost sent me to the hospital

- a respiratory infection that has had me up all night coughing for the last 4 nights

- and to top it off....last night I got the stomach flu so I was up all night puking (and still coughing)


I feel like I have been run over by a truck. I am so weak right now and I still have to make sure all the final details for the big move are in place. Please pray for healing as there are certain countries like Hong Kong (which is oneof our stops) that won't let you in the country if you show flu symptoms. Also, please pray that my husband and two boys do not catch all the various sicknesses I seem to have right now. :sad:

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Oh no. I bet you are exhausted and your immune system is raising it's hands in surrender. Drink lots (hot drinks with lemon help me when I have a cough and respiratory problems), take lots of vitamin C and try to rest as much as you possibly can. Can you get some of your friends or family to help you so that you can rest?

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I've been following your journey on these boards. I can't believe you're about to leave! That's so exciting! I want to share with you the prayer for protection. My family uses it all the time. You can switch out the pronouns for your needs (me, us, them, you, etc.) Maybe use it for those immigration officials in Hong Kong, too!


The light of God surrounds you,

The love of God enfolds you,

The power of God protects you,

and the presence of God watches over you.

Wherever you are, God is.


Feel better soon!

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Oh no. I bet you are exhausted and your immune system is raising it's hands in surrender. Drink lots (hot drinks with lemon help me when I have a cough and respiratory problems), take lots of vitamin C and try to rest as much as you possibly can. Can you get some of your friends or family to help you so that you can rest?


Yup, Lucifer is not happy when you take on the good fight...but there are a few things you can do. Get a powerful Immune Support like Olive Leaf Extract. Stay on some B-Vitamins until you are settled or longer.

Breathe and know that God will go before you!



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Sounds like your dh's back is better, there's something to be happy about. Take a deep breath, the ball is rolling, all the stress and things can be let go, because your moving beyond the point of return :) How exciting!




Yes he is doing better. It is still a little tight but tolerable. You are right ... there is no going back now!:D

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Heather, I'm sorry you don't feel well...be prepared to take some serious down time when you arrive. Everyone in the family will need sleep, food and gentle exercise for at least one week while you adjust to your new time zone. Add this with the stress of moving and your other recent illness and you maybe very surprised how out of sync everyone feels. I'm not trying to be a downer...but give your family the gift of absolute laziness for one week after arrival and then "hit the ground running".

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Heather, I'm sorry you don't feel well...be prepared to take some serious down time when you arrive. Everyone in the family will need sleep, food and gentle exercise for at least one week while you adjust to your new time zone. Add this with the stress of moving and your other recent illness and you maybe very surprised how out of sync everyone feels. I'm not trying to be a downer...but give your family the gift of absolute laziness for one week after arrival and then "hit the ground running".


You are not a downer at all...this sounds like very wise advice

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Oh Heather! :grouphug: Well, I think it's safe to say that someone considers you dangerous!! You obviously are on the right path. It sucks to be under attack, but at least you know you are definitely going the right way. I pray that God will surround you and your family with angels and a hedge of protection as you go on this new adventure to kick butt and take names for God! You go girl!! You will be in my prayers honey. This one is for you!! http://www.4shared.com/file/36283405/a4cba9db/onward_christian_soldiers.html?s=1


and this too... :p http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q1kCZ21A3_M


Hang in there girlfriend. This too shall pass. :grouphug:

Edited by Ibbygirl
pense en otra cancion para mi hermana. :)
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If you arrive with a fever or slightly elevated temperature (you will pass through a scanner at the airport) you will be sent into quarantine, as the US is a swine flu country. Malaysia is still actively trying to prevent spread to the country, as Australians have been automatically quarantined on arrival with an elevated temperature until such time as swine flu infection is proven negative.


Good luck with your move and new career, and remember that Australia is just a short trip and small airfare trip away.

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More prayers here and eat some yogurt. It's a great thing to help your system prepare for the changing environment. Eat at least one serving every day starting right now. I used to travel internationally and I was one of few on our team that never caught a stomach bug, I attributed it to the yogurt ritual.


What a marvelous adventure you are embarking upon! Godspeed to your family!

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Heather, I'm sorry you are feeling so ill. I got very much the same way when we moved from NZ to Australia, big moves are very stressful and our health suffers when we are stressed.

I hope that you guys are fine to fly, and I completely agree with Anne, take some time to relax and recouperate when you get there!

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- a respiratory infection that has had me up all night coughing for the last 4 nights

- and to top it off....last night I got the stomach flu so I was up all night puking (and still coughing)


I feel like I have been run over by a truck. I am so weak right now


Have you read on the symptoms of Swine Flu? Because *many* people have had 'stomach flu' (nausea & other intestinal distress) in combination with the respiratory problems. The way you've described it sounds quite concerning to me....


What are the signs and symptoms of this virus in people?


The symptoms of novel H1N1 flu virus in people are similar to the symptoms of seasonal flu and include fever, cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, body aches, headache, chills and fatigue. A significant number of people who have been infected with this virus also have reported diarrhea and vomiting.


CDC link

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If you arrive with a fever or slightly elevated temperature (you will pass through a scanner at the airport) you will be sent into quarantine, as the US is a swine flu country.
We had to pass through a scanner coming into Dubai airport, and we had to fill out forms on the plane and return them to the plane staff before getting off. I was surprised at how seriously this is still being taken over here, since I heard virtually nothing about it while in the States. There is even talk of severely limiting (cancelling?) Hajj this year.


Sorry you're not feeling well Heather, and hope you're on the upswing before you actually have to leave..

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Have you read on the symptoms of Swine Flu? Because *many* people have had 'stomach flu' (nausea & other intestinal distress) in combination with the respiratory problems. The way you've described it sounds quite concerning to me....


What are the signs and symptoms of this virus in people?


The symptoms of novel H1N1 flu virus in people are similar to the symptoms of seasonal flu and include fever, cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, body aches, headache, chills and fatigue. A significant number of people who have been infected with this virus also have reported diarrhea and vomiting.


CDC link


Believe me, I've thought about it! I have had NO fever whatsoever through any of this and my kids had the stomach flu last week which is why I think I caught it. I hope. :tongue_smilie:


I am going to the doctor in a few minutes though because this morning I woke up with my right eye completely swollen shut and my eyelashes glued together. Pink eye? Are you KIDDING me? AHHHHHH!!!!! Apparently I CAN get worse...sigh...


I have never had pink eye before and have not been around anyone who has it so I don't know how I caught it but I am seriously OVER all this illness. I can feel drainage running down the back of my throat and it is making me sick to my stomach. I am going to the doctor and demanding a ginormous injection of some kind of antibiotic (and asking him about swine flu).

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Wow, will definitely be praying for you. Sometimes it seems like here whenever we need things to go the most smoothly, everything goes out of whack. Sounds like you are experiencing that and then some. Hope things settle down before the plane takes off. Praying for your health, your safety on the flight, that all your flights are on schedule, and that your family adjusts well to the new environment. :grouphug:

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Believe me, I've thought about it! I have had NO fever whatsoever through any of this and my kids had the stomach flu last week which is why I think I caught it. I hope. :tongue_smilie:


I am going to the doctor in a few minutes though because this morning I woke up with my right eye completely swollen shut and my eyelashes glued together. Pink eye? Are you KIDDING me? AHHHHHH!!!!! Apparently I CAN get worse...sigh...


I have never had pink eye before and have not been around anyone who has it so I don't know how I caught it but I am seriously OVER all this illness. I can feel drainage running down the back of my throat and it is making me sick to my stomach. I am going to the doctor and demanding a ginormous injection of some kind of antibiotic (and asking him about swine flu).


Oh honey!!!! :grouphug: :grouphug: I am praying for you!

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OK, so no swine flu...that's good.


But I have a raging case of bacterial conjunctivitis (typical "pink eye" is usually viral). Basically I have a sinus infection that has moved into my eye as well. I have lots of meds to take and I feel like crap but hopefully I am on the mend. I have two days to get better.


The good news? Still no fever, so hopefully I will "pass inspection" at the airports. :tongue_smilie:


I know this sounds lame and whiney but we have been so looking forward to this "moment" and now it is just ....well... poopy (as my ds said).

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OK, so no swine flu...that's good.


But I have a raging case of bacterial conjunctivitis (typical "pink eye" is usually viral). Basically I have a sinus infection that has moved into my eye as well. I have lots of meds to take and I feel like crap but hopefully I am on the mend. I have two days to get better.


The good news? Still no fever, so hopefully I will "pass inspection" at the airports. :tongue_smilie:


I know this sounds lame and whiney but we have been so looking forward to this "moment" and now it is just ....well... poopy (as my ds said).


Glad it's not Swine Flu!


actually, I can believe that - the bacterial pink eye related to the sinus infection.. I have sinuses that love to act up - need surgery but I won't get it done. I'm stubborn like that. ;)


Anyway - sinus infections can indeed bring fevers, so I would suggest that you pack - and take - ibuprofen or tylenol (whichever you use) for this plane trip just in case. It would suck to run a fever on the plane and not be able to slam it down in time for the fever detector things - they'd likely *assume* you had swine flu until proven otherwise, quarantining you. Pack some in your purse or something. :)

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Praying for you Heather (and fam). The Lord's will is sometimes something we don't understand. Maybe you'll just be so tired on the plane that you'll sleep the whole way, which could be a blessing!!!

Edited by BikeBookBread
Took off my snark about the person who rated the thread as a 1 star...
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Just wondering. I hope she's being encouraging and positive!


I prayed for you.


I gotta hand it to her...she is handling it with a stiff upper lip. We are having a going away party on Saturday at her house (I hope I am up to it). I know she is sad...so am I. It is really weird to be sad and happy at the same time, ya know?

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Heather, be careful. You can get some wicked bad headaches, I mean really piercing ones, when flying with a sinus infection. Keep some pain meds on hand.


Ask me how I know. Sigh. It's happened to me three times--flying was how I found out how I had the sinus infections. Not fun.


I hope you have a safe trip and do not get detained for fear of swine flu. Can you carry a note from your doctor of what he diagnosed you with? I wonder if it might help.


I'm so sorry this is happening when you are leaving. (((Heather)))

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If you haven't already done so, get some good refrigerated probiotics. NOW. With all the immune system challenges you've had lately, and b/c antibiotics will be killing the good bacteria bacteria along with the bad, you NEED probiotics.






The devil must REALLY be mad at me right now. In the last 2 weeks I have had:


- dental work on 4 teeth that left me in severe pain for days

- the WORST "Aunt Flo" visit in recorded history

- a sunburn that almost sent me to the hospital

- a respiratory infection that has had me up all night coughing for the last 4 nights

- and to top it off....last night I got the stomach flu so I was up all night puking (and still coughing)


I feel like I have been run over by a truck. I am so weak right now and I still have to make sure all the final details for the big move are in place. Please pray for healing as there are certain countries like Hong Kong (which is oneof our stops) that won't let you in the country if you show flu symptoms. Also, please pray that my husband and two boys do not catch all the various sicknesses I seem to have right now. :sad:

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Is today the day? Or are my days off????





So EXCITED for you! Sickness, bah! You are embarking on a grand adventure and I expect lots of updates on here so we can all live vicariously through you!





and a little girl squeel EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE for good measure :)

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I actually feel half-way human today. Still coughing a lot but my eye is no longer swollen. WOO HOO! So I may finally be on the mend. And the kids and hubby are still feeling well so that's good.


Thank you all so much for your prayers!!! Only two days to go!



Woo-hoo! I'm so glad you're on the mend. Two days! How terrifying and exciting all at the same time! :party: :hurray:

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