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I hate to be one of those parents....

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Generally, I think we moms know best and we're in the situation, MAKE A DECISION.




First off, you should know, my son (14) is NOT a drama king. He's very laid back, hasn't been sick in years. I don't know that we took him to the doc for an illness but once in the 6.5 years we had insurance.


About 2 weeks ago, he got sick, double ear infections and a sinus infection from my baby nephew (all four kids were at my mom's visiting). My mom took him to the doctor who gave ds antibiotics and ear drops. My son felt much better in a day or two though he still had a little cough when he got home at the end of that week.


Hubby lost job Tuesday. We applied for medical through the state on Wednesday (as the guy from the workforce commission told us). We turned in the last info the worker needed yesterday. She didn't finish our case yesterday though. She said it might take a couple days. And then it'll be even a little more for the state to give us medical cards.


Wed night/Thurs morning, Ty starts complaining about his throat. He says it hurts but wasn't very vocal about it. Thurs night, he becomes more so. Yesterday, he was very vocal about it. However, more concerning was discussing that his throat felt like it was closing up. He choked down drinks, food, etc LITERALLY. I looked with a flashlight and it does look VERY swollen, so much so that I can't really see what I'm looking at (and I have a pretty good idea of anatomy).


Ty took all but the very last antibiotic so it wasn't that we dropped the ball there. And the fact that he felt so much better originally with the antibiotic kinda suggests it was a bacterial infection.


Okay, all this to ask....


Anything we do will be covered by medicaid, but we don't have money to put out of pocket. Our regular doctor, the clinic I regularly use, and the clinic for non-emergencies at the hospital are all closed for today's holiday.


I mentioned to him to take him to Children's (in Dallas) last night. We decided to make a decision this morning. For him to think he needs to go, I kinda think that is means he DOES need to go.


If he were an infant or toddler, there would be NO question; I'd be there in a heartbeat. But he's 14. Is this really "go to Children's" worthy?


Usually, if it's just a sickness, I'd wait several days. Most are viral and clear up on their own. If it lasted any length of time, I'd take him in. And this is more true since it's a holiday. But I have a nagging thought in the back of my head about it.


What says Dr. Hive?

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For me it always depends on whether or not OTC meds improve the situation. So, if advil reduced the swelling and pain enough for him to function I would probably wait until Monday (given no other symptoms). If there's a high fever or other additional symptoms I would consider an Urgent Care clinic. I've never had to use an ER for sickness.


Of course, if your intuition is telling you something is really wrong go straight to the ER and don't look back.

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If he doesn't have a fever and if the pain doesn't get worse, I'd watch him but hold off until Monday. Don't be thinking that the Medicaid will definately be ready in a few days either. I was a Service Worker eons ago and I saw people waiting for a looooong time. You might have to get mean and nag if they don't get it going in a timely manner. Don't be timid about that either. I saw far to many very lazy Service Workers in my day.


Have you explored using the Minute Clinic that some pharmacies offer? They may be able to check via computer the status of your pending/approved case. They also interface pretty well with Medicaid because they are very familiar with it. You don't need to wait for the actual card to prove eligibility. As long as the physician can call the worker or tap into the Medicaid computer then you are good to go. Good luck and I hope your son feels better soon.

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Yeah, I know she didn't finish our case yesterday. She kinda suggested it would be the beginning of next week anyway. And then who knows how long it takes for things after she does her part. So all I know is that if we go somewhere, we can be paid back for it though who knows how long that takes either. But I don't have the money for that. Grrr.


I do think our worker will finish it up. We qualified for expedited services so I can't imagine she wouldn't do both cases at the same time. And she was REALLY nice.


As for ds. We'll kinda watch and see. We'll try the advil again and see how he tolerates the next few hours, at least. We'll try to push through til we can be seen at a clinic on Monday which has GOT to be cheaper (and probably a faster process also). Maybe we can experiment with the temp of liquids also.


Poor kiddo. I just can't believe he's so miserable so soon after finishing meds.

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Poor kiddo. I just can't believe he's so miserable so soon after finishing meds.


My thoughts on that are that the antibiotics messed up his gut flora, throwing it out of balance. Antibiotics kill good bacteria as well as bad. It's very common for people to get sick after antibiotics and start a cycle of needing antibiotics all the time b/c of that. While you are dealing with the immediate, I'd also get some probiotics in him to help balance out the yeast or bacterial overgrowth that is most likely going on in there...




Oh, and I agree with JFS. Swollen throats don't need to be waited out IMO

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Yeah, I know she didn't finish our case yesterday. She kinda suggested it would be the beginning of next week anyway. And then who knows how long it takes for things after she does her part. So all I know is that if we go somewhere, we can be paid back for it though who knows how long that takes either. But I don't have the money for that. Grrr.


I do think our worker will finish it up. We qualified for expedited services so I can't imagine she wouldn't do both cases at the same time. And she was REALLY nice.


As for ds. We'll kinda watch and see. We'll try the advil again and see how he tolerates the next few hours, at least. We'll try to push through til we can be seen at a clinic on Monday which has GOT to be cheaper (and probably a faster process also). Maybe we can experiment with the temp of liquids also.


Poor kiddo. I just can't believe he's so miserable so soon after finishing meds.

Is he gargling with warm salt water? That helps. Actually when I used to get sore throat A LOT I would gargle with peroxide. Not fun but it will most of the time kill the bug that is going on in there. Best to use food grade and dilute and would need to get that at a health food store.

Salt water works though to make it feel better. Most people are aghast at the peroxide.

I go by the premises of better safe than sorry. If you are feeling uneasy, take him.

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A SWOLLEN throat? I'd take him to Urgent Care or ER NOW and figure out how to pay for it later. Really.



I'm sorry financially for this but I agree. I had a similar situation and put off going. I even went to the ER twice in 3 days for "pain", on the third trip back, they admitted me to the hospital for 6 days for my infection.


My 18 yr was bed ridden for 4 days on doctors orders just last month. He told her if he didn't trust her to stay down and do nothing, hed admit her.


THe meds you got for him didn't work. Sound like they killed the weak bacteria and the strong got stronger.



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My doctor said the most common reason for a swollen throat not related to a allergic reaction is strep. And in a young, healthy male a fairly new case of strep, it is not an emergency. It's the longer term consequences that they are worried about and if it wasn't for those then strep would just be considered a nuisance infections that they would only treat in cases of pain. Also it is not uncommon to have a virus inconjection with a bacterial infection that takes longer to resolve. I personally would wait. Treat with anti-inflammatories and cold, popcicles, frozen slushies, ice drinks and such. This will also have an anti-inflammotory effect. Hope he feel better soon.

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There are a few things I would do.



1. Call the office of the first doctor that saw him. If there is a doctor on call tell him the order of the symptoms and ask if the original antibiotic will treat strep and if he/she will extend the original antibiotic. Let them know you no longer have private insurance to return to the doctor and that you are in the application process for medicaid so you won't have insurance for a few weeks.


Before you make this call, call your regular pharmacy and see if they are open today, if they aren't call around and find one that is, and what their hours are. If the doctor agrees to call it in, you don't want him/her calling the wrong pharmacy. Call that pharmacy and ask them to call you if the script comes in and let them know you are going to need it today. This will give you a chance to give the new pharmacy your information. Tell them you have no insurance and ask if they have a discount program. A lot of states have a discount card for people with no insurance, it can help a little.


2. It is very unlikely to be an allergic reaction if it started after he finished the medication. Allergic reactions to antibiotics typically start within the first few doses and get worse if you take more medication and get better if you stop.


BUT if you want to be extra cautious: Give him a generous dose of Benadryl. (Chlorpheneramine, Zyrtec, Claritin also work but not as well) and see if it makes a difference at all. It will probably make him tired, so you may need to let him sleep for a while and then wake him up to check on him.


3. Give him 600mg of Motrin every 6 hours (kids liquid is fine-but he will have to take a lot) or 500mg of Tylenol every 4 hours. You can use these together just make sure to follow the right hour schedule for each.


4. Have him gargle with warm salt water. Yes it sucks, but it can really make a big difference. Hot Lemonade can really help too. Juice 1 lemon, add hot water and sugar to taste. 1 big lemon can make a couple of cups of lemonade.


5. Feed him popsicles, smoothies, Icees, or anything else really cold to numb the throat.


6. If the doctor won't call it in for you or you can't get ahold of someone then I would look for an urgent care. Call upfront and ask if they are open today and if they will bill you for services. There are often little known clinics that are on a sliding scale that can help otherwise. Check you states website for health care and see if there are any links there. OR check dexonline.com or whitepages online for 'clinics' and see if there are any in your area. They may or may not be open today. If they are open I would expect to see a shortened hours of operation, so you will want to start calling ASAP.


7. If you can't find any clinics, the doctor says no, then you may have to consider waiting until tomorrow and finding a clinic then, or go to the ER. It will be a busy day there (burns and stupidity run ramped on the 4th) so expect to be there a while. You may even be able to call ahead and ask what they suggest, they may know of a clinic to try that is cheaper or have another suggestion for you. Again, call early so you have a chance to get someone before they get super busy tonight.


One word of caution for you...if it is strep and is left untreated it can lead to serious permanent complications like Rheumatic fever (my sister has RA from Rheumatic fever), joint damage, kidney damage and heart damage. Studies have suggested that if a bacterial strep infection is allowed to just clear itself, the bacteria can live in the throat and continue to illicit an immune response from the body. Even if he gets better and you decide to skip the doctors all together, you may want to schedule a follow up visit with your doctor anyways. They can still do a rapid strep to see if the virus has cleared.




Sorry to hear he is still not well!


Hope it all works our for you,


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...it could lead to significant breathing problems.


My doc says that strep should always be treated, but is not an URGENT matter unless the throat swelling is continuing. That's how I would decide. Is his throat very swollen? If so, don't mess with it; go in. Is his throat stable? Maybe wait if OTC drugs keep him comfortable. I would be reluctant to treat with drowsiness-inducing antihistimines in case he would become too drowsy to seek help if he started to have breathing problems, so I would look for allegra or claritin which are antihistimines that don't cause drowsiness.

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DS has been okay with just the salt water, advil, resting. He's had some strong coughs and snoring, but hasn't been too bad.


BUT now he has additional allergy type symptoms. His eyes are almost swollen shut, he's itchy, has some heart palps.


No fever.


Can an allergy be so slow-acting? I mean, he's been in the house, eating only our normal diet the last 3 days. He's done very little. I can't imagine what this could be.


So one last try with benadryl and then we'll have to take him in.


btw, he takes claritin semi-regularly.

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Not sure about her state, but a lot of states will go back and cover from the time you applied once you are approved.


Yes, she will be eligible from the date she actually applied (signed the application) so that may even be prior to her interview. Getting retroactive coverage isn't the problem though. She will need to get the case approved ASAP so that she can have the physician or pharmacy verify her coverage via computer so that she isn't faced with trying to come up with the money for an extended period of time. Once eligibility is approved, that information is transmitted by the worker into the system and her life will be a lot easier. Until that eligibility can be readily verified, dr's can be very reluctant to treat and pharmacies are stubborn about getting the full rx $$$ unless they can easily charge medicaid.

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Not sure about her state, but a lot of states will go back and cover from the time you applied once you are approved.

Our state is this way. When we applied for coverage on our son, it took months, but then they went back and paid allthe bills we had acquired during that time.


Now, with his additional symptoms, I would absolutely take him to the hospital very quickly. He is developing serious allergic reactions to something. They can very quickly progress to life threatening levels.


I don't want to scare you, but I would be personally frightened at this point. I would take him to the children's hospital ER and also ask them to assess for Stevens Johnson syndrome. It is a life threatening allergic reaction to medications like antibiotics. It will take serious intervention to stop it. My mom almost died from it after having an allergic reaction to a med-one that few people have any problems with. Her first reactions were much like his. Then it progressed quickly and literally effected every organ in her body and she has had long lasting health problems from it.

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Can an allergy be so slow-acting? I mean, he's been in the house, eating only our normal diet the last 3 days. He's done very little. I can't imagine what this could be.



Yes, it can be! It doesn't have to be from the antibiotics though. My son is allergic to a certain strain of virus. Almost every year after he gets over a minor cold, he breaks out head to toe in full body hives for 5 days. The last time, his whole face was as purple as an eggplant and swollen. We saw an on-call doc, freaking that it was meningitis, and she said the same thing as three other doctors, that he was reacting to a virus. Scary stuff! I would take him in right away for steroids and a blood ox level, but like I said earlier, I am very paranoid about freak allergic reactions!

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He had a slight decrease in symptoms with the benedryl, but is getting worse again...and it's been just over an hour. We're on our way to the hospital.


I so second guess myself, but my going despite possibly looking silly saved my daughter's life almost two years ago and I'd rather be safe that sorry this time also.


Thanks for the help y'all.

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He had a slight decrease in symptoms with the benedryl, but is getting worse again...and it's been just over an hour. We're on our way to the hospital.


I so second guess myself, but my going despite possibly looking silly saved my daughter's life almost two years ago and I'd rather be safe that sorry this time also.


Thanks for the help y'all.


This is beginning to sound like he is having an allergic reaction to the antibiotics. I hope everything went well and you are at the ER now.



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Yikes Pamela - i hope you are there by now and being seen.




We are playing the "watch the pain in the lower right side on a holiday weekend" thing here. Nurse decided it could wait till monday when we called - we are 1:20 min from afterhours, otherwise we'd have to go to the ER and i wouldn't want her at either hospital for surgery if it was appendicitis. UGH.


More :grouphug:

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Sinus infection for my son took 20/21 days of antibiotics... How long/strong were they? You can't go to an urgent care?? Sorry, they hurt! And, if you have the CVS thing, there are drops for your ears that you can get and they make your ear stop hurting right away. They're kind thick and a bit sticky, I think. Worth it though!



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We're back. Ty seems even worse, but...


She had trouble looking at his throat it was so bad, but it was neg for strep. Chest xray showed bronchitis. She thinks the swelling is just allergies acting up worse. They weren't too worried about his temp being so low (97.0) or his heartrate being high (117). I kinda thought those were odder than they did.


So we have another antibiotic (they told us where to get it for just $4 as it's not on most $4 lists). He's supposed to take the claritin regularly. Take the benedryl, tylenol as needed. Salt water gargling, cough drops, sleep propped up...You know, the basics.


Doc did say that the original antibiotic was a strong one, but....


Anyway, so he's miserable, but hopefully will come around in a few days.


Oh, and they saw him without payment. They gave me a "pending insurance" paper and told me to turn it in and the information for the insurance as soon as we got it. They did warn that they'd send for collection if I didn't follow through, but it was easy to get him seen even without proof of insurance.

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Sorry for you!! How miserable. I got the "start" of bronchitis for the first time I ever remember...a few weeks ago...right along with my allergies. All together I couldn't do anything for about 5 weeks. So, if he says he's miserable after a couple...and he looks ok...baby him...If it's at all like me...all I could do was the computer and sitting on my butt. It was really maybe the worst I've ever been...long term.

Popsicles.... ice cream....you know:-) and chx noodle soup :-)


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Glad you were able to get him looked at - I was worried! I hope he does feel better soon - at least this is summer, (unless you year-round school) so he can just sit and rest and wait out the sickness. Poor baby! (both of you - it is no fun being the parent of a sick kid, either.):grouphug:

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I had to rush through the posts to find your update. I beceame worried once you posted about swollen eyes and such.


I am glad you took him to the doctor.


BTW- I have never heard of a minute clinic, as suggested by other posters. Our city (under 30,000) doesn't have any of those. How wonderful it must be to be able to pop in somewhere, get a test and pop back home.

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Can an allergy be so slow-acting? I mean, he's been in the house, eating only our normal diet the last 3 days. He's done very little. I can't imagine what this could be.


So one last try with benadryl and then we'll have to take him in.


btw, he takes claritin semi-regularly.


DS is allergic to Augmentin- we found out when he was about 5. He had some "mosquito bites" after playing outside in our buggy yard on day 8 of the Aug. I said, "wow, those bugs sure got you. Come take you medicine." He had more "bites" the next day. And I gave him another dose of Augmentin. (It was for a sinus infection& had noting to do with any bites- just to be clear.)


Day 10 was really busy and I didn't even look, really, just gave him his medicine and off we went. By noon, he was covered in welts- long ones that popped up anywhere he scratched, his knees were swollen and hurt to bend, his eyes were puffy, and he was itchy and miserable.


The dr. said that, with the first allergic reaction, it can take the whole time on abx. before it shows up. She prescribed an Epi-pen to have with us in case it continued to get worse, and said to use Benadryl. He did get better with just Benadryl, but it took the whole weekend; we never had to use the epi-pen.


ETA: I kept reading after I wrote this. Glad you were able to get him seen- and I hope he's feeling better soon!

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DS is allergic to Augmentin- we found out when he was about 5. He had some "mosquito bites" after playing outside in our buggy yard on day 8 of the Aug. I said, "wow, those bugs sure got you. Come take you medicine." He had more "bites" the next day. And I gave him another dose of Augmentin. (It was for a sinus infection& had noting to do with any bites- just to be clear.)


Day 10 was really busy and I didn't even look, really, just gave him his medicine and off we went. By noon, he was covered in welts- long ones that popped up anywhere he scratched, his knees were swollen and hurt to bend, his eyes were puffy, and he was itchy and miserable.


The dr. said that, with the first allergic reaction, it can take the whole time on abx. before it shows up. She prescribed an Epi-pen to have with us in case it continued to get worse, and said to use Benadryl. He did get better with just Benadryl, but it took the whole weekend; we never had to use the epi-pen.


An allergic reaction to the abx was the first thing that popped into my head as I read the original post. Allergic reactions tend to get worse day after day when exposed to the allergen even if it is a medicine unless they are highly allergic to it (then it is immediate). He can become allergic to something that he has taken before also. Hopefully the benadryl will help and he feels better quick.

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Our state is this way. When we applied for coverage on our son, it took months, but then they went back and paid allthe bills we had acquired during that time.


Now, with his additional symptoms, I would absolutely take him to the hospital very quickly. He is developing serious allergic reactions to something. They can very quickly progress to life threatening levels.


I don't want to scare you, but I would be personally frightened at this point. I would take him to the children's hospital ER and also ask them to assess for Stevens Johnson syndrome. It is a life threatening allergic reaction to medications like antibiotics. It will take serious intervention to stop it. My mom almost died from it after having an allergic reaction to a med-one that few people have any problems with. Her first reactions were much like his. Then it progressed quickly and literally effected every organ in her body and she has had long lasting health problems from it.


She didn't mention any symptoms that sound like SJS. SJS always involves are rash or at least red raised skin areas like hives.

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He's horrible, but thanks for asking.


He kept me up all night with his coughing and moving around (he was in the next room but I had my door open...long story).


I thought about posting this morning for some more ideas, but I think we're just waiting it out. Y'all gave great ideas to start with. It just takes time I guess.


Right now, the cough is bad. Also, he's not talked in 2 days (using cell phone notes area to write to us) because of the pain. He can't eat most foods either <sigh>.


This might be the sickest he's ever been. I guess I should be thankful he's been so healthy.

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For the throat, I've always used super hot drinks with LOTS of lemon. It stings, but it would let me talk for a little bit.


Poor guy, I hope he starts feeling better soon. Maybe it's time to strap him into bed and force him to sleep for a few days (insert shrug, half smile, and a few quizzical marks).


And more :grouphug: for you.

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well, he doesn't even HAVE a bed currently (prior threads explain this but I promise we don't neglect him. He CHOOSES to sleep on the couch in one of the livingrooms). But yeah, he's just bumming there going between the laptop, tv, and sleep.


But it sure is quiet around here! LOL More to be thankful for, I guess :D

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well, he doesn't even HAVE a bed currently (prior threads explain this but I promise we don't neglect him. He CHOOSES to sleep on the couch in one of the livingrooms). But yeah, he's just bumming there going between the laptop, tv, and sleep.


But it sure is quiet around here! LOL More to be thankful for, I guess :D

For years, dh's grampa slept on the couch. When he got cancer, his doctor's threatened to turn us in for elder abuse, because he told them he doesn't sleep in a bed :(


I understand someone finding the couch a. more comfy and b. more convenient.

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I know I've mentioned it a time or two, but....his heart keeps racing. His totally resting heartrate is near 120 (at hosp, it was 117). It's bugging him currently so I decided to ask afterall. It's 150 (resting) right now.


That just seems bad. Your heartrate shouldn't be resting that high anyway but certainly not staying that high.


I'm gonna try to get him to do some breathing exercises and see if that helps, but any other ideas?

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That really concerns me. I am angry at the MDs you saw for doing nothing about it. Potassium deficiency, dehydration, glandular imbalances (adrenal was the first that came to mind) I had a rapid heart rate and MDs could not figure it out, at least they were concerned enough to try. It was a problem with digesting potassium. The ND fixed me up.

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I just got off the phone with a nurse in the ER. He said to do full minute counts rather than multiplying (and check with blood pressure machine). And said that if continues running so high, bring him back in.


However, he said that if he's hydrated and not anxious, there really isn't any reason for him to run so high. He's drinking lots of water despite it hurting (dry throat when it's so swollen and sore hurts more). And he's complaining that he's salivating TOO much....so I would guess he's hydrated enough.


And of course I can't get my mom or either nurse from our congregation on the phone.


I think I'm gonna call Children's for good measure. I'm worried.


I don't understand. He's always been healthy. Why so much all at the same time?

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Viruses and bacteria can also attack the heart. My FIL had a virus surrounding his heard and it caused him to end up in the hospital. Keep an eye on any heart symptoms, you already have a couple, but watch out for chest pain.



I am not surprised. A lot of people are healthy before being attacked by a horrible virus and it causes so many imbalances that they are disabled for years. (CFS)

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