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Pregnancy roll call...

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I think there are quite a few boardies pregnant right now.


What is your due date, and how are you feeling?


I'm due December 8th. I don't know if it is a boy or a girl, but my instinct says boy.


I'm feeling very, very, very tired. Maybe part of the fatigue is my age. I turned 43 last week.

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I think there are quite a few boardies pregnant right now.


What is your due date, and how are you feeling?


I'm due December 8th. I don't know if it is a boy or a girl, but my instinct says boy.


I'm feeling very, very, very tired. Maybe part of the fatigue is my age. I turned 43 last week.


Awww. congratulations on your newest addition to the family. :grouphug: I wish I could have another baby. I just don't know how I could possibly manage it.


God bless all you new mommies. :)



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Me! :seeya:


I'm due October 24th (my babies usually come 1 week early though). Yes, I'm with you on the feeling tired part. I'm 42, and I've had enough with this pregnancy already :001_huh: Last week I had one day when I was thinking to myself, "Well I'm just about ready for bed." It was 6PM :glare:


My instinct says it's a girl, but that could just be hubby's wishful thinking:D We find out next week.

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I haven't posted this anywhere yet, but I am pregnant. This is my ninth pregnancy, fifth child. I've made it to ten weeks, and I'm feeling very pregnant: nausea, vomiting, fatigue; so I'm hopeful. My miscarriages always happened by the eighth week, and never appeared to progress passed the sixth week. I've seen a heart beat, so I'm cautiously optimistic. :)


I'm due December 24, which is great because we've got nothing going on around that time ;) My dds, 15 & 14 are thrilled. I haven't told my dss, 11 & 7. I'll be 45 when the baby is born.


I'm very tired!!



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My situation is so similar, This is my 8th pregnancy, but 5th child.


I saw a heart beat at 7 weeks. Last week, at 11 weeks, I wanted to see if we could hear a heart beat with the Doppler. The nurse said that she could hear it, but even I could tell it was just my own heart beat.


The midwife could not find it. She got a better Doppler and could not find it. So she said we could try a sonogram, but she wasn't very good at using it. When she found the baby, I just saw the circle of my uterus with another circle inside of it. Nothing was flashing or moving, and my heart sank.


Suddenly, the baby moved, and we could see it's little heart. It turns out that at first, we were looking at the top of his head. I go back on June 1st. Hopefully, I will have more good news and be able to start feeling secure about actually having a real live baby.

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I'm pregnant with #8 and due on August 31st (but it will be the second week of September - I'm always late so I plan for it - that way no disappointment) Everything is going fine despite my advanced age of 44 :) It's been encouraging reading this thread to see that I'm not alone in the over-forty crowd! I realized just yesterday that I feel better this time than I have with the past several - either it's a girl, the baby is laying in a completely different direction than usual or my "Core" workouts I was doing prior to pregnancy really paid off. Usually my ribs/back are aching continually by this time but I've only had a few twinges.


We didn't find out what it was - we've had five boys in a row and with the last four have always figured it out ourselves by watching the tape of the ultrasound. This time I wanted it to be a complete surprise but my dh wanted to know - so we compromised and didn't find out (after all, I'm the one that threw up for three months). DH planned to watch the video so he would know but the technician forgot to turn the tape on - hee, hee!

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I'm expecting #4 on Aug 22. I had a miscarriage too, before this pregnancy (during the 2nd trimester), and I'm always a little surprised at how active this one is. It's like I expect that something will go wrong just because I lost one. We got an ultrasound several weeks ago and the baby's legs were crossed, but we are cautiously optimistic that it's a girl.


I am exhausted and I'm only 31. I'm always exhausted during pregnancy, though. After the baby's born, I usually feel great even with waking up 4 times a night. And since I'm allowed to complain here :001_smile: I feel like my whole pelvic area is about to fall apart. Does anyone else have this problem? I'm seriously having a hard time walking from the pain. And even lifting a full gallon of milk is difficult for me. I ask my midwife about it every time I go in and she just smiles and says it's b/c I've already done this 3 times. How am I supposed to get through the next 3 months of this??


Okay, I'm done complaining. Thanks for listening. ;)

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Having #3 on Sept 14th (it's a scheduled C-section so unless baby decides to come early, that's the date). We don't find out the gender so that's a mystery. I'm feeling pretty good now, but was much more tired this time around during the first trimester.

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Having our sixth sometime the end of November (due Nov 28). It is a c-section so I don't yet know the date but usually 1.5-2 weeks early. We have three girls and two boys so the boys want a boy and the girls want a girl. We haven't ever found out, but may with this one. I am feeling very very tired. But we are just taking one day at a time!

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What an interesting bunch of pregnant ladies we have around here.


I'm due with number 4 on July 18th. I've had two ultrasounds and I was promised she is still a girl. We will see when she gets here:tongue_smilie:


I have quick labors and I honestly can't imagine going all the way to July 18th. I have to be lying down around 7pm or I start contracting. We were out yesterday and went to the grocery store after the beach. It was after 7 and I had to stop several times to catch my breath. My poor husband looked so worried. He finally gets why I don't want to go shopping by myself:glare:

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I have 2.5 weeks to go. Due June 15 with our third (and final) daughter. I have mild pre-eclampsia and am on bedrest, so not feeling very well here. But this is very usual for me at this point in pregnancy. The crawl to the end is not much fun. My weeks are filled with non-stress tests, blood pressure monitoring, ultrasounds, labwork, etc. I feel like I've been poked and prodded enough already! I'm so excited for her to be here but am nervously anticipating the end, because I hemorrhage horribly in my deliveries. My last delivery was a nightmare which resulted in a blood transfusion and many more unpleasant things, but I won't bore you all with the details.


Congratulations to all of you!

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I am pregnant with #4 and she is due on July 21. They are all girls, 6, 4, and 2. I was really hoping for a boy but alas.


I just started getting tired again this past week. I just want to sleep and sleep and sleep and drink as many Sonic cranberry slushies as humanly possible.

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I'm due with #2...and #3 in October. Both boys. Their 2 yo sister doesn't yet understand how her life will change. I've been feeling pretty awful this time around. If I end up on bedrest, I might actually have some time to spend on the boards. :tongue_smilie:

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I'm expecting #3 around June 20th. I have gone 41.5 weeks or so with both my other children, but for some reason I think this one will be closer to 40 weeks. We'll see!


We're planning a homebirth, and I'm expecting it to be very gentle and smooth. I'm also anticipating this baby being very easy going - most certainly a ray of sunshine! :D


I'm also very blessed in that my husband will be taking 8 WEEKS off of work after baby is born!! His work provides full pay for 6 weeks and he's taking on two weeks vacation as well. I'm soooooo excited! Instead of feeling like a new baby will be extra work, I'm feeling like it is leading into a vacation! LOL!

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I'm due with #2...and #3 in October. Both boys. Their 2 yo sister doesn't yet understand how her life will change. I've been feeling pretty awful this time around. If I end up on bedrest, I might actually have some time to spend on the boards. :tongue_smilie:


My poor dd was only 14 months when her brothers were born. She survived though.


We are expecting #5 by the end of August. The girls wanted another girl and the boys wanted a girl so they didn't have to share their legos. It looks like they are all going to be disappointed.:lol:

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I am due New Years Eve with out surprise 4th. I am tired for the most part. I have that horribly annoying car sick feeling 95% of the day so that makes it a wonderful time! :) Over all though I am feeling good, although I seem to be expanding rather fast and it makes me sad. LOL I am vain enough to want to wear my normal pants for the whole first trimester.


I normally know what gender the baby is but this one has me stumped! I have no clue whatsoever. I am leaning towards another girl today. :D

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We just got a new computer so it's been a while.


We are expecting #4 on or around Aug. 28. Due Sept. 4 but having a c-section.

This has been a harder pregnancy that at any other time. I am 37 and am experiencing high bp so my dr. put me on meds. Another thing I am experiencing is sore hips but I guess that's par for the course.

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Due with baby #6 on December 3rd. But I've miscarried twice since my last baby (at 12 weeks & 20 weeks) so I'm not overly excited. I did, however, have an early ultrasound at 7 weeks and heard the heartbeat at 12 weeks...there is still hope.


I'm exhausted and nauseous all day :ack2:...unlike previous pregnancies where I truly had morning sickness. My curriculum for the coming year has begun arriving. Every single thing I've ordered is overwhelming. I'm not sure if it really is that bad or my perception is just completely colored right now. In fact, I think I need to go lie down...

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Me too! I'm 28, 8th pregnancy and 4th child. I really didn't have a lot of hope to carry this one past 8 weeks, but at 9 weeks they heard the heart beat with just the doppler! I was ecstatic! We had an ultrasound today and I'm measuring very close to my original dates. I'm due Dec. 6th, but I'm sure I'll deliver early again...probably Thanksgiving-ish. Last 2 tried to come starting around 6-7 months and last one was 3weeks early.


I'm almost 13 weeks, still SO SO SO SO tired....still a little morning sickness and double allergies. Moody and short tempered. Sleepless. The works....oh, and did I say tired? LOL


I have a feeling it's a girl...this one is smaller, a little less active, and a much higher heart rate (178 today!). It's just a gut feeling I guess. We all want a girl too...I've got a girl and two boys so a girl would even it out.

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I'm pregnant! Due Jan. 3 with #4. And I feel horrible, all day long. I don't feel quite as tired as last week though, so maybe there's hope. I'm almost 35 but also haven't done this in 5 years and it feels worse than it did last time around. I'm usually sick until about 19 weeks along, so 10 weeks to go! :tongue_smilie:


I have 3 boys so we'd all love a girl, but after a miscarriage and 3 1/2 years of infertility, I'm just so grateful to be pregnant that I'll take whatever the Lord sends. ;)


I'm just worried that I won't be able to crawl out of bed and get to the convention center next Saturday by 8:30 a.m to hear SWB speak. :001_unsure:

Edited by Kristiana
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I'm due October 6th with a little boy! I had a miscarriage at about 12 weeks last June, but everything seems to be going well this time.


I had a bit of nausea during weeks 6-12, but I am completely over it Right now I'm EXHAUSTED but some of that has to do with the fact that I'm subbing for kindergarten and a K-3rd after school program this week. NEVER AGAIN while pregnant.:glare: My sciatic nerve is pinched a lot, but I'm coping.

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Girl #4 is due August 29th, but if she's anything like her sisters, she'll be verrrry late. I'm just staying in the pool until then.


Actually, this is the easiest pregnancy I've ever had - and I turned 40 this year. I think it has everything to do with the fact that not only do I not have little ones to chase, but my girls are old enough to pretty much take care of everything, if need be.


I'll probably be singing a different song later in the summer, though! But for now, I feel great.

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Well, I'm "pregnant" with paperwork, and my "due date" is uncertain.:tongue_smilie: We're in the process of adopting a little girl from China. She just turned one year in March, and we hope to travel by the end of this year to pick her up. Does this count?:)

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Well, I'm "pregnant" with paperwork, and my "due date" is uncertain.:tongue_smilie: We're in the process of adopting a little girl from China. She just turned one year in March, and we hope to travel by the end of this year to pick her up. Does this count?:)



Well absolutley! Congratulations, you all will be blessed!:party:

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Well, I'm "pregnant" with paperwork, and my "due date" is uncertain.:tongue_smilie: We're in the process of adopting a little girl from China. She just turned one year in March, and we hope to travel by the end of this year to pick her up. Does this count?:)


EXCITING!!!! This definitely counts...


We are expecting #5 in July (4th boy). Our daughter is a little disappointed to once again, not get her much desired sister ;) But I know once he is here, she will be head over heels in love with him.

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I'm new here. I'm expecting #5 in October, just a few months shy of my 43rd birthday. I was very tired until I reached week 12. Now I feel great!


My will be 9,7,5, and 3 when this baby comes. They are thrilled beyond reason.


I'm on the fence about homeschooling this fall. I have homeschooled in the past, but I only have my 5 and 2 home now. I find the thought of homeschooling with a newborn daunting, but for a million reasons I feel like it is the right thing to do.


So for now, I'm reading, thinking, planning, dreaming.


Good luck to all you!

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