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Everything posted by ChristusG

  1. So glad he's okay! And your DH sounds like mine.... Typical for mom to do all the worrying!
  2. We had them once. Like the previous poster, the initial treatment took care if them. Now we have a yearly inspection.
  3. How old are your kids? Green Meadows Farm is great for the ten and under crowd. My girls love it. Downtown Disney is a good recommendation... Always lots to see. Disney had two of their own putt putt courses, which is fun. Have you considered Disney Quest? What about the Medieval Times dinner show? It's excellent. There are lots of nest things to go at the Disney resorts, even if you are not a guest. Pirate Cruises, watching the fireworks from the beach with the music piped in, character meals, hayrides at Ft Wilderness, Chip and Dales campfire singalong and movie at Ft Wilderness, wandering from resort to resort exploring by way of buses or monorail, etc. there's endless random fun at Disney without paying for a park.
  4. One of my grandmothers hates to have her photo taken. She's beautiful (everyone says so), but she says she looks awful in photos. What she doesn't get is that one day we will want our own grandchildren to see who our grandparents were.... There needs to be photos!
  5. I am SO with you. My girls are 8, 6, and 1. The 1 year olds toys are not so bad. But the 8 and 6 year olds? Oh. My. Word. We have family that inundates them! Actually my girls are very good about purging the toys. However, they still have trouble keeping the playroom clean. That tells me that they still have too many.
  6. When my dog began having accidents he had a UTI. When he began peeing floods of urine on the floor, he was diagnosed with diabetes. I'd see a vet.
  7. I wouldn't....a verbal or written thank you would work for me.
  8. I don't think an 11 month old can grasp the concept to do that! We'd be at the ER or maybe in an ambulance!
  9. On our kids actual birthdays, I decorate the table in a theme they love while they are still asleep. I usually hang streamers and have a balloon tied to their chair too. It's our tradition that we have mini donuts on each kids birthday for breakfast. I also save their gift for that morning instead of their party day. Definitely no school... Sometimes we go do something that the birthday kid chooses. They pick dinner too!
  10. Why blog about the bad parts of your day as well as the good? Because I think there's enough things that are all portrayed through "rose colored glasses" in this world. It makes mothers feel bad when they see that their days are not all sunshine and rainbows and then they read a blog after blog about how smart everyone's kids are and how they act like angels and make muffins together every morning. Though I am WAY behind in my blogging, I like to blog about real life. I don't say things like "Man, my kid was a brat today!" But I may post something like "We're dealing with some issues in selfishness from our oldest child. We've been praying about it and we're doing this.... This....and this in hopes that we can encourage a change of heart." Enough things make mothers feel inferior. Why blog only about the good days when that's not how it is all the time?
  11. Just wanted to add that ocular migraines can be hormonal as well. I usually have about one per year. When I got pregnant with dd#3, I had three within two weeks!
  12. I think that texting is okay in moderation. If you are with people, then BE WITH them. Don't look at your phone every two minutes. No phones at the dinner table....during church....during a movie....during school work. My nephew is 17 and lives with us. DH told him the other day that he had over 1500 texts that month (and that was only outgoing and not the incoming ones). He seemed proud. And this is the same nephew that cannot talk to people and is too scared to make phone calls or chat with a friend on the phone. Hello??!!! It's partly due to texting! People don't know how to converse anymore. Texting is great for a quick question or when someone is somewhere that they can't talk on the phone....but not non stop texting.
  13. Yes, our whole family does. I know my parents do. Family that we have visited does. It's extremely common.
  14. Yes, our whole family does. I know my parents do. Family that we have visited does. It's extremely common.
  15. Disappointed in the whole finale.....thy drug it out for an hour when thy could have done those things in 20 minutes. I feel like they really drug this whole season out and we haven't really learned much at all.
  16. As long as you stay hydrated, baby should be safe and sound :)
  17. My kids are almost 9, 6, and 1. I'm mommy. They play around sometimes and call me mom, but I just tell them that I dont know who that is LOL. I'm 32 and call my parents mama and daddy.
  18. My cousin did this with her table! I'm not exactly sure if her method but it looks great!
  19. Wow, I've heard of this "finishing the school year" thing, but I always thought it was a myth lol!
  20. Have you tried Vicks slathered on your feet? When my kids wake up coughing at night due to a cold, I generously slather their feet with Vicks and put a double layer of docks on them. Works every time. I've even used it for myself once.
  21. My 6 year old daughter has loved princesses since she could talk. When she's at Disney, she truly believes that she has been sent to this magical place of fairies, castles, princesses, and magic. The look on her face as she waves to the princesses in the parade is priceless. That's why I love Disney. Although, I've loved Disney since I was a kid. We live 2.5 hours away and have seasonal passes....we go about every other month. It's simply magical. There's no other way to describe it.....and the customer service is top notch!
  22. Oh my.....wow. Naked wood chopping? Now that's something you don't see everyday! LOL!
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