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Everything posted by ChristusG

  1. Make sure it is cold! I haven't had HG but I get terribly sick when I have to fast. The key is having it cold. It tasted like orange soda or flat Sprite (depending on which flavor you get) when I did the one hour. Room temp would have been nasty.
  2. I would say that's what's happening. I remember feeling the same thing but I believe I was further along.
  3. You can refuse. I refused the three hour with my last pregnancy. I knew I'd either vomit or faint.... Or both. I just monitored my sugar because I did barely fail the one hour.
  4. I would not ask.....but I'd probably not send my older one either. My girls are 5 and 8. Any friends that they have are the same group and play together. It would be very unfair to my younger daughter if my older daughter got invited and she didn't when they are all friends. ETA...it's not just a case of sending a younger sibling along. They are actually friends.
  5. Wow, I had no idea it had been closed this long. I'm surprised it has not been reopened sooner. While the loss to the families was great, the business owner should not be penalized due to some crazy guy on a shooting spree.
  6. We don't give our children soda, for the most part. DD8 has never had any and refuses to drink it. DD5 LOVES Sprite. I made the mistake of giving her some when she was around 3 years old and had an awful stomach bug. I thought it would help settle her tummy. Well, it did and she thought it was the best thing ever. Now she asks for it often but I only allow her about once per month. It's usually the size of a small size at a fast food place. The 1 year old has never had any and I'd like to keep it that way. I have the occasional soda (usually Sprite) maybe two or three times a month. DH is the addict and I cannot get him to quit drinking diet coke. It's obviously addictive. He drinks it daily.
  7. Thanks all! So far, so good.... Fever only. Lets hope it stays that way. I've been wiling door handles, light switches with Lysol just in case. Paranoid? Yes lol.
  8. Well, I'm one that will do whatever possible to avoid illnesses. I use shopping cart covers for the baby, carry hand sanitizer, and refuse to go around people who are sick. I can't stand being "down and out" for weeks. Usually it cycles through the family, one by one, and it drags out for several weeks to completely get through all six of us. By then I'm exhausted (waking at night to tend to sick people), ready to get out of the house from being cooped up, and on edge. So yeah, I'm paranoid about sicknesses. And I hate feeling bad. I have a nursing baby and I worry when babies get sick too.
  9. DH arrived home from work saying he was cold (we are in FL and it was nearly 80 degrees today....far from cold). Usually when he says he's cold, he's coming down with something. Sure enough, an hour or two later I took his temp and it was 100.2. An hour later it was 101.4. He's been home from work for about three hours now. He doesn't have a head ache, or body aches, or coughing. Just the fever and some chills (but those have stopped....he always gets chills with a fever, no matter what it is from). My question is when would the body aches and cough set in if it were the flu? He is currently quarantined to his recliner, the kids cannot go near him, and he's sleeping in the bed in the playroom tonight. Sorry dude LOL. I'm so worried about the flu spreading through our house.....I've been under a lot of stress. I can't do more stress right now. DD14 months and DD5 were sick last week. They each had a fever that lasted only about 12 hours. But it's been 5 days since they were finished with that....surely he couldn't have just come down with what they had. It's been too long. So when would the body aches, headache, and cough follow the fever if it were the flu?
  10. I always say my kids are whatever grade level they'd legally be in if they went to PS. This leaves no confusion when putting them in classes at church or extracurricular activities. They can work at whatever level they need to at home.
  11. I always joke that I homeschool so that we can go to Disney when everyone else is in school.....however, it's not a joke LOL! Of course, it's not my main reason but it is one of my many reasons for homeschooling.
  12. We live 2.5 hours away. We buy seasonal passes sometimes. On years that we have seasonal passes, we go about every month or two. Usually they are 3 or 4 night trips, with our annual 8 night Disney vacation in the fall. When we don't purchase seasonal passes we still go about three times a year. I've probably been to Disney over 40 or 50 times in my life (I'm only 32 so I'll be adding to that number often lol). So glad that my girls are growing up on Disney and they love it too. I even converted my husband when we got married....we honeymooned there!
  13. With my third child I failed the one hour and refused the three hour. I just told my OB I would test several times a day and follows a GD diet. I feel horrible during those tests....I couldn't imagine dragging it out for several more hours.
  14. How come the seasons are so short? Only like 7 in the first season....about 8 or 9 in the second. I'm on Season 1, episode 3 right now....shouldn't take me too long to catch up.
  15. Yes, totally hoping that Avatarland is just a rumor! I don't even like that movie! As for Hollywood Studios, I'd love to see Carsland come to Florida (cause I'm never going to travel to CA) or see them expand on their new Star Wars acquisition. A whole Star Wars land would rock. Or even just expand on the Pixar Palace portion. Have a Monsters Inc ride.....or something like that.
  16. What????!!!! I've been checking back wondering what the answer is. I can't believe they aren't going to post it! That's just mean.
  17. I was reading about this a few days ago. It has its pros and cons. My main con is that it doesn't look like I can hand all tickets to my husband and have him run across the park to get us all a fastpass. Wonder how that will work?
  18. Smoking may be a "perfectly legal activity", but when it infringes on my health, I have issues with it. I shouldn't have to leave a public area because someone else chooses to taint my oxygen with damaging smoke....especially somewhere like a kids playground. I really have no tolerance for smokers who choose to smoke around other people. We've had to stop attending our city's Christmas boat parade because so many people choose to light up I a crowd that's packed line sardines. I'm allergic to cigarette smoke as well as wood burning smoke. And even if I wasn't, I don't care to have the harmful smoke forced on myself or my kids.
  19. That wouldn't even register as a fever in my brain. I don't begin to think about a fever till I see 100.0.
  20. Anything by Karen Kingsbury! She has a series that goes through the life of a family....all the books are excellent. You'll have to check her website to see what the first book is though.
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