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Everything posted by ChristusG

  1. I've never been too fond of the ring slings. I just cant seem to fit baby comfortably in there and have it correctly adjusted on my shoulder. :confused: I had a Taylor Made ring sling and it was pretty good, for a ring sling. I have used a Moby Wrap. Love the concept, but for Florida, it was really really hot with all of those layers wrapped around us. I have an Ergo carrier....which I ADORE. It can be used for a newborn on up. I especailly love it when baby gets around 5 or 6 months old....straight on up to the toddler years. It is GREAT!!!! I cant recommend the Ergo enough!
  2. Gosh, some of these people I dont even know LOL! My crushes were.... Hobie Buchannon on Baywatch....real name is Jeremy Jackson. I googled him and he's really freaky looking now! :blink: Kevin Smith from the group DC Talk. And I just loooved that mans voice. :001_wub: Macaulay Culkin....fell in love with him from Home Alone when I was about 10 years old LOL! Yeah, he's kinda freaky looking now too. Freddie Prinz Jr...he's still cute now! Elijah Wood.....loved ALL his movies but started liking him in Flipper. Keanu Reaves....yes, he was quite a bit older than me, but I loved him in Speed!
  3. I know! I have nothing on TV to watch anymore. Survivor is over, Idol is over. And LOST's last night is on Thursday. Ugh, summer television stinks! I'm not a big TV watcher, but I do enjoy sitting down one or two nights a week and just relaxing in front of a fav show.
  4. When I was about 16, right after I had gotten my license, I was riding in the car with my dad and grandpa. They asked me if I had gotten the air changed in my tires because it can get stale sometimes. I told them no....I hadnt ever gotten it changed before. They both agreed that I needed to do so periodically. It wasnt until a few years later that I found out that the air in tires never gets stale and needs to be changed. :lol:
  5. :::sigh::: Yes, I have a four year old who is like this. She would not even eat solid foods till she was 20 months old....and it has been a battle ever since. There's a list of foods that she likes, and she will never stray from that list. The list is short LOL! I wish she would try new foods. We have major constipation issues with her because she will just not eat the right foods. And what gets me is this.....I will ask her what she wants for a meal. She will tell me. I fix it. She barely touches it despite the fact that she's been complaining about "starving" for the last hour. Then 20 minutes after the dinner she did not eat, yet picked out, she complains that she's hungry. Well....DUH! You didnt eat your dinner! Dinners with her are a battle around here.
  6. I would do it! And I would appreciate getting it as well. It would not bother me that it was re-gifted.
  7. At a homeschool convention this past weekend, I liked the Explode the Code books, but I was told this was not a phonics "program" and that these books should just be supplements to a program. Is this correct? My DD is 4 years old and I want to start her learning phonics and reading. Would this work?
  8. Can someone explain what all of those terms mean? LOL! I'm a new homeschooler....I'll have a kindergartener this year. I know what Unit Studies are, but I have no idea what the other terms mean.
  9. I think that the perfect number is different for everyone. I dont feel like I'm at my "perfect number" just yet....I have two. Sometimes I would love to have 6 or 7. Other times I think that one more would be just fine LOL. I just really dont think I can handle being pregnant many more times. I do not enjoy it and next time I will have to be on thyroid medicine the whole time, which I am not too comfortable with. So I think the perfect number differs according to your family. If you can come to the acceptance that God will bless you with your own perfect number, then I think you will be content about it.
  10. I've had 3 catheters....two while I had an epi right befor giving birth, so I didnt feel those. And one without any numbing. I wouldnt say that it hurt.....but you need to just be able to relax and breathe. It didnt hurt though....it was a tad bit uncomfortable. However, once it was in, I dont think you are supposed to be able to feel it, but I did. That was the most uncomfortable part for me....being able to feel it in there.
  11. Yep, diabetes effects foot circulation. Most likely the pod noticed something with the cirulation in his feet.
  12. Oh my gosh LOL! That is priceless! Definitely write that one down!
  13. I co-sleep with my kids and have found that is the easiest way to get some sleep. You just turn over, nurse, and go back to sleep. I wouldn't do any formula feedings unless absolutely necessary. I've noticed that my babies go through phases, none of them lasting longer than about two weeks. So hopefully your little one will end this phase soon and allow you to get some sleep!
  14. I have no problem with Barbies. I never played with them as a kid because I was such a tomboy and much preferred GI Joes or Ninja Turtles. But DD4 has just began to show an interest in Barbies. She got a few for her birthday but still doesnt play with them very much. Anyways, as long as DD had them just kissing, I would be fine. She sees men and women kiss. If I started to see her do it a lot, I would just let her know that you should only kiss your husband. Now, if she was making the Barbies do "other" things, I would put a stop to it and consider putting the Barbies away for a while. As for Bratz....nothing with the word Bratz is even allowed in our house. Too slutty to me.
  15. We just celebrated my grandparents 50th anniversary two weeks ago. It was a really special event. We did a whole banquet for them. Me, my mom, my grandmother, my aunt, and my uncle put the whole thing together. My uncle rented a banquet hall and had the event catered. They have money LOL....if it were just us, we could not have afforded that. My mom, aunt, and grandmother chose the decor, made the table arrangements, etc. I did the invitations and I was the photographer for the event. We invited about 100 friends and family and most of them showed up. It really turned out to be quite a classy event. We burned two CD's of songs and played them as background music, we had candles a few different places, the "wedding cake" was placed on the front table, we did a slideshow of their life, and played the newlywed game. It was a lot of fun. I was very happy for them. They are such a loving and Godly couple and they are really an inspiration to our family. If you want any ideas about anything we did, or to see some photos of the event to see how we did things, I'll be glad to help!
  16. There were a lot of things I didnt like about this movie. Of course the teen pregnancy, the parents reactions to it, some of the language and references. However, I do think it had a few redeeming qualities. I dont feel that it glorified teen pregnancy. It just put it out there. I like the ultimate decision that Juno made to give the baby to the adoptive mother. I like the way Juno's stepmother stood up for her. And I like the way it ended....with Juno going back to just been a teenager with a boyfriend, riding her bike, playing guitar. While it wasnt a wonderful movie, it was entertaining enough and the last 15 minutes was better than the rest of the movie.
  17. I like a lot of things....I read when I find a good book. We camp, as a family of course. Disney is a hobby of ours....but again, as a family. I like to scrapbook and do photography. But most of my pics and pages are of my kids LOL! So yes, I do have other hobbies....but they do seem to revolve a lot around my family. Those are the ones most important to me, so it just makes sense that my hobbies would involve them.
  18. LOL! That was great!!! This weekend at a homeschool convention, I just bought my daughter a shirt that says "Warning, Unsocialized Homeschooler." LOL!
  19. I really liked it! But after you watch it, make sure you go online and search for the alternate ending and watch that too.
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