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Everything posted by ChristusG

  1. I do! They are creepy weird episodes! The first time really scared me. But since I've learned what they are, I deal with them a lot better. I'm just afraid that one day I'll be out driving when it occurs. It will usually come on as a teeny tiny "hole" in my vision. If I'm reading something, I won't be able to read the middle letter in a word, or something like that. Then it slowly grows larger, grows to the shape of the letter "C", and sort of flashes. It moves slowly across my field of vision until it goes out the other side. Then it is gone. After that, my vision may be a teeny bit "off" for a bit....nothing major, just a tiny bit hazy for about an hour. Occasionally I get a small headache afterwards but not always. It can sometimes be associated with hormonal changes in your body. I usually only get like two a year...but when I first got pregnant with my youngest child, I had about three in two week's time. I'm quite sure it was associated with the sudden influx of pregnancy hormones. Since your DS is 11 and may be getting closer to puberty, maybe that is what caused the ocular migraines to occur?
  2. CO was my first thought as well. Glad you decided to get it checked! Although, I wonder if the dealership will check for that. I'd almost be inclined to take it to the fire station first and let them check the levels after it has idled for a bit.
  3. I'm lost! My 16 year old nephew has now moved in with us (he's from 2 states away) and we enrolled him in the local public school. He is NOT happy there. He would like to be homeschooled, like I do with my own kids. However, I'm clueless. He's been to four days of public school. I'd like to look into the Florida Virtual School. I *do* want to register him under it as public schooled (at home) instead of home educated. It would just make it easier on me at this point....plus, he's been public schooled his whole life. Is anyone familiar with virtual schools and how they work? I know he'll still have to do 180 days. But are those days flexible? We like to vacation at Disney when school is in session so that it will be less crowded. Does anyone know if he can school on the weekends to make up for the week days missed for Disney? Does anyone know if we can enroll him once the virtual school session has already begun? Any information that anyone can give would be great. I'm going to make some phone calls tomorrow but I'd love to have a head start on the information.
  4. :iagree: PS kids may be at school for 6-7 hours, but they are most certainly not working that entire time. If you are giving her a reasonable amount of work and she's finishing it, then I'd just let it be. I wouldn't try to fill her with hours of busy work. There's a lot of value in letting a kid be a kid.
  5. As someone else has asked....do we really begin with Apples? DD8 is using Abeka math and she's already been doing simple fractions, long division, and is beginning equations. I'm just afraid that Apples would be way below her level if it talks about adding, subtracting, etc. Although, I guess I could get Apples for my 5 year old.
  6. I'd take him along. I'm very pro attachment parenting and always take my kids along when they are that young. My kids don't spend the night away from me until they are about four...and even then it's only around the corner at my parents house.
  7. DD8 has been watching the Times Tales DVD is and memorizing more than she's ever been able to before!
  8. We call him a "feel good" preacher over here. If you want to feel good, listen to him. You probably won't feel convicted after one of his sermons.
  9. I have a Trident brand, like another poster mentioned. I'm horrible with my phones. My iPhone has probably been dropped a hundred times on the concrete. It has never broken....I've never even worried about it breaking when it is in this case. My 9 month old throws it down, chews on it. A cup of water has been spilled on the screen and it protected my phone. I love this case. And it was cheaper than he retail price of the Otterbox.
  10. He works the job so I can stay home and do the homeschooling. I'll occasionally ask him to help DD8 with some math problems if she doesn't seem to be catching on, but that's about it. He's much better in math than I.
  11. Wow, this is an old thread LOL!! I currently use a Hooter Hider.....LOVE it. I don't care that it calls more attention to the fact that I'm nursing. I'm not trying to hide the fact that I'm nursing. I'm trying to hide my boob LOL. My little nursling practically turns somersaults while she nurses and she's be showing me boobs to the world LOL.
  12. This thread is making me :svengo: . Thank the Lord that my older two have done nothing like this....and I pray that my 9 month old doesn't try it either!
  13. Of all the things vax'ed against, Pertussis is probably the one that worries me the most. DD#3 (now 9 months) is the only one that we've completely not vaccinated (DD#1 got her last vaccine at 2 years old and DD#2 got her last vaccine at 9 months old....we decided to stop vaxing at that time). I figure that we have the advantage. I exclusively nurse DD. I don't send her to daycare....she's always home with me....she doesn't even go into the church nursery. And I homeschool my other kids. So that limits our exposure. Hopefully it will limit it enough.
  14. I'd pass on Caribbean Beach....I'm just not a fan. We've stayed there and I didn't love it. Never stayed at Coronado Springs, but we went over there for the afternoon one day and rented the Surrey bikes, played on the playground. The grounds there are very nice. Best playground on Disney property. Coronado has been there for a bit, but it is one of the newer resorts. I've heard only good things about Port Orleans! And you'll definitely be able to swim! November is usually warm down here. Even if it's not, the Disney pools are heated. My kids swam in early February last year at Disney (at night!)....I was chattering my teeth just watching them swim, bundled up in a hoodie and pants. But you could see the heat rising off the water. They were comfortable! We just made a mad dash for the room when they got out of the water.
  15. My kids have all grown up on Disney and I'd show them any Disney movie at 2 years old. My kids do not scare easily at all though.
  16. 18 months with #1. 10 months with #2. #3 is currently 9 months and still no sign of it. I'm hoping it stays away for a while. And all three of mine are completely, exclusively breastfed, only introduced to solids after 6 months, and even then none of them have eaten very many solids until well after a year old.
  17. My nana makes this....and now my mom does too. And my hubby and mom surprised me with it on my birthday earlier this month. SO DELICIOUS.
  18. On this same topic....I cannot stand when it is a children's competition and the parents help. Our church group holds a yearly boat or car race for the kids. There's a prize for the best looking car/boat. There are SO many that are obviously helped greatly by the parents. My DD does hers all on her own. Usually it looks a mess LOL, but it is all completed by her.
  19. I believe in keeping kids harnessed as long as possible. When both of my 8 and 5 year olds were preschoolers, they were in the Britax Regents (which is discontinued but the Britax Frontier is good for older kids now). My 5 year old is actually still in her Regent and my 8 year old moved out of her Regent about a month before turning 8.
  20. I truly hope that my children decide to stay close by. We are a very close knit family. My parents, sisters, both sets of my grandparents, and aunts/uncles all live within about a 25 minute trip of any of the houses. We live right in the middle, with my own parents just around the corner from us a few streets over. It's great. My kids are close to them, I have help when I need it, we all get together often to go out to eat or celebrate birthdays. It's great having all of our family close by.
  21. I'm doing a state study with my kids this year where we "travel" to each state from the comfort of our living room. I would LOVE to purchase a book or an app that is organized by state. In each section there will be nice, color photos of landforms, landmarks, popular places in that state, etc. And maybe some state facts thrown in as well. But I'd be just as happy if it were all photos. For example, in the Florida section I'd love to see photos of the Everglades, the beach, St. Augustine, Disney World, Kennedy Space Center, alligators, etc. Does something like this exist? I've looked around but cannot seem to find one. I told DH that we could travel around the US and create our own....but he wasn't so much on board with that LOL. :tongue_smilie:
  22. My 8 year old is very negative, argumentative about everything, and angry in general (no idea why)....and I see my 5 year old picking up some of her traits. She's always been such an easy going, kind hearted kid and I hate to see the negativity rubbing off on her. I totally know what you mean. :sad:
  23. We will be doing weekly blocks this year. My kids will LOVE a week of art and science, but not so much history LOL.
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