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Everything posted by ChristusG

  1. Liberty Jewel sounds great!! I know a little Liberty who's just adorable!
  2. DD just turned a year old. Since she was born, she's been steadily dropping her weight curve. She was 8 pounds, 5 ounces when she was born, so that's pretty high on the curve. A few months later she was down to 50%, then around 35%, and most recently about 10%. She nurses well. She's interested in "real" food. But she doesn't eat very much of it yet. She'll act all excited when I pull out a yogurt bar or brocolli, but she'll take about 6 bites, then she doesn't want any more. She's hitting all milestones....early, in fact. She's happy, laughs, claps, points, says "mama". She is VERY active. I'm wondering if she's just dropping on the curve because she's so very active that she burns the calories right up. She is always moving....ever since she was a newborn she was constantly kicking her feet. She began crawling at 5 months so that she could get around. She was walking at 9 months. She's just always on the go. And she doesn't *look* too skinny. She looks fine. She's at 50% for height. She doesn't have fat rolls, of course, but she doesn't look too skinny. Anyone have a child like this? Her doctor isn't too concerned but she did say to start trying to push solids more now that she's a year. I'm not used to this little peanut because both of my other kids were always in the 80th and 90th percentiles as babies.
  3. I've always said that we would never have one. Anyone I know who has one has had injuries. About 10 years ago my youngest sister was jumping with the neighbor kids and she came home with a bloody nose, mouth, and her tooth hanging by a thread.
  4. Not sure, but I'll probably let DD8 stay up and find out the results. DD5 won't care.
  5. We've been talking about the election for weeks now. DD8 is excited about seeing the polls. So I'll be taking all three of mine....baby in a carrier on my back. My nephew (16, who lives with us) can even come along too if he wants. So it may be me with four in tow LOL.
  6. :iagree: If I haven't watched the most recent episode of a show, I steer far away from threads pertaining to the show. I won't even hover if I'm adamant about not wanting it to be spoiled.
  7. Yeah, last night was a depressing episode (as if flesh eating zombies weren't depressing enough in every episode LOL). I can't believe they killed off two main characters in one episode. I was especially sad to see Lori go...I wanted to see the family stay together. I don't believe that Carol is dead, even though the others think she is. I don't think they would have made T die for nothing when he was trying to save her. Andrea drives me crazy....can't stand her character. I'm getting annoyed the whole governor plot because they don't seem to be doing much with it at the moment.
  8. I'm sorry you were scared....but I do not think there is anything wrong with your cousins post.
  9. Do we have the same neighbor? LOL! Mine has a fully decked out Christmas tree in their font window as well! Waaaaay too early for me.
  10. I'm so glad that my parents actually let me be a kid during my teen years instead of forcing me to grow up. They let me dress up and trick or treat and didn't set an age limit. I'll do the same for my children. Kids have to grow up too quickly these days anyways.....I say let them have a few more years of childhood and dress up and get some candy. It doesn't hurt anyone.
  11. Another vote for keeping them! I am not a keeper of clutter....once something is not played with, it's gone. That said, Playmobil is on my list of things to keep....along with Little People, Lego, and Chuggington trains. Some things just can't be parted with.
  12. I'm looking for a stocking stuffer for my 8 year old. She's pretty particular about the books she reads. She won't read on her own unless it's a book that she is really into. The only books she has done this with are the Mercy Watson series (she devoured these) and Dr. Doolittle. She just finished Tom Sawyer but said it was just okay (took her forever to read it). She started an American Girl book but has yet to get past the first chapter. So I'm not really sure what grabs her attention in a book. I'm looking for books in a series so she can get more of them if she likes it. She was tested as mildly dyslexic last year and was reading below a pre-k level at the end of 1st grade. When tested again a few months ago (at the end of 2nd grade) she had made great strides and tested at an upper third grade level. So I'm not looking for a hard book, but I don't want an easy reader either. But something enjoyable (I don't mind if it is fluff). I want something to capture her attention like Mercy Watson did. I looked at the Poppleton books, and while I think she'd like those (and there are lots of them), I'm wondering if they are too easy and short? Any suggestions? (Also, we don't go for books with name calling and such like Ramona, Ivy/Bean, Junie, etc).
  13. Does anyone have a well liked recipe for dirt cake? I've never made it before and I want to make it for my daughters first birthday party on Saturday. Also, I'm jam packed busy on the morning of the party....if I make the cake on Friday, will it still taste fresh on Saturday afternoon?
  14. Great idea!! We will have to do that one day. I'll bring a big bag and let them throw in sticks and rocks. That will make them VERY happy!
  15. I'm really afraid of kids on trampolines so I don't think I want to go that route (I know, that's a debatable topic LOL). I did see a jungle gym type thing at Toys R Us that could be neat....it was over $100 though. What age do you think kids have outgrown wooden playsets? Although, we do have an infant who can use it in a year or two. But we seem to get TONS of wasps around our house. So I'm afraid a wooden playset would make a great home for wasps and wood boring bees....we seem to get tons of those too.
  16. Oooh, bean bags may be a good idea. They often talk about playing games in AWANA at church with bean bags. I think they like the bean bag games.
  17. I would love this....but there's no rocks, moss, bark, or anything like that. I could buy a bag of rocks. :lol: Actually, my kids would probably love that. I'll file that idea away in case I put together an outdoor box.
  18. My girls (8 and 5) will rarely play outside. We have an inground pool, so that takes up some of the backyard (and they love that). But I also want them to go out back and play when I don't have to watch them like I do when they are in the pool. Plus, it is cooling off so they won't be able to swim for too much longer. We have a metal swingset that's rusted. We need to just throw it out. We have no good trees...only small ones right next to the fence. But they are the kind that stay small. So there's no trees to climb. They walk out there and wander around, then want to come back inside. They have GREAT imaginations indoors. They rarely watch TV or play video games inside so that's not an issue. For Christmas, I thought about putting them together a box of outdoor things. But I can't think of what to put into it. I thought about putting in a fort making kit.....but then what in the world do they put the fort on? LOL. We have no trees or bushes back there. Then I thought stomp rockets would be neat.....but they'll go over the fence into the neighbors backyards. Plasmacars are neat....but it's grass back there. What do your kids do in your suburban backyards? And what could I put into the outdoor box if I decide to make one? I want to put things that could be easily put back into the box and stored in the garage. I don't want to leave the box outside in the elements. I saw some stilts online...my 8 year old may like those.
  19. It's my very favorite show! I love how it just deals with real everyday life. There are many times when I can say "Hey, that's us!" LOL
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