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Everything posted by ChristusG

  1. Head Principal of the Last Name Academy for Girls
  2. Yep, you have to move....don't want to risk being towed! Just get to the transportation and ticket center early....ride the monorail to the Contemporary. Then walk from there to the Magic Kingdom after breakfast. Walking will probably be even faster than the monorail.
  3. We do too many and will be paring down soon. DD8 does American Heritage Girls, art, AWANA, and year around soccer (which is two practices and one game per week). DD5 does American Heritage Girls, ballet, and AWANA. Plus we have American Girl book club, which only meets once per month. We have to leave the day midday on Tuesday for art and Wednesday for ballet. That really throws off our days because I feel like we are always planning around when we have to leave the house. Then we are gone from the house Monday nights (American Heritage Girls), Wednesday nights (AWANA), Thursday and Friday nights (soccer practices), Saturday morning (soccer game), and Sunday morning (church). With schooling two kids, having a toddler running around, and overseeing my nephew's schooling and activities, I'm just feeling worn out. I'm thinking of at least dropping art....possibly ballet. But I feel bad about dropping ballet because it's my 5 year old's one thing that she enjoys on her own (older DD has soccer, as they do AHG and AWANA together).
  4. I'm tired of toys. Our playroom looks like Toys R Us. Over the past year I've gone through, several times, and gotten rid of over 100 stuffed animals, broken toys, rarely used toys, etc. Now we're down to the nitty gritty.....favorite toys. We're keeping American Girl dolls. However, my daughter has like 8 of them. And my other daughter has like 9 Disney dolls (her equivalent of American Girl dolls since she cares more for princesses). That's 17 dolls!! Not to mention the AG table, close to 30 outfits, and accessories. I mean, really.....I don't believe a child needs that many things. My LIttle Pony....my girls LOVE My LIttle Pony. And they have like 35 each. They've been collecting every. single. pony. 70 ponies in my house. Hot Wheel Cars.....like 50 of them. And on, and on. Then there's the things I'm hesitant to give away, even if my kids say that it can go. I'm always wondering what and how much I should save for my 1 year old. My 5 year old brought me some Disney princess Barbies that she no longer play with. There's a good chance DD1 could end up liking something like that. I'd love for it to be gone right now, but I'd hate to have to buy it again later. How in the world do I convince them to pare down? I honestly believe that children will play better with less toys than more. But if I ask my girls to look through their AG outfits and choose some to get rid of, they'll end up with one or two to give away. Am I just supposed to go into the playroom when they are asleep and pare it down myself? I'm afraid that could be devastating to them. I'm just so tired of the playroom clutter. We literally couldn't see much of the playroom floor (it's a large room) the other day. It took them ALL DAY LONG to clean it. It's overwhelming to them and I refuse to continuously help. I have other things to take care of. I'd love to be well on my way to becoming a minimalist as I cannot stand clutter, but the playroom is like another world.
  5. Not that I condone it AT ALL... That is an insane number if animals...(in fact, I don't like cats LOL), but if they were in good health, as the article states, and were not bring mistreated, I wonder why they were rescued.
  6. I have both, and if made to give one up, it would definitely be the ipad. I love my iPhone. Much more portable , takes much better photos, and has Internet at all times....as opposed to my ipad which is wifi only. I use my iPhone all the time.....my ipad only several times a week.
  7. That is a horribly filthy house. Old food everywhere.....it looks like feces on the floor. Gross.
  8. This made me laugh out loud! Matthew Crawley is the only one for me LOL.
  9. My 3rd grader is nearly finished learning all of her cursive letters (using Handwriting Without Tears). She prefers printing (as do I....I never use cursive except for signatures), so I'm wondering how much I should require her to write in cursive so that she can keep it fresh in her mind. I don't want her to forget how to read/write it. I know that it is not used often anymore, and some schools do not even teach it any longer, but I'd still like for her to know how. What do you guys do?
  10. I thought we could be one of those fun, hands on learning type of homeschoolers who does projects and my kids have a love of learning. And then I began actually homeschooling my daughter. :glare: I try fun projects. They are met with rushed and hurried attempts to finish. My daughter would rather me hand her a workbook page, and her complete it, so that she can be off to do as she pleases. She's very much a "check the box" type of kid. She wants a list of what to do, she wants to check it off, and she wants to see how much longer until she finished. She doesn't want to "waste" time drawing a photo or coloring a picture to go along with a science lesson....she just wants to get it over with! Any other kids like this? I'm referring to my 8 year old 3rd grade daughter in this post. My kindergartener is still too young to tell what sort of learner she will be. No fun homeschooling here. :glare:
  11. I was impatient and watched the entire season three online a few weeks ago. I can't stand waiting from week to week. This is definitely a shocking season.
  12. My nephew lives with us and he's turning 17. He's never had a birthday party before (he just arrived with us in August) so I'm throwing him one. He's so excited! He loves the Walking Dead so we're having a zombie party. Thing is.....I've never had a teenager....or a boy LOL! What sort of things should I plan at this party. There will be about 6 or 7 teens/young adults there near his age. I don't know what sort of activities to plan. I'm a pro at planning little girls parties because I have three little girls LOL. Not so good at planning a party for a teenage boy. I figure they may want to play some XBox, eat of course....but what else? I think he'd like me to plan at least one activity. Any ideas related to zombies?
  13. Not sure, but I can sympathize. I had my upper left wisdom tooth pulled on Tuesday (it was erupted through the gums) and it still feels weird and slightly hurts at times. This is the first tooth I've ever had extracted so I didn't know what to expect. I've been absolutely paranoid of dry socket. I still haven't drank through a straw or spit (toothpaste) and it's been 5 days. I wonder if I'm in the clear yet.
  14. Was this it? http://www.simplyjune.org/p/blog-page.html
  15. I love love love my Phil & Teds! It pushes like a single due to the placing of the seats. But it has plenty of room!
  16. ETA....the dilaudid helped because it helped your body relax enough for the gallbladder spasms to quit. My spasms lasted for eight hours until I got pain meds in the ER. They only stopped after I had IV Fentanyl followed by two Vicodin. Then they didn't return (had surgery a month later).
  17. Just to encourage you.... You may still be ably to stay on your weight loss diet. I have zero trouble with fats or any other type of food after having my gallbladder out. My parents have no issues either. I was terrified of surgery as I'd never been put to sleep before. When I woke up and got out of the bed, I looked at the nurse and said "that's it?" LOL. It really was a breeze (for me anyways). No pain meds at all afterwards and I was up and walking in 15 minutes.
  18. I'd address it firmly but I wouldn't take it too seriously. Kids can be strange.... My 5 year old DD informed me a few months ago that she didn't want to be friends with kids who wear glasses. The odd thing is.... She wears glasses herself! She couldn't tell me a reason why she didnt want to be friends with kids who wore glasses. I did explain that it's not what's on the outside of people that matters....but I didn't take it too seriously.
  19. Rarely use the phrase but I've always heard it catty cornered.....never heard kitty!
  20. Very weird. I don't think I would have known what to say!
  21. I have never seen one if those in my life. I was born in 1980.
  22. I hate that gallbladder removal is called "elective" surgery. Whoever made that up had obviously never had a gallbladder attack. I had my gallbladder out exactly a year ago ....after having an attack in Christmas night. I only waited a month between the attack and having it out because I did NOT want to have another. It was a horrid experience where I ended up in the ER curled in the fetal position with an attack that lasted 8 hours and only went away when they gave me IV painkillers. I was terrified because I had a 2 month old nursing baby so I was afraid of what drugs would effect her, etc. The ultrasound in the ER showed definite gallstones. But even if it doesn't show stones, a gallbladder can still be diseased. My dad and sister have had theirs out and they didn't have stones, but theirs quit working and showed gangrene. I'd find a dr and a surgeon. I managed to keep the attacks at bay by cutting out nearly all fats during the month between the attack and the surgery, but I was constant afraid of it happening again. And the recovery was a breeze. I was up walking around within 15 minutes of waking. I never even took a painkiller.
  23. Very bittersweet for you. My nephew is 10 and has Down Syndrome with severe speech issues as well. I'm not around him too much since they live in another state, however, I've never heard him string any words together. You are not alone.
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