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Everything posted by ChristusG

  1. I just stuffed our eggs this morning.... Here's what I put.... Quarters Dollar bills Stickers....my girls love to sticker Small Schleich animals Homemade coupons (stay up 40 minutes later, choose an app from iTunes, pick dinner, snuggle time with mommy, snuggle time with daddy, no school today, etc) And I'll throw in some dye free candies when I stop by Whole Foods tomorrow)
  2. For spelling, I just downloaded an Evan Moor book.....I looked over the beginning units and went over some of the words with my 8 year old DD. I'm not exactly sure which unit to start her in....here's what she missed in each one. Unit 1....2/15 Unit 2...1/15 Unit 3...1/15 Unit 4...2/15 Unit 5...1/15 Unit 6...1/15 Unit 7...4/15. So it wasn't until unit 7 that she missed more than 1 or 2. Should I start her there? Or in the earlier units? It just seems silly for her to be doing all these activities and puzzles with words that she mostly already knows how to spell. I could just pull out all the words in units 1-6 that she missed....but then I don't have all the worksheets, puzzles, and stuff like that which I paid for in the book. What do you guys do?
  3. The girls and I got a pack of Cadbury caramel eggs to share. I gave each of us one and there were two left over. My 8 year old was very concerned about those extras. She kept asking who they were going to and if she'd be able to have one of them. Finally I said "Don't worry about the extra candy. You got one so you need to be content with that." From the back seat I heard her mutter to herself with an irritated look on her face, as she buckled her seatbelt...."Yeah, I know where those eggs are going.....in Mommy's tummy."
  4. LOL, I meant Woodbury.... It's definitely not Mayberry!
  5. That body count probably includes random townspeople from Mayberry that the governor uses as an army though. At least I hope it does. If the governor wasn't around, Mayberry and the prison could join forces nicely.
  6. School for us! We don't take a Spring Break.
  7. I've found a property I like with a house already on it. It's about 6 acres and zoned "single family"....and you are able to have horses and such. If it is zoned single family, does that mean that my parents could not put a mobile home on the back of the property and live there as well? Just curious. We are looking into somewhere that they may be able to live on our property too.
  8. My 6 year old is in a 5 point harness and she still cannot buckle the crotch strap. She can unbuckle it though.
  9. I know that for kids the general rule is being fever free for 24 hours. We usually stick pretty much to that for our family.
  10. This is an issue EVERYWHERE. Last year, snack for my older DD in Sunday school was things like donuts, pieces of cake, etc. I know that the teachers mean well, but come on! Mine get candy after art class, junk food during special events at their troop meetings, parents bring junk for snack after soccer games....it's really just insane. I've had to become the "mean" mom and just say no. There's no way I'd let them eat a whole bag of candy they've brought home. And now since we're avoiding food dyes, that cuts out a lot of candy!
  11. My nana is 85. She drives, vacations with the seniors in her church, and is out and about all the time. I visited her last week and she was pulling weeds in the yard. She dances around with the kids. She's a picture of health!
  12. Ooh, graph paper is a great idea! I might have to get us some of that! Love that idea! Honestly, we don't even do every other one. I go through and circle the ones that she has to do. It's not usually even half of each page. She usually does three pages per day, but only the ones I've circled. Maybe I'll cut it down to two for a while, at least until she can be more consistent with her answers.
  13. DD is almost 9 and in 3rd grade....but working on 4th grade Abeka math. So she does very well in math. She catches onto concepts very quickly. However, lately, she's begun making simple mistakes. She'll do a double digit multiplication problem, such as 98 x 45, but she'll forget that she has a number that she has "carried" to the other column. So the entire problem turns out wrong. Or in the midst of a larger problem, she'll accidentally write that 8x4 is 36 instead of 32....so the rest of the problem turns out wrong. She KNOWS these concepts. She has memorized basic multiplication facts. I'm not sure if she's hurrying or distracted or what. But it is happening over and over. On Friday, she has 32 math problems to do and 17 of them were wrong. Usually by only one number or something like that. I don't know whether to keep going in the book or not. I hate to keep going forwards when she's getting so many wrong. But then again, I KNOW that she KNOWS the concept of how to do the problems. Whenever I'm unsure if she knows the concept, we stop and work on that particular concept until she gets it. But it's not that. The actual concept is fine. We go over her math work every day. She does it independently. She brings it to me, I check it, and we go over the wrong ones together. I explain what she did wrong, how she needs to slow down, make sure it is correct, etc. Sometimes I wonder if the small writing in the book is getting her all jumbled up. Today I took the problems that she got wrong and wrote them larger, on a piece of paper. The book gives such little room to work longer problems and she tends to write really big. So by the end of the problem, her work is getting all squished together. I tried rewriting them for her today and she redid them....she got more of the correct, but there were still quite a few with simple mistakes. What do you do with a child who does this? Move on? Stop where we are?
  14. I'm not sure about that one since I've never heard of it. But I do know that a lot of people were buying the Nabi tablet for their children around Christmas time since they were offering deals on them. I've read that they are pretty good. My girls each have an iPod Touch, so they really have no need for a tablet at this point. But we do restrict their time on their iPod Touches. I don't worry about internet access too much at this point.
  15. We went from a minivan to a Suburban last year....I LOVE my Suburban!!! Our family of six can go on vacation and actually have room for all our luggage....and can pull our camper too!
  16. We only live 2.5 hours away....but it's still a good excuse for a vacation. :laugh:
  17. Me! Have had my room reserved since January and then I registered for the convention a few weeks ago. We're planning a week long vacation around it. Can't wait!
  18. Same basket....nice tradition and maybe one day they can give it to their own child.
  19. Love the looks of the Arty Facts books! I'm trying to build a "project book basket" and these would fit so well!!
  20. We LOVE the Lets Read And Find Out series. There are so many different books. They are fairly simple but are very engaging and have lots of info in them.
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