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Everything posted by ChristusG

  1. My 9 year old DD is thinking of saving for a tablet. She already has a good chunk of change saved and could possibly buy one soon. I'm not sure which one though. We're an Apple family and have a lot of Apple products. But I think that an iPad is just too big of an investment for a nine year old. Plus, it would take her forever to save for that. So we're thinking of buying something on the Android platform. I've been looking at the Google Nexus and the Samsung Galaxy. Anyone have either of these? Any advantages to one over the other? She wants to download apps, watch videos, take photos, do creative things, read books, etc. Any other tablets worth considering? She already has an iPod Touch, so she's very familiar with apps, etc. She would possibly be selling her iPod Touch if she gets a tablet though.
  2. Meh, it's a baby....it's an outdoor picnic table.....it wouldn't freak me out. And this is coming from someone who is usually a germaphobe.
  3. I second Windsor Hills. We've stayed in several different condos/houses out there.... All excellent, clean, and WAY cheaper than any hotel with much more room. I'm a Disney fanatic and we have season passes. That being said, I've been itching to hit a universal and Sea World lately too. Disney is just magic though.... They think of everything! However, you are planning very late for Disney and would likely have trouble getting dining or recreational reservations.
  4. DD #1, who is now 9, qualified for EI back when she was about 20 months old. She wasn't talking at all, still just babbling, and was still getting about 90% of her nutrition from nursing because she had issues with textures. I found the same thing you did. DD did twice a week speech therapy....except we actually had to go to the clinic for therapy. All the therapist did was basically say words back and forth with her. I thought it was pointless and didn't see improvement, but we stuck with it for nearly a year. She also qualified for public school speech therapy through the school system when she was 4. We stuck with that for two years before we finally gave it up.
  5. Is there any way that this person has no idea what they are talking about? Honestly, I had to look it up.
  6. You'll definitely want to check the weights. You'll need to look at the towing capacity of the Odyssey, and also consider the weight of the pop up all loaded up with your things. We used to pull our pop up camper with our Nissan Quest van. While technically it was in the weight limit, I was not comfortable with it at all. We could really feel it back there. We ended up moving up to a Suburban last year when we added another baby as well as our teenage nephew to our family....and I'm MUCH more comfortable pulling our pop up with the Suburban than our van that we had.
  7. Wow! My dad fell off a ladder a few years ago (well, actually the whole ladder fell) and completely shattered the bones in his foot. Your DH is very blessed that he's okay!
  8. Oh my goodness....that's so sad to hear. I'm headed to the FPEA convention in the morning. I always love the Millers booth. :(
  9. I SO feel your pain! I know exactly what you mean!
  10. I'm a former Creative Memories scrapbooker (along with other materials as well). I've been digital for about nine years now. I still make creative homemade scrapbooks. I use digital kits from the many online stores and create my pages in photoshop. Then I have shutterfly bind them in an album. Love it! And much more versatile too.
  11. No kids? Do one of the tours! I'd love to do the Keys To The Kingdom tour!
  12. I call my father daddy. Always have, always will!
  13. Neither of my kids would have eaten either cake.
  14. I know that there is a pretty common virus that kids can get that settles in the hip. Google toxic synovitis.
  15. My girls, 6 and 9 are itching to spend their iTunes cards and load up their iPod Touches before vacation. What are your kids favorite apps? Ages 5-6 and 8-10 categories. Six year old cannot read well.
  16. No worries, Melissa in Australia. I'm very pro attachment parenting and have baby glued to me at all times except nap time LOL. I need naptime free! Family wide nap/quiet time sounds great, but we use that time to get our read alouds done. Reading aloud while the baby is loud just doesn't work LOL. We have a long term sleeping arrangement plan. We'll use the same one as we did for our older kids. We have a full size bed in our room and when our kids are too big to co-sleep with us, they move into the full size bed. Eventually, they transition to the "big kid room." Since we have all girls, they can stay in the large bedroom together. I guess I'll try putting her in that for naptime. Hopefully it will work well. I guess I'll need to put a baby gate at the door to the bedroom so that I can still peek in.
  17. I was afraid I'd need to switch to a mattress on the floor LOL. :tongue_smilie: She's a tiny tornado.....I guess I'll need to find some way to completely baby proof our bedroom, as there's no other place for her to nap. There's about a million things she can get into in there.
  18. Ummm.....okay. Opinionated much? I wasn't asking for opinions on how I put my child down for a nap. So you think I should have her take a nap in the living room, while my 6 and 9 year olds are making noise? Riiiight....that should work well. To be honest, when I tell her that it is naptime, she claps her hands and runs to the bedroom because she knows that's the only time she's allowed to watch Barney on TV. Do you like to take a nap in the midst of a flurry of activity? I know that I can't. I guess that your toddler has the run of the house? The playpen is to keep her safe....just like cribs do. And the above poster was JOKING about the roof. But anyways.....
  19. We have FINALLY gotten on a good schedule.....baby lays down and naps at a consistent time. I nurse her, put her in the playpen in our bedroom, turn on the fan for white noise, switch on a Barney show, and she watches Barney and then lays down and goes to sleep. Same for bedtime. I've never had a baby who actually napped, and now I do! And then she goes and climbs out of the playpen! She doesn't have her own room, she naps in ours....as well as falls asleep in our room at night. When I come to bed I move her from the playpen and into our bed. Now I have no idea how to put her to bed. She'll just climb right out! If I try to lay her in our bed, I'm afraid she'll fall off when trying to get out. But more than that, she'll get into everything. Is there a such thing as a deeper playpen? Anyone know?
  20. This would be a battle that I'd choose to fight. Media is VERY influential to kids. What goes in comes out. I'm very choosy about what my kids watch. I'd be having a chat with the kids grandparents.
  21. People lay their changing pads on the floor of the bathroom?? You mean in bathrooms where toilets have possibly overflowed and people could have walked through it? Gross! I'd never change my baby on the floor of a bathroom. I don't have any issue with a quick pee diaper change in a restaurant. Now poop is a different story. My thought is that if they want customers then customers may have children...and they need to provide a place to change them.
  22. My second DD would scream out similar to that. Hers was gas.
  23. Never heard of them! I had to look them up....they look pretty neat! I'd probably put things like batteries, tools that are often needed (and keep the rest in the garage), measuring tape. Maybe cutting boards or cookie sheets. cook books.
  24. Well, I'm sitting in our sunroom, watching the kids swim in the pool. Baby just got finished playing in a mud puddle (made by our hose, not rain). It's hot, sunny, and not a cloud in the sky.
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