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Everything posted by ChristusG

  1. I've never heard that front facing is safer for a child 4 and under. We rear face until about 2.5 or 3 years old. And then we use a 5 point harness until 7 or 8 years old. My 9 year old DD finally moved into a high backed booster last year. And that's where she is today. My 6 year old is still in a 5 point harness. She's small and will be there for a while. DD #3 is almost two years old and is still rear facing. No plans to turn her any time soon.
  2. SO glad I don't have to deal with stuff like this! What a headache! I see both sides..... On one hand I'd be livid if I couldn't see my kid. On the other hand I also wouldn't want random adults hanging around the school. Catch 22. I'm just glad I don't have to worry about it.
  3. I didn't expect it to be so dark. I love shows like Grimm, Once Upon A Time, and Fringe....I thought this may be along those lines but it turned out to be darker than those. I'll give it a few more episodes but I wasn't that impressed so far.
  4. I want to be sent something neat for free lol!! How strange!
  5. I'm just going to assume this was some sort of feed store and they don't want people clucking because they may scare the chickens LOL!
  6. Laurie , I have to give my dog insulin twice per day. The doctor has never mentioned anything about home testing at all. I do realize that $600 is very good but it's still not pocket change. I can't see putting our dog down just yet. It's been a week and he hasn't had another seizure. If he begins to have them frequently then I'll definitely have to consider it. He's peed in the house twice tonight within only a few hours....that's no fun.
  7. This past week we went out of town. I left our 13 year old diabetic dog with my parents, as I usually do when we leave town. Shortly after we dropped him off he began acting strange. Just not himself. He had already been peeing in the house for a few days and I was going to have my mom take him to the vet the next day. Well, that night, around 5 AM my parents heard a lot of noise coming from his cage. Then he began "screaming." My parents jumped up and found him having a seizure. They took him to the animal ER that's nearby. Turns out his blood sugar was 21!!!! My mom and I went over his schedule on the phone and nothing had changed. But even after the ER gave him glucose, his sugar only rose to around 45. They stabilized him at the ER and my mom transferred him to his regular vet when it opened at 7:30 AM. The vet did x-rays, took blood, ran tests, and monitored his sugar for several days. It rose and fell with no reason. Finally he seemed to stabilize on a lower dose of insulin and they sent him home. The total bill, including both the ER and the regular vet was over $600. How do you handle animal emergencies? We take care of our animals. We can afford their food (he's on an expensive prescription dry dog food), regular check ups, yearly shots, etc. But this $600 bill is not something we will be able to do again. My husband is not an animal lover. He doesn't mind us having one, but animals are an inconvenience to him. He's not mean to them....he just doesn't love them. He doesn't like spending so much money on an emergency for an animal. It's a lot of money. It could have been more than that but we got a discount. So what do you do for animal emergencies? If our dog does this again, I'm quite sure we will need to put him down. He's nearly 14, as it is. I hate when animals get to this stage. I've never had an old dog before and it's so hard to make decisions. Our dog can't hear as well as he once could, he has warts everywhere, he had a bad disk in his neck (it only bothers him maybe once a year), and he was diagnosed with diabetes this past December. Now it seems like his sugar may be getting harder to control. And he's been peeing in the house (doctor checked this....it's not due to an infection nor his diabetes...he's just getting old). Now I'm possibly going to have to buy "diapers" for him to wear in the house. But now that his sugar is under control, he's happy. So he's not ready to be put down any time soon. I'm just worried about the cost. We can't do this again if he has another seizure. When does cost outweigh your pets life? Vet prices can go into the thousands and I know that everyone cannot afford that.
  8. Just accept the compliment and move on.
  9. In my opinion, 11 year olds do not need to be wearing make up. I have three girls and won't allow make up till they are older. I allow nail polish and the occasional clear lip gloss for now. But I try to explain to my girls that God made them beautiful and make up hides that.
  10. I know that for my 9 year old, Christmas is still very magical. I couldn't miss that. Even at 14 I'd still want my mom there. Yes, Christmas can be done on a different day, but is your family really just going to do Dec 25th as a regular day while you are gone? Surely they will want to mark the day in some way.....and you'll miss it. It's not selfish of you to want to go....I just don't think I could do it. But the actual date of something is important to me.
  11. It's not looking too good for Abdroid on here LOL. I have an iPhone 5 that I love! Bigger screen, better camera. I'll be upgrading to 5s soon.
  12. My suggestions are coming from myself, who gets car sick....and I have a child who gets car sick too. It's no fun.
  13. 1. Cold air blowing on his face at all times. Give him a handheld fan with a mister if needed. 2. Front facing in the closest seat to the front if possible. 3. No looking down....this means books, handheld games, etc. 4. Will he drink anything cold? Preferably Sprite or ginger ale. 5. Make a puke kit. 6. There are all natural motion sickness pills that dissolve under your tongue.
  14. Pinterest is fine as long as it doesn't make you feel inferior. I use it to gather ideas. Actually, I just wrote a blog post on this very topic a week or so ago. Here's the link: PINTEREST BLOG POST
  15. Some sort of pasta. When we have lasagna it's always eaten with salad and garlic bread.
  16. Maybe someone should check on beaners lol.
  17. You must listen to it and report back to us!! That is, if the music does not hypnotize you! :lol: Emergency music.....that's about the craziest thing I've ever heard!! :huh:
  18. That was weird....and even slightly creepy for some reason. Maybe it was all the adults dressed up as animals or something. Weird.
  19. Common sense. I don't think it's safe for anyone to walk alone in a deserted area (and possibly bad area) after dark. Much less, an 18 year old. It freaks me out and I'm definitely over 18.
  20. If you accidentally click into a show (we do this frequently with mobile devices), then it will put it into your viewing history as well.
  21. Outside? We leave them be. Inside....I become a sniper with an intent to kill :)
  22. Nope. Hang directly out to dry. I don't wash them unless they've gotten muddy at the lake or beach. But we have a pool so the suits are used often but rarely washed.
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