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Everything posted by ChristusG

  1. My youngest DD is about to turn 2. Clothing her for the summer was easy. I could put 12 month skirts and shorts on her with no problem. They may have been a little shorter than normal, but they fit. Winter is a different thing altogether. She's very slim and tall for her age. 12 month waists fit her fine. Most 18 month and 24 month fall down. However, she needs that 24 month length. 12 and 18 month lengths look like capris on her. How in the world do I find pants for her???? I guess I could do mostly skirts/dresses with tights or leggings (since those fit a little snugger than actual pants), but I would like to have her some pants as well. I do realize that some toddler pants have the adjustable waists, but that's a lot of adjusting! It bunches up so much on the sides.
  2. I believe this trend is just getting to our area. I hadn't heard about it until two weeks ago, at a girls conference. They actually had a class on making them. Then again, my kids may be behind the fads since they aren't in public school. I'm never quite sure how behind they are LOL.
  3. They usually offer some of the lesser desired accessories for about half off. At least they are lesser desired according to my girls.
  4. I don't like yahoo groups. Our homeschool group is a Facebook group and it's so user friendly.
  5. DD9 is being a fox. DD6 is being Dorothy from The Wizard of Oz. And DD2 I being an owl.
  6. Seriously, doctors should be required to take some sort of breastfeeding informational class before being allowed to practice. I've run across so many that are just clueless. I went to the dr today because I've been having some annoying symptoms. As soon as a dr finds out that you are nursing, especially a toddler, all of their medical knowledge flies out the window. The dr told me I could take a decongestant.....I said no, it could decrease my milk supply. She insisted that since my dd is 23 months old, my milk supply is well established and will not be affected. A decongestant is meant to dry up fluids....it won't differentiate between mucus, a well established milk supply, or a new milk supply. It just dries things up. I also told her my back and neck had been hurting. She immediately tells me that since I'm nursing a toddler, the weight must be pulling on my back and neck muscles. Seriously.....I've nursed two other kids straight through toddlerhood and never had this issue. Not to mention that my nearly 2 year old toddler only weighs 22 pounds. I'm thinking more along the lines that I may have a disc issue in my neck. Not nursing. After I had my first DD, I had a nurse practitioner tell me that she couldn't believe I was still nursing my 18 month old because milk was supposed to dry up when the baby turned one. Huh??? The only good dr I've run across was an ER dr who I saw when I had a gallbladder attack and hadn't been diagnosed with gallstones yet. DD #3 was only 2 months old and he went over and beyond to tell me about the medications they wanted to give me in an IV.....he actually took the time to research them himself right there in the ER. Otherwise, my experience with doctors and their knowledge about breastfeeding hasn't been very good. It's actually scary to know that a young mom could run across one of these doctors and really harm her milk supply. I research things into the ground lol.
  7. I believe the board uses the euphemism to deter those who may be searching the internet for sex related things....not because of fear of saying the actual word.
  8. I'm starting Christmas shopping early. I hate rushing around at the last minute, wondering what to purchase for certain people. 3/4 of my grandparents are still living. They are in good health, enjoy getting out, etc. They have everything they need. I feel like I get them the same impersonal gifts each year......restaurant gift cards, a shirt, etc. I'm wanting to get something better this year but can't spend too much. Maybe $30 - $40 each. Then there's some young people. A couple teen girls, a college girl, and a newlywed couple....all my cousins. No clue what to get lol. Last year I did a small basket of a movie and candy. I've done a $15 gift card each before too. Any better ideas? I would LOVE to finish these early.
  9. My daughters (6 and 9) love biographies. We read a lot from the "Who was" series. Their favorites have been Abraham Lincoln, Walt Disney, Daniel Boone, and Leonardo da Vinci.
  10. I'm a 1st grade sparks leader and my dd is also in 1st grade sparks this year. Here's how our church does it.... They do the whole book, then go back through and do the reviews. Then do extra credit. Then the commanders challenge, which is memorizing big portions of scripture. We don't allow working ahead to the next years book. We have 30 minutes for handbook time. The kids will take turns reciting what they've learned at home and then I'll try to work with them on learning new verses if there is time.
  11. How can I get DD9 to want to read books that are more along her reading level? I don't mind picture books.... I think they are wonderful. But I'd like her to sometimes read something besides the Bernstein Bears. We have many chapter books. But getting her to read something that I choose is like pulling teeth. So I let her choose. Same outcome. How do you get a child to want yo read what they are capable of?
  12. Our whole family loves Too Many Monkeys.
  13. My 9 year old DD is an official pack rat. She wants to save everything. I mean everything. Today I stayed home from church because I wasn't feeling too well.....I took that opportunity to tidy my daughters very messy room (my 9 and 6 year old DD's share a room). I found guide maps from Disney World, unused fast passes, instructions from the plane that the kids built at a Lowes workshop, tons of drawings and notes, a marble found in a parking lot, packaging to opened toys, and the list goes on and on. She's sentimental about everything she has and says she may use it one day. I'm all for saving sentimental items.....and I'm all for letting her keep special treasures. But since we do not live in a mansion, we have limited space. We already keep a "saving box" under the bed in my room for special drawings, awards, and momentos. She has a shelf in her room for trophies and knick knacks. But she only has room for that one shelf.....and it is overflowing to the point that she's stacking things on top of one another and it just looks like a disaster area. I periodically go in and throw away things that are definitely trash....things I know she will not miss later but she won't throw out herself. But what about all the other stuff? The million other things? What do you do with little pack rats? How do you help them let go of things?
  14. I had one removed about ten years ago. At the time, I'd never had any surgeries, never been in the hospital, and hadn't had kids yet....I was so terrified. Turns out, it wasn't bad at all. I was actually awake during the surgery. Since the nodule was near the surface, they gave me local anesthesia instead of general. Afterwards, I had some lifting restrictions, as you did, but I only used a few ibuprofen for pain control. I was out jogging again the next week.
  15. Before I had kids I threw our dog an actual birthday party every year. I'd get him a doggie cake, invite family over for dinner (for people food LOL), put up decor, and my sister would even bring his doggie girlfriend. Yeah, I was that person LOL! We had our dog for about 4 years before we had kids. After that, no more doggie parties....kiddos take priority LOL. Now I do get him some sort of gift. Usually a bone, or treats, or a new toy or bed. Same for Christmas too.
  16. My kid would definitely not be going with her again, sounds irresponsible to me.
  17. Nearly four hours late????? I'd be livid now. I'm not one for confrontation so I'm not sure how I'd handle it.
  18. Do you know where they are? How far away? I'd be getting in my vehicle very soon and driving the route there.
  19. I'd be very worried. I'm a worrier as it is. Please update us.
  20. I don't lie to my kids. If there's a family situation that needs to be addressed , then I address it in an age appropriate way. If there are details that I feel are too mature for them , then I explain to them that I can tell them more when they are older.... There are certain things children do not need to know but I won't lie about it. Kids can handle the truth most of the time. We have several family situations right now that my kids know about.
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