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Everything posted by ChristusG

  1. Thank you for this thread lol!! I thought my computer was crazy! This began weeks ago so I tried switching to FF and it worked. But it bugged me that I thought my computer had lost it's mind lol.
  2. My 9 and 6 year old swim every day, sometimes for hours. Their hair, especially the 6 year old's long hair, has become sort of "crunchy" and dry. Does anyone know any remedies for this? I know we need to start rinsing their hair after each swim, but can we do anything to get it back to normal?
  3. I've always despised bananas. A few years ago I ate one in a pinch because that's all I had and I was beginning to feel lightheaded from hunger. My throat got all red and itched like crazy! After allergy testing it turns out I'm allergic to bananas. I've wondered if that's why I've never liked them.
  4. Ooh, very cool!! I am SO not girly....total tomboy here. Always have been, always will be. I do think that's a little bulky for me....probably due to the straps. But I do like the style. If it were more streamlined, I'd totally carry it. I'm always on the look out for a good cargo type "purse". I guess I tend to carry more like a bag than a purse.
  5. Great idea about the rug! How did you get your toddlers to stay on it? I have an especially curious and defiant toddler right now LOL. My older two were definitely not like this one :)
  6. In the fall, we need to make our homeschool more structured. This means finding something for the toddler to do LOL. I thought that a thread with ideas for "toddler boxes" would be good. It needs to be something that needs minimal help from mom.....the idea is that mom can sit the toddler at the table with the kids who are schooling, hand them a box, and the toddler can entertain themselves for hopefully at least 15 or so minutes. And have minimal clean up too! I have a lot of shoebox size rubbermaid bins with lids. I plan to make up about 15 of them and put on our homeschool shelves. The toddler will only be able to play with them during school time so that the things inside still seem "new" to them. Does anyone already do this? Do you have any ideas? I don't mind heading to the store to purchase some things for the boxes either. Ideas: Bin of Little People Bin with q-tips and a parmasean cheese container (toddler can drop qtips into holes in parm cheese container for motor skills) Bin with Color Wonder paper and markers (maybe tape it to the table?) Is there and safe magnetic toys for toddlers? I think my baby would enjoy that.
  7. Hex bugs Lego idea book (can probably find a used one for a good price) Gift card for a dessert place
  8. Ya know, out of the many times I've been to The World, I've only stopped to take a ride on the Carousel of Progress within the last two years! It's a pretty neat little show. Annoying theme song, but neat show lol.
  9. See, I'm born and raised within 2.5 hours of Disney WORLD. I've probably been 40 or so times. What is this Disney LAND that you speak of??? ;)
  10. I know it's been a few days but I wanted to thank everyone who gave suggestions! I'll definitely be using some of them!
  11. I was just about to post this. Very shocking. I don't use her curriculum but I just talked to her at the FPEA convention a few weeks ago....inquiring about the Trail Guide. Shocking news.
  12. Jennifer REALLY wants you to sell the coffee LOL!
  13. That's a tough one! I'm interested in some answers as well since we don't really do playdates without me either.
  14. We go each year at the very end of October. The weather is usually good and the crowds are semi low. There's no such thing as low crowds at Disney LOL. Plus, their Halloween activities are great! If your youngest is still two when you go, that child will be free for everything.
  15. Older TV seasons are a great idea too....Little House on the Prarie, Dr Quinn Medicine Woman, etc.
  16. Has she seen all six Star Wars movies? My 9 year old DD is a fanatic after seeing them. We even attended Star Wars Weekends at Disney a few weeks ago. They are even making a new one for 2015.
  17. I have to totally agree with this. When I had one and two kids, I was fine! Then my third came along and I feel stressed constantly!
  18. What does your day look like? What sort of schedule do you follow? I have three little girls.....9,6, and 1. We're finishing up my older girls 3rd and 1st grade year. We're very lax in kindergarten, but my middle will be going into 1st grade this next year and I'd like to be a little more structured. Right now we're sort of flying by the seat of our pants. You know, 3rd grader is off doing independent work, and the baby is tearing the house apart while I work with the kindergartener. Most of the time, history and science gets skipped. We're very much in the mode of "the three R's only" right now. I need something that works better than this. We'll be using Heart of Dakota for science, history, and Bible and plan to school the girls together with those. But I'm not sure how to work with them independently. Do you have your children all sit at the school table and rotate between them? I'd love to do that, but I see two problems with it. One, it leaves the baby alone and she'll probably stand at the baby gate and cry (we block off the kitchen because she empties the cabinets and bugs the dog LOL). Two, I can see my 9 year old complaining that the can't concentrate on her math/reading because I'm talking to my 6 year old. Do you explain work to the older child and send them off indpendently to work? Do you schedule separate work times? Do you schedule in breaks? And if you do, do you find it difficult to get the kids back into "school mode"? When working with a child, do you finish up math, put the book away, and then immediately drag out the next book for the next subject. Is there any sort of transition? And all the while, what does the toddler do? I feel like if I just leave her to play in the "safe" areas of the house (where we have everything baby proofed and no little toys out) then she's just on her own, with no interaction. Just wondering how I should attempt to work things out this next year.
  19. There are also lots of nice restaurants on Disney property that don't require being in a park. The resorts have great places to eat.
  20. We stopped vaccinating when my kids were 9 months and 3 years. So DD#1 has her shots up until 2 years. DD #2 has her shots up until 6 months. DD#3 has had no shots. Meningitis is not rare in "dorm like" situations. Camp is pretty close quarters. I'd consider that one, and possibly tetanus....although I've read that tetanus is NOT easy to contract. I'd skip polio.
  21. I used to love the Price Is Right....until Bob Barker left. :crying: Drew Cary just isn't the same. I understand why he left though....I mean, the man does need to retire at some point LOL! I enjoy Jeopardy but I don't make it a point to watch it unless it is on at my parents house. Not sure why....I guess we're just so busy during the dinner hours to remember it.
  22. Just to update.......it's working!!! I tried to pry it. I couldn't get the whole thing apart, but I did manage to unsnap one corner (not sure why the others wouldn't do the same). It was enough to fit in a pair of needle nose plyers and I was able to pull the sheet out. The whole thing looked like an accordian. Thanks for the suggestion to pry it! I was ready to just throw it away.....glad I didn't! :)
  23. LOL, I've been checking it out and I have no idea how to pry it apart! Guess I'll just take my chances. The worst I can do is break it LOL......if I don't pry it apart, I won't be able to use it anyways. Going to go try to pry it!
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