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Everything posted by ChristusG

  1. For a cart, contact Kenny at Tee Time Carts.... He delivers. Great guy, good service.... And about half the cost of Disneys carts.
  2. No choice....the cabins!! There is so much to do in the campground. Singalong and a movie each night outdoors with chip and sale....swimming....fishing....rent a canoe....walk a trail...watch the fireworks from Magic Kingdom on the beach....see the electrical water pageant....golf cart parades on holidays....planned kids activities....shuffleboard...playgrounds. Can you tell I love Ft Wilderness? Well be there in 10 days! Oh, and reserve a golf cart to ride around in! And go to Mickeys Backyard BBQ or the Hoop Dee Do while you are there....both are great!
  3. Do those hydro chick rash guards have built in bras? I have a rash guard from lands end but I never know what to wear underneath!
  4. For the kids.... Whole wheat bagel with cream cheese Organic yogurt Granola bar Fresh fruit Occasionally I'll make scrambled eggs Greek yogurt muffins Peanut butter or Nutella toast For me, I usually eat the same thing each day.... Either 2 pieces if buttered whole wheat toast or half a whole wheat bagel with cream cheese, plus a granola bar and a glass of milk.
  5. Deleted, as I mentioned I would do. Thanks for all of the advice!
  6. If the baby is awake, I put her into the older kids beds to wake them up. They always like that. If baby is not awake, I usually lie down beside them and gently wake them up. They wake up better for baby than for me :confused1: .
  7. My 9 year old DD has suddenly become afraid of things. None of my kids have ever been afraid of the typical kid things....thunder, loud noises, the dark, costumed characters, spooky TV shows, etc. She's never been afraid until recently. Last month we had a family reunion and it was a REALLY stormy day. There were tornado warnings in the area and the lightning was cracking pretty close. She heard people talking about the tornados and began bawling. Tonight there are tornado warnings a few counties south of us (meaning, they are nowhere near us...it's not even raining). She was very concerned about the whereabouts of the storm, despite the fact that I had reassured her several times that the storms were moving away from us, not towards us. Also, for the last few weeks, she's been afraid of a possible house fire. Right before this fear began, we went over a unit in her American Heritage Girls book called Emergency Preparedness.....so that she could earn that badge. I wish I'd never even decided on that badge! I had no idea it would cause weeks of fears to emerge. One of the requirements was to talk about what to do if there were ever a house fire. We went over it. We'd gone over it before....it was probably a few years ago though. And now she cries at night because she's afraid of going to sleep in case of a fire. Do you think it's all because she's just reached the age where she realizes that danger is real? And death is permanant? (I mean, as far as this earth goes....we're believers so we do believe in Heaven). I guess that when she was younger, it didn't really register that death is real. And now that she's 9, it may be a new realization. What do you guys think? We talk though it, I snuggle her close and try to reassure her. We pray together about it. I'm hoping these fears ease really soon.
  8. Maybe your DH should write it. :laugh: I have a six year old who isn't allowed to have food dyes (of any color) either. If her dad told her she could have some, she'd take it in a heartbeat. At six years old, I expect the parent to be the one in charge of what foods the child eats. I wouldn't blame the child.
  9. I sure hope that there's more to the story and this poor baby wasn't taken away from his parents just due to transferring to another hospital. If I were the parents, I'd be going crazy right now! I wouldn't be able to sleep at all. If this is all legit, I feel really badly for all of them. Poor baby must be terrified without his mommy. I'd be livid. And at that age, my babies were still breastfeeding like every two hours.....livid is putting it lightly.
  10. What an idiot! My kindergarten DD has strabismus, got glasses when she was 3 due to a severe astigmatism, wore a patch for a year, and had eye surgery last August. Guess all that was caused by her future in homeschooling! DD 9 was just diagnosed as being slightly nearsighted. She reads for hours each night....and also plays soccer year around and runs three times a week during the entire practice/game. Yeah, I'm sure homeschooling caused that. Funny, DH and I both wear glasses and neither of us were homeschooled. How ironic!
  11. I knew that someone would make this comparison. In fact, there's a HUGE difference. For one, your children will not be taken away due to saying one too many cuss words. If you give them alcohol, they will. Also, if they cuss, it will not have a negative effect on their health, nor will they become drunk. Cussing and alcohol consumption are very different things.
  12. Well....first, I honestly think that it is really dumb that cuss words even exist. That means that at some point in time someone decided that certain words were bad. I mean, really, who does that??? Second, being that certain words in our society are deemed to be bad, and I do live in this society, I do not say cuss words. As a Christian I feel that there are many places in the Bible that directs us not to use cuss words. I try I live my life according to the Bible, therefore, I don't cuss. I didn't grow up with cussing. None of my grandparents cuss. It's not something that I've ever had to deal with very much. And I don't like to hear it. If a movie starts in with a lot of cussing, we turn it off. Simple as that. I do not need that garbage taking up residence in my mind. I don't understand people who cuss but do not allow their children to do so. If the word is okay for an adult, why not a child? Believe it or not, my oldest is nine years old and does not know what a cuss word is. She wouldn't recognize one if she heard it. There will come a day when I explain cuss words, but it hasn't arrived yet. Right now she considers stupid or shut up to be bad words. I believe that words can be very powerful....for good or for bad. We've taught our kids to choose them wisely. They don't even call names....nor say shut up or I hate you. Are they perfect? Of course not.....that was my 6 year old in the store today crying because I wouldn't buy her a coloring book. But they do know the importance of words. Cuss words just do not have a place in our lives and I am offended if they are used in our presence.
  13. What an adorable newborn!!! And I totally hear you about the public bone pain.... Mine was horrible towards the end of my third pregnancy!
  14. I passed this sign at a local restaurant on my way out today: Free Tea Tuesdays w/ any purchase. Oh, the thoughts that ran through my head! If they only knew what they were saying LOL!
  15. Love our Ergo... It really distributes the weight.
  16. Fortunately (or maybe unfortunately lol) I'm a freak and always think of possibly dangerous situations.....so my kids have never been allowed to walk while wrapped up, or with their hands in their pockets.
  17. I've been wondering this as well. My oldest is nearly nine and I'm thinking it will be a while before I'm ready to introduce her to the "real" stories. We're huge Disney fans and I don't want to tarnish her fairy tales each time we visit Disney World LOL.
  18. We plan a spring vacation around it! Seriously LOVE the FPEA convention! I try to go about every other year now. It's so nice to be around fellow homeschoolers, participate in all of the family activities that they have planned, and actually be able to flip through curriculum that I'm interested in. We're hitting Disney and Star Wars Weekends while we are down there....spending half our time camping at Disney's Ft. Wilderness and the other half staying at the convention resort. The resort is gorgeous.
  19. I wouldn't pay $100 for a used doll...but maybe that's just me. Most people will be looking for the doll and not the clothes.
  20. I don't watch scary shows that make me jump. The Walking Dead does not make me jump. It is gory though.
  21. Sometimes I wish we weren't so busy! Sometimes I actually wish my kids were unsociaized homeschoolers LOL! Then maybe I wouldn't feel like I'm running around like a chicken with my head cut off sometimes. That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard.
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