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Everything posted by ChristusG

  1. A few months ago, when I was trying to choose a history curriculum, I remember coming across a website where someone had created a lot of extra activities to go along with A Living History of Our World. Somehow I cannot find the link....anyone know of it? I do remember that one of the activities was making a teepee out of a paper plate, if that helps.
  2. I'm in the same area....crazy rains we've been getting! We're supposed to go to a birthday party this morning across the river, but I'm not sure I want to get out in this. Yikes!
  3. Totally forgot that my 8 month old also "kneads" my arms with her hands while nursing. Only she doesn't gently knead them....she pinches the living heck out of them. I have so many scratches on my arms where she has drawn blood LOL. Second DD liked to "twiddle" the other n*pple while nursing...man, that one was embarrassing when trying to nurse in public LOL.
  4. I'm on my third little nursling...first nursed till 28 months and second till right after she turned four. My third is now 8 months old. Before you have your first child, people tell you about nursing every 2 hours, the threat of mastitis or thrush, the importance of making sure you are drinking enough water to keep up your supply. They tell you about nursing in public, finding the right nursing bra, and pumping your milk. However, NO ONE warns you about gymnastics babies who thrash around while nursing, who attempt to get up and crawl off of your lap with your n*pple in their mouth, and who turn circles because they are hungry and want to drink milk, yet have places to go and people to see....so they attempt to do both at the same time. And yet, br*asts are not portable....not in that way, anyways. No one warns about about a baby who begins to nurse, gets sidetracked on other things and cries to get down, yet she has sucked enough to cause letdown and now you have milk spraying everywhere and a baby who is uninterested in sucking. So now you've sprung a leak and can't do anything about it. No one tells you about these things LOL. :lol: She's my third nursling...she's 8 months old...you'd think I'd have been prepared for this stage by now LOL.
  5. Our whole family went last night.....we are huge Disney fans. We LOVED it!! Everything about it.
  6. This past Christmas, I was two months postpartum with my third child. That night (what a great end to Christmas day), I had the most HORRIBLE pain I've ever had. It was right in the middle, high up between my ribs. It began around 8 PM. It started as simply discomfort. I thought it was gas pain, as I had it often. I kept waiting for it to go away. As the evening progressed, it got worse and worse. Pretty soon the pain got so bad that I vomited. I was writhing around on the bed, attempting any position that I could try to get comfortable...nothing eased the pain. Finally, around midnight, I decided this was NOT normal and it was NOT gas pains. So my parents took me (and my newborn) to the ER while DH stayed home with our other two sleeping kiddos. I had a lurking feeling that it was my gallbladder, as both of my parents have had theirs out. And my mom had her first issue after having her third child, as I just did. Sure enough, I had gallstones. The doc's advice was to have it removed, as it would probably reoccur at some point. I was given IV Fentanyl in the ER. This took away the edge. And then a Vicodin right before heading home. The pain began to grow in intensity again on the way home so I took another Vicodin. Finally, when I got home I was able to fall asleep and the pain was completely gone when I woke....except for a slight discomfort. The doctor said that since it was spasming so much and for so long (the attack lasted about 9 hours and only went away due to the pain medication) that it left the muscle sore. There is no way on this earth that I wanted another attack to happen. What if I were alone with the kids? What if we were on vacation? Etc. I opted for surgery since there was a high chance of re-occurrence. A month later I had the surgery (baby was three months old then). Piece. Of. Cake. I had never had surgery before...never been put under anesthesia...never taken pain medication (except in the ER that night), etc. So this surgery was my very first of anything. I was so nervous...especially on how the meds, etc would effect breastfeeding my newborn. I woke up post-op, surgery was complete, everything went great, and I had NO PAIN. It was sore as if I had pulled a muscle....but as far as pain from the incision, etc...there was none. I took not a single pain pill. The nurses were surprised that I wasn't asking for meds. And it's not that I have a high pain tolerance. I wasn't tolerating anything because there was no pain to tolerate. I have had absolutely no bad effects from the surgery. I know that some people say they have a problem with certain foods, or have bowel issues, etc. I've had none of that.
  7. The zoo....awesome playground. Walk around the Opryland Hotel. Very very cool. There's even a boat ride that goes through the river inside the hotel. There's a really neat mall there that we enjoyed looking around. It had things that our mall did not. I believe it is called Opry Mills. They also have a Rainforest Cafe there. Nashville Shores...we wanted to go here but didn't end up having the time.
  8. For our family, I wouldn't do it. I'd be too afraid it would reduce my supply, baby would reject bottle (and if you are on a ship, there's no turning back) etc.
  9. Night time bed-wetting is *extremely* common. My DD#2 is 5 years old and still wets every single night. Her doctor is not concerned. I keep having to stress to DH that it is NOT a problem and the CANNOT help it. Her body just needs time to mature....and this happens to lots of children. He tells her to just try really hard to not wet her pull up during the night. :confused: How? She's asleep.
  10. Well, not a 7 year old but my girls got their iPod touches when they were 2 and 5. :D This past birthday (their 5th and 8th), we upgraded them to the newest generation with the camera and video camera. They are having a blast with it.
  11. Does it get used a lot? My girls are 8, 5, and 7 months. Just wondering if a slide on our pool would be a good investment or if it would just be a novelty that is used for a month and then goes to waste. Does your get used alot?
  12. :iagree: This. Totally. I often wonder if I should raise my babies in Africa or somewhere of the like....I feel quite out of place most times among other families.
  13. My oldest AP baby is now 8 years old. I exclusively breastfed, co-slept (still have a family bedroom), wore her, and never really left her anywhere for 3 or 4 years (didn't leave her AT ALL for the first two years). She's very confident and independent now. She's shy (as in, she won't talk to many people), but she's not afraid to dive into new situations with people that she doesn't know. She may not talk to those people, but if there are activities to participate in, she definitely will. She doesn't mind being left in new places without me (camps, activities, etc). I feel that because I was there for her at all times as she was growing and learning about the world, she has confidence that I will be there for her when she needs me now....so she doesn't have to stick right by my side. She knows I'll be there when needed. My second AP baby is now 5 and she hasn't quite reached her independence yet. She'll get there. My first got there around 6 years old and has come into her own even more in the past year.
  14. I'm a big advocate of co-sleeping....even though I originally thought my babies would never sleep in my bed. :tongue_smilie: The very first night we brought DD#1 home from the hospital, I laid her in the bassinet beside our bed. I looked down at her tiny sleeping body, so small in that bassinet....so alone with no blankets, pillows, stuffed animals. I was young, my first day of being a mother, but I just did what came naturally. I picked her up, laid her in the crook of my arm, and that's where she slept for a long time afterwards. DD#1 slept with us for years....DD#2 was born when #1 was 2 years, 10 months old. We got a king sized bed right before DD#2 was born. And then there was four in the bed. About a year or two later it began getting a bit crowded. So we put DD#1 (then about 5 years old) in a toddler bed in our bedroom. About a year after that, we got a full sized bed and pushed it against our queen (we switched back to that because it was more comfy). We moved DD#1 and 2 into that (they were about 3 and 6 years old). DD#2 would still snuggle up beside me nearly every night though. Now, my older two are still in the full sized bed, kn our room. And DD#3 (7 months) sleeps with us. I love our family bedroom. I'm a stickler for safe co-sleeping. My babies sleep beside me and me only. I put them on the outside of the bed and put up a bed rail. In the small crack between the bedrail/mattress, I put a rolled up fleece blanket. Blankets go across me and underneath baby. Baby stays in the crook of my arm. There's nothing like snuggling up with your children and sleeping all night long. We sleep better. We make memories. And I get to savor their young years a little bit more. One day they will not need me during the night.
  15. I don't have a problem with cyclists....but I do have to say that I think it is really dangerous to be sharing the road with vehicles. I mean, if something cannot stay with the flow of traffic, I believe it is dangerous. Whether it's an 80 year old woman driving 20 mph down the interstate, or a bicycle that you suddenly come upon a mere few feet from your car. I just think it is very dangerous.
  16. One time I had strep (as an adult), finished my round of antibiotics, and immediately got it again. This time the doc gave me a "big" dose of antibiotics by giving me a shot (in the bottom..ouch). That took care of it.
  17. I thought that I was strict when it came to words....but heck doesn't even phase me. I say it all the time. My kids were saying it when they were 3 and 4. Same with dang. My 5 year old said "dang it" this morning and I didn't even blink. The best is when she says "What in tarnation??!!!" though LOL. My kids are not allowed to call names....at all. No dumb, stupid, idiot, etc. Not even shut up. Those words have never come from their mouths. I just think that they are rude. And fart. We don't fart...we toot. :tongue_smilie: I also don't like crude words such as crap (crud is okay)....or crude words for body parts either. My kids are pretty innocent in the fact that they have no idea that cuss words even exist. They've never heard one so I've never had to explain those words.
  18. Cause I'm about to pull my hair out. :banghead: We're doing Abeka 3 and there's multiplication and division, of course. It touches on fractions as well. I also started a side unit of Math Mammoth so that DD's foundation in multiplication can be strong. In the Math Mammoth multiplication there's quite a bit of fractions at the beginning. I have explained and explained....and she's just not getting it. How much should I try to get her to understand at this age. I admit, I'm 31 years old and hate fractions with a passion LOL.
  19. Yeah, that would really irritate me. Thankfully, my mom lives close by and could watch my older two. But my nursing baby? I'd be very irritated if they wouldn't let me bring her in a sling.
  20. I agree with the above poster....I'm not sure that all of those go together. As for the mosquito bite, if you've hired a good photographer, it can be taken out during editing. It's an easy fix.
  21. I get Lands End suits for my girls each summer. Instead of a "bikini" type bottom, my girls wear girls board shorts from Lands End (although, I don't think they actually call them board shorts on the website).
  22. OP here.... Well, I'm taking her in at 1:30. I got her to sleep last night and she didn't sound too bad. But then she woke up gagging and coughing so much that she started throwing up mucous (sorry, TMI, I know). She's so congested. And she woke up with her eyes matted shut. I put breastmilk in them last night and will do it again today. She's a bit more subdued than yesterday, but still gives out big smiles and was crawling around. Her poor eyes are red and she's all snotty and has a junky sounding cough, so I'm going to go ahead and take her in. I imagine they'll probably prescribe antibiotics with how long this has been going on. I'm usually pretty against antibiotics unless absolutely needed but I'd be surprised if she didn't have a sinus infection. Although, she doesn't have fever, so we'll see.
  23. Infant DD did get what I thought was pink eye a few months ago. Her eyes got goopy for a few days. I put breastmilk in them and they were fine. Did this for oldest DD as well. I never knew if it was really pink eye or just some other sort of short lived virus. I may try some breastmilk drops in her eye in the morning if she wakes up goopy.
  24. Can't we come to a consensus....there's too many varied answers LOL! :lol: I think I may do what one person said as far as waiting until Friday. An office visit is definitely better than an ER visit! Middle DD never got any secondary infections from croup. However, my oldest DD often gets ear infections from bad colds. Still waiting to see if that happens with her this time...so far, so good. Little DD is just a mystery since she's so new. :D
  25. DD (who just turned 7 months today) has been sick. Ten days ago she came down with a fever in the afternoon. It was the first time she'd ever been sick. Within a few hours I could hear the beginnings of a barking cough. My middle DD had issues with reoccurring croup when she was an infant/toddler so I had a feeling this is what my baby was currently coming down with, as the cough was very familiar sounding. I made an appointment for the next day. Good thing since the following morning she woke with an extremely barky cough and loud breathing. Doctor agreed that it was croup, said she'd seen quite a few cases lately. She gave a 3 day course of steroids Fast forward three days....croup sound is gone, fever is gone....but now baby is coming down with what seems like a cold. Oldest DD (8) is coming down with what I guess is the same thing. Both are congested, coughing (not barky), snotty, etc. Infant DD is a bit cranky on Friday and Saturday due to the cold. Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, and today she's not cranky....but she's still very congested. She's active, nursing fine, tasting baby food, crawling around. Congestion may be slightly better but it is still there. Tonight she begins having eye goop. What does that mean? I looked online and it mentioned if there is eye goop along with cold symptoms, it is probably a sinus infection. Seriously?? Should I take her back to the doctor? Our insurance plan isn't the greatest right now and it will be over $100 to take her to the doctor. If it's needed, then I'll definitely go....but I hate to get there and have them say that it's just a virus that needs to run its course. If she's active, nursing, smiling most of the time, and doesn't have a fever, would you take her in? Or just wait a few days and see if the congestion clears up? She still has a sort of junky sounding cough and lots of discharge from her nose....TMI but a yellowish/every so slightly greenish tint.
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