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Everything posted by ChristusG

  1. I wrote up a blog post this afternoon about the experiences I've had with the medical community and their lack of information when it comes to nursing. What do you guys think? Have you ever experienced this? It's frustrating! The link to my blog is in my signature...I figured I'd just link to there instead of copying it all over.
  2. DD7 has had an iPod Touch since she was 5....but she's just now getting into wanting to use it more for school. I know there are lots of educational apps out there. And we will be getting an iPad 3 when it is released...so we'll have a larger screen too. Right now I'm letting her.... Do her Abeka math book and then check the problems herself using the calculator. Do quiet reading time for 30 minutes a day on the Kindle app (I downloaded a few Magic Treehouse books on there). I know there are other things she can do. Are there any apps where I can enter her spelling words and she can have a fun way of learning them? Any good multiplication apps? We are learning facts right now. Any other ways she can use it that I haven't thought of?
  3. Thanks! I think I'll give them a call in the morning. Now I just have to figure out who I'm supposed to call....the surgeon's office who did the surgery or my general practitioner? Hmm.
  4. I had my gallbladder removed laparoscopically 25 days ago. So I have three very small incisions that are healing nicely. One has already completely healed up....the other two are not far behind. However, during surgery, I was burned. (???) I guess to stop bleeding, they will burn the artery....and it hit my skin somehow. So it left a burn about the size of an eraser head. Well, it scabbed over just fine. Tonight I looked at my tummy and the edge of the scab was lifted up....and I could see a hole underneath. :001_huh: I don't know how deep it is because it's sort of dark in there LOL. It was oozing a bit....clear that was tinted slightly pink, I guess from a bit of blood. It doesn't hurt at all. The skin around it is pink...which is new skin, I guess. I put some antibiotic cream on it and covered it. Should I call the doctor tomorrow? I've never had a scab ooze. I certainly do not want an infection.
  5. LOL!! Wait, I've got frustration #3, which is what we are dealing with....I place baby on her back. She rolls onto her tummy, gets angry about being there, and cannot figure out how to return to her back. :tongue_smilie:
  6. Could you tell me the name of that app? I'd love to check it out.
  7. Thanks!! I think I'll keep an eye on it since it's not hurting her. I am putting breastmilk on it...it helped with her eye infection so we will see what it does with a blister lol.
  8. This past week my family went to Disney and Legoland. It was cold, sunny weather. I had baby (3 months) covered from head to toe to block out the sun and wind but totally forgot about her chubby lil' cheeks. They got sunburned and I feel horrible. One looks fine now....it's not red anymore at all. But the other has formed a small blister and it opened up last night. There is also a bit of yellow streaks on her cheek around it. It doesn't look terrible and doesn't seem to bother her, but I've never allowed my kids to get a sunburn before....especially one with a blister! I'm very proactive about sun protection. Do I need to do anything? Especially with her being so little? Should she see the doctor?
  9. Congrats!!! That's awesome!! And it's nice to put a face with a blog. I read often and you are always the one behind the camera....but it's the same with my own blog too LOL. And the elephant penis totally had me laughing!
  10. Wow, and I thought my 9,257 was bad! I think I clean out maybe once a year.
  11. LOL, see now DH and I think that Fringe is getting boring. I loved the first two seasons....and then they started in with the whole alternate universe and everything with Peter....and we are just losing interest. We still love the episodes where an actual fringe event occurs and they solve it, but not the ones where they focus on the alternate universe. As for House, it's not as good either. We still watch it because I love House himself, but the storylines are not quite as good. I do like that Chase and Foreman are still there though.
  12. DD7 wants to be an artist who sells her drawings in Wal-Mart. :confused: Big dreams there kiddo LOL. :lol:
  13. I just keep calling nearby stores multiple times a week. I also check Amazon frequently. I found a few on there for regular prices a few weeks ago. As for Cynder....is that one even released yet? I know that some of them have not been. If they are not released, or have just been released then the prices are going to be sky high unless you can find them in a store.
  14. We're not in anything that requires door to door selling...but yeah, I'd have a big problem with it. I think I'd just pay my portion.
  15. I live by the motto "when in doubt, throw it out." Better to waste a little food than to have food poisoning, IMO.
  16. I'll be 49 when my youngest graduates high school. We're not sure if #3 is our last or not.
  17. I just made up a jingle and plugged the numbers or address in. They remember!
  18. Oh, I wanted to add....if you want to make it special for your mom, maybe y'all could do the Wishes Dessert Party. You get special seating for the showing of Wishes (the fireworks show...it's amazing) and you have a buffet of all sorts of desserts.
  19. I would not attempt two parks in one day. By the time you leave one park, travel to another, and get inside, you've lost at least an hour or more. Plus, you'd barely even scrape the surface of either park if trying to attempt two. The only time we ever park hop is if one park is closing pretty early (like Animal Kingdom sometimes closes at 5 PM) and we still want to do parks....we'll go over to MK or somewhere that's closing around midnight. As for dining, we enjoy the food at the Crystal Palace. We eat there for lunch each time we go to the MK. The characters are Pooh and Friends. We've been to Cinderella's Castle before, but didn't really think the extra money was worth it. It was nice though. It depends on how princess crazy your DD is.
  20. I would love to find Legos on craigslist! I have looked and looked and never seem to find any. I just figured they were one of those toys that no one really gets ride of....they just pass them down.
  21. DD(almost 5) still pees at night about 90% of the time. We've had her in Pull Ups (the largest size) but I am so tired of the leaking. It's usually about once a week. I need something else. I've tried reading up on Good Nites, Under Jams, and a few others but I'm not sure what to buy. DD is right at the lowest weight, and even below the lowest for some of those. She's 36 pounds. Any recommendations?
  22. DD4 (almost 5) may possibly be having eye surgery in a few months. It's not even definite yet, but being the worrier that I am, I'm already thinking about it. :tongue_smilie: She will be 5 when (and if) it happens. She will be put under general anesthesia for the surgery and her eye will be a little sore and possibly itchy afterwards for a few days. No patch or bandage will be required. At what point do you explain to your young child that they will be having surgery? Of course I wouldn't want to spring it on her the morning of the surgery. Do you tell them a week before? A few days before? The day before? And how much detail do you give? She's young enough that she won't pay much attention to the doctor and I in the room discussing it at her next appointment in a few months. We (the doc and I) briefly chatted about it last time (a few weeks ago) and DD was oblivious to it all. So she probably won't know about it until I sit her down and tell her.
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