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Everything posted by ChristusG

  1. I really think it will be fine for either. I had DD wrapped in a totally pink blanket a few weeks ago and someone asked me about my "son." :confused:
  2. Yep...nursed #1 for 27 months. That was about 2 months into my pregnancy with #2 and my milk must have changed taste or began to dry up because #1 suddenly just dropped it and never looked back. I nursed #2 till right after she turned 4 years old. At that time, I was again about 2 months pregnant. My breasts were killing me and I began to dread every time she wanted to nurse (which was only at bedtime) so I had to go ahead and wean her. There were a few tears from her but not many. Now I'm currently nursing my 2 month old.
  3. Yikes!! Maybe she really is teething then! My other two didn't get teeth until 9 and 10 months. This one may be earlier. :001_huh:
  4. DD7 has always been very quirky, even starting in her toddler years. We always thought her ways were just cute and funny....but then when she turned four, they began getting worse and that's when I began to be concerned. Around 2, DD would constantly check her pacifier for hairs. Constantly. She was the cleanest toddler around....no messy face or hands, she just wouldn't go with that. Around 4, she began "hoarding" things. She's pick up trash, sticks, papers, wrappers, etc and keep them. A meltdown ensued if I tried to throw them away or deter her from keeping them. She began being very concerned with her hands and wanting to wash them. When walking outside the house (walks, stores, etc) she's constantly point to EVERY. SINGLE. THING. and ask "what's that?" Finally, around 5 years old, I consulted her pediatrician and she referred us to a child psychologist at the local children's hospital. Honestly, we went to see her for a while and then stopped. She wasn't helping. And as a side note, she said she doesn't diagnose OCD in children that young. Over the past few years, DD has gotten MUCH better. It's like she goes through episodes of "quirks" (OCD-ish behaviors) and then they taper off. A few weeks ago she started wanting to wash her hands a lot. I calmly but firmly told her that she could wash her hands if they were dirty, but not otherwise. After one day she wasn't concerned with her hands anymore. She still has a lot of sensory type issues. Her shirt and pants must feel "just right." Her socks must feel "just right." She cannot stand for me to brush her hair behind her ears....the feeling basically causes a meltdown. Small pieces of food and lint make her gag. She has to have many things in her life "just right" according to her. She has certain things she has to say, in order, before bedtime or when I'm leaving and running an errand without her. She has a certain place she sits on the couch. She uses different utensils for each thing she eats. So she still has lots of quirks that we've learned to work around. I'm not sure if she has OCD or not, but she certainly has a lot of OCD-ish tendencies and they started very young.
  5. We go through spells of singing at bedtime. It will happen for a while, then it won't. DD7 usually requests "her" song that I've sung to her since birth...I Don't Want To Miss A Thing" by Aerosmith. DD4 usually requests either "Somewhere Over The Rainbow" or the same one as DD7. I find myself singing hymns to DD2 months as I rock her.
  6. DD has been unusually fussy lately and has started chewing her tongue. I just thought I'd look up signs of teething online and she met every single one of them! She's drooling now. She's been fussy while eating (I read that sucking sometimes hurts the gums if teething). She's been waking at night. She's been gnawing....her hands, her tongue, occasionally my breast (ouch! Even though its only gums!). Surely shes not teething at 2.5 months old, right??
  7. I got one as a gift a few years ago and never used it. I actually just pulled it out of the drawer the other day and tossed it into the Goodwill pile. I don't like them because there are no photos of the finished product. I like to see a visual of what I'll be eating when it is complete to see whether I think it looks tasty or not.
  8. And you know what I really dislike? Glittery little girls clothes. It comes off in the washer and gets on other things! I have banned glittery clothing from here on out.
  9. We have glitter....we use glitter....I don't ban it from my children....but I really don't like it. Let's put it this way. We did Christmas crafts about a month ago. Yesterday I found glitter on my baby's head. :glare:
  10. I have on Zenni glasses right now. Actually, I have a pair of $200 glasses from Wal-Mart and I prefer my $12 Zenni's and wear them more often. The prescription actually seems more correct and I can see better out of them. Shhh...don't tell my husband I prefer my $12 ones LOL.
  11. I don't have boys, but my answer would be no. Wrestling involves waaay too much "handsiness" in my opinion. They grab everywhere in wrestling. I would want to teach boys to treat girls more appropriately than that.
  12. I've had several root canals. It's not painful....just long and boring. And my jaw does ache a bit from keeping my mouth open for so long. And it will probably be easier since it is a front tooth. The dentist is not having to reach into the back of the mouth.
  13. I haven't read the other replies, so this is just based on our experience (we go several times a year since I was born). :D 1)What is the best time of year to go? We are thinking November, but we aren't sure. November is great! We take our annual vacation at the end of October, through Halloween and into the beginning of November. We LOVE Disney at that time of year! 2) should we stay in a Disney hotel or not? What are the pros and cons, either way. (oh, pretend that cost is not a huge issue...we don't want to be wasteful, but we don't have to watch every penny either.) It really depends on how much room you want to have. With three kids, the regular Disney rooms with two beds get to be a little crowded. I like having a separate area to put the kids to bed and still be able to stay up a little later with DH. Windsor Hills is a very nice, gated community of houses and condos for great prices. I've stayed there. But staying at a Disney hotel definitely has its perks....you get the extra magic hours. We take advantage of the 3 hour evening ones every time. 3)what are the advantages of getting a package deal either through Disney, AAA or other travel agent? Since we are Florida residents, we do things a bit differently so I'm not familiar with AAA or travel agents. 4) If we wanted to spend part of a day playing in the ocean, where are best beaches? None of the beaches on the east coast are wonderful, in my opinion. Your best bet would probably be hitting the Gulf of Mexico. Clearwater is pretty....we've stayed at a condo there for a week. 5) Which theme parks are a must and which ones can we put lower on the list? My favorite order.....Magic Kingdom, Animal Kingdom, Epcot, and then Hollywood Studios. That's if you are talking about Disney only and not Univeral and Sea World and such. 6) if you could tell me something I shouldn't bother doing, what would that be? You mean as far as rides go? 7) any other tips that you can give me, I would be most grateful!!
  14. I drool over the expedits when I'm at Ikea. We live 3 hours away from one and just have no way to conveniently get them home. We're usually on vacation when we come across Ikea so we have no room to haul stuff back.
  15. We have about 10 as well. I like them because they are short enough that you can put decor and knick knacks on top of them. We have about 6 holding our homeschool stuff and we get compliments on them all the time. There's 4 in the playroom holding some kids toys.
  16. I'll try to make this short. Both of my sisters are engaged. To help save my parents some money, they were going to have a double wedding. However, both sisters have opposite ideas as to what they want/need. My 18 year old sister has LOTS of anxiety issues and doesn't want to walk down the aisle with a bunch of people watching. So she's pretty much decided to scrap the double wedding idea and go for something VERY small. My other sister (27 years old) wants their original double wedding idea. My two sisters, along with my mom, have already reserved a place for the wedding. This was before my youngest sister decided she would have too much anxiety to walk down the aisle in front of a large audience. So my 27 year old sister still wants the wedding at the prior determined venue, time, etc. Problem is.....the cost and timing. My parents cannot pay for two weddings and two receptions. Plus, not sure how people would attend two weddings that weekend. Well, only very immediate family will be at my youngest sister's wedding, so that issue wouldn't apply to most people. So they are thinking of having a shared reception after my 27 year old sister's wedding. And maybe my 18 year old sister having her tiny wedding the night before? I'm not sure how it would all work. I'm wondering if the Hive has any other/better/more creative ideas. My 18 year old sister dreams of having all the "bells and whistles" of a wedding, but she knows that if she goes that route, she will be so filled with anxiety that she very well may pass out or something. Not sure how we could work out a great, tiny wedding and have my other sisters wedding, and the reception too. And if the wedding has a wedding party (as my 27 year old sister wants) then when in the world would the rehearsal dinner be?
  17. Ariel is around....she's usually not even in Fantasy Land. She's usually right across the bridge to Adventure Land, directly to the right underneath a little covered area. Sometimes Eric is with her. At least that's where she's been the last few times I've gone.
  18. Ha ha ha!! Good for your daughter!!! I bet that cashier was speechless!
  19. Definitely not rude on your part! But they are being rude by overstaying their welcome and getting drunk at a child's birthday party. I never put an end time on our party invitations, but we've never had issues with people overstaying their welcome.
  20. I'm currently sitting in the waiting room of a cardiologist, waiting to get an echo done for the exact same reason. My doc found a loud murmur and said it is probably a functional (innocent) murmur. I think I read that like 80% of kids have one at some point or another. I really think your dc is probably just fine.
  21. Wow....so calm and level headed throughout the situation, even at such a young age! Way to go to that mama! Like she said, there's nothing more dangerous than a mother with a child.
  22. SOOO glad you got some answers and figured out what caused his reaction! It stinks that he came up allergic to more things, but knowledge is power. Does the doctor think he will outgrow some/all of these allergies?
  23. I do *try* to attempt to get things done....but I have to admit, those cheeks are well-kissed LOL. Aww, thanks everyone! She sure does make me happy!
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