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Everything posted by ChristusG

  1. Glad that you sent it! I've found that this situation is all too common in the homeschooling community. I'm not really sure why. It's sad....and extremely rude.
  2. Yes, I'm a natural speller and I spell separate wrong ALL the time. I always get the little squiggly red line underneath LOL.
  3. No one. :glare: I just got through with 2 weeks of recovering from childbirth and 1 week of a horrible virus. The house is now a complete wreck. Seriously, it is so overwhelming that I'm having to go room by room, and complete each one before I can even contemplate where to begin on the next.
  4. We redid the flooring in our home about 2 years ago. We had carpet everywhere, but I have a lot of allergies, plus we have dogs, so we wanted something else. We put tile in our sunroom and bathrooms. And we put wood laminate everywhere else. I'm happy with it. It looks great. I do miss the warmth, but I'm so happy not to deal with carpet anymore.
  5. My 3 week old has a cold and I just gave her Little Noses this morning. Ours only has two ingredients.....water and sodium chloride. I'm not sure what your ingredients are. After you give the Little Noses (if you do) make sure you suction him out. If not, the Little Noses only makes the congestion worse. My DD is extra snotty afterwards until I use the suction.
  6. I'm trying to pare down my linen closet. I have our sheets down to a number that seems to work well....2 per each bed. Not sure how many towels I should keep? Per person? What about guest towels? Beach towels? Infant towels? Separate towels for the dogs? What about washcloths? Pillowcases? Blankets? Per person? For guests?
  7. 1. Never been to Tusker House. 2. Whispering Canyon is awesome! Keep asking for drink refills...you'll get a kick out of what happens. :D MK is closer. You can just hop on the ferry and it will take you straight to Wilderness Lodge. 3. Skip Hollywood and Vine. Icky food. We went once and never again. 4. Have you ever done the Hoop De Doo Revue over at Fort Wilderness? It's a great time. Great food too! 5. Never been to Boma or Le Cellier. Cinderella's Castle we did for breakfast....it was decent. Nothing to write home about but the girls enjoyed the princesses. We also did O'Hana's for breakfast too. We really liked that.
  8. Usually only the first page. But then again, I check here often. Maybe too often LOL.
  9. My youngest had a few 123 sets when she was 2. They really didn't get played with very much. She much rather played with big sisters regular Playmobil.
  10. Two iPod touches. My girls have each had their own since they were 2 and 5 years old. They love them and often use them at the same time. Best gift we've ever gotten them.
  11. Schleich! We have a home business and sell them online so our kids have quite a few. They are great quality. Papo comes in second to Schleich....we sell those as well.
  12. That is crazy!! I honestly don't think I could send my child to school each day. That's not just a fire hazard or a learning issue....it's a safety issue. There's no way that one teacher can properly supervise that many children. A daycare would not be allowed that student to teacher ratio.....why can schools do it?
  13. DD4 is the Nutella lover in our family. Her three favorite ways to eat it are: straight off the spoon, a Nutella sandwich, and dipping graham sticks in it.
  14. I used to have a magnet that said "Unsocialized Homeschoolers On Board". People got a kick out of that. But it began to fade and peel from the sun so I threw it away.
  15. An icky big has made its way through nearly every member of our family. Lots of congestion, junky cough, fever, sore throat, stuffy nose, etc. Everyone is on the upswing now. Fevers are gone, coughs are sounding better, everyone is starting to feel better. Yesterday my throat was sore due to what I figure is post nasal drip. It is only sore on the right side. Well, last night I happened to notice that the lymph nodes in my neck are also sore on the right side. When I swallow, the pain sort of radiates into my right ear. Is this something to see a doctor about? Why would the tender nodes come when the illness seems to be clearing up? Of course I googled and it said scary things like if you do not treat tender lymph nodes then the infection can get worse and turn into sepsis or cellulitis. Definitely do not want those! Just wondering if I should call my doc this morning and try to be seen today? What does the Hive think?
  16. Fevers are the body doing it's job to get rid of an illness. It is cranking up the furnace in hopes of making the body too hot for the illness to survive. Therefore, I try to let a fever do it's job. I *will* medicate when the fever is inching closer to 103 and the child is acting uncomfortable. If they are acting fine, I don't medicate. And I always medicate at night if the fever is 101 or higher. I don't want it to spike when I'm asleep and be unaware. With most fevers, my kids have always been up and playing. Sure, their eyes may be a little glassy, and they don't have as much energy as normal, but they are acting well for having a fever.
  17. I just placed a huge Christmas order a few moments ago. I probably bought so much that I shut the whole site down. :001_huh:
  18. Just realized that I responded but didn't really offer any advice LOL. DH took DD to the doctor on Monday because I thought her cough sounded like croup. The doctor said there's a virus going around with a fever that runs about 5 days.
  19. Wow, he really didn't want to come out, huh?
  20. Awww! He's adorable!! Enjoy your new little guy!
  21. DD7 came down with a fever on Sunday evening. It ran till Thursday night, varying between about 100 and 102. No fever at all on Friday. No fever all of today....until tonight. Low grade fever now. UGH.
  22. "Don't take naked pictures of your sister." 7 year old was walking around the house taking pics of random things with her camera. 4 year old comes flying out of the bathroom, naked as a jaybird, yelling "take pictures of me!" 7 year old holds up the camera to take a pic and I quickly say "No! Don't take naked pictures of your sister!" LOL
  23. Yikes....I have gallons upon gallons of the stuff in my backyard. Guess the government may be showing up with their Hazmat suits pretty soon.
  24. I was considering an iPad, but I'm hoping that the fire will do everything that I need it to do (for a lot less money LOL). I pretty much want to be able to sit on the couch or in bed and check email/Facebook/web sites. I want to be able to shop online. I want to maybe play a few games, get some apps. And of course, read books. I think that the Fire should be able to take the place of an iPad for me, but we will see.
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