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Everything posted by ChristusG

  1. Wow, that is beautiful!!!! How do you get groceries and items you need? Order it online?
  2. He has a parking pass and tailgates with his cousin/aunt/uncle before the game. They provide the grill so he doesn't need one. He's not really a griller. The coupons might be good! I'll have to really do some thinking on what I might can put on them. Hot air balloon?? Skydiving tandem?? Heck no LOL! I'm scared of heights, much less falling from them! :lol: We already have a zoo membership through is work. Not many other memberships we could have around here. Not a coffee drinker, doesn't really listen to the radio much (except sports talk radio on his drive home), we have the new iPhones, and I've asked him about speakers/surround sound before and he wasn't interested. He exercises occasionally but his work provides membership to the YMCA, so he goes there and uses their stuff. But hey, I could get on board with the DVC option LOL! And the date night thing might be good....that could go along with the coupons. He says he doesn't want/need anything. But then he says he looks forward to opening gifts on Christmas morning. But then he says he's always disappointed. I'm like HUH???!!!!! :confused::confused::confused:
  3. :confused::confused::confused: My husband does not need anything for Christmas. He can't even think of anything that he wants! I certainly do not have this problem LOL. He doesn't really have any hobbies....doesn't read, doesn't play a sport, doesn't work with tools, etc. He LOVES football and has season tickets to the local NFL team, but he doesn't really need anything other than that for football. He doesn't care for knick knack football decor, doesn't care for mugs featuring his team, or anything like that. He has a watch. We like watching DVD seasons, but we have Netflix. I feel like I buy him t-shirts and polo shirts every single year. He's asked for a windbreaker with his favorite team's logo on it, so I'll try to search that out. But what else?? What do you get for someone who needs and wants nothing? I really do not have fun getting his Christmas and birthday gifts...it's too difficult!
  4. Yep, temps could be just about anything down here at that time. I wouldn't pack until a few days before you leave.
  5. I have the same thing going on here. My girls are 4 and 7 and play together with the same things. It really depends on the gift on whether I give it together or seperate. For example, they are both really into My Little Ponies right now. I'd get them each their own seperate ponies, no matter if they were the same ones. I'm thinking of getting a large dollhouse....which would be a gift to them together. Things like Playmobil, I would give together. Things like American Girl items/dolls, I'd give each girl one. What type of gifts do you have for them?
  6. a pumpkin....it's for decoration. 2 cups....they kids sip on them all day. Hey, I think we're doing pretty good for once LOL.
  7. I think I dressed up and trick or treated till I was 18. :D But yeah, our "rule" would be that you have to dress up to go trick or treating.
  8. Just sent up a prayer for your DD! Please keep us updated.
  9. iTunes has rentals....not sure if Roots is on there or not.
  10. Yes, I do think it can be addictive. I wouldn't think the withdrawals would be horrible....maybe a headache at most? And of course craving it.
  11. I despise clutter. Each night, my kids clean up everything of theirs before bedtime. If it doesn't get cleaned up....then I do it. The kids know that if mommy has to clean up their stuff, they may not get it back. Once I clean it up, I can do with it as I please. If it's junk, I may just toss it. If it's something expensive, I may hold onto it for a day....or a week...or several weeks. I may give it to Goodwill. Thankfully, DH is decent about cleaning up behind himself. He's not good about anything else (like helping clean up toys or other clutter), but he usually cleans up behind himself. If he didn't, he may find all of his clutter stacked up on his computer desk. If my house is cluttered, I cannot focus on the day.
  12. Glad you started this thread! I'm going to look through it for some more ideas for my DD. She is 7.5. As of now, she's getting an AG doll (Kanani, the girl of the year). Possibly a Xyron sticker maker. I might get my girls a huge dollhouse to share. In her stocking she'll probably get some smaller things....so far I plan on the Barbie Thumbelina DVD, a mini AG doll (Marie Grace), an iTunes card for her iPod Touch, a roll of quarters, a pair of pajamas, and a few books. I'm not sure yet but I'm sure I'll throw in a few more things....maybe stickers, or magnets for her magnet playset, probably a small thing of candy....and I make each girl a coupon book for her stocking each year (example...stay up late one night, choose dinner, go to the dollar store, etc).
  13. I'm glad that everything is back to normal! Well, at normal as it can be while pregnant LOL. I hope that you will meet your babe really soon. And don't worry, I like predictable births too. My first two were induced. This third one came on her own....freaked me out LOL.
  14. I decorate for Christmas. I'd love to decorate for fall too, but it's too much of a pain to keep switching themes. Plus, getting everything in and out of the attic is a pain too. So we just decorate quite a bit for Christmas.
  15. Sorry I didn't update sooner. Baby Clover Quinn arrived on Sunday at 9:16 AM. Sooooo glad to have her here! The birth story and photos are on my blog, linked in my signature. Thanks for answering my many, many questions and listening to my complaints during pregnancy LOL!
  16. Hmmm....were they "on again" when he did the cheating? Cheating once could maybe be forgiven....maybe. But not over and over again.
  17. I'd love to give it a try! I can't promise every week because I'm horrible about follow through, but I will try.
  18. We're currently using FLL 1. We only have about 4 lessons to go until the end. Both of my DD's (4 and 7) really enjoy the lessons and they retain the information well.
  19. I'd take them. I always take any sort of reading material, whether it be looking over curriculum, a good read, or a magazine.
  20. Good to know that so many girls will play with it for a long time! I'm considering this for our girls for Christmas. It's gotten great reviews.
  21. That would be funny LOL! There's already been so many threads about babies being born this past week....I keep thinking "Where in the world is mine???" LOL I wish I could go for a walk. Baby girl is pressing on something down there and I can barely hobble around the house. I think she's already engaged in the birth canal. Even my 4 year old is anxious for her to come out....this morning as she was laying in bed beside me, she said "I can't wait for the baby to be born....then I will have more room to lay beside you." Thanks sweetie, I know I have a huge belly right now LOL.
  22. Both of my girls LOVE playing with everything from My Little Ponies to Playmobil to Disney Princesses to Schleich animal figures. My oldest is 7 and my youngest girl is about ready to make her appearance any day now. Just wondering how long you think my oldest may play with something like this? Just about anything could "live" in this house and there is plenty of room for the girls to play side by side. Anyone have anything this big? We have a smaller doll house, but I was wondering about this one. http://www.amazon.com/KidKraft-65252-Majestic-Dollhouse/dp/B0042F99PG/ref=sr_1_1?s=toys-and-games&ie=UTF8&qid=1318087624&sr=1-1
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