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Everything posted by ChristusG

  1. The midwife that I see is part of a practice that does include an OB. I just usually see the midwife because I prefer her bedside manner. She did say that I could go on the pill but it would drop my milk supply. I wonder if I should call them back tomorrow and ask for an ultrasound. I really dislike confronting people. I'm pretty shy about things like that.
  2. I'm hoping you ladies will be knowledgeable about this because I've never dealt with it. I am 6 weeks postpartum and I'm still bleeding. I haven't bled a lot since I delivered....it's just been like a light period. Some days I don't bleed at all. Others I do.... But not enough to fill a pad. But more than just spotting. Today I had my 6 week check up and my midwife did a pelvic exam and said my uterus wasn't as small as what she'd like it to be. So she prescribed me methergine to contract my uterus, as well as an antibiotic (Suprax, I think). I'm very nervous about taking new drugs. And I read that the methergine can sometimes cause horrid cramps....enough that some people are prescribed Percocet with it. My midwife just told me to take 600 mg of Motrin though. I'm also leery of taking anything while breastfeeding. Heck, I'm leery of drugs even when not breastfeeding. What would you guys do? Any experience with these drugs? Anyone else's uterus still not normal after delivery? What happened? I'm wondering if I should call them and request an ultrasound instead. Although, I'm not sure what that information would do for me. She wants to see me back next week. Sorry this is sort of choppy....typing on my phone is hard.
  3. Great idea for figuring out whether she still wanted it! And as a side note....what kind of steal did you get it for??? My DD's are getting that dollhouse for Christmas this year too. I got it a few weeks ago at Walmart.com for $135 and free shipping. I just checked and now it is listed for $170 but sold out. I'm hoping that I didn't miss an even better deal!
  4. I vote to buy the doll. When I was a kid, all I asked for was boy toys...GI Joes, Ninja Turtles, Hot Wheels, etc. My parents never hesitated, never made me feel like I shouldn't be choosing those toys because I'm a girl. They got me what I asked for. I'm thankful that they let me be who I was back then. I turned out normal. And of course I got made fun of sometimes.....kids will find ANYTHING to make fun of another child about. They didn't make fun of me specifically about the toys, but they called me names because I was a tomboy. They were mean kids.....they would have found some way to make fun of me even if I were a girly girl.
  5. I began having braxton hicks around 20 weeks with each of my 3. And all of my babies were full term.
  6. My sister and her fiance are moving into their first home. It's the first time either of them have been out from under their parents. So they need everything. For Christmas, I thought of putting them together a basket of things they may not think of....as well as some basics. So far I have wash cloths, two pot holders, tweezers, nail clippers, scotch tape, a large cookie sheet, a utensil divider, a 20 pack of silverware, 4 bars of soap, 2 hand soap dispensers, a dipping spoon, a slotted spoon, a spatula, a pizza cutter, a fold-able hamper, a tube of toothpaste, and a set of measuring cups. Plus, a set of Rubbermaid containers in different sizes. What are some things that they may not think of that they will need to set up house? Basic stuff where they will one day think "oops, I wish I had that!"
  7. I can relate to your relief! Our dog got hold of some bones and ate them right up. We weren't sure whether they would pass through or not so we took him to the vet. The vet was pretty sure they would pass, but we were holding our breath. They did and our dog was fine. Whew!
  8. I love Christmas songs....I have a lot of favorites! Carol of The Bells O' Holy Night Run Run Rudolph The Christmas Shoes (yes, I know everyone hates it, but I like it LOL) Jingle Bell Rock Grandma Got Run Over By A Reindeer And waaay too many more to list LOL.
  9. I got this one in black last week at Target. It fits perfectly and works great! I really like it.
  10. It seems to be unanimous LOL....I think I'll start offering a bedtime snack. Now I just have to remember to include it in the routine. Yes, I've been trying to give her a little extra attention when I can. I allow her to fall asleep on the couch next to me most nights. Occasionally I'll send her off to bed, but she enjoys her snuggle time with mommy each night to fall asleep. Bad habit, I know, but she's only little for a bit. :D
  11. Awwww!!! What an awesome thing that you did for her! Great story!
  12. Thank you!!! I did the 30 day trial a little over a month ago. Then my subscription ended but I really didn't want to pay $39, so I just paid for one more month. I just signed up for the year for $19....awesome deal!!
  13. Every night at bedtime my 4 year old begs for food. We usually eat around 6:30-7:00 pm and she goes to bedtween 8 and 9. So the max amount of time between dinner and bedtime is about 2.5 hours. Sometimes less. But every night, without fail, when I say "bedtime" she says shes hungry. If we say no food and just put her to bed she cries about how shes starving and she promises that shes hungry. Thing is, she never wants to eat her dinner well at all. Is it reasonable to expect her to go from dinnert time and be able to go to bed with no more food? I tend to think it is a ploy to stay up later but she cries and begs. I tend to give in sometimes sand get her a snack but DH thinks I shouldn't. He says she should learn to eat more dinner, which I agree with. And he says that I'm being too lenient. I get low blood sugar if I'm hungry so I have to eat often. So I tend to let her eat because I don't want her to feel sick due to hunger. DH says most people do not feel like that and she will be fine even if she really is hungry. Plus, we've heard that you shouldn't eat right before bed. I got tough tonight and told her no food before bed. She fell to pieces. I felt bad. What would you do? Dd 7 never does this so I'm not sure what to do. And of course if DD7 knows that DD4 is having a snack then she wants out of bed to have one too, even if she's not really hungry.....which just creates bedtime chaos.
  14. My daughter has a dress up Belle dress from mydressuptrunk.com and she wears it nearly every day and it's held up pretty well.
  15. Says it is no longer available. Wonder if it was a glitch in the system and if the orders will go through?
  16. Sounds like a fun day! That stinks about the shoes though...usually the cashier checks!
  17. I haven't read this whole thread so that my review can be unbiased LOL. I got mine in the mail on Wednesday and have been playing with it since then. I really like it so far. For me, it is replacing my desire for an iPad. I have an iPhone so I basically know what an iPad does (since it's really just a giant iPhone without the phone part). I like to sit on the couch and browse the internet, catch up on my Facebook, lie in bed and read a book, etc. And I wanted a larger screen to do this on rather than my iPhone, which I've been using. The Fire does all of that for a whole lot cheaper than an iPad. Internet browsing is clear and bright, plus it's been pretty fast for me. I'm looking for there to be lots of apps developed for the Fire in the next year. I really think that for a lot of people, the Fire will win out over the iPad just due to cost. There's lots of people that just wants a table to use it exactly how I'm using it. Sure, if you want to do more business type stuff, then you need the iPad. I also love that it runs Flash.
  18. Probably an iPod Touch. My 4 and 7 year old's have had theirs for about 2 years now. They are more portable than a tablet. When heading out the door, I toss the kids Touches into my bag. Plus, I feel like they are more protected. I have a heavy duty silicone case that my kids Touches are in and they have been dropped numerous times and have never broken.
  19. They're still coming??? I think I'd have to say HECK NO!
  20. A trip to Epcot so that she can explore Japan and make dinner reservations at one of the Japanese restaurants. :D Okay, that might be a bit expensive LOL.
  21. I LOVE LOVE LOVE Black Friday! My mom and I usually get out early....like 3 Am to go. This year, I think it will work out even better since a lot of stores are opening at midnight. We're not even going to go to sleep...just head out around 10 PM. It's a lot easier to just stay up rather than only get a few hours of sleep and then try to get up. I'll have one kiddo with me this year.....my nursing baby. I always take my nursing babies or toddlers with me. DD 4 went till she was 3, so now it's her time to stay home this year.
  22. I wrap a few here and there and usually do not end up getting burnt out. I think I wrapped 3 last night. And a few earlier in the week as well.
  23. LOL, this is too funny! Yes, I clean like this....all the time!
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