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Everything posted by ChristusG

  1. Unless we have somewhere to be in the mornings, I let them sleep. If they are still sleeping, I figure they must need it. DD4 just woke up at 10:15. She went to bed kind of late, but still...I wasn't going to wake her this morning.
  2. Not sure since I just got it today....but I wanted to chime in and let everyone know that it's free on Amazon for Kindle today.
  3. My parents got the internet in 1997, when I was 17. We had AOL so pretty much all I did was hang out in the chat rooms. I liked looking up people's profiles to see if we had anything in common. I did a search for guys in my city, near my age, with the word "God" in their profiles. Some guys came up. I chose one in particular because I liked what his profile said. I IM'ed him and he blew me off. Said he was chatting with some other girls. :glare: He's now my DH. :D I don't easily give up. I bet my parents never knew that when they got the internet, a few months later I'd meet my future DH. We've been married nearly 12 years now.
  4. A month?? I'm just about to order DD the 3rd grade math book because we have nearly completed the 2nd grade one. I figured I'd order it about a week before we needed it. Yikes...looks like I'd better go ahead and order it now!
  5. Thanks everyone! I ordered him the Ultra Stomp Rocket and a Hex Bug Nano. I hope he doesn't have them!
  6. Ours is still up. :001_huh: I just haven't had the time to take it down. I need DH to get the boxes out of the attic so I can pack it up during the day when he's at work, then he can put everything in the attic one evening when he's home.
  7. We're going to a birthday party for a little boy who is turning five. I have three girls. I have two sisters. I have all girl cousins...needless to say, I have no clue what little boys like. :tongue_smilie: I asked his mother and she said he likes Scooby Doo and Super Mario. That's easy, since both of my girls like these things as well. I asked his mom if he had a few different items and she said he already has them. There's not too much variety with Mario and Scooby, so I'm figuring he probably already has most of those things and that I should move in a different direction. Any ideas? I can order online but it needs to be through Amazon so I can get it by Friday.
  8. I've come to the conclusion that I cannot be busy....I get stressed and out of sorts. So I totally sympathize. I purposely keep our schedule pretty free due to this.
  9. I seriously cannot even fathom that sort of cold. I've been a Florida girl for my entire life, never seen snow (rare flurries in FL do not count), and freeze to death when FL drops into the 30's. I'd die where you are.
  10. Just prayed for her! Please update us when you know something.
  11. Oooh, I saw a COOL blog that had a bunch of great ideas for this theme!! It was actually from a grandmother who planned "Grandma Camp" for her grandkids and did a secret agent spy theme. Here's the link (scroll down and there's all sorts of ideas): http://www.grandmaslittlepearls.com/search/label/grandkids%20camp%20out
  12. We buy it all the time. Some batches tend to be lumpy. Give it a good stirring and it will all even out.
  13. From what I've read (and I've researched this a lot), I can nurse her as soon as I'm awake enough. If I'm awake, then the anesthesia has pretty much left my body. There would only be trace amounts left. Good idea about bringing my own container for the hot water! And I never thought about microwaving the water. When I check out the surgery center I'll see if they have hot water in the bathroom or a microwave to stick the water in.
  14. It is a dedicated outpatient surgery center, so no cafeteria. Yes, I do know that microwaving is a big no-no for breastmilk. Thanks everyone! Looks like I'll thaw it overnight in the refrigerator and bring it with ice packs in liquid form. Actually, I'll be in the vicinity of the surgery center tomorrow so I may swing in and take a look in their bathrooms for hot water LOL.
  15. Yes, I should probably know this since grammar and language are two of my stronger points, but this has always confused me for some reason. Here's the sentence: What is that, you may ask. Where the heck does the question mark go? And should I use quotations? "What is that?" you may ask. What is that, you may ask? "What is that," you may ask? I don't know....nothing looks right LOL.
  16. I'm currently breastfeeding my third child, but I've never run across this issue. Next Thursday I'm having gallbladder surgery. I hope to be able to nurse my 2 month old immediately before surgery and right when I wake up enough after surgery. However, my mom and husband will be there during the surgery (which usually takes 1-1.5 hours, plus "waking up" time) to watch the baby. So she may need two bottles. I've been freezing some breastmilk. At home, I know I can run it under hot water to warm it up. But we won't be at home....we'll be at the surgery center. How will they be able to warm the bottles? Not sure if there will be hot water there (yes, I've been in bathrooms where there is cold water only). Should I thaw them beforehand? And the just refrigerate them until needed? Maybe use a bottle warmer? I plan to bring them in a small cooler with ice packs. I'm just wondering the best way for them to be able to give her milk while I'm in surgery.
  17. It drives me crazy too when people compare their pets to kids. For example, if I mention how sick one of my kids has been and then the other person says "Oh, I know....little Spotty was sick last week too. It was awful." Seriously? So you laid around with little Spotty and held the puke bucket for him, washed your hands a million times so you didn't catch it, monitored his fever, alternated Tylenol and Motrin, woke up at night to check his fever, and listened to him hacking away, wishing you could do something for him? Really? REALLY?
  18. Love it!!! I absolutely love names that are uncommon!
  19. I would still bring it up and use it as a teaching experience. I try to teach my girls to be cautious of their surroundings starting when they are young. And they see me stay cautious as well. Whenever we are getting into the car from shopping, especially at night if DH is not with us, they see me looking around as I load the car. I check my surroundings. If anyone walks by, I look them in the eye. If I see someone that makes me feel uncomfortable, my girls have seen me get into the van and close and lock the doors before I help buckle them into their car seats. They have seen me check bathroom stalls in a secluded bathroom area. If the bathroom is vacant, but I see a locked stall with no feet underneath, I'll look through the crack of the door to be sure no one is in there. I'm not paranoid, but I'm very cautious and safety oriented. And I hope to pass this onto my daughters as well. When they reach their teenage years, I'll start trying to be sure they are independently cautious instead of just relying on me to be cautious for them.
  20. I like tater tots and grew up on them, but I haven't had them in years. I *love* fish sticks (Gorton's brand), as do the girls. I usually fix them on church night for something quick and easy....and my husband is not home then. He hates them LOL.
  21. I have read that the gas bubbles can cause pain. How is your recovery otherwise? Do the incisions hurt? The reason I'm asking is because I have to call this week to set up my gallbladder removal. I had an attack on Christmas day and went to the ER where they discovered gallstones. How was the procedure itself? I'm nervous because I still want to be able to nurse my 2 month old.
  22. I'm pretty paranoid when it comes to the possibility of food poisoning. With it being below freezing, it is probably still good....but I'd probably still throw it out.
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