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Everything posted by Tammyla

  1. I'm saying yes, but it's been my experience that a lot of grown up people do not wash their hands after using the bathroom or just rinse the tips of their fingers and avoid soap. :tongue_smilie: It's my habit to wash my hands when I start working in the kitchen...even if they are clean.
  2. :grouphug: You make our 8.4 F w/ 35 mile an hour winds... sound balmy. I am doing some outdoor errands to avoid venturing out tomorrow as our temps are dropping to sub zero. I can not imagine going out to the barn for chores.
  3. Vitamin D Multi vitamin OJ hand washing Sleep don't touch your face when out Wear gloves when out and about; I'm guessing in Alaska, gloves, and good outwear are a give. Avoid sick people Don't shake hands at services (if you attend) or keep your gloves on Wear a mask if necessary
  4. Too cute, but do pull that book out before he shows someone else where the head.
  5. I'll wish you luck :hurray: . It sounds like you are set up for a good start.
  6. Try antibiotic ointment if you have some. It sounds painful, hope you feel better.
  7. Some places will allow you to adopt a horse for a period of time. You get to feed, groom, clean up, and ride the horse for a period of time.
  8. Call your pharmacist and get the specifics on it.
  9. Get her a measuring take and let her measure herself. You can look on-line for instructions, and it's easy.
  10. I would consider changing the dates if possible. Hopefully the feeling will go away and you will be fine. Like Jean, said...I would be worried about developing a secondary infection.
  11. It's hard to listen to non-stop bs (pardon me) and say nothing, but what can you do. It sounds like a defensive in-your-face before you ask me not to smoke here mechanism. I always just try to slip away, but if not possible...I will ask if they could smoke later or somewhere else. (Inside a car or inside without the windows open... is just indescribably miserable for me.) Sadly, my own mother is very much like this...After decades of smoking, she now has a high BP, a scary smokers cough, COPD and it breaks my heart to see her so addicted to something that is so horrible. She was for many, many years very healthy despite smoking, but it isn't that way anymore. Smoking can be a slow killer, my mom is in her 60s btw.
  12. I need to read through this thread... :lurk5: I purchased dc's college books...and had to order every single one new. :crying: Buy back is a joke, but for last semester we might be getting back $40.
  13. :lurk5: Early, but I'm looking for something too.
  14. Book thong???Never heard of that one, but I'm glad to hear it's something special vs. just a thong, thong.
  15. Hugs and hope for a speedy end to the misery for everyone suffering. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:
  16. Your kids are pretty little so...they are depending on you to facilitate the shopping. Do they have actual savings accounts? That can be a big savings inspiration.
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