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Everything posted by Tammyla

  1. I used to make oven baked liver treats. When baking they stink like nothing else, but most dogs go a little mad for them. Please note, that I mean they super-stink up the entire house. The recipe was from a trainer friend and my memory is vague, but it was basically...A tub of liver put through the blender or food processor, a tea to table spoon of garlic salt, and equal parts flour and cornmeal, a bit of water if necessary. Blend until it is mushy, then bake it on cookie sheets. Slice it up with a pizza cutter once it's cooled.
  2. :grouphug: I wish you peace in your decision. I understand trying to ensure your own peace of mind dealing with toxic family members, and I'm very sorry for your loss.
  3. Guilt...Please don't allow this to box you into a care decision you are not able to carry out; both dementia and Alzheimers just get harder and harder as they progress. Dementia and Alzheimer's suck; I'm so sorry to hear you are dealing with both at the same time. We have a good friend caring for his mother and the two of them have suffered, because he feels helpless to go against her wishes to stay in her home. His mother recently broke her hip and pelvis, when she was washing a comforter in the basement at 3 a.m... They have someone designated to do the laundry, but she doesn't remember so many things and time is just not relevant to her anymore. He would have gladly washed the comforter for her, but she often lives her life 50 years ago thinking he is a little boy. It is just so sad for the two of them, even with other family chipping in here and there, he cannot be awake and on duty 24 hours a day.
  4. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:
  5. I'm so sorry your dd is suffering and the medical system is failing her. Goodness, it might be worth considering lightening her load while she is working her way through this.
  6. I hope he has a successful day. Some folks seem to have a hand for these procedures; hopefully he will be one of them.
  7. I would toss it, and not allow an 83 y/old to eat. Shudder, I can imagine if she manages to eat it and then suffers the natural consequences.
  8. I don't boil, and I don't buy special noodles. Btw, I do like the flat Barilla ones. Long, long ago...I did boil them :001_rolleyes: .
  9. Be careful about the GLOVES you choose. Many will make things 100 times worse. We use Dove sensitive skin, plain white bars for handwashing. I also purchase thin, clear gloves at Sam's; they're for food handlers. I can slip them under rubber gloves or just use them for lots of things like food prep. etc. to avoid extra hand washings.
  10. Some things are just destined to be embrassing...I hope you feel better soon. I would take a pain reliver, a nice hot shower and consider going back to bed. Oh, and I'd throw out that dangerous alarm clock. :grouphug:
  11. Congratulations, Martha! I love Isabel Sophia for a girl btw.
  12. I've got a number of reasons, but free is never really free kwim.
  13. You know, you are right...It does get harder to keep that magical spark in the holiday celebrations as they get older. Consider going ahead and making some new traditions. Simple things that are easy to do, like everyone gets jammies (or other clothing), and you take a picture. Hot coco in special mugs with homemade marshmallows, make cookies, fudge or some other delicious goodies are always a magnet for time together. (Even for the ones who don't enjoy the kitchen time, the enjoying the goodies together can make for a special time together.) You can also be secret Elves for someone in need. Oh, and I would put the money in new wallets or purses. You get to open a gift and you get to go shopping together to purchase things during the after sales.
  14. I wanted to add, most of pet-lovers put off accepting what others can clearly see for as long as possible...before considering the idea of what so many consider the loving thing to do. Honestly, I know I was guilty of just not being ready to consider letting go or entertaining the sad reality that it would be my decision. It was very, very hard. I had to find another vet, who offered reassurance that I waited long beyond what he considered necessary, as he could objectively see my pet was suffering. :grouphug: I wish you peace as you find your way.
  15. :grouphug: I'm sorry,the situation is diffficult enough without your vet adding to your grief at such a heartbreaking time. Sadly, I don't think his attitude is uncommon today.
  16. I would follow the pediatrician's advice.
  17. From the CDC.gov web site, Q&A on Ebola Transmission www.cdc.gov/vhf/ebola/transmission/qas.html It states that, "Ebola can be killed with hospital-grade disenfectants (such as household bleach). Ebola on dried on surfaces like doornobs and countertops can survive for several hours; however virus in body fluids (such as blood) can survive up to several days at room temperature." I'm still reading through the thread, and have no chili bias.
  18. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:
  19. I felt the bill for the moving expenses last time, was more odd than this one. That said, please think things through before you begin looking too deeply. You may be 100% unable to do anything unless you have their consent or a medical diagnosis making it legally possible. I was a bit grossed out imagining them sending their ratty, old washcloths, but sending garage sale ones would send me over the edge. :w00t: Get rid of them asap;I agree there is not enough bleach to make them usable.
  20. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: Poor thing, I hope the pain relief happens soon, so that you may rest and recover.
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