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Everything posted by Tammyla

  1. We've outgrown them, but for us it was a nice option for a few reasons, and we definitely were not trying to separate ourselves from our community. (Both my dd and ds, participated in traditional classes, but we also enjoyed some specifically offered to homeschool families.) The homeschool classes were more in line with our schedule (during the day) and we were able to connect with families who didn't wonder why we weren't in public school.
  2. Oh, thank you for updating us. Prayers for a complete recovery.
  3. :grouphug: Prayers :grouphug:
  4. I would be very reluctant to go ahead with a purchase if your family can not afford one. Would your current vehicle be worth selling and then finding a replacement with the money you have on hand and the proceeds from the car? You mention seeing the light a bit, is there someone you could go to for counseling and advice locally like clergy or a counselor? Joint would be the best option, but you may benefit going on your own if your dh isn't on board. I hope this works out somehow and you get to see your grandbaby soon. :grouphug:
  5. I would look over the lease again, but imo it sounds like the LL is responsible.
  6. I'm not sure what I'm doing today other than going to church and a little gardening.
  7. You will likely need to treat inside and outside the home. If they are bad, I would call a pro and get a guarantee.
  8. Again, I missed a major change and would likely have stayed in the dark much longer had I missed this thread.
  9. If you can afford them, I would have a meeting discuss the situation, and possibly create a contract. They either go to a new home now or your children actually care for them without your supervision, reminding, nagging or help....If they don't follow through...you simply find them a home. If money is very tight, I would just explain and re-home the critters.
  10. :grouphug: Thank you for updating us. Contined prayers for you, your family and a blessed Monday.
  11. Oh,((( AndyJoy))) I'll be praying for you, your little one, husband, the surgery and your family & support system.
  12. You know, it sounds like it would be a burden to you and recouping the money isn't imperative to your family. So, for me I would skip it and try not to feel guilty. :seeya: Waving my hand wildly to add a little :thumbup: two-thumbs up for the sale vs. door to door sales funding. Those were a big pain in my you-know, and I would consider going just to support keeping the option.
  13. Thank you, it's just beautiful.
  14. I'm chiming in late, and my day is pretty much in pre-dinner mode. I had too many errands and an afternoon appointment to get much done in the house other than the usual stuff.
  15. :grouphug: Oh, I'm so sorry...Many prayers for you.
  16. Oh, the poor kiddo, I hope she begins feeling better soon.
  17. I'm afraid to make a list and not get it done, but here goes for the sake of a little accountability. Sort and box book shelves in computer / school room Open and put away new books if I get the book shelves done. Finish computer desk Pick up books at eleven combine car trip and stop in BBB for a desk organizer and more coated hangers Clear out extra stuff from computer / school room Dishes Laundry Fit in lunch water plants outside practice driving with my student Sort sewing project and put it away somewhere until I get back to it clean master bath dinner check via phone on book order to see if/why they overcharged me
  18. I've been gone a lot and missed you original post, and wish your ds a full and complete healing. Poor guy, I also hope the home care with the nurse is helpful; that sounds like a lot to deal with in home environment.
  19. MALE BED URINAL, Amazon sells them. They look like a strange pitcher and you would have to clean it, but it could be very helpful. If not, I would go with the pull-ups or cover the sensor.
  20. Nope, I would be heading back to the doctor to ensure she is responding to the antibiotic, and I would check with the doctor and see about getting a note to help with the camp refund. I hope she feels better soon.
  21. I take Citracal, a multi. On the advice of my eye-doc, I also take fish-oil. (Btw, Omega-Brite fish-oil is the only one that doesn't give me any fishy, after-taste, berps etc.) Oh, and I gave up caffeine a couple of years ago...some days I really miss it.
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