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Everything posted by Tammyla

  1. Op, are you saying that he was taking medication for Bipolar and was okay, but that now symptoms are showing?
  2. Delivery is a beautiful idea to follow the spirit of the party. My sister sent my dd flowers for her 16th birthday and she love, loved them. (Btw, they were in the shape of a birthday cake :001_smile: .)
  3. Tammyla


    :grouphug: Prayers here for your family. :grouphug:
  4. Tammyla


    :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: I hope visiting can be worked out and pray for his healing.
  5. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: I hope you find your way and have peace in your decision. You can love, and forgive someone without giving them your power. (Sounds goofy, but you don't have to step out into the line of fire to honor a parent.) I second the BOUNDARIES by Cloud & Townsend.
  6. I think it's pretty common around here now too. Infants Tylenol & other fever reducers are not rec'd last I heard, for the under 6 weeks crowd. I can see why new moms would want to avoid an illness in a little one. (This year the Flu shot is not covering one of the strains around here and advice is a fluid thing from one doc to the next.) Many of the retirement homes are being very strict on visitors and screening; they did news stories on the 3 main channels about the elderly and very young. My sister has kids ranging from 17 down to 3 months and she is surprised that so much changes in the "common practices & rec's that become the norm." Things like back to sleep, side-sleep, early solids, late solids etc, are considered a bit dangerous/crazy today. Times change, and I've learned not to give new moms old advice...even if my kids grew up pretty good :001_smile:; they just want what's best for their babies...and they're tired.
  7. I went from bing irregular to pretty regular, but it wasn't more so much as more often.
  8. Does he wear anti/per - del after showering? I would watch his diet too, and if a nightly shower didn't do the trick, I would have him check with his doctor.
  9. :grouphug: I'm glad it worked out.
  10. I would be a traditionalist too; and I secretly agree...so many performances go on too long with out adding anything.
  11. Land's End or LL Bean would be the first places I'd check.
  12. We have 5 pre-lit trees...Multi color family tree 6-7' in the living room, white light 6' hand blown bulbs in dining room, dd has a pink tree '4with white lights, ds a multi color 4' and a 3' red/white light in our mstbr. Dd loves decorating the entire house, and I happily let her go wild.
  13. :iagree: I think you did the right thing 100%.
  14. I don't have strong feelings one way or the other, it would depend on the kid... However, teen jobs around here are few and far between these days. The mall(s) stores that were once staffed by teens now are staffed by people my age... Even our summer places like ice-cream places tend to choose adults with more flexable schedules. I'll admit, we give a good allowance, even with dd in college.
  15. I once drove after my post man to allow him to redeliver a package, but it wasn't addressed to me or my address. I would probably try to find the right person or just call UPS to stop back by and figure it out if I couldn't. I'm glad you are getting your package; UPS sending it back to the sender this time of year is a head shaker.
  16. Nicely wrapped or inside a beautiful card with chocolates and cash (or a gift card) are always welcome. I love giving beautiful mugs filled with hot-coco fixings or specialty chocolate spoons. You can use them year after year.
  17. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:
  18. Bi-polar doesn't ever get fixed or healed; at best it's treated with meds and counseling, but it never ever goes away. :grouphug:
  19. Just say no, sorry can't do it... Don't stress with finding a good reason; you have one. You don't want your family exposed and are taking normal precautions to avoid getting sick. :grouphug:
  20. Tammyla

    MIL vent

    :lol: Or ask if she wants you to forward the list to Santa, as she must have mistakenly sent it to you.
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