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Everything posted by Tammyla

  1. Kitty looks super comfy in both beds; maybe she likes that they look like real furniture...but just her size. :thumbup1:
  2. Tammyla

    MIL vent

    :grouphug: I guess, I would ignore it, send the gifts. Then, if she mentions it... Well,I would (laugh aloud) and tell her, it was so outrageous; that I thought it was a joke.
  3. I think his attitude is extremely disrespectful and that coupled with destroying the kitchen would be a big one for me. Talk with him and let him know how you feel, and what you need; then allow for his input to work out a compromise. Imo, fwiw...I would be steaming mad with the willful messes and disrespect for you cleaning up after him like a little child. If he isn't willing to at least adopt a thankful attitude...Well, honestly I would insist he change or bar him from my kitchen. :grouphug: Sometimes we ask for what we need today, even when we have been happy doing something for a long time. kwim?
  4. Well, it sounds like a good idea to me.
  5. I'm feeling the blas here with dinners too. Some one on the board...years ago suggested Twelve Months of Monastery Soups. My library had it, so I thought why not. I ended up getting my own copy. It's arranged seasonally and the soups are super easy to make. I love them with fresh bread and maybe a simple side salad.
  6. Poor kid; I would worry about dehydration too. Do you have any pedialyte pops or drinks on hand; if not those, a sports drink will have electrolytes. I would do the spoon-sips or dropper until he can take more at a time.
  7. :grouphug: I'm so sorry for you loss. :iagree: with the others focus on your health... Imo, your in-laws and bil's should be focusing on helping you through this difficult time and doing everything they can to help you recover physically and emotionally. Shari's Berries sends lots of hand dipped strawberries and other delicious chocolate treats last minute.
  8. :grouphug: I'm sorry...That's a lot to deal with at one time. :grouphug:
  9. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: Poor kid...
  10. :iagree: Six years of wear is pretty good imo. Kohls has a good sale going on right now for the Dockers. If you order be sure to use the 15% off coupon and enjoy the $15 Kohl's cash for every $50 you spend. I stocked up hubby with a new batch this weekend (His office is doing more bus/cas days) and we both love the no-iron, long wear of Dockers.
  11. :grouphug: Pointelle silk long-johns are a nice very thin layer that adds warmth without sweating. Columbia makes some awesomely toasty jackets. I like a long coat that goes at least to my hips, but knee length really keeps me warm on the worst days. (I have a Land's End stadium jacket, rec. here by another boardie that I will venture out in in temps well below zero.) I wear it when I'm stuck waiting in the car or the very worst cold/wet/windy days, but I do not consider it flattering at all; in fact, I call it my ugly coat, but I wear it to keep and I'm toasty.
  12. Thermostat is set at 72/73, but the house is 2 story with a basement and heats uneavenly. Some spots/rooms go down to 67' while others are 72/73. I really do not like winter heating here at all.
  13. The first name is pretty, but could cause difficulty. (I have an uncommon name, and it is almost always pronounced incorrectly; it was awkward and occasionally embarrassing as a kid) especially on first days anywhere my name was called. But, I love, love, love Charlotte.
  14. :grouphug: Many hugs :grouphug: . I would plan for at least one daily nap and check with the doctor soon.
  15. Oh, Jean. I do hope the situation settles and works out. I almost hope he can't get his money back (at least quickly) and he and mil are allowed time to settle in and get comfortable. I'm pretty afraid thinking he will be out there driving or being in charge of their lives with his Alzheimer's. Just thinking about someone suffering from Alzheimers is tough, but him caring for his wife with dementia and other medical needs, would make any family member fret. I do hope the doctor is able to help. Do you and your family have any type of local support?
  16. :grouphug: What good news. :grouphug:
  17. :grouphug: You poor momma, I know you have been braving this road with her for years. Some days are exhausting, but In my heart I hope the new course helps the two of you.
  18. Wow, what a merry-go-round :grouphug: . I hope their transition into the retirement center goes smoothly.
  19. That's what you get for being so nice. I hope it all works out better than you imagine.
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