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Everything posted by Tammyla

  1. I'm going to try and get some things accomplished today. Laundry, esp all new gift items and towels Finish compiling school samples for semester report Sort and swap out 1st and 2nd semester books for ds Finish returns at the mall...find ds a pair of slippers that fit and get lunch if everything else is done by then Pick up milk and a few other grocery items on the way home
  2. http://www.mommypotamus.com/homemade-electrolyte-sports-drink/ Sports drink recipes you can make without the extra (poison).
  3. I had a friend who always pushed bananas for cramps. They're a healthy snack, so they became and easy little something to add. I agree with the salt or magnesium; sports drinks are another option. It does sounds like he is pretty active.
  4. We finished up a read aloud yesterday, it was book 66 for me...I still need to pick something for tonight. I'm getting a twitchy eye with nothing to pick up in-between cleaning and laundry.
  5. We just finished Gracepoint last night a few weeks after watching Broadchurch. I'm still not sure how I feel about it. Maybe if I read through the thread, I'll be able to process it and come up with something. (I was avoiding the thread so as not to spoil it.)
  6. Yelling would be my focus...Some kids and even grown ups like to fuss, moan and groan. I've always allowed for my kids not to like doing chores, school or other must dos. I'm okay with that, but yelling would be a deal breaker for me. :grouphug:
  7. How tragic...I'll pray too. I so sorry for your loss...
  8. I have a Cuisinart Pro Classic; it's like a little tank.
  9. Wanted to add a get well wish...Hope you all feel better soon.
  10. :iagree: with Jean...Tissue box man was the jerk last night not you.
  11. Air travel with an ear ache is miserable...Take the medication and consider a probiotic. :grouphug:
  12. I would toss them into the crockpot and let them cook away.
  13. Yes, yes, yes...I too wish people who were sick would stay home. I hope no one in your family catches it, and your dd surgery goes as planned. :grouphug:
  14. Welcome back Amy...Nice to see you and hear your health is improved.
  15. My simple solution would be not to allow her any alone time with the children unless she agreed not to undermine your parenting.
  16. It is definitely not a Southern thing for my generation, but I can't speak for the new generation. I'm a little peeved at people who can't check a box and seal an already stamped envelope...It's rude, but sadly common.
  17. I'll just listen in here and file the info for future mattress purchases.
  18. I voted yes...But I'm not comfy giving them. In your circumstance, I tell dd grandma deserves a break due to her history and current medical condition.
  19. How long has he been known to be BP and has he been diagnosed BP. Can you ask him or does he have a spouse / relative or doctor you could talk to? Meds can work very well, but if they are changed, miss-prescribed, taken incorrectly or with another medication (even some over the counter ones) or simply stopped...A perfectly functioning person can behave as you mentioned. I hope you are able to find some answers and get him some help.
  20. I would ask her too, but I would probably stay home with or find something else for the two of you to do tougher.
  21. Tammyla


    :grouphug: prayers :grouphug:
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