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Everything posted by Tammyla

  1. :grouphug: (((Jane))) :grouphug:
  2. Op, I would waste my time and make a call; do so not only to complain, but to find out what you need to do to ensure your next flight doesn't repeat this experience. I'm sorry it was such a mess. :grouphug: I think human contact vs. on-line stuff might be the only way.
  3. Poor kid... We use the golden rule around here; everyone is expected to treat one another the way they would want to be treated. I can't imagine your husband wanting to be treated that way as a child or an adult. Now I'm all for not sweating the small stuff and there are respectful ways to teach a child this lesson. I would also want to add, that family is special to me and should always feel like a safe place to express our true feelings. Imo, your husband is pushing his son away by disrespecting and humiliating him.
  4. I think it's just a liability issue not a helicopter society.
  5. Some baby wipes will get a lot of it off.
  6. :grouphug: Mergath, my heart hurts for what you and the others went through. One of my dearest friends was in foster care for 10 years. She suffered countless moves, and a final foster mom who kicked her out the day after she graduated from high school. The foster mother was matter of fact about needing a placement that came with an income; my friend said she provided food and shelter but that was it.
  7. It sounds like it worked out just fine. Food is just food at our house; I think it can set up future problems to use certain foods that way.
  8. :iagree: with Pawz...Don't forget he will pick up on your anxiety. Make it a great place to be with something his favorite person wore and a treat he can only enjoy inside his cozy spot. I hope the little fellow heals quickly, back problems in them can be pretty bad.
  9. :grouphug: Thank for the update.
  10. For cheater-throw-away-cleaning-cloths, I use baby wipes and what ever cleaner I have on hand; and; and I like paper towels with windex.
  11. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: Cont. prayers for comfort and healing.
  12. I hate spring cleaning when it's nice outside; here spring last a few days and then...bam humidity hits you. I'm sorting through my closet here and then it's on to my books... Whoever recommended the book...The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up, by Marie Kondo...Thank you!
  13. :confused1: It wonders me, why it has to be all that and often so dull for so many hours day after day.
  14. Tammyla


    We switched to a Mac in December and I can not believe how much I love it. We made the switch and just backed things up and the dinosaur is in the basement if I remember something important later.
  15. I'll pray for the two of you. Slippers for you; it's exhausting to stay dressed and in your shoes all night.
  16. You might like layers and texturizing to minimize the poof; I would go to a good stylist and ask for options for short or long. Hair changes over time, and what was easy and looked good years ago can really be a pain today. It's just hair, long or short you should find the stele that makes you happy.
  17. What a bummer for you. If I didn't feel good wearing it, I would find a way to get rid of it and just field any questions with vague answers. Would she actually question you about it? I certainly understand not wanting hurt her feelings, but it just sounds like it brings you down.
  18. My understanding of of hired cleaning is that they Motel or Hotel Clean and the good ones are few and far between. I've also noticed anyone who has ever cleaned for a living (or is super clean by nature) is very particular and pretty much never happy unless they do it themselves.
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