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Everything posted by Tammyla

  1. (((Lynn))) I'll send hugs and prayers your way.
  2. Tammyla


    Personally, I think she crossed a professional and possibly ethical line with your ds; and I'm a little outraged for him. Oh, and you don't need a good excuse to no longer use her services. I'd cancel how ever you felt comfortable and I'm pretty sure the new OT will request the records from his or her office.
  3. Happy Birthday! I hope you are off enjoying the day.
  4. :grouphug: I hope the appt next week gives you some comfort.
  5. :lol: Forgive me, but I think she sounds adorable. I miss my old Schnauzer reading this thread; she was bad to the bone and I couldn't help but love her. Although, now that I think about it, chasing her towards the beltway in D.C. with a stroller and preschooler in tow was pretty hair raising.
  6. Oh, you poor thing. :grouphug: Continued prayers for healing.
  7. Thanks for the info, your situation sounds similar. We were Costco members years ago in California and I did love their deli and fresh veggies.
  8. Thanks for the info. I think I'd still like to visit, but it doesn't sound like it would be less expensive to our grocery budget.
  9. I appreciate the posts ladies... Are y'all saying that Costco takes coupons too or just the ones they issue? We are Sam's members and our membership is going to expire this year; it's close to our house less than 10 minutes. If we switch to Costco the drive is a little over 30 minutes each way and I can't really imagine making it much during the winter. That said, the idea of purchasing paper products at the regular grocery stores isn't something I want to go back to.
  10. I'm so sorry for your loss, and will continue to pray for you and your family.
  11. I'm glad everything was ok. You aren't alone; I think most of us have left something on the stove.
  12. :iagree: But, at least you will know what is really in the boxes. (Packer surprises can be a bummer.) I wish you the best with the move.
  13. Thanks for updating us, my heart and prayers go out to her.
  14. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:
  15. We happily can afford to pay for dd and ds's and will through college. They are both very responsible with their own money;). Dd will often spend her own money on clothing etc. when she shops, but we are willing to pay for all of it. Growing up, my parents had a tighter budget, but they still supplied my clothing through high school and into college.
  16. If you drink milk, a glass in the morning can be an easy way to get a little breakfast in and jumpstart your metabolism.
  17. I'm happy to hear you are home with your family and I hope your treatment continues to work for you.
  18. What good news, I'll continue to pray for you.
  19. We will be letting our membership expire in October and won't bother renewing. We've been members for years, but our savings there has gone down over the years. (We also found a less expensive gas and that was our biggest savings there for years.) Now as far as savings go, I've compared and things like Dove Sensitive soap is about .50 cents savings compared to Target and Walmart. I found the savings like that across the board if you compare, but the comparing is difficult with things like toilet paper because of the numerous different sizes of rolls etc. Anyway, if I have a coupon and something is on sale at a regular store, it's almost always cheaper. I don't buy meat or diapers so, ymmv I will miss their $1.00 hot soft pretzels.
  20. That makes sense, and I looked at using the snap tape; sewing the little velcro strips was a labor of love iykwim. However, for my nephew his surgeon wanted the surgical site to have as much air as possible with least amount of tugging. It was also necessary to accommodate his potty needs as quickly and easily as possible. tmi
  21. I helped (sewed) my sister with the clothing crisis when her ds crushed his growth plate and had to have surgery. 1st. Easiest & likely the cheapest retail, if he can wear larger sizes (nephew was four) is to check ebay for break away or tear away warmups. There are a few web sites, but they can be pricey. I peeked over at ebay and they had a number of options listed now for larger boys and men 2nd Purchase one or two sizes up and make them yourself. JoAnn's has a good quality soft velcro sold by the yard. The dots are one option, but they are very scratchy. I also bought a snap-maker(?) and did a few pairs with snaps. The snaps were pretty easy to apply, compared to sewing on one inch strips of velcro. Don't try to do an entire leg with a length of velcro; it will seal shut and be a pain in the rear. I can give you directions if you need or want them. I even designed breakaway underwear, but nephew was four and his cast was a full leg with no weight bearing for weeks. (I purchased, but didn't use an old pattern (old, there are no current ones available) that you could borrow, but the sizes are 7-8 or 10-12; I'm guessing they would be too small for your ds.) 3rd. Be creative and or enlist help of anyone you know who sews. Once I finished one pair of pants, the following ones were much easier. I found a youtube video with instructions for tear-away pants and just followed it. My sister found large, big clothing and socks worked very well for her ds too as he healed. Prayers for you and your ds.
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