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Are You Ever Surprised at What People Don't Know?

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Very cool! I hope you liked it :D


The sequence on the Civil Rights Memorial was my favorite part of the film.




I have seen the documentary and the actual wall. Both are extremely moving. I didn't know that about your family, Bill.:001_smile:

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what gets me isn't not knowing, but not having the desire to know. My natural inclination would be to go look it up.



Originally Posted by Chelle in MO

The tour guide got a very surprised look on her face and said something like, "Well, I'll be! I've worked here for 8 years and never knew what that meant! That's why I like this job--I learn something new almost every day!"



Exactly! Especially if one is in a teaching position!:001_smile:


Bill....here's one for you. Dh and I both grew up on small beef cattle ranches. Ffwd 20 years and we wind up in upstate NY, land of the dairy farms. One of our new friends had oxen she trained. Finally, one day I commented how much those oxen look just like cattle! I thought she was going to fall off her chair!:lol:


And it wasn't until R&S 3 that I learned that ox is singular and oxen is plural! :lol:

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People occasionally ask my British friend that. He likes to tell them that they celebrate Thanksgiving on the 4th of July instead ;)



hehehehe Did he get alot of blank stares?? :001_huh::001_huh::001_huh::001_huh:


Oh wait.... I mean A LOT. :) hehehe:tongue_smilie:

Edited by Ibbygirl
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I'll tell one on me.


Years back, we "city-folk" got our first clutch of bantam Rhode Island Red chickens.


Well the little chicks thrived and grew, and before too long one of the young pullets (that's what we call them now that we're old-timers) laid an egg.


And, I kid you not, I had a moment of panic. I thought: This hen is too young to get pregnant and carry a baby. Oh dear, oh dear.


Then it hit me :001_huh:





:) :) hehehehe Don't feel too bad though, Bill. I had to look up "pullet" in the dictionary just now. :) hehe


Oh my gosh, this is my 200th post!! And I just joined this site 21 days ago!!!


Man, can I talk!! hehehehe


I think I need a muzzle for my fingers. ;) hehehe

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I had a friend that worked at a gift shop on Main Street at Disney World. His favorite question was, "What time is the 3:00 parade?". :D



LOL classic!!


When I used to work in the mall when I was in college, we had a lot of Spanish speaking people from Miami that would come into our store. They would come in and start talking to me and asking me all kinds of questions in Spanish and then after talking to me for like 5 minutes they would ask me IN SPANISH, "Do you speak spanish?" It used to happen to me constantly!


Fortunately I did. :)

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I had a friend that worked at a gift shop on Main Street at Disney World. His favorite question was, "What time is the 3:00 parade?". :D


Yep. That's one of those things that they tell you when you're in training and you don't believe . . . until the first time a guest actually asks the question. I had it happen to me.


My other favorite story about stupid guest tricks is the one about the two young men who kept asking me if a particular show (which they clearly thought was a ride, no matter how many times I explained it wasn't) "went upside down." They walked away obviously certain that I was putting them on and/or being deliberately unhelpful.


Then, there are the guests who insist they arrived at a particular park by monorail even though the monorail does not go to that one and who get really angry when you explain they will have to get on a bus . . .

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Yep. That's one of those things that they tell you when you're in training and you don't believe . . . until the first time a guest actually asks the question. I had it happen to me.


My other favorite story about stupid guest tricks is the one about the two young men who kept asking me if a particular show (which they clearly thought was a ride, no matter how many times I explained it wasn't) "went upside down." They walked away obviously certain that I was putting them on and/or being deliberately unhelpful.


Then, there are the guests who insist they arrived at a particular park by monorail even though the monorail does not go to that one and who get really angry when you explain they will have to get on a bus . . .



Kudos to you for working at Disney. The have to be the best customer service people on the planet. I can only imagine all the crazy stuff ya'll see, but you always make a guest feel special.


I only had one bad experience with an employee of Disney. When I was like 9 or 10 years old, I found someone in a Mickey costume and I went over to him to get my picture taken with him and I hear this very gruff man's voice coming from Mickey's smiling head say, "Get away from me kid!" hehehehe

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Kudos to you for working at Disney. The have to be the best customer service people on the planet.


I used to open Disney Stores back before they stopped doing the week long training for cast members. I learned so much from their model of customer service training. I am not sure what the training is like now. I moved on when it became more of a retail store than the Disney experience...just at your mall. :D

Edited by Rich with Kids
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When I worked at a hotel in a mountain town, guests would often ask what time the elk would come down from the mountains or what time they would be on the golf course. I always wanted to explain to them that elk don't usually wear watches....

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When I worked at a hotel in a mountain town, guests would often ask what time the elk would come down from the mountains or what time they would be on the golf course. I always wanted to explain to them that elk don't usually wear watches....



LOOOOL :lol::lol::lol:


Man, this thread is so funny. They should make a sticky of it so we can have it right there to read when we're having a bad day. :)

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Well, I didn't know who Martin Luther was until my late 20's when I happened to marry a Lutheran. I wanted to know where the name "Lutheran" came from and that is when I found out. However, I was Methodist growing up, and knew all about John and Charles Wesley. I just consider it all part of my lack of a great education and experience at the time.

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I was a faithful Sunday School student, and went thru two years of Confirmation class. Never once heard the name Martin Luther without King, Jr attached.


Well, I didn't know who Martin Luther was until my late 20's when I happened to marry a Lutheran. I wanted to know where the name "Lutheran" came from and that is when I found out. However, I was Methodist growing up, and knew all about John and Charles Wesley. I just consider it all part of my lack of a great education and experience at the time.
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When I worked at a hotel in a mountain town, guests would often ask what time the elk would come down from the mountains or what time they would be on the golf course. I always wanted to explain to them that elk don't usually wear watches....



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Ay, I've got one that happened just this afternoon. My 11 year old daughter and I were out and while we were walking she was talking to me about ice cream and she said, "I like neopolitician" I said, "it's neopolitan, dear." She said, "well maybe so but I think neopolitician sounds better so that's how I'm going to call it." I said, "but baby, you can't do that. Nobody will understand what you're talking about if you come up with your own pronunciation. You can't decide to call the sky a "ski" and say, 'oh look at the ski, isn't it beautiful??' She said, "well that's because calling the sky a ski is lame. But people will like neopolitician because it has more flair." :tongue_smilie: hehehehehehe

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When I worked at a hotel in a mountain town, guests would often ask what time the elk would come down from the mountains or what time they would be on the golf course. I always wanted to explain to them that elk don't usually wear watches....


That's actually not such a stupid question. Yesterday I went to a class about elk that was sponsored by our local wildlife center. Elk are more likely to come out of the woods to graze in fields at certain times of the day. We actually have a field trip planned next week to go see them. :001_smile:

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:) :) hehehehe Don't feel too bad though, Bill. I had to look up "pullet" in the dictionary just now. :) hehe



I only know because when I started calling them "hens" the chicken-man gave me a look that only a chicken-man can, and said in a slow drawl : Now Bill....we call these here "pullets".


And the young roosters are called "cockerels". I didn't know that either :tongue_smilie:



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I only know because when I started calling them "hens" the chicken-man gave me a look that only a chicken-man can, and said in a slow drawl : Now Bill....we call these here "pullets".


And the young roosters are called "cockerels". I didn't know that either :tongue_smilie:





hehehehe Me neither. I like your posts, they are so colorful. How do you get so many colors in your posts?? You seem like a very artsy type. :) It's nice. :)


Sorry for the momentary thread hijack... :)

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All the time. All the time.


In law school, one of the other members of the feminist group reluctantly agreed that their ideological opposite did have the constitutional right to put up his inflammatory posters, so she couldn't really go 'round and take them down.


I stared, open-mouthed. She thought the constitution constrained her action as a private person. Now it would be a tort, most likely, but it had no constitutional aspect at all if she were to rip them down. And she didn't know that.


I didn't fill her in, it seemed too rude at the moment. Maybe I should have done so privately. [shrug] He never did hang up any posters, so it was a moot point. I just couldn't believe she had taken Con Law her first year and didn't know the constitution restrained government action, not private.

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Well, most people think my cat is named Puck because we like hockey. :001_smile:



Hehe, that's good. When I went out to Colorado for my brother's wedding, I visited his wife's family. They introduced me to their sweet doggie, whom I thought they said was named, "Plato". I was thinking to myself, "What an impressive dog name. So sophisticated!" After a little while, a young girl came over to play with the dog and I said proudly, "Isn't he sweet? His name is Plato." And I just started to feel the eyes staring my way. Realization dawned and I amended, "Or Play-Dough? As in clay?" And then everyone said, "Yeah. Play-Dough." :lol: It was too funny!

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My neighbor asked me to come over and give her a Baby 101 when she was pregnant. (I really admire her for asking for this, btw). I was explaining some basic stuff about breastfeeding vs. bottle feeding and happened to mention offhandedly something about getting up for a middle of the night feeding. She said, "You mean they don't sleep all night?" I was speechless for a moment (this woman was in her 40's and even if it's your first, most people know that babies don't sleep all night esp. at first). So then our Baby 101 got a whole lot more basic!


I'll call one on myself: when my first ds was a newborn, dh was in graduate school and we really knew no-one. Closest family was like 700 miles away, etc. So I'm starting to learn how to nurse the first time, having let-down, and was shocked to realize that there is more than one exit. I was expecting one steady stream and was really stunned by the multi-directional spray.

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Yep, my oldest ds mentioned at a "Truth Project" youth meeting (we were doing the Worldview study by Focus on the Family) that Martin Luther was successful at translation of the Bible and getting it into the hands of the common people because of the Gutenberg press. He's 14. Everyone in the room just looked at him with the most stupified expression I have ever seen, even the adults.


Of course, I was proud that something sank in this year!

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I'll tell one on me.


Years back, we "city-folk" got our first clutch of bantam Rhode Island Red chickens.


Well the little chicks thrived and grew, and before too long one of the young pullets (that's what we call them now that we're old-timers) laid an egg.


And, I kid you not, I had a moment of panic. I thought: This hen is too young to get pregnant and carry a baby. Oh dear, oh dear.


Then it hit me :001_huh:




Speaking of things people don't know, what the heck does your new siggy mean? I looked at it for the longest time trying to figure it out and when I couldn't, I figured it was just me. So I called the whole family in and asked them. There are seven of us here and none of us could figure it out, so fess up, what am I missing? :confused:

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Speaking of things people don't know, what the heck does your new siggy mean? I looked at it for the longest time trying to figure it out and when I couldn't, I figured it was just me. So I called the whole family in and asked them. There are seven of us here and none of us could figure it out, so fess up, what am I missing? :confused:


That's funny, because my not-yet 5 year old got it straight away :D

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Speaking of things people don't know, what the heck does your new siggy mean? I looked at it for the longest time trying to figure it out and when I couldn't, I figured it was just me. So I called the whole family in and asked them. There are seven of us here and none of us could figure it out, so fess up, what am I missing? :confused:




Yeah, I was looking at that, too. At first I thought it was 5 > 5 but that couldn't be.


So then I thought maybe it meant 23 > 32 but that doesn't work either.


Clueless here.

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It's not that you were dumb or uneducated, it's just that you weren't aware of it until you connected it somehow in your life experience.


:iagree: My darling husband, who is actually a sharp guy, got down to my daughters' level at a petting zoo about 12-13 years ago and pointing to the sheep said, "Look kids...that's where we get cotton!" Uh, no. Can you tell he grew up in an apartment in New York City?



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Speaking of things people don't know, what the heck does your new siggy mean? I looked at it for the longest time trying to figure it out and when I couldn't, I figured it was just me. So I called the whole family in and asked them. There are seven of us here and none of us could figure it out, so fess up, what am I missing? :confused:


I was so distracted by the pretty colors that I didn't even notice the greater than sign. I'm so not left-brained.



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:iagree: My darling husband, who is actually a sharp guy, got down to my daughters' level at a petting zoo about 12-13 years ago and pointing to the sheep said, "Look kids...that's where we get cotton!" Uh, no. Can you tell he grew up in an apartment in New York City?




Oh...I've got one from my dh as well. And yes, my dh is actually very intellegent, but doesn't always have the best common sense. ANYWAY...last year we grew some corn stalk in our back yard. My dh thought he'd give the kids a quick improptu homeschool science/nature lesson. He was pointing out the different parts of the corn plant, and when he got to the stalk, he explained that was where they make corn syrup from. I just looked at him and asked him where he got that from. He said that regular cane sugar came from the stalk, and it was the same with corn.


It's such a good thing he never comes on these boards to tell on me! :lol:

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I make a lot of things from scratch, but when I got a Fannie Farmer baking book, I was very surprised to find out that crackers could be baked. I don't really know how I thought they were made, I just hadn't thought of them as being baked. (Mine turned out so bad I had to throw them out.)

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I suppose this might only be funny to a birder but I was out at a park with friends one day. As a bird took flight, I said, "Look, it's a red-winged black bird!" My friend asked, "What is it called?" "Um. . . a red-winged black bird!"


Good thing I didn't see a yellow-bellied sapsucker!


LOL that is cute. There is a lot I don't know, but red-winged black birds, and chickadees I do (and the kids know them by call and sight). There is a lot I don't know, and since having my 4th a lot of what I did previously know has gone the way of the dodo. Now when I want to feel smart I watch My name is Earl or Are you smarter than a 5th grader, either way I am feeling like a genius very quickly.

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It's not binary, but it is a computer.



I guess that blows my theory right out of the water! :tongue_smilie: hehe


The left side does look like a smile though and the right side does look kinda like a frown (she said hoping that somebody out there would throw her a life line) ;) :D

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I had a friend that worked at a gift shop on Main Street at Disney World. His favorite question was, "What time is the 3:00 parade?". :D


I'm a bit late to the party but, working as a tour guide in Edinburgh I often got the question "When does the 1 o'clock gun go off":D Also "how long is the Royal Mile". Of course I KNOW I have said some howlers too...I can't think of one right now (I haven't had my morning tea yet) but I know I have:D


Oh and I am not even going to attempt Bill's sig...Computers and I do not talk to each other very well. That is what I have my geeks for:D:D

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That reminds me. My 5 yr old saw a blue jay outside the other day and says MOM it's a blue robin! I told him no it is called a blue jay and robin's aren't blue. Then later he saw a cardinal and said look mommy it's a red jay. Poor guy. we need to work on his bird names.



Awwww That's too cute!! :)

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I'm a bit late to the party but, working as a tour guide in Edinburgh I often got the question "When does the 1 o'clock gun go off":D Also "how long is the Royal Mile". Of course I KNOW I have said some howlers too...I can't think of one right now (I haven't had my morning tea yet) but I know I have:D


Oh and I am not even going to attempt Bill's sig...Computers and I do not talk to each other very well. That is what I have my geeks for:D:D



hehehehe I wish I could hear you actually saying this with your Scottish accent rather than reading it. I swear I don't know what it is about the Scots but ya'll just crack me up. Craig Ferguson could go on his show and read the phone book and I'd be laughing. One of the best accents in the world IMHO.

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