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Tooth Fairies - do you just throw away the teeth?

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I've always kept the little baby teeth my kids have lost, but after a couple of years of this, I've got a grisly little collection of 13 or so teeth in my jewelry box. Is there any reason in the world I should keep these? I'd consider putting them in a scrapbook (maybe), but I don't even know which tooth belongs to which kid! :confused: :D

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Okay, I'm weird I keep some of them. It started because ds was the one that got the trash and I knew he'd find the tooth and give me trouble about the tooth fairy. Weird, I know.


He just lost one the other day, pulled it at the neighbor's house, and it is sitting on my dresser. I haven't decided what to do with it. We don't worry about the tooth fairy anymore, but ...

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I considered keeping them for about 30 seconds but I decided it was gross and I can just imagine my grandchildren finding them in a box someday when I am dead and gone and it becoming a big family joke. No thanks!


My Mom has all of mine in a box. She also kept a bunch of hair from various haircuts. I'm an only child and dh and I joke that she's waiting so that one day she can clone me. :)


Not keeping my kids teeth. I just find it weird.

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I have every single one of my son's. Of course, I just have the one child . . . so . . . I don't get confused about who's they are :lol:.


I don't know why I keep them. My mom certainly didn't keep mine. I have my son's in a Ziploc bag waaaaaayyyyy in the back of my underwear drawer.


I suppose one day I'll give them to him and explain about the Tooth Fairy . . . but today is not that day ;).

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I've always kept the little baby teeth my kids have lost, but after a couple of years of this, I've got a grisly little collection of 13 or so teeth in my jewelry box. Is there any reason in the world I should keep these? I'd consider putting them in a scrapbook (maybe), but I don't even know which tooth belongs to which kid! :confused: :D


I threw them all away with nary a regret, but when the dc were young enough to care, I told them the toothfairy took them to heaven to be re-furbished, clean and nice for the mouths of babies being born. ;)

Hey, why not, we recycle everything else LOL

Recently, oldest dd asked me if I had kept any of them, and I told her no and she was not at all bothered. :)

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My Mom has all of mine in a box. She also kept a bunch of hair from various haircuts. I'm an only child and dh and I joke that she's waiting so that one day she can clone me. :)


Is THAT what it is? I was wondering why my mom has that giant hank of hair from my first haircut - when I was 8. And, yes, she still has my teeth (I'm 38). For years and years, they sat in a little pottery nest in one of the little cubbies of a printer's box on her wall. Gotta be that only child thing.


I have all of my 20 y.o.'s teeth, and those that the 8y.o. has shed thus far. I never considered throwing them out as an option... :001_huh:


(Also having trouble understanding the "gross factor". They're teeth. You see them all the time. They don't decompose in a jar...?)

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  • 12 years later...
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On 4/17/2009 at 6:48 AM, melissel said:

DD6 was very upset at the idea of the Tooth Fairy taking them away, so our Tooth Fairy has opted to let her keep them. This works out well for the TF, because DD promptly loses them 😄

Ds12 was upset so the tooth fairy stopped coming and he keeps them himself.  He says he doesn't want the money and he knows it is me anyway and I am not allowed to throw away his teeth.

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