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Isn't 10 1/2 to young to get

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your period? My 10 1/2 yo may have started her period.(We are not 100% sure, long story) That seems so young to me. My other daughter got hers at 11 1/2. I was 11.


She already has a little underarm hair, and small breast buds.


Should I be concerned if she did get it?



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My friend growing up started at 10. And she got a lot of grief and teasing from other kids so I don't know how it would come up amongst friends but I would remind her to keep it to herself. 10 year olds are to young to deal intelligently with that kind of information about their friends...

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your period? My 10 1/2 yo may have started her period.(We are not 100% sure, long story) That seems so young to me. My other daughter got hers at 11 1/2. I was 11.


She already has a little underarm hair, and small breast buds.


Should I be concerned if she did get it?





No, it's not too young. I had mine a few months shy of 11. I have twin nieces who just turned 10 and both got their first periods a few weeks after, so 10 1/2 doesn't seem out of the ordinary at all.

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Dang. My dd was 11. I thought she would that year - but I thought I had a year.......like I thought she'd be closer to 12.

9 is so young. What a drag and a responsibility.

I hate pads and tampons. Sea sponges are ok........


I am almost 37 and am over it.

I am starting to get womyn who say, "Take it out!"


Not that I will probably....

but I understand it.


Good grief to have to deal with that at 9!

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Well, of course she was at the library at a tween advisory board meeting. She said she felt weird and went to the bathroom, and thought she got it. She went and asked a girl in the bathroom if she had a maxi pad. When she said no, the girl took her to the advisory board adult, and she gave her a pad. When I went to pick her up, she came out of the bathroom half crying and half laughing. And said "I think I just got my first period" so of course there were quite a few public school middle schoolers there, just kind of staring at her. I told her to calm down, and it was alright, and thanked the advisory board leader and took her home. I do not think she got it, but I am still watching, just in case.


It just seems so young to me. And, for a child that age to deal with the responsibility of pads, and cramps, and swimming.


It just seems kids are getting it younger and younger these days.

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your period? My 10 1/2 yo may have started her period.(We are not 100% sure, long story) That seems so young to me. My other daughter got hers at 11 1/2. I was 11.


She already has a little underarm hair, and small breast buds.


Should I be concerned if she did get it?




yup, I'm in the "thats normal" category. My neighbors daughter started 1 week after her 9th birthday. My girl, like me started shortly after turning 11.

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It just seems so young to me. And, for a child that age to deal with the responsibility of pads, and cramps, and swimming.


It just seems kids are getting it younger and younger these days.



Fyi, they have midol for teens (no caffeine). My daughter went 1 summer w/ pads & was in tampons in no time at all. My niece is a professioinal gymnast (shes 12) & had to use a tampon pretty much from day one. We got ones made for teens. They both said it was uncomfortable the first time but no problem the second month. Just an fyi--

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It was very traumatic for her (yes, we had already talked about it). It was hard for many, many months. She's finally kind of gotten used to it, a year later.


I am so sorry DD's having to deal with this so young. :( I didn't start 'til I was 13, but I knew my mom started when she was 10, and DD developed early, so I knew it was a possibility.

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I had well prepared her for the event so there was no trauma . . . it even happened while she was away from home at summer camp and still she was not traumatized because I had taken the time to talk and prepare her ahead of time.


I will admit I thought she was young but I know it's well within the range of normal.

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I got my first period on the morning of my 10th birthday:glare:, what a present.

I already had large breasts(34 C0 ( I skipped the trianing bra size) and was already teased endlessly by all of the boys since 2nd grade. However, once the girls started getting their periods they all came to me for "help". I dealt with the boys in the wrong way but I felt better at the time form it.:tongue_smilie:

My mother was 15 when she got her first period and the women on my fathers side were around 12-14.

I have no idea when my daughter might get hers but she already has severe moodiness when i get mine(that is not just my hormones saying that either).

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Has the average age of first menses gotten younger over the years? It just seems like when I was a kid my group of friends go theirs later-- 12 or more. I wonder if it's the hormones in our meat and dairy... I look at my daughter and one of her good friends who still looks like little girls at 9 (they both only eat hormone-free meat and dairy) compared to the other girls in our group, who have conventional diets and are already starting the signs of puberty--one actually got her period several months ago-- and it just makes me wonder. Or is just a natural shift? :confused:

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I think it also has to do with better nutrition, and fat levels. Undernourished girls get their periods later, I think.


But one thing jumped out at me that no one else seems to have said so I will just ask -- if she only used one pad, that's not exactly getting your period.... ? It sort of sounds like she's not sure if she got her period. Maybe she just had a bit of spotting or bleeding of some sort (possibly even rectal bleeding?)? I am sorry if this sounds like a weird question, but it's something to discuss.

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I think it also has to do with better nutrition, and fat levels. Undernourished girls get their periods later, I think.



I did not get mine till I was a few weeks from being 17. By far, I was not undernourished in any way, but wasn't fat either. :D I look at my 3rd grade picture and was taller and sturdier built than most of the girls in my class. I often wonder if it was because a lot of our produce and meat was grown buy us, or maybe it is a genetic factor.;)


My 15 year old son is first starting to show signs of puberty, when most his age seem to have developed into men. Genetic factor??? His dad said he didn't develop til 15-16ish.


I have often heard the later you start, the later you go through menopause. I guess I will have to wait and see.


Ok, I am just thinking aloud and pondering why girls/guys are going through puberty so early.:confused:

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I have often heard the later you start, the later you go through menopause.


This is good news for me! I didn't start until just before my freshman year in high school, I was 14.


I have an 8.5 yo dd and I am getting ready to have some discussions with her. She seems to me more on the immature side to have to know these things, but when I look at her I am already seeing some changes in skin and breasts, etc. She is one of those EXTREMELY modest kids so I have to make sure she knows she can be open with me about all this stuff. i got the American Girl book "Care and Keeping of You" to help with it.

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I have read a book called Early Puberty in Girls, and there is not much more than about 6 months difference in the decrease in age for puberty as compared to decades before. I think maybe more are getting it earlier, that could be why you hear about it more I guess. I think environment and toxins and preservatives and hormones CAN affect things, but the early puberty book actaully called out the interesting fact that girls brought up in single mom homes with no dad present tend to mature earlier than girls brought up in homes with two parents. Thought that was pretty interesting. Clearly, there are all manner of things that come into play in early maturation.





My 9 1/2 yr old has had breast buds (now small breasts with clearly defined areloas and nipples about to pop out), underarm hair, and body odor for a year. My mother in law got her period at age 10 back in 1952. Grace has almost always had organic dairy, and is not much on eating meat. I will be happy if she makes it to 10 knowing that my mother in law was that old. Our doctor said that she is on the leading edge of normal, but not precocious.

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I am shocked that a 9yo would get their period..... I really wonder what 'causes' the onset of your period so YOUNG. I was 12....and my daughter was also 12...but even at 12, her period wasn't regular....she would skip a few months at a time.....



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Our dd12 hasn't yet - and I hope it's not for quite some time, because she hates the idea of it, wants nothing to do with it, etc... yes, she knows all about it and how normal and natural it is, what to do, yada yada, but she still thinks it's (quote) "the dumbest grossest thing ever". (end quote) ;)

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My dd is 10 and has not started yet. However, I wouldn't be surprised if she does within the next year or so. We have promised her that when she does, she can get her ears pierced if she wants. Woohoo! She is now really looking forward to the process and has picked out where she wants to get her ears done and which earrings she wants.

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