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I'm living in a white cotton panties world (slight whine)

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As I was folding white laundry today, I had a revelation when I got to my very plain, practical, white cotton panties. They pretty much sum up my life these days! Everything is always the same, nothing is particularly exciting, it's just the same ol' grind. I really have no standing to whine and complain. I have great life, great husband, and a (mostly) great kid. As a homeschooler of only one, my life is much simpler than many on this board whom I greatly admire for so many reasons. But, my goodness, my life is dull! Does anyone else ever feel like this sometimes? I'm not even sure why I am posting this. Maybe I should just shut up and go buy some wild panties!

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Wild panties might well perk you up a bit. It's funny how underwear can influence how good you feel about your day.


However to answer your question. Oh my goodness yes. Sometimes I feel very much like it's groundhog day. The same things over and over and over. And no matter how well I clean the kitchen/fold the washing it will all be back again the next day for me to do all over again.

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THAT's my problem today! I'm wearing my plain whites (well, they do have a pink insignia on them, but, does that really count?).


I would have had a spunkier day if I'd picked my red ones. :D :p



But yeah, I feel that way...often...same ole thing, day after day after day...

At least life is good...some days better than others, sure, but overall, life IS good...so, can't very well complain about that now can I?

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This thread reminds me of an episode of The Waltons. [stay with me here] Erin is helping Mama can peaches or something like that and complaining about how she couldn't 'just' can peaches everyday. She needed excitement etc. Well Mama came back with if she didn't do the same thing everyday(or rather the same old boring, mundane jobs associated with anyone's life really) then she wouldn't be able to appreciate the special/exciting ones when they came along. The writers of the script said it so much better than I did, but I really liked it. Whenever I find myself thinking along those lines I remember Erin and Mama and try to be content with my 'canning'.:D

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As I was folding white laundry today, I had a revelation when I got to my very plain, practical, white cotton panties. They pretty much sum up my life these days! Everything is always the same, nothing is particularly exciting, it's just the same ol' grind. I really have no standing to whine and complain. I have great life, great husband, and a (mostly) great kid. As a homeschooler of only one, my life is much simpler than many on this board whom I greatly admire for so many reasons. But, my goodness, my life is dull! Does anyone else ever feel like this sometimes? I'm not even sure why I am posting this. Maybe I should just shut up and go buy some wild panties!


We used to feel that way, then some of our friends and people we knew started having interesting lives...but it was all bad things, divorce and illegal and immoral things.


Now, we have a phrase we repeat whenever we are feeling that way or we find out about another bad situation: "It's good to be boring."


Repeat after me: "It's good to be boring."


P.S. I recently bought non-white underwear, but only because it was the cheapest pack on sale!

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Now, white panties have there place - under white pants. Last year I was in a mood about the time the tax return came. I tossed all the boring panties and got some really interestingly colored ones. Then summer came along and I had no white panties. I had quite a few outfits I couldn't wear because they really wouldn't look right with polka dots faintly showing through.


So even though white panties are boring, there are times that they come in handy. But probably not on a cold snowy boring day in February through. On days like that there has to be some excitement somewhere.

Edited by Parrothead
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Careful what you wish for!


I am in week 3 of our new year here. I started off so enthusiastically. Now I am wondering how on earth I have stood the tedium and boredom of the last 5.5 years of homeschooling without groing crazy! Thats new for me. I think I enjoyed the summer holidays too much. I guess I will get over it!


But I don't wear white knickers, I guess, unless I am wearing white clothes. I try and match my knickers to my clothes and my clothes to my mood. Today it's a long hot orangey pink summer dress with red knickers. Not sure what that says about my mood :) but I am feeling a bit better than I did yesterday when I wore sweats.

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Wild panties are a good start. Maybe brewing tea at lunch? Maybe a complete hot little outfit to surprise your husband with? :blush: How about trying out a new hobby to be passionate about? I am most happy when I have a project to work on.


How about trying something new? Such as.....


Raise chickens

Make stained glass

Make a Mosaic

Learn how to paint with oil

Design a flower/Veggie/Fruit garden

Learn how to sketch with charcoal

Take a class at a local art shop

Take a class at a local college

Raise Dairy goats and make cheese, milk, lotion and soap

learn how to "bead" and make your own jewelry



Those are all things I am passionate about but you get the idea

I also like to "reward" myself at the end of the day. Sometimes when we are done with school I spend some alone time while the kids are playing. I will make a latte, tea or coffee and read a good book. I will go to the garden center by myself and enjoy planning w/o interruptions. I like to walk around our property collecting cuts of wild vines or finding wild flowers to transplant. (We have a lot of jasmine and honeysuckle among other things)


I guess the biggest thing is plan so your life is not the same ol' same ol'. Make it interesting. Plan one activity a week to look forward to or throw yourself in something. I know it is hard to homeschool and fit things in for yourself but if you don't make time for it (gently) who will?

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Welllllll, LOL, on the positive side: I switched to these years ago as I have immune problems and all the dyes, synthetics, etc. in other types of underwear were causing me lots of problems. Having a backside that feels good and comfortable on a regular, daily basis can be a plus, too, even if you're not sporting "fancy pants".......

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This thread reminds me of an episode of The Waltons. [stay with me here] Erin is helping Mama can peaches or something like that and complaining about how she couldn't 'just' can peaches everyday. She needed excitement etc. Well Mama came back with if she didn't do the same thing everyday(or rather the same old boring, mundane jobs associated with anyone's life really) then she wouldn't be able to appreciate the special/exciting ones when they came along. The writers of the script said it so much better than I did, but I really liked it. Whenever I find myself thinking along those lines I remember Erin and Mama and try to be content with my 'canning'.:D


You said it just fine. I love the Waltons and the message of that scene. I'll take heed to that next time I am feeling in a rut.

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I totally know what you're talking about. I don't mean to be so brief on a large and important topic: but it might be time for you to find something that really nourishes you that has nothing to do w/ being a mom, a wife, a teacher etc.


I actually review spas and love them, but what you're talking about is much bigger than a spa weekend.


Also, I'm mainly an introvert, but boy, do I feel better after spending quality time with girlfriends I really enjoy.


Hang in there,



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Thankfully, I got to go out to dinner tonight with a girlfriend and that helped my outlook tremendously!


You are right about being careful what one wishes for. I have had some times in my life that were far from boring but were NOT good. So, I will remember that mantra that "boring is good."


And, I may just buy some wild panties the next time I get out. Those white cotton panties just seemed to epitomize/symbolize the bleak midwinter that we are in right now.


boring is good. :D

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I'm a white cotton panty girl. Luckily, my hubby prefers white cotton panties so things are never boring here. And I am comfortable while I am having a good time. Plus I never have to give my panties any thought at all which is good because I don't have a lot of brain space to devote to such things. And finally, I don't understand the concept of bored but it couldn't be too bad. I'm never bored but always stressed. I'd like to try out this bored sometime. :tongue_smilie:

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And finally, I don't understand the concept of bored but it couldn't be too bad. I'm never bored but always stressed. I'd like to try out this bored sometime. :tongue_smilie:


Not bored, boring!


We've got plenty of interests, they're just not exciting to most people, but we're OK with that. And, we do have a few friends that are interested in these types of things, although we don't live near any of them currently, but we should after our move this summer.

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I dare you to tie dye your knickers.





I thought the exact same thing... nothing a couple boxes of Rit and a bag of rubber bands can't cure...


And then you can amuse yourself trying to find a way to add pictures of "Knicker Dyeing Day" to your portfolio for art. It would certainly liven up your review. :D

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Maybe I should just shut up and go buy some wild panties!


I burst into laughter when I read this.


I haven't read the other posts but you are not alone. I told DH not that long ago that I have become boring. (although he lovingly disagrees) I had quite the social life in my 20's which makes it incredible depressing. I think as we get into routines life becomes monotonous. I don't know if new panties is the answer but maybe you can find something to shake up your routine a little. Take a class at your local community college. Persue an old hobby. Just find something that works for you. Personally, all it takes it a day at the beach to reenergize me for awhile.

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I burst into laughter when I read this.


I haven't read the other posts but you are not alone. I told DH not that long ago that I have become boring. (although he lovingly disagrees) I had quite the social life in my 20's which makes it incredible depressing. I think as we get into routines life becomes monotonous. I don't know if new panties is the answer but maybe you can find something to shake up your routine a little. Take a class at your local community college. Persue an old hobby. Just find something that works for you. Personally, all it takes it a day at the beach to reenergize me for awhile.


I grew up in central Florida, so even though I wasn't on the beach, I know what you mean.


Yes, I think this is it; I feel like I have become boring and that I really don't even have anything interesting to say about anything other than home schooling. It is hard to find the time, but I will try!

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