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MBTI type--N or S?

MBTI Type--Are you a S or an N?  

  1. 1. MBTI Type--Are you a S or an N?

    • S
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Ok, my test said I am ISFJ, however, the S was "slightly" and when I read the profile for ISFJ I didn't see 'me', nor did I see any revelation of who I am.


So....I went over to the INFJ where, low and behold, I easily saw myself!


Therefore, I tend to disagree with the test results and now believe myself to be:




And that's final!


ETA: Ok, I just re-took this test only to find that there were questions that I read incorrectly the first go-round. This time, I was a very definite INFJ. So even the test, when the questions are answered correctly, bears this out.

Edited by Katia
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Second letter N 75%. Will someone list out what each of the types mean. I forgot to save what it all said. I only have the percentages.


1st letter: I/E


I is Introvert. Need alone time to refresh, large crowds draining, prefers small group of close friends.


E is Extrovert. Time with people recharges them, loves people. People really high on the E scale make a new friend wherever they go. Tend to talk more than I's, although some I's talk a lot with good friends and family that they're comfortable. E's are also less able to keep from blurting out their thoughts, even when socially inappropriate.


2nd Letter: N/S


N is iNtuition: big picture, intuition, complex systems, don't like to get bogged down in details.


S is Sensing: details, more linear look at things, fact oriented


3rd Letter: F/T


F is Feeling: I think around 2/3 of females are F and 2/3 of males are T. Relies more on feelings, better at reading emotions and understand people's feelings, tends put more weight on what someone else wants/needs than external circumstances or justice, values harmony over justice


T is Thinking: Spock is an example of an extreme T! Values truth/justice over feelings, relies on logic more than emotion, bad at reading other people


4th letter: J/P


We have nicknamed this "Jerks" and "Pigs." (And we mean this in the nicest way!)


J: likes lists. (My mom is an extreme J, I joke that she has lists of her lists!) Likes to plan, likes things clean, likes schedules and order.


P: likes flexibility. Can tolerate mess, often will not notice mess around them until it gets extreme. Dislikes overscheduling and overplanning. Likes to consider options. (My husband and I are both P's, although he is borderline P/J and is starting to be a J about mess. The last time we thought about buying a new car, we considered our options for 7 years and kept fixing our old cars while we figured out what we really wanted and if we really needed a new car. My parents are both huge J's, we debated for 2 days where to move a shelf we had bought, my dad was going crazy wanting to put it up: "Just pick a spot!" Interestingly, we have bought a house in as little as a day--we knew what we wanted, there were only a few to consider, and we knew we'd be selling it when we moved.)

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I have taken the test several times, and I have gotten 3 or 4 different results. What does that mean? Sometimes I'm N, sometimes S. But I put N for the poll b/c reading the different descriptions I identify most closely with INTP. But then I think, maybe I'm more F than T, and sometimes my result is ISFJ. . . . The I is the only letter that never changes--I've always known I'm an introvert. But the architect description definitely fits me the best. And that was the 1st result I got. . . . I need another test--this is bugging me. :)

Edited by bonniebeth4
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I also enjoy personality tests and the theory behind them. I find it easier to talk to NJ's than other SJ's.



I can talk to some SJ's, it depends on their interests and their curiosity levels. My Father-in-Law is an ESTJ, but he reads widely, is highly interested in a lot of things, and has wide ranging experience in several different fields. He is interesting to talk to and his wide range of experience allows him to draw N-like conclusions and talk about theories.

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I am an INTJ too, and yes we're supposed to be rare, (I've seen numbers that say less than 1%) but we seem to pop up in certain places in larger than usual numbers. A couple of years ago I was taking graduate courses in linguistics--Bible translation courses specifically. I walked into a room and heard someone say "Now everyone just asks if you're INTJ." I said, "WHO else is INTJ? I thought I was the only one!" (LOL!) The girl said, "Oh, almost all of the Bible Translators on the field are INTJ!"

I was really surprised but I guess it fits: (Quote from the test site)



I'm an INTP, I decide first, then decide to do the research if I feel like it or really need to!


However, I did work as a statistician for several years, so I do believe in having research for the most part, although I do have several theories I believed based on very minimal research.


I will also modify my theories as I learn more and find new information.

Edited by ElizabethB
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I have taken the test several times, and I have gotten 3 or 4 different results. What does that mean? Sometimes I'm N, sometimes S. But I put N for the poll b/c reading the different descriptions I identify most closely with INTP. But then I think, maybe I'm more F than T, and sometimes my result is ISFJ. . . . The I is the only letter that never changes--I've always known I'm an introvert. But the architect description definitely fits me the best. And that was the 1st result I got. . . . I need another test--this is bugging me. :)


You may be borderline N/S. Also, depending on your mindset and what you've been doing lately, that can effect your results...also, if you answer what you think you should do vs. what you really do.


My husband is an INTP, but when he's at work he's more of an ENTJ. His N and T are strong, his others are borderline, although he is very much a P for wanting flexibility and he hates rules that have no purpose or rhyme or reason. (Amazingly, he's done well in the military, a field that is full of rules with no purpose or rhyme or reason! You can figure out which ones you can break and when after a while. You also have to have the right attitude and be willing to pay the price when you are caught breaking a stupid rule by someone who believes in rules and who doesn't believe the rule is stupid.)

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I am an INTJ too, and yes we're supposed to be rare, (I've seen numbers that say less than 1%) but we seem to pop up in certain places in larger than usual numbers. A couple of years ago I was taking graduate courses in linguistics--Bible translation courses specifically. I walked into a room and heard someone say "Now everyone just asks if you're INTJ." I said, "WHO else is INTJ? I thought I was the only one!" (LOL!) The girl said, "Oh, almost all of the Bible Translators on the field are INTJ!"

I was really surprised but I guess it fits: (Quote from the test site)

Our ds, 20, came out an INTJ and he loves languages, puzzles, and tangled yarn, lol. He got so caught up in these tests and profiles this morning that we thought we would never get him away from the computer.

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I'm a hard-n-fast TJ, but I/E and N/S are borderline. I'm too practical & matter-of-fact to be a full-blown N.


How funny. Replace the TJ with FJ and this is me. The I/E and N/S can change depending on my mood, but FJ is solid. I usually say I'm an ESFJ because I think the description is the best match of the bunch for me.

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I'm an S (ISFJ) and I'm here. :) I could spend all day talking about personality types. I wondered if N personalities were more likely to homeschool (can think outside the box), but S (especially SJ) types would be more likely to choose classical education because of the systematic/logical structure.


I have an ENFP for an oldest son. He is amazing, and I don't know if I would have appreciated that as much without knowing more about his personality type. We are so different, I have to work very hard at seeing his point of reference. It is fun seeing the differences in personality emerge with three little boys close in age. (I believe my other two boys are SJs.)

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Oh, and someone mentioned the propensity for ADD in ENFPs. When my son had his 5yo check up at the pediatricians, the nurse commented that he was very bright, but she thought he exhibited ADD symptoms. The Dr walked in (I adore her) and said, Nope. 'Active Alert.' I thought that was interesting, but she strongly supported our decision to homeschool. :)

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Yep. I have a strong "S" streak balancing my strong "N" streak.;)


That explains why I sometimes get you and at other times you are utterly incomprehensible to me. Painting at 2am? House as neat as a pin? Running??


I'm a borderline E/I NTP who is becoming more introverted as I age. I'm 100 points N, however.



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My dh took the test, he is an ISTJ. I think it fits. Cool test!


It does explain things really well!


My mom is an ESFJ. My dad is an INTJ, my brother and I are INTP's.


About 10 years ago, I read my mom's profile to her, my dad's and mine and my brothers. I also highlighted several sections to read from various books about my mom and my dad's personalities and their preferences. My mom said she wished she had known that all 20 years ago so she could have understood us all better (or at least accepted us!)

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What do the numbers actually mean?


Here are mine:


I 78

S 50

T 12

J 33


What's it all mean? And, just the facts, please. ;)


ETA: I know what the letters mean, I'm just confused about the numbers.


Think of the continuum like a number line. Zero is right in the middle with 100 on either end. There is an E/I continuum, a N/S continuum, a T/F continuum, and a P/J continuum. A I - 78 means you lean 78 points toward the I side of the spectrum with a small bit of extroversion thrown in for interest. The higher the number, the more you prefer that way of expressing yourself. The lower your number, the more balanced your personality is in that area.



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Your Type is


Extraverted Intuitive Thinking Judging

Strength of the preferences %

E: 100

I: 25

T: 50

J: 22


You are:

very expressed extravert


moderately expressed intuitive personality


moderately expressed thinking personality


slightly expressed judging personality



1st letter: I/E


I is Introvert. Need alone time to refresh, large crowds draining, prefers small group of close friends.


E is Extrovert. Time with people recharges them, loves people. People really high on the E scale make a new friend wherever they go. Tend to talk more than I's, although some I's talk a lot with good friends and family that they're comfortable. E's are also less able to keep from blurting out their thoughts, even when socially inappropriate.


I am a solid E, lol.


2nd Letter: N/S


N is iNtuition: big picture, intuition, complex systems, don't like to get bogged down in details.


S is Sensing: details, more linear look at things, fact oriented.


This one I can go either way on.

I am pretty big on facts and linear looks: my biggest problem w/ 4-H was how open-ended it was --no checklists like Boy Scouts, lol. But i also miss the old board where I could get an over-all view of a thread at a glance.


3rd Letter: F/T


F is Feeling: I think around 2/3 of females are F and 2/3 of males are T. Relies more on feelings, better at reading emotions and understand people's feelings, tends put more weight on what someone else wants/needs than external circumstances or justice, values harmony over justice


T is Thinking: Spock is an example of an extreme T! Values truth/justice over feelings, relies on logic more than emotion, bad at reading other people


I'm a pretty solid T, altho sometimes my F breaks through.



shhh!! don't tell anyone ;)



4th letter: J/P


We have nicknamed this "Jerks" and "Pigs." (And we mean this in the nicest way!)


J: likes lists. (My mom is an extreme J, I joke that she has lists of her lists!) Likes to plan, likes things clean, likes schedules and order.


P: likes flexibility. Can tolerate mess, often will not notice mess around them until it gets extreme. Dislikes overscheduling and overplanning. Likes to consider options. (My husband and I are both P's, although he is borderline P/J and is starting to be a J about mess. The last time we thought about buying a new car, we considered our options for 7 years and kept fixing our old cars while we figured out what we really wanted and if we really needed a new car. My parents are both huge J's, we debated for 2 days where to move a shelf we had bought, my dad was going crazy wanting to put it up: "Just pick a spot!" Interestingly, we have bought a house in as little as a day--we knew what we wanted, there were only a few to consider, and we knew we'd be selling it when we moved.)


This is where i get most confused, but am likely more P than J.

I love lists, planning, and schedules, but I am a messy packrat :D

Flexibility is a MUST for me.


dh is DEFINITELY an INTJ. oh. yeah.

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I am an extreme introvert and thinking is my dominant function.


But I love discussing theory and ideas much more than housecleaning and organization. :tongue_smilie:



I also enjoy personality tests and the theory behind them. I find it easier to talk to NJ's than other SJ's.


NF's confuddle me.


I think a lot of ISTJ's get into homeschooling be cause of their traditionalist mindset. In a sense they would like to recapture something from "The Good Old Days" or rebel against the modern innovations of the public school system that they see not working.


I'm an ISTJ, and I understand exactly what you're saying here. I looked at an old test, and I'm not as strongly S as I used to be. The old test said 63% preference. Today's said only 12%.

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That's great! God made all types, we need all types! If there were no S's, there would be a lot of jobs that would not get done or would get done poorly or without enjoyment.


More people should be happy with the way they are and proud of it!

Thanks for the confirmation, Elizabeth! This personality type info is fascinating! The "J" in me now wants to go around testing and labeling all my loved ones!



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Thanks for the confirmation, Elizabeth! This personality type info is fascinating! The "J" in me now wants to go around testing and labeling all my loved ones!




We do that, too, and we're P's! Some people don't like to be labeled, we just figure out what they are and don't inform them of the fact that we have labeled them. We're not figuring it out to take advantage of anyone, just to be able to better understand them, relate to them, and talk to them about things that they like and in a manner than appeals to them.

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I think a lot of ISTJ's get into homeschooling be cause of their traditionalist mindset. In a sense they would like to recapture something from "The Good Old Days" or rebel against the modern innovations of the public school system that they see not working.


I think it would be interesting if people posted why they homeschool in the context of his or her individual MBTI profile. In fact, I think I'll post a spinoff thread.




ETA: Okay, I created a new thread. Please go here http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/showthread.php?t=83343 to post your answers.

Edited by Barb F. PA in AZ
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That explains why I sometimes get you and at other times you are utterly incomprehensible to me. Painting at 2am? House as neat as a pin? Running??


Yeah, blame it on my borderline personality issues.:D


I'm a borderline E/I NTP who is becoming more introverted as I age.


Yep, same here. I've always needed a lot of down time/alone time, but that's increased over the years. I still rate fairly high on the "E" scale, though, because I'm very comfortable in large groups and generally come across as a social butterfly in those settings.

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  • 2 years later...
Guest Retribution

Your Type is


Introverted Intuitive Thinking Perceiving

Strength of the preferences %

100 62 100 56


That's what I got.

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and I haven't had trouble dealing with the S's in my family...my dh and two younger sons. They are practical people and I appreciate that; perhaps sometimes I feel a bit misunderstood, or rather not understood at all.:001_smile:


:iagree: INFJ here. Though personally, I feel like it's a toss up between that and INTJ. There were a lot of 50/50 questions on there for me. And it depends on my mood. :)

Edited by mommymilkies
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I've answered one of these threads before (and this one is really old), but I'm an ENTP who has developed a whole lot of J tendencies over the years. My E is barely an E. I like parties, but I'd rather spend my time in one-on-one conversations with people. I'm outgoing, but hold a whole lot of myself back with people I don't know well.

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Ok, I just read the S vs. N thing and I know I get bogged down in the details, and that seems like an S thing. So now I'm confused. Because I feel like an ISFJ, too. I must be multiple personalities. :lol:


Easiest way to tell in you are an N or an S:


You buy something that needs to be put together. What do you do first?


If you read the directions and count parts first, you are probably an S. If you just start putting it together and look at the directions if you get stuck, then you are probably an N. (and this is according to what you PREFER to do, not what life has taught you is better)

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I find my S friends who do homeschool don't really like talking about homeschooling much.


As an INTP, I enjoy the interaction here!


S's are more focused on details, like textbooks and workbooks more, like to have step by step instructions, are more linear.


NP's are most likely to be "tweakers" of curriculum.


I must not have answered the test incorrectly because of everything you posted I would fall in the "N" category rather than the "S". I love to talk homeschool. Once a woman told a friend of mine and me that we talked homeschool way too much. I hate textbooks and workbooks and love the idea of using living, whole books...which is exactly what we do. I tweak everything. Right now I'm in the midst of combining two art appreciation curriculums and throwing in some bits of my own to create our own art ap for next year. But I guess that also makes me a planner which leans more to a "S" than an "N". All this confuddles my head too. :lol:

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Easiest way to tell in you are an N or an S:


You buy something that needs to be put together. What do you do first?


If you read the directions and count parts first, you are probably an S. If you just start putting it together and look at the directions if you get stuck, then you are probably an N. (and this is according to what you PREFER to do, not what life has taught you is better)


Even then it's not clear cut for me. I'm starting to vote I have multiple personalities. :lol: I do use the directions but I don't count parts. And if it's something I'm fairly familiar with I don't use directions at all. I've put more together more desks and bookcases than I care to count.


ETA: I took the test again. This time instead of going through it quickly and answering with my gut I stopped at each question to carefully consider the answer. And the second results are - I 11: N 12: F 38: J 22. It's funny because the first way of taking it seems like an N action while the second way seems like an S but they both got the opposite results. These second results "feel" more like me. The Counselor description sounds right and the career options are more like ones I would truly be interested in. This whole thing has been rather interesting. Thanks OP for posting it.

Edited by slr1765
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Now I'm really confused. :lol: Because I always follow directions while building furniture, etc. But I tweak all of my sewing and knitting patterns to where they're barely recognizable. And I follow curriculum to the T. For some things. And I improvise all of my recipes but I've gotten into bitter arguments with my dh over the proper directions and protocol for a thousand other things. I must be bipolar as far as personality type!!! :tongue_smilie:

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